Q1: What type of refrigerant is used in the Sanyo Split System Air Conditioner?
A1: The refrigerant used is R-22.
Q2: What is the max piping length allowed to be installed in units?
A2: For the indoor unit, the piping length is allowed to be a maximum of 50 ft (15 m) during shipment while for outdoor it is a 100 ft (30 m)limit.
Q3: Is there a freeze prevention mechanism in the units?
A3: Yes, there is a specified feature that prevents freeze, it prevents the outdoor fan and compressor from functioning if the temperature of indoor coil drops below 0 degrees celsius.
Q4: How do I go about changing the temperature of the air conditioning unit?
A4: The unit can be set at a certain temperature by employing an Integrated Circuit controlled thermostat. The IC controlled thermostat is responsible for turning the compressor on and off accordingly.
Q5: What is the range of power input for the different models?
A5: The 24k12w power input entails a power of 2400 watts, the 30K12W model uses 2900 Watts whereas the 36K12W uses a power level of 3510 watts.
Q6: Can the unit be operated through a remote?
A6: Yes, Sanyo Split System provides the users with a remote to make it easier to operate the air conditioning system.
Q7: What is the acoustic rating of both the interior and exterior components of the air conditioning system?
A7: The indoor component operates at an acoustic rating of between 40 to 48 dB-A, the outdoor component, however, is rated at a maximum of 62 dB-A.
Q8: What other specifications has the design established for the air conditioning unit that help to conserve energy?
A8: In order to save energy costs, the system has a built in Energy Saver and Night Setback function which can be activated during operation.