SAP Business objects DATA SERVICES Documentation Map

Data Services XI 3.1 Documentation Map (Version 12.1.1)
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Data Services XI 3.1 Documentation Map (Version 12.1.1)

Data Services Documentation Map

Data Services Documentation Map
Find the most recent version of this product documentation map and the latest version of all available PDF guides online at All of the guides listed here are also available on your product CD or DVD.
Unless otherwise indicated, Data Services technical documentation for end users or administrators is available in the following supported languages with multi-lingual releases of Data Services.
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documents in languages other than English. Some documents may be released later.

Data Services technical documentation

Advanced Devel­opment Guide
Ver sion
12.1.1Designer Guide
xi3_ds_advanced_devel opment_guide_en.pdf
xi3_ds_design er_guide_en.pdf
Data Services XI 3.1 Documentation Map (Version 12.1.1) 3
DescriptionFile name
Provides guidelines and op­tions for migrating applica­tions including information on multi-user functionality and the use of the central repository for version control.
Provides usage information for Data Services Designer.
Lan guage
+ 5 hidden pages