Bucket Hanger Kit
The heavy duty saniserv Bucket hanger is designed
to eliminate the need for an employee to stand and hold
a 25 to 30 pound bucket under the spigot while draining
product, cleaning solutions or sanitizer during the cleaning process. Typically, rather than holding the bucket, the
employee will rest it on the drip tray where the bucket can
slip and spill. If the bucket has a bail they will hang it on
the spigot plunger or handle. Hanging the bucket on the
spigot eventually leads to the face plate cracking. It is not
a case of if it will crack, but when it will crack. We have
received many complaints from end users about cracking
face plates. When we receive the face plate for inspection, 99% of the cracks are stress cracks caused by buckets handing from the spigot. This is a very expensive part
to replace.
The new Bucket Hanger ts on the top of the machine
with one end extending into the mix pan and then hangs
over the front of the machine. The hook on the front of
the bucket hanger holds the bail of the bucket allowing the bucket to swing under the spigot opening. This
makes the process nearly hands free.
The Bucket Hanger is made of 11 gage Stainless Steel
and will support up to 20 quarts of liquid. The bucket
hangers are machine specic, therefore, you will need
to specify the model number when ordering the bucket
hanger. Bucket Hangers are sold separately and in a kit
which includes a specially designed heavy duty
saniserv bucket.
Cleaning Buckets and rerun containers increase your
productivity with saniserv Products!
We reserve the right to change specications and
saniserv, Almost Plug and Play!
691, 798, 791, 808 188633-W 188633-G 188633-R
707 188634-W 188634-G 188634-R
501, 527 188635-W 188635-G 188635-R
424, 624, 521, 522, 724, 824 188636-W 188636-G 188636-R
407, DF200 188637-W 188637-G 188637-R
401, 408, 404, 414 188638-W 188638-G 188638-R
601, 608, 614 188638-W 188638-G 188638-R
708, 709, 714 188638-W 188638-G 188638-R
108 188641-W 188641-G 188641-R
704 188642-W 188642-G 188642-R
products design without notice. Such revisions do
not entitle the buyer to corresponding changes, improvements, additions or replacements for previously
purchased equipment