Ordering number : EN5534
Varactor Diode for FM Band Pager
Silicon Diffused Junction Type
SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Bussiness Headquarters
TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110 JAPAN
82597GI (KOTO) No.5534-1/2
Package Dimensions
unit: mm
1 : Anode
2 : Anode
3 : Cathode
Absolute Maximum Ratings
at Ta=25°C
Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
Reverse Voltege V
16 V
Junction Temperature Tj 125 °C
Storage temperature Tstg –55 to +125 °C
Electrical Characteristics at Ta=25°C
Parameter Symbol Conditions
min typ max
Breakdown Voltage V
IR=10µA 16 V
Reverse Current I
VR=10V 50 nA
Interterminal Capacitance * C
VR=1.0V, f=1MHz 62.02 68.79 pF
VR=3.0V, f=1MHz 33.45 41.98 pF
VR=4.5V, f=1MHz 21.45 28.27 pF
Quality Factor Q VR=3.0V, f=100MHz 60
Capacitance Ratio CR C
/ C
2.35 3.00
Matching Tolerance ∆Cm VR=1.0, 3.0, 4.5V, f=1MHz 0.03
(Cmax – Cmin) / Cmin
Note ) * : Capacitance value of one diode
Marking : SV
Electrical Connection
• Low Voltage (4.5V).
• Twin type varactor diode device for FM band pagers
because of excellent large-signal input characteristics.
• Small-size package (CP) permitting SVC233-applied sets
to be compact and slim.
• Possible to offer the SVC233 devices in a tape reel
packaging, which facilitates automatic insertion.
1 : Anode
2 : Anode
3 : Cathode

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This catalog provides information as of August, 1997. Specifications and information herein are subject to
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