Q: What power is required for this television?
A: The power required for this television is 120V, 60Hz, 140W (average) and 2.54A (Maximum)
Q: What is the type of an antenna for this TV?
A: The type of an antenna for this TV is 75 Ohm which is suitable for UHF / VHF / CATV reception.
Q: Which are the available supported digital channels?
A: Channels from 1 to 99 are the digital receiving channels available.
Q: Is it possible to operate the television while sitting far away from it?
A: Yes, it is possible as the television is supplied together with a 52 key remote control.
Q: What is the sound output of the television?
A: Each channel has a power rating of 5.0 W.
Q: What are the picture IF carrier frequency details of the Television?
A: 45.75MHZ is the frequency of picture IF carrier.
Q: What integrations circuits can be found in this device?
A: The device has a total of 40 integrated circuits.
Q: What is the total number of transistors fitted in this television set?
A: This television uses a total of 89 transistors.