SAP AG User Manual

Release 4.6B
Clearing SAP AG
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2 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
Icon Meaning
December 1999 3
Clearing SAP AG
Clearing ...............................................................................................................6
The Clearing Program ................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction to the Clearing Program.......................................................................................... 8
Prerequisites for Clearing............................................................................................................. 9
Open Item Management........................................................................................................... 10
Criteria for Grouping Open Items ............................................................................................. 11
Items That Are Not Cleared......................................................................................................12
Parameters for Running the Program ....................................................................................... 13
Running the Clearing Program .................................................................................................. 14
Generating a Line Item List and Additional Log....................................................................... 15
Clearing Transactions ................................................................................................................. 16
The Basic Principles for Clearing Transactions....................................................................... 17
Account Clearing ...................................................................................................................... 19
Posting with Clearing................................................................................................................ 21
Clearing Transactions ................................................................................................................. 24
Self-Defined Clearing Transactions.......................................................................................... 25
Transactions for Posting with Clearing..................................................................................... 26
Transaction for Account Clearing ............................................................................................. 30
Defining and Maintaining Clearing Transactions...................................................................... 32
Payment Differences ................................................................................................................... 33
Differences Within Tolerance Limits......................................................................................... 35
Differences Outside Tolerance Limits ...................................................................................... 37
Reason Codes.......................................................................................................................... 38
Automatic Postings for Clearing Transactions ........................................................................ 39
Gains or Losses from Payment Differences............................................................................. 40
Bank Charges and Bank Posting ............................................................................................. 41
Cross-Company Code Clearing ................................................................................................. 42
Prerequisites for Cross-Company Code Clearing .................................................................... 44
Bank Subaccounts ...................................................................................................................... 45
Example: Posting a Check Received ....................................................................................... 46
Prerequisites for Using Bank Subaccounts .............................................................................. 47
Specifications for Processing Open Items ............................................................................... 48
Fields for the Selection, Search and Sort Functions ................................................................ 50
Standard Sort Sequence ..........................................................................................................51
Line Layout of Open Item Processing ...................................................................................... 52
Clearing Open Items.................................................................................................................... 55
Introduction to Clearing Open Items ......................................................................................... 56
Clearing Functions in Accounts Payable.................................................................................. 57
Clearing Functions in Accounts Receivable............................................................................. 58
Clearing Functions in the General Ledger................................................................................ 59
Posting and Clearing................................................................................................................... 60
The Clearing Process .................................................................................................................. 61
Entering the Document Header for Clearing Transactions ...................................................... 62
Entering the Line Items ............................................................................................................ 63
Selecting Open Items ............................................................................................................... 64
4 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
Choosing Specific Items for Clearing ....................................................................................... 66
Clearing Between a Customer and Vendor.............................................................................. 67
Processing Open Items ............................................................................................................ 68
Processing Open Items with Commands ............................................................................ 69
Processing Open Items with Menus or Function Keys ....................................................... 70
Processing Open Items with the Mouse.............................................................................. 71
Setting Editing Options for Open Item Processing.............................................................. 72
Functions for Open Item Processing ........................................................................................ 73
Changing the Line Layout in Open Item Processing........................................................... 74
Searching for Open Items ................................................................................................... 75
Searching for a Specific Amount......................................................................................... 76
Processing Open Items as per Payment Advice Note ........................................................ 77
Distributing the Clearing Amount by Age ............................................................................ 79
Sorting Open Items ............................................................................................................. 80
Switching Between Gross and Net Amount ........................................................................ 81
Switching Between Foreign and Local Currency ................................................................ 82
Posting Partial Payments: Customers and Vendors ........................................................... 83
Posting Residual Items ....................................................................................................... 84
Displaying Open Items ............................................................................................................. 85
Explaining Differences.............................................................................................................. 86
Noting Open Items as Payment Advice Notes: Customers and Vendors ................................ 87
Correcting Errors ...................................................................................................................... 88
Clearing Between Company Codes ........................................................................................... 89
Clearing Open Items in Foreign Currency ................................................................................ 90
Clearing Mixed Currency Open Items in the Local Currency ................................................... 92
System Translates All Amounts to Local Currency During Clearing................................... 93
System Uses Historical Values in Local Currency During Clearing.................................... 94
Clearing Open Items with a Future Posting Date ..................................................................... 95
Outgoing Payments with Printed Forms: Customers and Vendors ....................................... 96
Clearing Open Items and Printing the Forms: Customers and Vendors.................................. 97
Printing Forms for Items Already Cleared: Customers and Vendors ....................................... 98
Clearing an Account.................................................................................................................... 99
Resetting Clearing ..................................................................................................................... 100
Clearing Open Items in Release 4.0 ......................................................................................... 101
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The Clearing Program [Page 7]
This section introduces you to the clearing process in the R/3 System and explains how to automatically clear open items using the clearing program.
Clearing Procedure [Page 16]
This section explains the requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to clear open items in the R/3 System.
Clearing Open Items [Page 55]
This section describes the process of clearing open items using the Post with Clearing function.
Clearing 4.0 [Page 101]
This section describes the new functions for clearing open items in Release 4.0.
6 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
The Clearing Program
The Clearing Program
Open items on an account can be cleared manually using the Account clearing function, or they can be cleared automatically by the system. Automatic clearing is especially useful for clearing accounts in the general ledger.
This section describes:
The prerequisites for automatic clearing
How to clear accounts automatically.
Introduction to the Clearing Program [Page 8]
Prerequisites for Clearing [Page 9]
Executing the Clearing Program
Parameters for Running the Program [Page 13]
Running the Clearing Program [Page 14]
Reviewing the Clearing Results
Generating a Line Item List and Additional Log [Page 15]
December 1999 7
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Introduction to the Clearing Program
Introduction to the Clearing Program
You can use the clearing program to clear open items from customer, vendor, and G/L accounts. This program uses predefined criteria to group together open items per account. If the balance of the group of open items equals zero in local, foreign, and where applicable, the parallel currency, the items are marked as cleared.
2,000 3,000
can be cleared
During clearing, the program enters a clearing document number and a clearing date in the line items. It uses the document number and posting date from the most recent document with the highest document number that is part of the clearing process.
The program groups together those items from an account that have the same:
Business area
Trading partner ID
Reconciliation account number
Currency in which the general ledger is updated
Up to four criteria that you define
You can specify criteria for each account type based on a single account or an interval of accounts. You use these criteria to restrict the number of items that are considered together. This ensures that only those items that are based on a specific business transaction are cleared together.
You want to clear the open items in the GR/IR clearing account automatically. In addition to the criteria predefined by the system, you set a criteria for the purchase order number. This criteria ensures that only goods receipt items and invoice items that belong to each other are cleared together.
8 December 1999
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Prerequisites for Clearing
Prerequisites for Clearing
The following prerequisites must be met in order for open items to be cleared:
The accounts must be managed on an open item basis.
The accounts that can be cleared automatically must be defined in Customizing for Financial
The items to be cleared cannot trigger a posting, for example, cash discounts or exchange rate differences.
The items cannot be special G/L transactions. These items are cleared with special functions. For more information about special G/L transactions, see Special G/L
Transactions: Down Payments and Guarantees [Ext.]
See also:
Open Item Management [Page 10]
Criteria for Grouping Open Items [Page 11]
Items That Are Not Cleared [Page 12]
December 1999 9
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Open Item Management
Open Item Management
The basic prerequisite for automatic clearing is that the accounts must be kept on an open item basis. Customer and vendor accounts are always managed in this way. This allows you to
monitor your outstanding receivables and payables at any time. The open item management option, however, must be defined for general ledger accounts. You would set this option, for example, for clearing accounts and bank subaccounts in order to be able to track whether the business transactions posted to these accounts are closed yet.
Open item management ensures that all items that have not yet been cleared are available in the system. A document can only be archived after all open items in a document have been cleared.
10 December 1999
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Criteria for Grouping Open Items
Criteria for Grouping Open Items
In addition to the criteria predefined by the system, you can define up to four other criteria to group together open items for clearing. To do this, enter the following when configuring the clearing program:
Account type
An account number or a number interval
Two additional criteria
Acct. type
. . .
Acct. no.1 Acct. no.2
191000 191100 EBELN
Crit 1
. . .. . .. . .
Crit 2 Crit 3 Crit 4
Fields from tables BSEG or BKPF can be entered as criteria. If possible, you should select fields so that they will also be contained in tables BSIS (G/L accounts), BSID (customer accounts), or BSIK (vendor accounts).
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Items That Are Not Cleared
Items That Are Not Cleared
The program does not clear special G/L transactions or post any new documents. It therefore does not clear items if additional postings would be required.
You posted a vendor invoice. This item could be cleared with a credit memo. At the time of clearing, cash discount would have to be posted. Therefore, the clearing program cannot clear the item.
Items that require an additional posting are:
Items that contain cash discount. Cash discount would have to be posted for these items.
Items that were posted using the net procedure. Cash discount clearing would have to be
posted for these items.
Items that would require a withholding tax posting.
A posting would also be required if the items balance to zero in document currency, but not in the local currency or parallel currency (group or global company currency, and so on). Clearing could not be carried out in this case either.
12 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
Parameters for Running the Program
Parameters for Running the Program
For the program run, you specify in which company codes which accounts should be cleared. You can specify individual accounts or intervals of account numbers. You can restrict the selection of open items even more by specifying a fiscal year.
If you do not enter any parameters, the entire dataset is selected. You should therefore always specify company codes and accounts.
To avoid having to enter the parameters repeatedly for every program run, you can store your specifications in variants. A variant consists of a complete group of clearing parameters which you save and call up together .
December 1999 13
Clearing SAP AG
Running the Clearing Program
Running the Clearing Program
To execute the clearing program from the General Ledger, Accounts Payable, or Accounts Receivable menu:
1. Choose Periodic processing Automatic clearing.
The screen to enter the parameters for clearing open items is displayed.
2. Specify the accounts you want to clear, select the lists you want the program to
generate, and specify whether the program should clear the items.
If you select the parameter Test run (default), a list of the items to be cleared is output. Clearing is only carried out however, if you have not selected the field Test run.
3. Choose Program Execute or Execute in background.
The system outputs the results of the clearing transaction.
14 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
Generating a Line Item List and Additional Log
Generating a Line Item List and Additional Log
The program outputs:
A line item list, which can be output in either short form or detailed form.
Additional log. This contains information about the line items that were not selected and any
system messages about the account types for which no items were selected.
You can print the lists by choosing List Print.
December 1999 15
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Clearing Transactions
Clearing Transactions
The following topics explain the different requirements and features for clearing open items in the SAP R/3 System.
The Basic Principles for Clearing Transactions [Page 17]
Clearing Transactions [Page 24]
Payment Differences [Page 33]
Automatic Postings for Clearing Transactions [Page 39]
Cross-Company Code Clearing [Page 42]
Bank Subaccounts [Page 45]
Specifications for Processing Open Items [Page 48]
16 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
The Basic Principles for Clearing Transactions
The Basic Principles for Clearing Transactions
Open items are in fact unfinished transactions. For example, a vendor invoice that has not been settled remains in the vendor account as an open item until it is paid.
The open items of an account can only be cleared once you post an identical offsetting amount to the account. In other words, the balance of the items assigned to each other must equal zero, as shown in the illustration below.
Customer 2,000 3,000
can be cleared
During clearing, the system enters a clearing document number and the clearing date in these items. Invoices on a customer account, for example, would then be marked as paid, while items on a bank clearing account would be marked as cleared.
In order for you to clear items from an account, the account must be managed on an open item basis. Customer and vendor accounts are always managed in this way. This allows you to monitor your outstanding receivables and payables at any time. The open item management option, however, must be defined for general ledger accounts. You would set this option, for example, for bank subaccounts and clearing accounts in order to be able to track whether the business transactions posted to these accounts are closed yet.
Open item management ensures that all items that have not yet been cleared are available in the system. A document can only be archived after all open items in a document have been cleared.
You can see whether an item has been cleared in the line item display or document display. In line item display, the last three digits of the clearing document number are displayed if you choose the standard line layout variant. You will want to view clearing documents to find out how the open items were cleared.
December 1999 17
Clearing SAP AG
The Basic Principles for Clearing Transactions
Customer ............ EVANS
Company code ... 0001
Incoming payment /15---------------------------------------- 01000000843 - 002
Amount .......5,000.00
Tax code .....
Business area ......
Baseline date ...05/10/91 Pmnt block ... Pmnt method
Clearing ... 05/10/91 / 0100000843 Pmnt amount ... 5,000.00 USD
Assignment..19910510 Cash flow ........ 0
Clrg BusArea ...
Disc. amount ... 0.00 USD
/ /
There are two functions you can choose from to clear open items Account Clearing [Page 19] and Posting with Clearing [Page 21]. These procedures are explained in the following section.
18 December 1999
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Account Clearing
Account Clearing
In this clearing procedure, you select open items that balance to zero from an account. These items are marked as cleared by the system. The system enters a clearing document number and the clearing date in the document items. The clearing date can be the current date or a date that you enter manually. The clearing document number is the number of the most recent document involved in the clearing transaction.
Posted on
Check clearing
Check clearing
Posted on
Document no. 0000008
Ü 3
Document no. 0000049
Since postings do not have to be made during account clearing, documents are usually not created. However, the system might have to make clearing entries if line items from different business areas are part of the clearing transaction. In this case, a document is created. The number of this clearing document is entered in all cleared items.
Check clearing
5,200.00 5,200.00Document no.
Document no. 0000049
December 1999 19
Clearing SAP AG
Account Clearing
Business area 1 Business area 2
Check clearingCheck clearing
Conditions for Clearing
Generally, you use this procedure for bank subaccounts and clearing accounts. For example, you would use the check number to select an item in the checks receivable account to clear it against the cashed check.
Automatic Clearing
Instead of clearing items manually, you can also use a program to clear them automatically (provided no new items have to be created to clear the open items). For more information, see
The Clearing Program [Page 7]
Selected for
clearing posting
20 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
Posting with Clearing
Posting with Clearing
Using the posting with clearing function, you enter document line items and then select the open items that are to be cleared. Once the total amount of selected open items equals the amount of entered line items, the system clears the open items by creating one or more offsetting entries.
A customer pays several receivables amounting to 5,000 USD by check. You enter the amount of the check payment in the checks receivable account (see 1 in the illustration below). To clear the receivables on the customer account, you choose the open items (see 2 below). The amount you enter and the items you select must balance to zero. The system posts an incoming payment (automatic offsetting entry) to the customer account (see 3 below) and marks the open items as cleared (see 4 below). All four steps are performed in one procedure.
3,000.00 4,000.00
In this clearing procedure, the system generates a clearing document comprised of the items you entered and the offsetting entries it created to balance the document to zero.
The system marks the items as cleared and sets the clearing date and clearing document number in the open items you selected and in the offsetting entries it created. The clearing date is usually the posting date. If however, the items you select for clearing have a posting date that comes after the posting date of the clearing document, the system uses the most recent posting date as the clearing date. The following illustration shows the item that the system posted automatically in the above example. The open items are cleared, and the document line item they are matched to contains the clearing information.
December 1999 21
Clearing SAP AG
Posting with Clearing
Customer ............ EVANS
Company code ... 0001
Incoming payment /15---------------------------------------- 01000000843 - 002
Amount .......5,000.00
Tax code .....
Business area ......
Baseline date ...05/10/91 Pmnt block ... Pmnt method
Clearing ... 05/10/91 / 0100000843 Pmnt amount ... 5,000.00 Assignment ..19910510 Cash flow
Clrg BusArea ...
Disc. amount ... 0.00 USD
/ /
There are three functions you can choose from for posting with clearing. The one basic function can be used for any type of business transaction in which items need to be posted and cleared simultaneously. The two other functions are specially designed for incoming and outgoing payments.
Clearing Options
You can:
Clear several accounts and account types
Clear items in any currency
Clear items and post any differences
Enter any number of line items (for example, bank charges)
Automatic Clearing
You can also execute posting with clearing automatically by running the payment program. Normally, you run the payment program to pay vendor invoices. You can also use the payment program if you and your customers have agreed on a debit memo procedure (collection or direct debiting procedure).
Some special G/L transactions, such as bills of exchange, are cleared using special functions. For more information about special G/L transactions, see Special G/L
Transactions: Down Payments and Payment Guarantees [Ext.] and Special G/L Transactions: Bills of Exchange [Ext.].
22 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
Posting with Clearing
December 1999 23
Clearing SAP AG
Clearing Transactions
Clearing Transactions
The standard system contains a clearing transaction for each clearing function that creates documents. The clearing transactions are:
Incoming payment
Outgoing payment
Transfer posting with clearing
A clearing transaction represents a business transaction that requires that an item be cleared. To clear items against an incoming payment, you would use the Incoming payment clearing transaction. If you are making a payment to a vendor, you would use the Outgoing payment clearing transaction.
There are two separate functions specially designed for each of these clearing transactions: Incoming payment and outgoing payment. They both use special screens that make it easier to process open items. The fast entry function enables you to quickly enter payment lots. It uses the posting keys that are defined for the incoming payment clearing transaction.
Self-Defined Clearing Transactions [Page 25]
Transactions for Posting with Clearing [Page 26]
Transaction for Account Clearing [Page 30]
Defining and Maintaining Clearing Transactions [Page 32]
24 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
Self-Defined Clearing Transactions
Self-Defined Clearing Transactions
In addition to the incoming and outgoing payment functions, the system offers a general clearing function that you can use for posting with clearing. You can use it to post any clearing transaction. After you have called up the function, select the required transaction.
Document Posting Document Reference Doc. header
Transaction to be processed ------------------------------------------------------
Outgoing Incoming Transfer posting with
You can define your own clearing transactions for this general function. This provides your accounting clerks with clearing transactions specifically designed for the business transactions to be posted. This simplifies the transaction.
Doc. type... ?
Period....... 5
Sp. G/L... _
Translation Interco trs.
December 1999 25
Clearing SAP AG
Transactions for Posting with Clearing
Transactions for Posting with Clearing
The following overview lists the clearing transactions in the standard system and the functions used to post them.
Clearing functions
Clearing an account
Clearing transactions
Incoming payment
Outgoing payment
Transfer posting
General clearing function
The system has to make clearing entries for each transaction except account clearing (see
Account Clearing [Page 19] and Posting with Clearing [Page
21] ). To do this, it requires posting
keys for the corresponding clearing procedure.
The required posting keys are already defined for these transactions in the standard system. You will have to change the standard settings or make new settings if:
You change the posting keys delivered with the standard system, or you do not want to use the predefined posting keys. You then have to enter the new posting keys for the clearing transactions.
You want to change the name of the transaction. In this case, simply enter a new name for the clearing transaction.
You require more transactions. You must define these transactions.
The following illustration shows the clearing transactions that are defined in the standard system (see 1) and the options for choosing one of the transactions in the general clearing function (see
26 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
Transactions for Posting with Clearing
Document Posting Document Reference Doc. heade
Transaction to be
Outgoing Incoming Transfer posting
Doc. type... ?
Period....... 5
Translation Übergreifd.
Outgoing Incoming Transfer posting with
UmsKz... _
Posting Keys for Clearing Transactions
For each transaction, the following posting keys are specified for debit and credit postings depending on the account type:
Customer and vendor accounts are assigned posting keys for the clearing entry, the residual item balance, and special G/L transactions.
G/L accounts are assigned only a debit and credit posting key. No further distinction is made for the posting keys for G/L accounts.
If you define your own transactions, you should maintain all posting keys for each account type. Using the incoming payment transaction, the following illustration shows why this is necessary:
December 1999 27
Clearing SAP AG
Transactions for Posting with Clearing
Posting keys for EINGZAHL Incoming payment
Customers ----------------­Clearing entry Residual item bal. Special G/L trans.
Vendors ----------------­Clearing entry Residual item bal. Special G/L trans.
G/L accounts ---------------
When you post an incoming payment, the system requires a posting key to generate the offsetting entry for open items selected. To generate this offsetting entry, it uses the customer credit posting key that is specified for the clearing entry. All the other posting keys are used for special situations that may occur when posting an incoming payment:
The customer debit posting key specified for the clearing entry is required if an incoming payment is posted across different business areas. If you select, for example, an invoice and a credit memo from different business areas for the clearing transaction, the system has to make a debit posting to clear the credit memo as well as a credit posting to clear the invoice.
Debit ----------------------------­08 Payment clearing 06 Payment difference 09 Special G/L debit
Debit ----------------------------­28 Payment clearing 26 Payment difference 29 Special G/L debit
Debit ----------------------------­40 Debit posting
Credit ------------------­15 Incoming payment 16 Payment difference 39 Special G/L credit
Credit ------------------­35 Incoming payment 36 Payment difference 39 Special G/L credit
Credit ------------------­50 Credit posting
Vendor posting keys are required so that offsetting entries can be made to the vendor account when open items are cleared between a customer and vendor.
Posting keys are required for special G/L transactions (for example, down payments) if you want to clear, for example, an invoice and a down payment in a single clearing transaction.
The system can also deal with payment differences when you post and clear items, but requires a posting key to do this. You can treat payment differences as follows:
You can post the payment as a partial payment. The system does not mark the open items you selected as cleared. The partial payment is posted to the customer account with an invoice reference that allows you to track which invoice the partial payment was matched to. For partial payments, the system uses the posting keys you define for clearing open items. The posting key defined in the standard system for customer partial payments is posting key “15”.
If you post any outstanding receivable as a residual item, the original receivable is automatically cleared from the account. To post the residual item, the system uses the posting keys specified for the residual item balance.
28 December 1999
SAP AG Clearing
Transactions for Posting with Clearing
The posting keys you specify for the Transfer posting with clearing transaction are used for the general clearing function and, if the system has to make internal transfer postings, for the account clearing function as well.
The payment program and the special functions for outgoing and incoming payments use the posting keys defined for the incoming payment and outgoing payment transactions.
You cannot delete these transactions.
Posting keys for the invoice and credit memo fast entry function are defined separately in the system.
December 1999 29
Clearing SAP AG
Transaction for Account Clearing
Transaction for Account Clearing
Normally you use the account clearing function without creating a posting. However, the system may have to automatically make transfer postings in some cases. This is necessary for example, if you are clearing in several business areas, since you have to carry out clearing between the individual business areas.
You want to clear items in a clearing account that were posted to different business areas. When clearing the items, the system has to generate a document since it has to generate a clearing posting for each business area.
Business area 1 Business area 2
Check clearingCheck clearing
For account clearing, you enter an account, account type, clearing currency, clearing date and, if necessary, a special G/L indicator. All the information that is required if clearing postings are generated is defined in the system. This includes the document type and the posting key. You specify both for the transfer posting with clearing transaction.
The standard system is delivered with a standard document type for all account types (see table below). If the system has to generate documents for account clearing, it assigns them a number from the number range for this document type.
Standard Document Types for Account Clearing Function
Account type
D AB General document
K AB General document
S AB General document
If you do not use the standard document type in your system, or you have deleted it, you have to specify one of your own document types. If a valid document type is not specified for clearing between business areas, the system cannot clear the items between the different business areas specified on the debit and credit sides.
Document type Description
Selected for
clearing posting
This means that you can also prevent entries from being offset automatically if, for example, your organization does not want its users to clear items between different business areas.
Transfer posting with clearing is the transaction for account clearing in the standard system. It is not possible to use any other transaction for account clearing. You can, however, make changes to the transfer posting with clearing transaction.
30 December 1999
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