SAP Business objects DATA SERVICES Supplement for Peoplesoft

Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft
BusinessObjects Data Services XI 3.0 (12.0.0)
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Introduction 5Chapter 1
Using Data Services in a PeopleSoft environment......................................6
PeopleSoft Datastores 9Chapter 2
Defining PeopleSoft datastore...................................................................10
Browsing PeopleSoft metadata.................................................................11
To browse PeopleSoft metadata................................................................12
Importing PeopleSoft metadata.................................................................13
To import PeopleSoft metadata by name..................................................13
To import PeopleSoft metadata by searching............................................15
To import PeopleSoft metadata by browsing.............................................15
Metadata for PeopleSoft domains.............................................................15
Metadata for PeopleSoft trees...................................................................17
Data Flows with PeopleSoft Data 19Chapter 3
What is a domain?................................................................................16
Using PeopleSoft domains in Data Services........................................16
Using effective dates from PeopleSoft data...............................................20
Selecting a subset of source columns..................................................20
Filtering based on status......................................................................21
To display the relevant domain values for the EFF_STATUS column...21
Creating effective date ranges.............................................................22
Retrieving records with current effective dates....................................23
Using PeopleSoft domains in data flows .............................................23
Using the Picker window......................................................................24
To include a column and a related domain value in a WHERE clause.25
Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft 3
Validating domains...............................................................................26
Restrictions using domains..................................................................26
Extracting PeopleSoft tree data.................................................................27
Reference Information 33Chapter 4
Index 47
4 Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft



Using Data Services in a PeopleSoft environment

Welcome to the Data Services Supplement for PeopleSoft. This guide contains information about how to use Data Services with PeopleSoft.
Related Topics
Using Data Services in a PeopleSoft environment on page 6
Using Data Services in a PeopleSoft environment
If you install the PeopleSoft interface, you can use PeopleSoft HRMS and ERP application data as a data source in Data Services.
Through the PeopleSoft datastore you define in Data Services, you can navigate PeopleSoft metadata external to Data Services (using standard PeopleSoft panels and menus) and import metadata for PeopleSoft source tables into the Data Services repository.
The following diagram shows PeopleSoft tables, hierarchies, and domains that have been imported into Data Services.
In addition, capabilities in Data Services that support PeopleSoft include the following:
6 Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft
Using Data Services in a PeopleSoft environment
You can view valid domain values for a column from within the query
This allows you to filter on specific domain values for a column.
Data Services can determine whether a given value for a column is valid
within the domain of the column.
Data Services flags those that are not valid.
Data Services allows extraction of data based on effective dates without
requiring you to write a secondary query. This functionality is particularly useful in implementing data warehouses containing HR data—it significantly reduces the complexity and increases the performance of extracting effective-dated data.
Data Services allows extraction of the hierarchical data in PeopleSoft
Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft 7
Using Data Services in a PeopleSoft environment
8 Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft

PeopleSoft Datastores

PeopleSoft Datastores

Defining PeopleSoft datastore

With the PeopleSoft interface, you can use a PeopleSoft system as a Data Services source. To use a PeopleSoft data source, you must:
Define a Data Services datastore that will serve as the logical link to your
PeopleSoft system
Import your PeopleSoft metadata into the Data Services datastore
Related Topics
Designer Guide: Datastores
Defining PeopleSoft datastore
You must define a PeopleSoft datastore in Data Services when you are extracting data from or loading data to PeopleSoft.
1. Go to the Datastores tab of the object library.
2. Right-click inside the object library window and choose New.
The Create New Datastore window appears.
3. Enter a name for the new datastore in the DatastoreName box.
You can give the datastore any name you want, and you can change the name later if necessary. The name can contain any alpha or numeric characters or underscores (_). It cannot contain spaces.
4. In the Datastore type box, choose PeopleSoft.
5. In the Database type box, choose the appropriate database.
6. Enter the appropriate information for the database type you selected.
10 Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft
PeopleSoft Datastores

Browsing PeopleSoft metadata

7. Click OK.
Data Services creates the datastore and it appears in the object library window.
Related Topics
Reference Guide: Datastore
Browsing PeopleSoft metadata
After you create the datastore, you can access the PeopleSoft metadata via the Data Services datastore explorer, which displays information in a tree format.
The information displayed consists of metadata related directly to database data—no information about calculation fields, images, buttons, or other GUI-related items is included.
Browsing PeopleSoft data in Data Services is a lot like browsing in PeopleTools—icons in the display represent PeopleSoft menu groups, menus, menu bars, menu items, panels, and panel fields. Each panel field displays the caption, table column, and table name.
Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft 11
PeopleSoft Datastores

To browse PeopleSoft metadata

Menu Group
DescriptionMetadata typeIcon
The entire set of commands available in PeopleSoft applications for a specif­ic database.
Menu Item
Panel Fields
A set of commands for a specific appli­cation.
The top level of the menu.Menu Bar
The commands that make up each menu bar.
A vehicle for capturing and displaying data. Each panel can have multiple sub-panels, each represented by the same icon.
Represents a column on a table or in a specific view.
To browse PeopleSoft metadata
1. In the object library, go to the Datastores tab.
2. Right-click the PeopleSoft datastore name and select Open.
The datastore explorer window opens.
12 Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft
PeopleSoft Datastores

Importing PeopleSoft metadata

Importing PeopleSoft metadata
To access PeopleSoft metadata from Data Services, you must import the metadata into the object library.
You can import tables, PeopleSoft trees (called hierarchies in Data Services), and domains.
You can import PeopleSoft metadata in one of three ways:
By name
By browsing
By searching

To import PeopleSoft metadata by name

1. In the object library, go to the Datastore tab.
2. Right-click the datastore name and select Import By Name.
Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft 13
PeopleSoft Datastores
To import PeopleSoft metadata by name
3. In the Import by Name dialog box, specify the Type of the item to import.
To import a PeopleSoft tree, select Hierarchy.
4. In the Name box, enter the name of the item to import.
The default is to import domain information automatically with any tables you import. You can choose not to import the associated domains.
To import a hierarchy, enter the tree name in the Name box and enter the Category and Structure associated with the hierarchy.
5. Click OK.
The information appears in the object library.
14 Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft
PeopleSoft Datastores

To import PeopleSoft metadata by searching

To import PeopleSoft metadata by searching
You can search for PeopleSoft items as you would any items to be imported into Data Services. That is, right-click the datastore name in the object library and choose Search.
Related Topics
Designer Guide: Importing metadata through a database datastore

To import PeopleSoft metadata by browsing

1. In the object library, go to the Datastores tab.
2. Right-click the datastore name and choose Open.
The datastore explorer opens in the workspace and lists the available tables, domains, and hierarchies.
3. Right-click the names of the items you want to import and choose Import.
To import a table, select a name at the panel field level.
To import a hierarchy, select a name at the tree level.
Related Topics
Browsing PeopleSoft metadata on page 11

Metadata for PeopleSoft domains

This section discusses metadata for PeopleSoft domains.
Related Topics
What is a domain? on page 16
Using PeopleSoft domains in Data Services on page 16
Data Services Supplement for Peoplesoft 15
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