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ISO 9001: 2001
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ISO 14001: 2001
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Electric VRF
The cooling and heating capacities are based on the following conditions:
Cooling: Indoor temperature 27˚C DB/19˚C WB, Outdoor temperature 35˚C DB/24˚ C WB.
Heating: Indoor temperature 20˚C DB, Outdoor Temperature 7˚C DB 6˚C WB.
Rating Conditions
SANYO Air Conditioners. The natural choice. SANYO Air Conditioners. The natural choice.

UK Conditions: Cooling Indoor 23˚C DB 50% RH Outdoor 30˚C Heating Indoor 20˚C Outdoor 0˚C
Rating Conditions: Cooling Indoor 27˚C DB 19˚C WB Outdoor 35˚C DB 24˚C WB Heating Indoor 20˚C DB Outdoor 7˚C DB 6˚C WB
UK Conditions: Cooling Indoor 23˚C DB 50% RH Outdoor 30˚C Heating Indoor 20˚C Outdoor 0˚C
Rating Conditions: Cooling Indoor 27˚C DB 19˚C WB Outdoor 35˚C DB 24˚C WB Heating Indoor 20˚C DB Outdoor 7˚C DB 6˚C WB
ECOi - 2 and 3 pipe electric VRF systems
8HP 10HP
ECOi system capacity
12HP 14HP 16HP 18HP 20HP 22HP 24HP - 48HP
Number of indoor units
Since its formation in 1958, SANYO Air Conditioners
has been at the forefront of innovation with its
market-leading research and development program.
From the world’s rst heat pump air conditioner in
1960 to the rst 3 pipe VRF system in 1989, SANYO
continues to deliver leading technology combined
with the reliability and customer service that you
would expect from a global brand like SANYO.
Ease of installation
R410A has a higher operating pressure with a lower pressure
loss than previous refrigerants. This enables smaller pipe sizes to
be used and allows reduced refrigerant charges.
Simple to design
SANYO recognise that designing, selecting and preparing a
professional VRF quotation can be a time consuming and costly
process, especially as it is often also a speculative exercise. So
we have designed proprietary software which is quick and easy
to use and produces a full schematic layout of pipework and
controls, as well as a full materials list and performance data.
Easy to position
The compact design of the ECOi outdoor units means that they
t into a standard lift and are easy to handle and position when
on site. The small footprint and modular appearance of the units
ensure a cohesive appearance to an installation.
O-coil temperature control
SANYO ducted units oer the unique advantage of being able to
oer o-coil temperature coil as standard. This allows designers
to select units using an o coil temperature between 7°C and
22°C. This allows room environments to be cooled without
subjecting its occupants to cold drafts or uncomfortable
conditions. This is achieved without any extra controls or wiring
to each unit.
Easy to control
A wide variety of control options are available to ensure
that the ECOi system provides the user with the degree
of control that they desire, from simple room controllers
through to state of the art BMS controls.
Simple to commission
Simple set-up procedure including automatic addressing of
connected indoor units. Conguration settings can be made
from an outdoor unit or via a remote controller.
Accurate capacity control
To ensure that the compressor capacity is matched to
building load as accurately and eciently as possible,
SANYO has designed its range of 2 and 3 way ECOi
systems to operate with DC inverter and high-eciency
xed speed compressors. The system selects the most
ecient compressor to operate by dynamically monitoring
the building load and choosing the best compressor
combination to run.
Easy to maintain
Each system allows the use of prognostic and diagnostic
controls routines, from refrigerant charge control through to
complex fault code diagnostics, all designed to reduce the
speed of maintenance calls and unit down time.
Lower running and life cycle costs
SANYO ECOi VRF systems are amongst the most ecient
VRF systems on the market, oering COPs in excess of 4.0
at full load conditions. The system is also designed to make
sure that we reduce the running cost of each system by
using our unique road map control routine to ensure that
the most ecient combination of compressors are running
at any one time. Improved defrost sequencing also reduces
running cost by defrosting each outdoor coil in turn when
conditions allow.
Wide selection and connectability
With 15 indoor model styles available, ECOi systems are the ideal
choice for multiple small capacity indoor unit installations, with
the ability to connect up to 40 indoor units to systems of 24HP
or greater.
Flexible pipe length
Category Item Description Max length (m)
Allowable pipework length
L3 L4 Ln Maximum length of each distribution joint 30
L1+L3+L4 Maximum total pipe run length 300
H2 Maximum dierence between indoor units 15
Maximum pipe run in one direction Actual length 150
Dierence between maximum length and minimum length from the
rst distribution joint
When outdoor unit installed higher 50
When outdoor unit installed lower 40
Equivalent length 175

UK Conditions: Cooling Indoor 23˚C DB 50% RH Outdoor 30˚C Heating Indoor 20˚C Outdoor 0˚C
Rating Conditions: Cooling Indoor 27˚C DB 19˚C WB Outdoor 35˚C DB 24˚C WB Heating Indoor 20˚C DB Outdoor 7˚C DB 6˚C WB
UK Conditions: Cooling Indoor 23˚C DB 50% RH Outdoor 30˚C Heating Indoor 20˚C Outdoor 0˚C
Rating Conditions: Cooling Indoor 27˚C DB 19˚C WB Outdoor 35˚C DB 24˚C WB Heating Indoor 20˚C DB Outdoor 7˚C DB 6˚C WB
Unique SANYO benets
New PAC2 System Design Software
SANYO-Installation cost saving design
Solenoid Valve Box
Industry’s Smallest – 147mm High
• Brazed connections
• Requires only 1 Fixing for mounting
• No transmission wiring at SVK
• No mains power wiring at SVK
• Comes inclusive with lead connection to indoor unit
Saves the cost of local isolators and additional electrical
SANYO-Intelligent on site learning
Compressor Road Map Control
• Measures the average saturated suction temperature from the
fan coil units
• Measures the suction pressure and temperature entering the
outdoor unit
Designing a system for VRF (ECOi and GHP) and PACi
Commercial Split Systems has never been easier
SANYO has identied the importance of ever-increasing
demands for fast and accurate responses to customer requests
in our industry. More and more emphasis is being placed upon
energy-eciency in our marketplace. The ability to calculate
cooling/heating loads and produce information of actual design
conditions is a major advantage to any architect, consultant,
contractor or end user.
SANYO understands the ever-changing and demanding
industry we are in and we are pleased to announce the
launch of the next generation of our system design software
program. The new advanced PAC2 system design software has
been customised to make any selection and design process as
quick and easy as possible. The software features a version of
AC Calc Lite. This allows small building loadings to be accurately
calculated and directly imported into the PAC2 software.
The design package utilises system wizards and import tools
to enable both simple and complex systems to be created. In
addition, the system will allow outdoor and indoor units to be
dragged and dropped on an interactive desktop. This allows
users to create everything from realistic oor plans with detailed
piping and wiring schematics to send out with quotations,
through to installation guidance drawings.
The new PAC2 system software can be used for all SANYO
ECOi, GHP and PACi systems.
Features include:
• AC Calc Lite (included in the package)
• Easy to use system wizards
• Auto piping and wiring features
• Converted duties for conditions and pipework
• Auto CAD (DXF) export
• Detailed wiring and pipework diagram
• Calculates the best combination of compressors to run
• Targets inverter compressor at 30 – 80% (most ecient)
Reduces the running cost of the system
SANYO-Comfort control
Air Discharge Temperature Control
• Available on U indoor ducted units
• Discharge air at below 10°C is uncomfortable and can cause
draughts due to cold air dumping
• Air o temperature can be controlled between 7
C - 220C
Guaranteed user comfort
Refrigerant Volume “self check” procedure
ECOi 2 & 3WAY systems have an inbuilt self judgement mode to
indicate the present system refrigerant volume.
From the outdoor unit you can start the self judgement mode,
after completion (approx 30mins) the LED display’s the results.
No Control
Judgment mode Blinking Blinking
Normal ON ON
Insucient gas Blinking OFF
Overcharge OFF Blinking
Judgment not possible Blinking alternately
SANYO Solution
The new PAC2 system software can be used for all SANYO ECOi, GHP and PACi systems.
It ensures unit eciency, avoids refrigerant wastage and
assists with F-Gas complince.