Sansui au505 schematic

power) solid state performer belongs at the head of its class. No other integrated amplifier in its class can touch Sansui's AU-505 for tonal quality, versatility, ease of operation and economy. Offering luxurious performance at a modest cost, it comes across as the best buy in its price range. In fact, it even offers features that more expensive models lack. Designed in the finest tradition of Sansui's prestigious AU series ampli­fiers, the AU-505 delivers performance previously unheard of in a com­pact unit. The tonal quality, for example, is superb because of the ex­clusive use of low-noise silicon transistors. With distortion of less than
0.5% and a power bandwidth of 25 to 40,000Hz, it figures as an integrated amplifier to be reckoned with in the future. What's more, it has an over-sized power transformer, an extra large heat sink and a full system of precision accessory circuits. Plus versatility and the conve-
nience of a DIN jack for easy connection of an open reel, cassette or
cartridge deck; microphone jack, two AC outlets and a tuner selector for
instant switching to radio reception. It all adds up to top performance de­spite a modest price tag that is music to the ears of any serious minded
stereo enthusiast.