Cruzer Force™ USB Flash Drive
Protection and convenience in a sleek stylish metal design.
8GB, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB*
Durable metal casing
Reliable storage for photos,
videos, music and other files
Protect and secure private
files with included
SanDisk SecureAccess
Store more with capacities
up to 64GB
Cruzer ForceTM USB Flash Drive has a sleek design with a durable metal casing
and protection for your private files no matter where you go. The included
SanDisk SecureAccess™ software1 provides password protection to keep private
files secure while leaving the rest of the drive available for sharing.

Cruzer Force USB flash drive
Capacities 8GB, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB
Dimensions 1.35 x 0.47 x 0.29 in. or 34.40 x 12.00 x 7.37 mm (L x W x H)
Operating temperature 32° – 95°F (0° – 35°C)
Storage temperature 14° – 158°F (–10° – 70°C)
Software SanDisk SecureAccess™ software
Compatibility USB 2.0 port
Warranty United States: 2-year limited warranty
All other regions: 5-year warranty
For more information, please visit
At SanD isk®, we’re expanding the
possibilitie s of data storage . For
more than 25 years, SanDisk’s
ideas h ave help edtransform the
indus try, deliverin gnext generation
storage solutions for consumers and
businessesa round the globe.
Western Digital Technologies, Inc.
951 SanDisk Drive | Milpitas | CA 95035 | USA
Western Digital Technologies, Inc. is the
seller of record and licensee in the Americas
of SanDisk® products.
Password protection uses 128-bit AES encryption and is supported by Windows Vista®, Windows® 7,
Windows 8, Windows 10 and Mac OS X v10.6+ (Software download required for Mac, see www.SanDisk.com/SecureAccess).
1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes. Actual user storage less.
SanDisk is a trademark of Western Digital Corporation or its aliates, registered in the U.S. and other countries. SanDisk SecureAccess and
Cruzer Force are trademarks of Western Digital Corporation or its aliates. Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
©2016 Western Digital Corporation or its aliates. All rights reserved. 09/16