SAP Business objects DATA SERVICES JMS Adapter Interface

Data Services JMS Adapter Interface
BusinessObjects Data Services XI 3.1 (12.1.0)
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Introduction 7Chapter 1
About this guide...........................................................................................8
Adapter overview.........................................................................................9
Installation and configuration 11Chapter 2
Installing the JMS adapter.........................................................................12
JMS adapter configuration.........................................................................14
Who should read this guide....................................................................8
About Java Messaging Service (JMS)...................................................9
Scope of the JMS adapter....................................................................10
System prerequisites............................................................................12
Adapter product components...............................................................12
Installing JMS adapter..........................................................................14
Configuring the JMS adapter................................................................15
Configuring an adapter instance..........................................................16
Configuring an operation instance.......................................................20
Put Operation (request/acknowledgment) options...............................21
Defining a JMS adapter datastore........................................................28
Importing message functions and outbound messages to the
Using the JMS Adapter 31Chapter 3
Starting an instance of the JMS adapter...................................................32
Operations from Data Services to the JMS Adapter............................32
Operations from Information Resource (IR) to Data Services..............33
Running the sample...................................................................................34
Data Services JMS Adapter Interface 3
To run the sample.................................................................................34
Configuring the JMS provider...............................................................35
Using MQ instead of JNDI configuration..............................................36
Testing PutGet: Request/Reply..................................................................37
Testing on Windows NT........................................................................38
Testing on UNIX...................................................................................38
Testing PutTopic Operation........................................................................39
Testing on Windows NT........................................................................40
Testing on UNIX...................................................................................40
Testing Get: Request/Reply.......................................................................41
Testing on Windows NT........................................................................41
Testing on UNIX...................................................................................42
Testing GetTopic Operation.......................................................................42
Testing on Windows.............................................................................43
Testing on UNIX...................................................................................43
Testing Get: Request/Acknowledge...........................................................44
Testing on Windows NT........................................................................45
Testing on UNIX...................................................................................45
Testing Put: Request/Acknowledge...........................................................45
Testing on Windows NT........................................................................46
Testing on UNIX...................................................................................47
Technical implementation..........................................................................47
Design considerations..........................................................................47
Error handling and tracing....................................................................48
Appendix 49Chapter 4
Weblogic as JMS Provider ........................................................................50
To create a JMS Connection Factory........................................................50
To configure the Connection Factory...................................................50
Create a JMS queue..................................................................................51
4 Data Services JMS Adapter Interface
Index 53
Data Services JMS Adapter Interface 5
6 Data Services JMS Adapter Interface



About this guide

About this guide
This guide provides a detailed step-by-step method of installing and configuring the Data Services JMS adapter. It includes a description of required support software, including supported versions, details of the adapter components, environment setup both for Data Services and external applications, and instructions for executing the adapter.

Who should read this guide

This document assumes the following:
You understand how to use Data Services Designer to design and run
real-time data flows (RTDFs) and batch jobs.
You have a basic understanding of how to use Data Services Administrator
to administer Data Services processes. (You administer adapters from the Administrator.)
You have a working knowledge of the environment this adapter is
You know the role an adapter plays in business systems integration.
You have some familiarity with XML and XML configuration schemas.
Also, to integrate Data Services with an external system, Business Objects
recommends that you be familiar with systems administration and systems integration issues.
General Data Services product documentation assumes the following:
You are an application developer, consultant or database administrator
working on data extraction, data warehousing, or data integration.
You understand your source and target data systems, DBMS, legacy
systems, business intelligence, and messaging concepts.
You understand your organization's data needs.
If you are interested in using this product to design real-time processing
you are familiar with:
DTD and XML Schema formats for XML files
8 Data Services JMS Adapter Interface
Publishing Web Services (WSDL, HTTP/S and SOAP protocols, etc.)
You are familiar with Data Services installation environments: Microsoft
Windows or UNIX.

Adapter overview

Typical enterprise infrastructure is a complex mix of off-the-shelf and custom applications, databases, ERP applications etc. Data Services combines and extends critical Extraction Transformation Loading (ETL) and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) technology components required for true enterprise data integration.
Integrating disparate applications with the Business Objects Data Integration platform requires adapters. These adapters help facilitate otherwise incompatible applications and systems work together, thereby sharing data.

About Java Messaging Service (JMS)

Adapter overview
Enterprise-messaging or Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) products are fast becoming an essential component for integrating intra-company operations. They allow separate business components to be combined into a reliable, yet flexible, system. In addition to the traditional MOM vendors, several database vendors and Internet-related companies also provide enterprise-messaging products.
Java language clients and Java language middle-tier services must be capable of using these messaging systems. Java Messaging Service (JMS) provides a common way for Java language programs to access these systems.
JMS is a set of interfaces and associated semantics that define how a JMS client accesses the facilities of an enterprise-messaging product. Since messaging is peer-to-peer, all users of JMS are generically referred to as clients. A JMS application is composed of a set of application-defined messages and a set of clients that exchange them. Products that implement JMS do this by supplying a provider that implements the JMS interfaces.
Data Services JMS Adapter Interface 9
Adapter overview

Scope of the JMS adapter

Data Services initiates Request/Reply
Data Services initiates the request by sending the message on a pre-configured request queue and gets the reply on a pre-configured reply queue.
Data Services initiates Request/Acknowledgment
Data Services initiates the request by sending the message on a pre-configured target queue or by publishing a message to a JMS topic. In this case, only the acknowledgment is sent back to Data Services.
IR initiates Request/Acknowledgment & Request/Reply
In this case, an external Information Resource (IR is a JMS compatible application) sends the requests to Data Services and gets the reply or acknowledgment.
Alternatively, the IR publishes a message to a JMS topic to which the JMS Adapter has subscribed.
10 Data Services JMS Adapter Interface

Installation and configuration

Installation and configuration

Installing the JMS adapter

Installing the JMS adapter
This section details the components of the Data Services Adapter for JMS as well as system requirements and installation information.

System prerequisites

Before you install your Data Services Adapter for JMS, ensure that the following software is installed. For specific installation instructions, see the technical documentation for each product.
JMS Provider
11.7.0 or laterData Services
Data Services Adapter SDK or later

Adapter product components

The following diagram shows a functional overview of the Data Services Adapter for JMS with other components and their potential interrelationships:
For example, Weblogic Application Server
Use Data Services to configure the services and adapter
12 Data Services JMS Adapter Interface
Installation and configuration
Installing the JMS adapter
The diagram shows the architecture and functionality of the Data Services Adapter for JMS as well as how the Data Services Adapter for JMS interacts with the external JMS application through the JMS Provider. The Data Services Adapter for JMS sends or receives data on queues using the Point to Point (P2P) mode of communication, or publishes or subscribes to a JMS topic using the Publish/Subscribe mode of communication.
The flow of control in the previous diagram is as follows:
1. External application invokes a service on Data Services.
2. Based on the service invoked on Data Services, its respective real-time
data flow (RTDF) invokes the Operation instance with XML data sent by the external application as input.
3. This operation instance sends the message to the configured queue or
topic in the JMS provider. Based on the type of operation (such as Request/Reply or Request/Acknowledge), the JMS provider sends the Reply/Acknowledgment message back to Data Services.
Data Services JMS Adapter Interface 13
Installation and configuration

JMS adapter configuration

4. External JMS application sends messages to the JMS Provider on a
request queue or publishes the message to a topic. The JMS Adapter receives these messages after polling them from the JMS Provider and for P2P, sends the reply back to external JMS application on a configured reply queue. No reply is sent if the message was from a topic.

Installing JMS adapter

The Data Services Adapter for JMS is automatically installed when you install Data Services version 12.0.0 or later.
JMS adapter configuration
Before the Data Services Adapter for JMS can begin integrating the JMS Provider with the Data Services system you must create and configure at least one adapter instance and at least one operation for each instance. Adapter instances identify the JMS Application used in the integration. Adapter operations identify the integration operations to be used with the configured adapter instance.
Operations provided with Data Services Adapter for JMS include the following:
PutGet Operation (Request/Reply): Data Services initiates a request,
sending a message on a pre-configured request queue. Simultaneously, Data Services listens on a pre-configured reply queue. An external JMS-compatible application listens on the request queue, processes the request, and returns an XML response message to the reply queue. The adapter sends the message to the Data Services service.
Put Operation (Request/Acknowledgment): Data Services initiates a
request, sending a message on a pre-configured target queue. If the message was sent successfully, the adapter sends an acknowledgement to the Data Services service. The adapter raises an exception if it was unable to send the message.
Get Operation (Request/Acknowledgment and Request/Reply from
Information Resource): An external information resource (IR) sends a request XML message to a JMS queue. The adapter polls the JMS queue at a time interval you specify in the configuration. When the adapter receives a message from the JMS queue, it sends the message to the pre-configured Data Services service.
14 Data Services JMS Adapter Interface
After processing the XML message, the Data Services service may send a response message to the adapter. When this happens, the adapter puts the message in a pre-configured response queue. If the response queue is not configured, it becomes a request/acknowledgment operation and no reply is sent. If there is any error in invoking another service from the Data Services service, the original message is sent to the undelivered queue for reference by the IR.
PutTopic Operation (Request/Acknowledgment): A Data Services service
initiates a request, publishing an XML message to a pre-configured target topic. If the message was sent successfully, the adapter sends an acknowledgement to the Data Services service. The adapter raises an exception if it was unable to send the message.
GetTopic Operation (Request/Acknowledgment): An external information
resource (IR) publishes an XML message to a JMS topic. The adapter polls the topic at the time intervals specified in the configuration. When the adapter receives the message from the topic, it sends the message to the Data Services service that handles the message.

Configuring the JMS adapter

Installation and configuration
JMS adapter configuration
All Data Services adapters communicate with Data Services through a designated Adapter Manager Job Server. Install adapters on the computer containing your designated Adapter Manager Job Server. This special Job Server integrates adapters with Data Services using the Administrator and Designer. After you install your adapter:
1. Use the Server Manager utility to configure adapter connections with the
Adapter Manager Job Server.
2. From the Data Services Administrator, perform the following tasks:
Add at least one instance of the adapter to Data Services system.
Add at least one operation for each adapter instance.
Start the adapter instance (operations are started automatically).
3. Open the Data Services Designer and create an adapter datastore. Use
metadata accessed through the adapter to create batch and/or real-time jobs.
Data Services JMS Adapter Interface 15
Installation and configuration
JMS adapter configuration
Related Topics
Installation Guide: To configure Job Servers

Configuring an adapter instance

From the Data Services Administrator you can add a JMS adapter to the Data Services system as well as edit existing adapter configurations. Add the adapter in the Administrator before you run jobs that use information from that adapter.
To add an adapter instance in the Administrator
1. Select Adapter Instances > Job Server.
2. Select the Configuration tab.
3. Click Add.
4. Select JMSAdapter from the list of adapters available on this Job Server
and click Apply.
5. Enter the required information to create a JMS Adapter instance and click
The Administrator makes the adapter instance available to Data Services.
Adapter instance configuration information
To configure a JMS adapter instance in Data Services, you need to complete the fields in the Administrator under Adapter instance startup configuration.
16 Data Services JMS Adapter Interface
Installation and configuration
JMS adapter configuration
Adapter Instance Name
Access Server Host
Access Server Port
Adapter Retry Count
Enter a unique name that identifies this instance of the adapter.
Enter the host ID of the computer running the Access Server that connects to this adapter instance. To run a real­time job, you must configure a service that the Access Server will use to run the job. When a job uses adapter­based data, the Access Server must be able to connect to the adapter instance.
The message broker port of the Access Server host. After you log into the Administrator for this Access Server, select Configuration > Client Interfaces to view message broker port information.
Applies if adapter instance fails or crashes. Enter 0 for no retries; enter a negative number for indefinite retries.
Wait in msec. between adapter retry attempts.Adapter Retry
The adapter is a Java program, so you must configure the jar files required by the adapter CLASSPATH. The adapter is pre-configured with all necessary jar files except for the vendor-specific JMS provider jar files. Add your JMS provider's jar files to the CLASSPATH. For example:
<LINK_DIR>/ext/lib/jms/<JMS Provider Jar File>
Specify the jar file provided with the JMS provider that you are using. For Weblogic, the name of jar file is weblogic.jar.
When set to True, the adapter interface automatically starts when the Administrator starts.
Data Services JMS Adapter Interface 17
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