Sande Dacom Electronics G18 User Manual

Product Description
产品名称:炫风运动蓝牙耳机 蓝牙版本:V4.1 充电方式:电源适配器输出(DC5V 150mAh) 电池指标:高性能锂聚合物锂电池 蓝牙指标:Class 2 支持协议:Headset/Handsfree/A2DP/AVRCP 持续通话时长:约7小时 持续播放时长:约6小时 待机时长: 约160小时
前 言
非常感谢您选用 "炫风" 运动蓝牙耳机请在使用 前,详细阅读本说明书,正确操作使用,更好发挥产 品优越性能。我司蓝牙耳机外观设计时尚绚丽、小巧 便携、音质纯美、多功能一体化设计,全系列拥有外 观设计专利,系统上采用了行业领先电声技术,使您 在居家使用、户外旅行、商务工作中随时随地享受到 卓越的音响效果,为您的笔记本电脑、数码音乐播放 器等视听产品提供超值完美的音质,带您聆听美妙音 乐,感受健康快乐生活!
大康 蓝牙耳机
Product schematic
注意事项 / 温馨提示
Precautions / Tips
请在常温环境中存放以及使用本产品; 请勿将本产品暴露在雨中或潮湿环境中; 请勿丢掷,避免因跌落造成产品损坏; 请勿自行拆解、修理和改造本产品; 请勿使用化学溶剂擦拭本产品; 如有需要,请使用输出电压DC5V的USB电源充电器来 充电; 请勿随意丢弃,或置于高温(温度高于60度)与火中,以 免引起危险!
Enjoy the freedom
Enjoy the freedom
Enjoy the freedom
Movement freely
Movement freely
Movement freely
Sport Bluetooth Headset Model NO.: Colorwind
Product Description
Item: Sport Bluetooth Headset Bluetooth standard: V4.1 Charging means: power adapter output(DC5V 150mAh) Battery: High-capability rechargeable lithium polymer battery Bluetooth Operation: class 2 Profiles Supported: Headset/Handsfree/A2DP/AVRCP Talk time: up to 7 hours Playing time: up to 6 hours Stand by time: up to 160 hours
Dear Customer
Thank you for choosing " Colorwind Please read the user manual carefully for proper instruction to maximize the advantage of our product. Our Bluetooth headset are well designed,fashion, smart and portable, pure acoustic and multi functional. We have patents for the whole series of our Bluetooth headsets.Our Bluetooth headsets are applied with the top advanced electro acoustic technology, providing you the best enjoyment of music any time at home, outdoor or business work, and provide the perfect acoustic with your notebook and any digital audio/visual devices. Lead you to wonderful music,enjoy healthy & happy life.
Sport BluetoothHeadset.
Product Schematic
Ear Hook USB Charging Socket
Precautions / Tips
Please keep or use this product at normal temperature; Do not expose this product in rain or moisture; Do not throw this product in case any damage thus made; Do not disassemble, repair or reform this product; Do not clean this product with any chemical solvents; Please use USB power of DC5V for output when needed; Do not throw away or put it in fire to avoid any danger.
Volume Down (V-)
Indicator Light
Volume Up
开机-长按"MFB"键直到绿灯闪烁。 关机-在开机状态下,长按"MFB"键3秒,红色指示灯 亮约2秒后熄灭。
接听电话-按手机接听键接听或短按耳机“MFB” 键接听。 挂断电话-按手机挂断键挂断或短按耳机“MFB” 键挂断。 拒接电话-按手机挂断键或长按“V-”键约2秒。
末码拨号-在耳机处于待机待机状态下双击“MFB” 键针对最后一个拔出的电话号码进行重拔 (注:须手机支持BLUETOOTH重拔模式) 音乐播放-在音乐播放状态下短按“MFB”键可进 行播放/暂停。 翻曲选择-播放中长按“V-”键约2秒进入上一曲 长按“V+”键2秒将会进入下一曲 音量调节-短按“V+”键或“V-”键,对音量进 行调节,每按一次音量增加或减少一格 静音切换-通话中按“V- ”键约2秒,禁掉咪功能, 再按“V- ”键约2秒恢复咪功能。
多功能键 ( MFB)
蓝牙首次配对时,请将蓝牙耳机和手机的距离控制 在1米的范围内; 关机状态下长按"MFB"键直到绿色和红色指示灯交替 闪烁。 开启手机蓝牙功能,搜索蓝牙设备。
选择“ 输入配对密码“0000”(有些手机需要密码配 对,有些手机不需要密码配对。) 配对失败后,请重复上述操作; 如果配对成功后,绿灯闪烁。
当开机时,耳机会自动语音提示:"开机"。 当关机时,耳机会自动语音提示:"关机"。 当配对成功时,耳机会自动语音提示:"已连接"。 当连接断开时,耳机会自动语音提示:"已断开"。 当电量低时,耳机会自动语音提示:"电量低"。
语音拔号-在连机待机状态下,长按"MFB"键约2秒释放。 (仅支持有语音拨号功能的手机)
备注:部分功能操作会因手机的不同而有所改变,请用户在实际操 作时留意
低电报警-开机状态中,当电池电压低于3.3V后每 隔60秒发出一次提示音并闪红灯。
低电关机-开机状态中,当电池电压低到3.0V时耳 机将自动关机。
通话转换-在通话过程中长按“V+”键2秒音频从 蓝牙切换到手机,再长按“V+”键2秒, 音频从手机切换回耳机。
按配对步骤,配对第一个手机后,将手机蓝牙功能 关闭,再配对第二个蓝牙手机; 打开第一个手机的蓝牙功能,手动连接第一部手机。 通话时,短按"MFB"键挂断当前电话,接通等待电话; 双击"MFB"键,接听第二个来电,以及两个通话之间 切换; 短按"MFB"键,可以逐一挂断电话。
Power on: Long press the" MFB " button until the green indicator light flashes. Power off: With the headset power on,long press the " MFB" button for 3 second,the red indicator light flashes 2 second and goes off.
Answering a call: Press the answer key on your phone or short press the" MFB " button on your headset.
Ending a call: Press the end key on your phone or short press the " MFB " button on your headset.
Rejecting a call: Press the end key on your phone or long press the " V-" button for 2 seconds on your headset.
Redialing the last called number: Double press the " MFB" button when headset is in standby mode.
Play/Pause: When you are listening to the music from the headset, you can short press the " MFB " button to play and pause. Previous/Next Track: Previous Track when press the " V-" 2 seconds. Next Track when press the " V+" 2 seconds.
Volume control: Volume will be up when short press the " V+" and will be down when short press the " V-" .
Microphone muting: During a call, press " V-" for about 2 second, microphone is muted; press " V-" again for about 2 second it will work again.
Multifuncntion Button ( MFB)
Ear Bud Tip
Pair to your Bluetooth Phone
Pair the bluetooth headset for the first time,the distance between the Bluetooth headset and your Bluetooth phone would be better within 1 meter when pairing. When the headset is off, press and hold the " MFB " until the red and green lights flash alternately. Start mobile phone bluetooth function. Search bluetooth device, Choose " G18" . Input pair code" 0000" (The password is required for some phones.) Repeat above-mentioned steps if the pairing was unsuccessful. The green light will flash if paired successfully.
Connect two Bluetooth mobile phones at the same time
After paired the first mobile phone, please turn off the Bluetooth function of the first mobile phone, then pair to the second Bluetooth mobile phone. Open Bluetooth function of the first mobile phone, and Manually get it connected. During a call, short press the " MFB " to answer the incoming call. Double press the " MFB " to answer another incoming call while the first call is held on , and can switch between the two incoming call by double pressing the " MFB " . Short press the "MFB" to cut off the incoming calls one by one.
Voice Prompt
When the headset is on, there will be the automatic voice prompt: power on When the headset is off, there will be the automatic voice prompt: power off When being connected successfully, there will be automaic voice prompt: your headset is connected When being disconnected,there will be automatic voice prompt: you headset is disconnected. When the battery is low,there wll be voice prompt:battery low.
Voice dialing-On the status of standby, long press " MFB" for about 2 second.
Important:Different mobile phone brands or menu functions, the usage will be different. Please read your phone's manual carefully.
Low power alarm: When the headset is power on,if the battery voltage is lower than 3.3V, there will be a prompt and the red indicator light flashes every 60 seconds.
Low power shutdown-When the headset is power on,if the battery voltage is lower than 3.0V,the headset will shutdown automatically.
Call switching: Call switching between mobile phone and headset: during a call, press " V+" for about 2 seconds, the audio will be switched from the Bluetooth headset to mobile phone; Short press " V+"
for about 2 seconds angin, the audio will be switched from
mobile phone back to the Bluetooth headset.
Handling of the Waste Electrical
本产品或附有如下标识的产品,寿命结束时不应与其它 家庭废物一起处理。
为了防止因废物受理不受控制而可能 使环境或人身健康受到损害,请将本 产品与其他类型的废物分开,并负责 任地回收本产品,以促进可持续地重复利用材料资源。
请与本产品的零售商或当地相关机构联系,了解家庭 用户对电子产品环保回收条例,进行适当的回收。
企业用户应与其供应商联系并检查采购合同的条款和 条件,本产品不应与其他商业废品混在一起处理。
客户服务时间:周一至周六9:00-18:00 (节假日除外)
G18 运动蓝牙耳机说明书 材质:128克铜板纸双面印刷
Service Regulations and Explanation
1.咨询服务:用户在使用产品前,请仔细阅读本产品的使 用说明书。在使用过程中遇到的如何问题,均可与当地 经销商联系,或致电全国统一客服热线 400-881-0138
2.包换服务:包换期内(自购机之日起七日内),正常使用 出现了非人为故障,请保持产品、配件和包装的完整(若 外观不损坏、作保修处理)经检测确认故障后,可选择换 货或维修,用户可到当地授权经销商处)联系并处理。
3.保修服务:保修期内,正常使用出现的非人为故障,均 可享受免费保修服务(主机一年内免费保修,若人为损坏, 作收费维修处理)。
4.收费维修服务:产品在自购机之日起一年到三年内,出 现故障可收费维修,用户需支付维修所产品的元件费、 运输费及人工费。
5.以下情况不在三包范围内,本公司提供有偿服务: ① 超过三包期限 ② 涂改三包凭证,或序列号与产品本身不符 ③ 意外因素或人为导致的产品损坏(如:未按使用说 明书操作、维护或保管,安装错误造成的故障,接入不 合适的电源、进水、摔坏等)
④ 无有效三包凭证和有效发票 (能证明产品确属服务期内者除外)。 ⑤ 因不可抗拒如地震、火灾、水灾、雷击等导致的产品 故障或损坏。 ⑥ 未经本公司许可,擅自拆卸、修理或改装。
1.购机日期以本凭证或购机发票为准,不能提供有效证明的, 以生产日期为准。
5.经销商向您做出的非本公司保证的承诺,本公司不承担任 何责任。
产品型号 经销商名称
Handling of the Waste Electrical
The waste Electrical
This marking shown on the product or its literature indicates that it should not be disposed with o ther household wastes at the end of its working life .
To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separat e this from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse o f material resources.
Household user should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product or their local government office, for details of where and how they can take this it em for environmentally safe recycling.
Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This product should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal.
Service Regulations and Explanation
After service
(A) Service system
1.Consultancies: Please read this user manual carefully before using this product. For any problem during using it, you can contact your seller.
2.Exchange service: within exchange time limit, for any indeliberate error during proper use, making sure the product as well as its accessories and package are all not damaged (if the appearance is damaged, it can only be repaired) you can either have it exchanged for a new one or repaired after the error is tested and examined;
3.Warranty service: within the warranty time limit, for any indelibe­ rate error that occurs during proper use, warranty service is free for no charge (the headphone has warranty service for free within one year; for any deliberate damage, the warranty service should be
4.Charged warranty service: within three years counting from one year after the date the product was purchased, any error repair will be charged; and user should pay the repair components, freight and labor cost.
5.Any of the below situation is not in the warrant y service, but we provide charged service:
① The warranty date is expired; ② The warranty card is altered, or the series number differs from
that of the product;
③ Accidental or deliberate damage is done to the product ( for
example: improper use against the user manual, improper set
up which causes error, plugging in unmatched power, exposed
to water, fallen etc.)
④ cannot provide valid warranty card or invoice ( other but can
prove that it is within the service limit);
⑤ Any error damage caused by force majeure such as
earthquake, fire, flood, lightning strike etc.
⑥ Deliberate assembling, repair or reform without permission from
our company.
(B) Explanation of After Service:
1.The date of purchased should be in accordance with that of the
invoice, any failure to provide the valid proof, is subjected to the production date.
2.Quality problem does not include user’s personal preference to
tone and timbre.
3.The shell and user manual package are exclusive to warranty
4.For the model that production has been stopped, we only provide
functional repair.
5.We are not responsible for any promises by retailer other than
our company.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part
15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.