The LC863532/28/24/20/16A are 8-bit single chip microcontrollers with the following on-chip functional blocks:
- CPU : Operable at a minimum bus cycle time of 0.424µs
- On-chip R O M capaci ty
Program ROM : 32K/28K/24K/20K/16K bytes
CGROM : 16K bytes
- On-chip RAM capacity : 512 bytes
- OSD RAM : 352 × 9 bits
- Closed-Caption TV controller and the on-screen display controller
- Four channels × 6-bit AD Converter
- Three channels × 7-bit PWM
- Two channels × 16-bit timer/counter, 14-bit base timer
- IIC-bus compliant serial interface circuit (Multi-master type)
- ROM correction function
- 12-source 8-vectored interrupt system
- Integrated system clock generator and display clock generator
Only one X’tal oscillator (32.768kHz) for PLL reference is used for both generators
TV control and the Closed Caption function
All of the above functions are fabricated on a single chip.
Note : This product includes the IIC bus interface circuit. If you intend to use the IIC bus interface, please
notify us of this in advance of our receiving your program ROM code order.
Purchase of SANYO IIC components conveys a license under the Philips IIC Patents Rights to use these
components in an IIC system, provided that the system conforms to the IIC Standard Specification as
defined by Philips.
II C is a trademark of Philips Corporation.
- RAM : 352 words (9 bits per word)
Display area : 36 words × 8 lines
Control area : 8 words × 8 lines
- Characters
Up to 252 kinds of 16 × 32 dot character fonts
(4 characters including 1 test character are not programmable)
Each font can be divided into two parts and used as two fonts (Ex. 16 × 16 dot character font × 2)
At least 111 characters need to be divide between a 16×18 dot and 8 × 9 dot character font to display the caption
- Various character attributes
Character colors : 16 colors (analog mode: lv
Character background colors : 16 colors (analog mode: lv
Fringe / shadow colors : 16 colo rs (analog mode: lv
Full screen colors : 16 colors (analog mode: lv
Italic character (slanting)
- Attribute can be changed without spacing
- Vertical display start line number can be set for each row independently (Rows can be overlapped)
- Horizontal display start position can be set for each row independently
- Horizontal pitch (bit 9 - 16)
and vertical pitch (bit-32) can be set for each row independently
- Different display modes can be set for each row independentl y
Caption • Text mode / OSD mode 1 / OSD mode 2 (Quarter size) / Simplifed graphic mode
- Simplified Graphic Display
*1 Note : ran ge depends on display mode : r efer to the manual f o r details.
(4) Bus Cycle Time / Instruction-Cycle Time
Bus cycle time Instruction cycle time Clock divider System clock oscillation Oscillation Frequency Voltage
0.424µs 0.848µs
7.5µs 15.0µs
91.55µs 183.1µs
183.1µs 366.2µs
1/2 Internal VCO
1/2 Internal RC 800kHz 4.5V to 5.5V
1/1 Crystal 32.768kHz 4.5V to 5.5V
1/2 Crystal 32.768kHz 4.5V to 5.5V
(5) Ports
- Input / Output Ports : 4 ports (24 terminals)
Data direction programmable in nibble units : 1 port (8 terminals)
(If the N-ch open drain output is selected by option, the corresponding port data can be read in output mode.)
Data direction programmable for each bit individually : 3 ports (1 6 terminals)
8 bits for CGROM
8 bits (working or ROM correction function)
9 bits (for CRT display)
output) / 8 colors (digital/mode)
output) / 8 colors (digital/mode)
output) / 8 colors (digital/mode)
output) / 8 colors (digital/mode)
14.156MHz 4.5V to 5.5V
(Ref : X’tal 32.768kHz)
(6) AD converter
- 4 channels × 6-bit AD converters
(7) Serial interfaces
- IIC-bus compliant serial interface (Multi-master type)
Consists of a single built-in circuit with two I/O channels. The two data lines and two clock lines can be connected
(8) PWM output
- 3 channels × 7-bit PWM
(9) Timer
- Timer 0 : 16-bit timer/counter
With 2-bit prescaler + 8-bit programmable prescaler
Mode 0 : Two 8- bit tim e rs with a progra mmabl e prescale r
Mode 1 : 8-bit timer with a programmable prescaler + 8-bit counter
Mode 2 : 16-bit timer with a programmable prescaler
Mode 3 : 16-bit counter
The resolution o f ti mer is 1 tCYC.
- Timer 1 : 16-bit timer/PWM
Mode 0 : Two 8- bit time rs
Mode 1 : 8-bit timer + 8-bit PWM
Mode 2 : 16-bit timer
Mode 3 : a variable-bit PWM (9 to 16 bits)
In mode 0/1, the resolution of timer/PWM is 1 tCYC
In mode 2/3, the resolution of timer/PWM is selectable by program; tCYC or 1/2 tCYC
- Base timer
Generate every 500ms overflow for a clock application (using 32.768kHz crystal oscillation for the base timer clock)
Generate every 976µs, 3.9ms, 15.6ms, 62.5ms overflow (using 32.768kHz crystal oscillation for the base timer
Clock for the base timer is selectable from 32.768kHz crystal oscillation, system clock or programmable prescaler
output of Timer 0
(10) Remote control receiver circuit (connected to the P73/INT3/T0IN terminal)
- Noise rejection function
- Polarity switching
(11) Watchdog timer
External RC circuit is required
Interrupt or system reset is activated when the timer overflows
Three interrupt priorities are supported (low, high and highest) and multi-level nesting is possible. Low or high
priority can be assigned to the interrupts from 3 to 8 listed above. For the external interrupt INT0 and INT1, low or
highest priority can be set.
(14) Sub-routine stack level
- A maximum of 128 levels (stack is b uilt in the inter n al RAM)
(15) Multiplication/division instruction
- 16 bits × 8 bits (7 instruction cycle times)
- 16 bits / 8 bits (7 instruction cycle times)
(16) 3 oscillation circuits
- Built-in RC oscillation circuit used for the system clock
- Built-in VCO circuit used for the system clock and OSD
- X’tal oscillation circuit used for base timer, system clock and PLL reference
(17) Standby function
- HALT mode
The HALT mode is used to reduce the power dissipation. In this operation mode, the program execution is
stopped. This mode can be released by the interrupt request or the system reset.
- HOLD mode
The HOLD mode is used to stop the oscillations; RC (internal), VCO, and X’tal oscillations. This mode can be
released by the following conditions.
Pull the reset terminal (
Feed the selected level to either P70/INT0 or P71/INT1.