INTRODUCTION & APPLICATIONS…...…………………………...….………..3
PACKAGE CONTENTS…………………………………………………………….4
GETTING STARTED.……………………………………………………….………5
OPERATING PROCEDURE……………………………………..…………………6
APPENDIX …………………………………………...………………………………8

Welcome to GM-158-USB GPS Mobile Locator user’s manual.
Congratulation on your purchase of the GM-158-USB® Mobile Locator GPS
receiver/antenna. This is the latest in Plug-Navigate-Position innovation from
SANJOSE Navigation, manufacturer of OEM GPS receiver & antenna around the
This new concept of Mobile navigation solution is using the devise to integrate with
your Personal Computer and map software to display your real time location on
the monitor.
The GM-158-USB is an all-weather rugged design product for all applications.
Before you get started with your GM-158-USB®, make sure to read the PC
hardware requirements to run the Mapping software.
◇ Navigation and positioning
◇ Finding streets and routes via GPS map software
◇ Travel/track planning
◇ Application for Marine Navigation
◇ Fleet management GPS system
◇ In-car navigating/locating for public safety and emergency
AVL GPS function