SanDisk SDDK-07 User Manual

User’s Guide
SanDisk SDK
SD Audio SDDK-07
SD Device Driver and File System SDDK-05
Revision 1.0
October 2003
140 Caspian Court • Sunnyvale, CA 94089 • Phone: 408-542-0500 • Fax: 408-542-0503
SanDisk Corporation • Corporate Headquarters •
SanDisk SDK User’s Guide, Rev. 1.0
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© 2003 SanDisk Corporation. All rights reserved.
SanDisk products are covered or licensed under one or more of the following U.S. Patent Nos. 5,070,032; 5,095,344; 5,168,465; 5,172,338; 5,198,380; 5,200,959; 5,268,318; 5,268,870; 5,272,669; 5,418,752; 5,602,987. Other U.S. and foreign patents awarded and pending.
Lit. No. Rev. 1.0 10/2003 Printed in U.S.A.
SanDisk SDK User’s Guide, Rev. 1.0
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
2 SD-SDK Architecture Overview ........................................................................................2
3 SanDisk SDK Components .................................................................................................3
4 SD-SDK Directory Structure...............................................................................................5
5 Sample Application Installation ........................................................................................6
6 Known Problems and Limitations.....................................................................................8
7 Part Numbers........................................................................................................................9
© 2003 SanDisk Corporation 1 10/2003
SanDisk SDK User’s Guide, Rev. 1.0
1 Introduction
This release note contains information about the SanDisk SDK architecture, installation of SD_SDK and sample application in Windows OS environment, system configuration supported by SD_SDK, and about known problems and limitations. If you encounter any problem while installing or using SD_SDK, please check here to see if it is a known problem.
This guide will give an overview of the SDK architecture, supported futures, SD-SDK directory structure, installation of the sample application and SDK on Windows OS. Finally this guide will reveal any known problems and/or limitations and Part Number information for ordering the individual software component.
© 2003 SanDisk Corporation 1-1 10/2003
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