Sangoma Europa Vega 50 BRI
and Elastix Server
Setup Guide
and Elastix Server
Setup Guide
is a setup diagram for a single
configure a SIP Trunk for communication between the IP Phone
Sangoma Europa Vega 50 BRI Server Setup Guide
Figure 1-1. Setup Diagram
-1. Host Server Environment Details
Table 3-1. Test Setup Equipment
Model Version
Sangoma Europa Vega 50 BRI Server Setup Guide
4.0 Setup Procedure
To set up the Elastix Server for the Vega 50
1. Go to the web address of the Elastix Server Login page. The web address is
determined by the customer, for this guide we have used the IP address
2. On the Login page, type the username and password for an administrative user into
the Username and Password fields, see Figure 4-1. The username and password are
determined by the customer.
Figure 4-1. Login
3. Press Enter or click on the Submit button to go to Elastix’s Dashboard
4. Once inside, click on the PBX tab on the menu at the top of the screen
Figure 4-2. Dashboard
Sangoma Europa Vega 50 BRI Server Setup Guide
5. Go to “PBX Configuration => Trunks => Add SIP Trunk”, see Figure 4-3. This will
take you to configure a SIP Trunk.
Figure 4-3. Add a SIP Trunk
6. On the “Add SIP Trunk” page (Figure 4-4), fill in the following information:
General Settings
• Trunk Name: (VegaTrunk in this example)
Outgoing Settings
• Trunk Name: (Vega50BRI in this example)
• Peer Details:
username=(Vega50BRI in this example)
secret=( jx8FkOU13sv6 in this example)
Click on the ‘Submit’ button at the end of the page
and you will see the page on Figure 4
n the “Apply Configuration Changes Here” link
9. With this you have finished creating a SIP
register with the Elastix Server.
Routes” to configure the outbound route to
Sangoma Europa Vega 50 BRI Server Setup Guide
Figure 4-4. Add SIP Trunk
Apply Configuration Changes
-5. Apply Configuration Changes Here