The LC865520B/16B/12B/08B/04B are constructed to read ROM twice within one instruction cycle.
It has 1.7 times the performance capability for the same instruction cycle compared to our 4-bit
microcontrollers (LC66000 series).
Bus cycle time indicates the speed to read ROM.
Bus cycle time Instruction cycle time Clock divider System clock oscillation Oscillation Frequ ency Voltage
1/1 Ceramic (CF) 6MHz 4.5V to 6.0V
1/2 Ceramic (CF) 3MHz 2.5V to 6.0V
1/2 Internal RC 800kHz 2.5V to 6.0V
1/2 Crystal (XTAL) 32.768kHz 2.5V to 6.0V
11901 RM (IM) Chigira No.6697-1/21
(4) Ports
- Input/output ports : 3 ports (16 terminals : port 1,7,8)
Input/output programmable for each bit individually
- Maximum 15V withstand tolerance input/output port : 2 p or ts (15 terminals)
Input/output programmable in nibble units : 1 port (8 terminals : port 0)
(When the N-channel open drain output is selected, input/output can be specified by bit.)
Input/output programmable for each bit individually : 1 port (7 terminals : port 3)
- Input ports : 2 ports (6 terminals : port 7,8)
(5) AD converter
- 8-channel × 8-bit AD converter
(6) Serial interface
- 1 channel × 16-bit serial interface (8-bit transm is s ion available by program)
- 1 channel × 8-bit serial interface
LSB first/MSB first-f u nction available
- An internal 8-bit baud-rate generator is common to both serial-interface circuits.
In Mode 0 and Mode 1, the resolution of Timer and PWM is t
In Mode 2 and Mode 3, the resolution of Timer and PWM is selectable by program: t
CYC or 1/2 tCYC.
- Base timer
Generates an overflow every 500ms for a clock application (using 32.768kHz crystal oscillation for the base timer
Generates an overflow every 976µs, 3.9ms, 15.6ms or 62.5ms (using 32.768kHz crystal oscillation for the base timer
Clock for the base timer is selectable from 32.768kHz crystal oscillation, system clock, or programmable prescaler
output of Timer 0.
(8) Buzzer output
- Built-in 4KHz and 2KHz buzzer generation function (using 32.768kHz crystal oscillation for the base timer oscillator)
(9) Remote receiver circuit (share with P73/INT3/T0IN terminal)
- Noise Rejection function (The filtering time of the noise rejection filter (1tCYC/16tCYC/64tCYC) can be switched by
program.) (t
CYC: instructio n-c ycle-tim e
- Polarity switch function
(10) Watchdog timer
- External RC circuit is required.
- Interrupt or system reset is activated when the timer overflows.
6. Timer T1L (lower 8 bits of Timer 1), Timer T1H (upper 8 bits of Timer 1)
7. Serial interface SIO0
8. Serial interface SIO1
9. AD converter
10. Port 0
- Built-i n I nterrupt Priority control r egister
Three interrupt priorities are supported (low, high and highest) and multi-level nesting is possible. Low or high
priority level can be assigned to the 11 interrupt sources of interrupts 3 to 10 shown above by the interrupt priority
control register. For the external interrupt INT0 and INT1(interrupt 1 and 2), low or highest can be set regardless of
the interrupt priority register.
- Built-in RC oscillation circuit used for the system clock.
- CF oscillation circuit used for the system clock.
- Crystal oscillation circuit used for the system clock and the time-base clock.
(15) Standby function
- HALT mode
The HALT mode stops the program execution, which minimizes power consumption. This operation mode can be
released b y a system reset or an interrupt req ue st.
- HOLD mode
The HOLD mode stops all oscillation circuits: CF, RC and Crystal oscillations. This mode can be released by the
following conditions.
• Feed "L" level to the reset terminal (
• Feed the selected level to P70/INT0, P71/INT1 terminals
• Feed "L" level to the Port 0
(16) Shipping form
• DIP42S
• QIP48E
(17) Development tools
Evaluation (EVA) chip : LC866096
EPROM version : LC86E5420
One time version : LC86P5420
Emulator : EVA-86000 + ECB867100 (Evaluation chip board) + POD865 400 (POD)
Notice for use
1. The following must be taken into consideration by the user:
Oscillation frequency range for system clock. Supply voltage range Clock Divider
15kHz to 30kHz 1/1 Can not use 1/2 divider
30kHz to 6MHz
15kHz to 30kHz 1/1 Can not use 1/2 divider