Sandberg Broadbang Router User Manual

[130-44] Rev. 05.12.03
Broadband Router
System requirements
Internet connection supporting Ethernet, PPPoE or PPTP (with RJ45 connector)
The Sandberg Broadband Router (referred to as the “router”) enables you to connect up to 253 computers together in a network, giving all of them access to e.g. an ADSL
connection. The router has a graphical user interface and can be set up without special­ised knowledge of network technologies.
NB: The router works with ADSL, xDSL, FWA and cable modem connections that support Ethernet, PPPoE or PPTP (using RJ45 connectors). Your Internet service provider will be able to tell you whether your internet connection uses one of these three standards, enabling you to share the connection.
Installing the router
1. Connect the mains plug on the power supply to a mains socket and the small round connector on the power supply to the router. Check that the “Power” lamp lights up.
Connect the WAN port on the router to your existing ADSL/broadband connection using a network cable. You should use a “crossover” cable between ADSL equipment and the router, for example Sandberg product num­ber 502-51.
2. Connect one or more computers to the ports marked 1 to 4 on the router.
3. Start the connected computers.
Setting up the router
To access the router setup, you need to set the computers to be on the same network as the router.
Do this as follows:
1. Click “Start”, “Settings”, “Control
2. Double-click “TCP/IP” and select
3. Click “OK” and close the “Network”
4. Your computer will restart.
The IP address will now be activated.
Panel”. Double-click the “Network”
“Obtain an IP address automati­cally”.
dialog box by clicking “OK”.
1. Click “Start”, then “Settings” and
2. Double-click “LAN Connection”. Click
3. Double-click “TCP/IP” and select
4. Click “OK” and close the “Local Area
The IP address will now be activated.
“Dial-up and Network Connections”.
“Obtain an IP address automati­cally” and “Obtain DNS server ad­dress automatically”.
Connection Properties” dialog box by clicking “OK”.
Windows® XP
1. Click “Start”, “Control Panel”, then “Network and Internet Connec­tions”. Double-click “Network Con­nections”.
2. Double-click “LAN Connection”. Then click “Properties”.
3. Double-click “Internet Protocol (TCP/
IP)” and select “Obtain an IP ad­dress automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically”.
4. Click “OK” in the dialog box and close the “Local Area Connection Proper- ties” dialog box by clicking “OK”.
The IP address will now be activated.
Configuring the Router
1. Start your Internet browser (e.g. Inter­net Explorer
2. Enter “” in the browser’s address bar and press
The wizard for standard router configu­ration will start
1. In the “Username” field, type “admin”.
2. In the “Password” field, type “1234”.
3. If you want this to be remembered next time you log on, check the box “Remember password”. Click “OK”.
4. Click the “Quick Setup” button.
Time Zone Settings
1. Select the appropriate time zone.
2. The field “Time Server Address” allows you to enter the IP address of a time server to set the router clock automati­cally. Enter e.g. “” or “”.
3. If you do not use a time server, you can specify whether the clock should be automatically adjusted for summer/ winter time. Enter the dates for change­over to winter/summer time.
4. Click “Next”.
WAN Type
Enter the type of connection used by the router.
1. Select “Cable modem (Dynamic IP)” if you have a cable modem with dynamic IP.
Host name: Can be set to any name
unless specified by your Internet service provider. The MAC address is automatically set to the MAC address of your cable modem. This should not be changed unless speci­fied by your Internet service provider.
Clone MAC address: This button can
be used to specify the MAC address of the computer’s network card as the actual MAC address of the router.
When your changes are complete, click
“OK”. The router will then confirm the changes. Click “OK”.
Close the window by clicking the cross at
the top right corner.
2. Select “Fixed-IP xDSL” if you have an xDSL or Ethernet connection with fixed IP
IP address assigned by your service
provider: Enter the IP address assigned by your Internet service provider.
Subnet mask: Enter the “subnet mask”
assigned by your Internet service pro­vider.
DNS address: Enter the DNS addresses
assigned by your Internet service pro­vider.
Service provider gateway address:
Enter the “gateway address” assigned by your Internet service provider.
When your changes are complete, click
“OK”. The router will then confirm the changes. Click “OK”.
Close the window by clicking the cross at
the top right corner.
3. Select “Dial-up xDSL (PPPoE)” if you have an xDSL/FWA connection that uses PPPoE.
User name: Enter the username as-
signed by your Internet service provider.
Password: Enter the password assigned
by your Internet service provider.
Service name: Enter the service name
assigned by your Internet service pro­vider. If you have not been assigned a service name by your Internet service provider, this field can be left blank.
MTU (1400-1492): The router will
suggest 1492. You can accept this unless your Internet service provider recommends a different value.
Connection type: There are three
options to choose between: “Continuous” – meaning that the router maintains a permanent connection to your Internet service provider. “Connect on demand” – the router only connects when necessary and discon­nects itself after a set period f time (see
“Idle time”). “Manual” – you activate the connection
through the router yourself when you need it.
Idle time: Sets the period of time after
which the router will disconnect when it is not in use. This function is only used if the “Connection type” is set to “Connect on demand”.
When your changes are complete, click
“OK”. The router will then confirm the changes. Click “OK”.
Close the window by clicking the cross
at the top right corner.
4. Select “PPTP” if you have a connec- tion of this type
NB: This connection is not typically used in
WAN Interface Settings: Set the
router to obtain an IP address automati­cally or enter the IP address, subnet mask and gateway if these have been assigned to you by your Internet service provider.
PPTP Settings: Enter the information
assigned by your Internet service pro­vider in the appropriate fields.
When your changes are complete, click
“OK”. The router will then confirm the changes. Click “OK”.
Close the window by clicking the cross
at the top right corner.
The router is now configured and ready for use.
Lamp indications
LED Colour Status Description
PWR Green On The router is on.
WAN—10/100M Green On
LAN—10/100M Green On
Advanced Setup (General Setup)
Advanced setup enables you to define spe­cific settings for your network’s security policy, data traffic, etc. This requires spe­cialised knowledge, including network tech­nologies and security policies, and is only recommended for users with experience in these areas. These settings are not typically required for standard setup.
100 Mbit/s connection active
10 Mbit/s connection active WAN port connection.
WAN port transmitting data.
No WAN port connection. 100 Mbit/s connection active.
10 Mbit/s connection active.
LAN port connection.
LAN port transmitting data.
No LAN port connection.
1. Start your Internet browser (e.g. Inter­net Explorer®)
2. Enter “” in the browser’s address bar and press “Enter”.
3. In the “Username” field, type “admin”.
4. In the “Password” field, type “1234”.
5. If you want this to be remembered next time you log on, check the box “Remember password”. Click “OK”.
6. Click the “General Setup” button.
Changes the password that gives you
access to the router configuration (“Password Settings”).
Allows you access to the router configu-
ration from a computer outside the local area network (“Remote Management”).
Manually sets the connection type,
which is otherwise set up using “Quick Setup”.
Enables you to set up secondary DNS
Sets up the router’s DHCP server.
Sets up WWW and FTP servers, etc.
(“Port Forwarding” and “Virtual Server”).
Allows the use of special applications,
e.g. MSN Messenger tions” and “ALG Settings”).
(“Special Applica-
Limits router and Internet access to
specific MAC and IP addresses (“Access Control”).
Blocks specific Internet sites (“URL
Blocks some of the most common
hacker attacks (“DoS”).
Omits increased security for one or
more computers (“DMZ”).
Further information on the general setup is available in the English user guide on the accompanying CD-ROM.
If the Internet connection is unstable when using PPPoE:
Try changing the MTU value to 1440, or
contact your Internet service provider for further information.
For further help or assistance in connection with your Sandberg product, see details on the last but one page of these instructions.
Enjoy your new Sandberg Broadband Router.
Sandberg Broadband Router (herefter kaldet ”routeren”) giver dig mulighed for at koble op til 253 computere sammen i et netværk, som alle har adgang til f.eks. en ADSL forbindelse. Opsætningen af routeren er grafisk og kan udføres uden indgående kendskab til netværksteknologier.
Bemærk: Routeren fungerer med ADSL, xDSL, FWA og kabelmodem forbindelse, der understøtter Ethernet, PPPoE eller PPTP
(med RJ45 stik). Din internetudbyder kan oplyse dig om, hvorvidt din internet forbin­delse benytter én af disse 3 standarder og derved giver mulighed for at dele forbindel­sen.
Installation af Routeren
1. Tilslut strømforsyningens strømstik til en stikkontakt og strømforsyningens lille runde stik til routeren. Kontrollér at ”Power” lampen lyser.
Tilslut routerens WAN port til din eksisteren­de ADSL/bredbånds forbindelse med et netværkskabel. Kablet du anvender mellem ADSL udstyr og routeren skal være af typen ”Krydset”/”Crossover”. Her kan du f.eks. vælge Sandbergs varenr. 502-51.
2. Tilslut en eller flere computere til porte­ne mærket 1-4 på routeren.
3. Start de tilsluttede computere.
Opsætning af Routeren
For at få adgang til opsætningen af routeren er det nødvendigt at indstille computerne til at være på samme netværk som routeren.
Dette gøres på følgende måde:
Windows® 98/Me
1. Klik ”Start”, ”Indstillinger”, ”Kontrolpanel”. Dobbeltklik på ikonet ”Netværk”.
2. Dobbeltklik på ”TCP/IP” og vælg ”Hent automatisk en IP-adresse”.
3. Klik ”Ok” og luk dialogboksen
”Netværk” ved at klikke ”Ok”.
4. Computeren genstartes.
Herefter er IP-adressen aktiv.
1. Klik ”Start”, herefter ”Indstillinger”
2. Dobbeltklik på ”LAN-forbindelse”. Klik
3. Dobbeltklik på ”TCP/IP” og vælg
4. Klik ”Ok” og luk dialogboksen
Herefter er IP-adressen aktiv.
1. Klik på ”Start”, ”Kontrolpanel” og
2. Dobbeltklik på ”LAN-forbindelse”. Klik
3. Dobbeltklik på ”Internetprotokol
4. Klik ”Ok” i dialogboksen og luk dialog-
Herefter er IP-adressen aktiv.
og ”Netværks- og opkaldsforbindel­ser”.
”Hent automatisk en IP-adresse” samt ”Hent automatisk en DNS­serveradresse”.
”Egenskaber for LAN-forbindelse” ved at klikke ”Ok”.
”Netværks- og Internetforbindel­ser”. Dobbeltklik på ”Netværksforbindelser”.
herefter på ”Egenskaber”.
(TCP/IP)” og vælg ”Hent automatisk en IP-adresse” samt ”Hent automa­tisk en DNS-serveradresse”.
boksen ”Egenskaber for LAN­forbindelse” ved at klikke ”Ok”.
Konfiguration af routeren
1. Start din internet-browser (f.eks. Inter­net Explorer
2. Indtast ”” i brow- serens adressefelt og tryk ”Enter”.
Herefter starter guiden til standardkon­figurationen af routeren
1. I feltet ”Brugernavn” tastes ”admin”.
2. I feltet ”Password” tastes ”1234”.
3. Ønsker du, at dette skal gemmes til næste gang, du logger på, skal du afkrydse feltet ”Husk adgangskode”. Klik ”OK”.
4. Klik på knappen ”Quick Setup”.
Tidsindstillinger (Time Zone)
1. Angiv den tidszone du befinder dig i.
2. I feltet ”Time Server Address” kan indtastes en IP-adresse til en tids­server, som indstiller uret i routeren automatisk. Indtast f.eks.
”” eller ””.
3. Bruges en tids-server ikke, kan det angives, hvorvidt der skal skiftes mel­lem sommertid og vintertid. Angiv dato for skift til vinter-/sommertid.
4. Klik på ”Next”.
WAN type
Angiv hvilken type forbindelse du kob­ler routeren til.
1. Vælg ”Cable modem (Dynamic IP)” hvis du har et kabelmodem med dynamisk IP.
Host name: Valgfrit med mindre andet
er angivet af din internetudbyder. MAC adressen indstilles automatisk til MAC adressen på dit kabelmodem. Dette
skal ikke ændres, med mindre det er angivet af din internetudbyder.
Clone MAC address: Knappen kan
benyttes for at angive MAC adressen på computerens netkort som den aktuelle MAC adresse på routeren.
Når indstillingerne er ændret klikkes
”OK”. Derefter vil routeren bekræfte ændringerne. Klik ”OK”.
Vinduet kan nu lukkes ved at klikke på
krydset øverst i højre hjørne.
2. Vælg ”Fixed-IP xDSL” hvis du har en xDSL eller Ethernet forbindelse med fast IP
IP address assigned by your service
provider: Indtast IP adressen du har fået oplyst af din internetudbyder.
Subnet mask: Indtast den ”subnet
mask” (undernetmaske) du har fået oplyst af din internetudbyder.
DNS address: Indtast de DNS adresser
du har fået oplyst af din internetudby­der.
Service provider gateway address:
Indtast den ”Gateway adresse” du har fået oplyst af din internetudbyder.
Når indstillingerne er ændret klikkes
”OK”. Derefter vil routeren bekræfte ændringerne. Klik ”OK”.
Vinduet kan nu lukkes ved at klikke på
krydset øverst i højre hjørne.
3. Vælg ”Dial-up xDSL (PPPoE)” hvis du har en xDSL/FWA forbindelse, der bruger PPPoE.
User name: Indtast brugernavnet
leveret af internetudbyder.
Password: Indtast adgangskoden
leveret af internetudbyder.
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