Samwontech TEMP2020 series, TEMP2520, TEMP2320, TEMP2720 Operation Manual

Programmable Controller
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※ This manual applies to TEMP2320, TEMP2520 and TEMP2720.
The model stated the manual content is TEMP2520.
1. Safety Precautions
2. Handling overview
2.1 Initial operation flow ………………………………………………………………………………·· 3
2.2 Setting Buttons ························································································ 4
2.3 Input Keypad ························································································ 5
3. OPERATION setting
3.1 MAIN MENU screen ………………………………………………………………………………·· 8
3.2 FIX Operation ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9
3.3 PROGRAM Operation ……………………………………………………………………………· 16
3.4 FIX and PROGRAM Operation …………………………………………………………………… 23
3.5 AUTO TUNING screen ……………………………………………………………………………· 27
3.6 AUTO TUNING and TUNING POINT ……………………………………………………………· 32
4.1 Operation mode & Functions …………………………………………………………………… 33
4.2 FUZZY function …………………………………………………………………………………·· 35
4.3 SP SLOPE function ………………………………………………………………………………·· 36
5. PROGRAM setting
5.1 Program PATTERN setting ……………………………………………………………………… 38
5.2 REPEAT operation ………………………………………………………………………………·· 46
5.3 Pattern FILE EDIT …………………………………………………………………………………·· 47
5.4 TIME SIGNAL ……………………………………………………………………………………… 49
5.5 WAIT function ……………………………………………………………………………………… 52
5.6 PATTERN NAME input ……………………………………………………………………………· 54
6. GRAPH & REC. setting
6.1 PATTERN GRAPH VIEW …………………………………………………………………………· 55
6.2 TREND GRAPH view & DATA processing ……………………………………………………… 58
6.3 Recording TREND GRAPH on Internal Memory ……………………………………………··60
6.4 DATA Transmission with SD memory card …………………………………………………… 61
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7.1 Screen Display setting ……………………………………………………………………………· 62
7.2 DI ERROR HISTORY ………………………………………………………………………………·· 64
8. RESERVE OPERATION setting ……………………………………………………………………………· 66
9. USER SCREEN setting
9.1 USER SCREEN viewer ……………………………………………………………………………· 68
9.2 Creating BMP File for USER SCREEN image ………………………………………………·· 69
10. Communication Errors massage ………………………………………………………………·· 70
* Engineering Units
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1 Safety Precautions
Thank you for purchasing TEMP2520, programmable controller. This Operation Manual describes operating procedures of the TEMP2520 controller.
(A) Symbolizes ‘Caution’ and ‘Warnning’. The information with this symbol is especially important
for preventing from user injury and protecting the product and system.
(1) Product : This symbol indicates an imminently hazardous situation which if not
avoided, will result in serious injury or system damage.
(2) Operating Manual : This symbol indicates potential hazard that may cause personal
injury by electrical shock.
(B) Symbolizes ‘Protective Earth (PE) Terminal.’
This symbol indicates that the terminal must be connected to the Ground prior to operating.
(C) Symbolizes ‘Supplementary Explanation.’
The information with this symbol describes additional explanation for features.
(D) Symbolizes ‘Reference.’
This symbol indicates further information and page to refer.
Precautionary Remarks on this Operation Manual
(A) This manual should be passed on the End- User and kept at a suitable place for easy review
in time. (B) Read and understand this Operation Manual carefully before using the product. (C) This Operation Manual describes functions and features of the product in detail, and
SAMWONTECH can not guarantee against over applications would suit a customer’s
particular purpose which is not described in this manual. (D) Unauthorized duplication and modification of this Operation Manual are strongly prohibited. (E) The contents of this manual may be modified without prior notice. (F) If any errors or omissions in this manual should come to the attention of the user, feel free to
contact our sales representatives or our sales office.
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Precautions for Safety and Unauthorized Modification
(A) For protecting and ensuring the safety of this product and relevant system, all of the safety
instructions and precautions should be well recognized and strictly observed by all users. (B) SAMWONTECH does not guarantee against damage resulting from unauthorized alteration,
misuse, or abuse. (C) When using additional safety circuit or part such as Noise Filter to protect this product and
relevant system, it is strongly required to install that to outside of this product. Additional
installation and modification inside of this product are prohibited. (D) Do not try to disassemble, repair, or modify the product. It may become the cause of a
trouble such as malfunction, electric shock, fire. (E) Contact our sales dept. for part replacement or consumables. (F) Keep the product away from water inflowing. This may become a critical cause of trouble. (G) External shock on the product may lead to damage and malfunction.
Limitation of Liability
(A) SAMWONTECH does not guarantee or accept responsibility for this product other than the
clauses stated in our warranty policy. (B) SAMWONTECH assumes no liability to any party for any loss or damage, direct or indirect,
caused by the use or any unpredictable defect of the product.
Warranty Policy
(A) Warranty term of this TEMP2520 is one year after delivery to the first purchaser for being free
of defects in materials and faulty workmanship under the condition that the product has been
applied according to this manual. (B) The repairing cost will be charged for defective product out of warranty period. This charge
will be the actual cost estimated by SAMWONTECH. (C) Repairing cost may be charged even if within warranty period for following cases.
(1) Damage due to USER FAULT (Ex.: Product initialization by password loss) (2) Damage due to natural disaster (Ex.: fire, flood) (3) Damage due to additional removal and re-installation after the first one. (4) Damage due to unauthorized disassemble, modification and alternation. (5) Damage due to unexpected power failure caused unstable power supply. (6) Others
(D) If any A/S is required, feel free to contact our sales office or a representative.
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2 Handling overview
▶ This product is Programmable Controller configured with Interactive Touch Screen type, which is
designed for user convenience.
2.1 Initial operation flow
▶ Supplying the power after completing installation correctly, loading screen will appear for loading time
then Initial Logo screen will be displayed. The screen will automatically progress to the STOP screen.
☞ It takes around 22 seconds for loading.
▶ Press the
(MAIN) button at the top right hand corner on PROGRAM STOP screen, to move to the
MAIN MENU where the general parameter group located.
▶ Initial Logo screen can be changed as user want. Refer to the [13. INITIAL SETTING] on [Installation
Manual] for how to change initial logo.
Loading screen Initial Logo screen
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2.2 Setting Buttons
▶ [Table2-1] describes Basic Setting Buttons.
Table 2-1. Basic Set Button
Button Type Description
Touch “Set Parameter” part at FIX STOP/RUN Screen, and is used to set desired parameter.
Touch “Pattern No” part at Program Stop Screen, and is used to
set desired Pattern Number by user.
Button to set target Set Point of humidity, located at the Low left side of OPERATRION screen. Input Keypad will appear
Button to set general numerical and alphabetical value. Input Keypad will appear.
Button to set target Set Point of temperature and humidity, and process time for each segment on [5.1 Program PATTERN]. Input Keypad will appear.
Button to select on of several modes or options. (ON / OFF / INACTIVE)
Button to set whether or not to use each parameter. (ON / OFF / INACTIVE)
Screen move button to move to the next / previous Screen in the same group.
Page move button to move to the next / previous Page in the same screen.
Paragraph move button to move to the next / previous Paragraph by time base in the same page.
Button to display first / last section of recorded trend data graph on [6.2 TREND GRAPH view & DATA processing].
Button to move the view point up / down by 1 dot point of recorded trend data graph on [6.2 TREND GRAPH view & DATA processing].
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2.3 Input Keypad
▶ When you pressing the
button, the following Input Keypad appears and the required data value
can be set by using this Input Keypad.
▶ If the setting value is out of the available range, ‘LIMIT ERROR’ message will appear with a ‘BEEP’
sound and input will be rejected.
① Numeric Keypad to input numerical values
② Alpha- Numeric Keypad to input Pattern name or DI error name
☞ For DI ERROR name, refer to the [11.2 DI ERROR NAME] on [Installation Manual].
③ TIME SIGNAL setting Keypad
④ Input Key to set Seg Alarm (Segment Alarm)
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⑤ Input Key to set Aux. Output
☞ Refer to Aux. Output in [Control & Transmit Output] in [Installation Manual] for Aux. Output setup.
⑥ User tag Input key for CH1, CH2
⑦ LIMIT ERROR message when out of available rage
KEY LOCK Release
▶ Setting operation through Input Keypad can be performed after releasing KEY LOCK function
switch ON to OFF.
☞ For further information, refer to [4. FUNCTION & FIX OPERATION setting].
2.3.1 Setting input validity test
▶ TEMP2500 confirms key input process and its validity of value by sound.
☞ ‘Beep’ : indicates key input accessed normally within available range. ☞ ‘Three Beeps’ : indicates key input denied.
Precautions in Operation
▶ Do not press the setting buttons with a sharp object (ex. pencil). This may lead to damage or
malfunction of the touch panel.
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2.3.2 Set Point input
▶ All Set Points can be set by using above mentioned numeric, alpha-numeric and Time Signal setting
▶ Numeric Input Keypad will appear with pressing
button to input Set Point. ▶ For the TIME SIGNAL setting Keypad, refer to [5.4 TIME SIGNAL]. ▶ For DI ERROR name, refer to the [11.2 DI ERROR NAME] on [Installation Manual].
▶ Description of Numeric Input Keypad
① Displays ‘Parameter Name’ of Input Keypad. ② Displays available range. ③ Displays new Set Point. If the Set Point is out of range, ‘LIMIT ERROR’ message will appear. ④ Escape button to cancel and disappear Input Keypad. ⑤ Enter button to accept new set point and disappear Input Keypad. ⑥ Button to input decimal point. ⑦ Button to input negative or positive number. (+/-). ⑧ BackSpace button to delete one numeral of Set Point at a time. ⑨ Clear button to delete the entire Set Point. ⑩ Displays original Set Point.
Ex.) How to input Set Point
▶ The following describes how to change Set Point 49.40 to -12.5.
→ Press the
button to pop up Numeric Input Keypad.
→ Press the numbers by the order (①→②→③→④→⑤). If setting is OK, press ENTER key(⑥).
① ②
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3. OPERATION setting
3.1 MAIN MENU screen
MAIN MENU screen is organized into six sections. This MAIN MENU screen is the central gate way screen to move into Low parameter section
▶ Press the (MAIN) button to move to this MAIN MENU screen.
No. Instructions Description
Section for display recoding data graph and its setting for SD card operation.
Operation status section to start, display and set main operation parameters.
Function section to set parameters for additional operation function and mode
PROGRAM SET Program setting section organized into 6 groups
RESERVE SET Time section to set current time and scheduled operation.
Move to set Display Brightness Control, PV Font, Buzzer Sound Use/Unuse, Backlight Power Save screen.
[Figure 3-1] Main Menu Screen
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3.2 FIX Operation
3.2.1 FIX STOP screen
▶ Under setting ‘FIX’ operation for ‘OPERATION MODE’ on [4. FUNCTION & FIX OPERATION setting], when
you press [OPER. SCREEN] button on the MAIN MENU screen, this FIX STOP screen will appear. ▶ [Figure 3-2] is displayed when “ASYNCH OPER” is selected at [4. FUNCTION & FIX OPERATION]. ▶ [Figure 3-3] is displayed when “SYNCH OPER” is selected at [4. FUNCTION & FIX OPERATION].
[Figure 3-2] FIX STOP screen (ASYNCH)
[Figure 3-3] FIX STOP screen (SYNCH)
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▶ CH1. CH2 SET VALUE input method is as follows. ▶ Input Key is displayed when touch “SET POINT” in the screen to enter set value.
Table 3-1. FIX STOP Screen Parameter
Parameter Range Unit Default
CH1 Set Point(SP) CH1.EU(0.0 ~ 100.0%) CH1.EU CH1.EU(0.0%)
CH2 Set Point (SP) CH2.EU(0.0 ~ 100.0%) CH2.EU CH2.EU(0.0%)
※ CH1,CH2.EU : Sensor Input Value Range ※ Refer to [Engineering Unit]
[Figure 3-4] CH1, CH2 Set Value Input Screen
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3.2.2 The 1st FIX RUN screen
▶ This screen displays Process Value, Set Point, Control Output and Lamp Operation Status. ▶ Set Point Input Key is displayed during operation when touch “SP” part. ▶ Able to select Asynch/Synch Operation at [4. F UNCTION & FIX OPERATION]. ▶ Asynch Operation has individual STOP/RUN button, and user can STOP/RUN the required Channel. ▶ Following is the RUN Screen for CH1, CH2.
① Displays CH1 operation status.
☞ The arrow rotates clockwise during operation. ② Displays CH1 Set Point. ③ Red status lamp in CH1 indicates “ON”, and dark gray for “OFF” status.
☞ Status Lamp can be set at [SYSTEM INITIAL SET Screen] in [Installation Manual].
☞ Up to 20 Status lamp per channel can be set at [SYSTEM INITIAL SET Screen], and only 16 status
lamps are displayed at [The 1
FIX RUN screen]. ☞ Only 8 Status lamps are displayed when User Tag is set. ☞ [The 2
FIX RUN screen] displays all 20 lamps that are set.
④ Displays CH1 operation status.
☞ The arrow rotates clockwise during operation.
[Figure 3-5] The 1st FIX RUN screen (Asynch)
[Figure 3-6] The 1st FIX RUN screen (Synch)
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⑤ Displays CH2 Set Point.. ⑥ Red status lamp in CH2 indicates “ON”, and dark gray for “OFF” status.
☞ Status Lamp can be set at [SYSTEM INITIAL SET Screen] in [Installation Manual]. ☞ Up to 20 Status lamp per channel can be set at [SYSTEM INITIAL SET Screen], and only 16 status
lamps are displayed at [The 1
FIX RUN screen]. ☞ Only 8 Status lamps are displayed when User Tag is set. ☞ [The 2
FIX RUN screen] displays all 20 lamps that are set.
⑦ Indicate current Date/Time, and LCD screen turned off when pressing this button.
☞ Red Lamp is turned on when pressing Date/Time button at RUN STOP Screen. ☞ Green Lamp is turned on when pressing Date/Time button at RUN Screen. ☞ Green Lamp is turned on when pressing Date/Time button when one only one channel is running.
⑧ Move to [Figure 3-1 MAIN MENU] screen.
☞ Display Keypad to enter Password when set Main Button Restriction. ☞ Refer to [Figure. 4-2].
⑨ Move to next screen from current screen. ⑩ STOP/RUN Screen of CH1.
☞ Able to STOP/RUN individually.
⑪ USER-KEY button.
☞ To remove this U-KEY button from this screen, refer to [13. INITIAL SETTING] on [Installation Manual]. ☞ For using this U-KEY, set available relay number at ‘USER KEY SIGNAL’ on [DO CONFIG] in [SYSTEM
Ex.) Used for Chamber Lamp Output ON/OFF, etc.
☞ Assigned Relay operates when pressing “USER” button from FIX & PROGRAM STOP/RUN screen.
⑫ STOP/RUN Button of CH2.
☞ Able to STOP/RUN individually.
⑬ Displays CH1 control output value. ⑭ Displays CH2 control output value. ⑮ Displays CH1, CH2 User Tag.
☞ User Tag and Name Set can be made at [7.1 DISPLAY SET].
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3.2.3 The 2nd FIX RUN screen
▶ This screen displays Process Value, Set Point, Control Output and Lamp Operation Status. ▶ Set Point Input Key is displayed during operation when touch “SP” part. ▶ Pressing the STOP/RUN button during Synch Operation will move to CH1, CH2 STOP/RUN operation. ▶ Following screen is CH1 explanation, and CH2 is same as CH1 operation.
① Indicate current Process Value. ② Indicate PID Group number currently applied.
☞ Able to check applied PID Group at [PID GROUP] in [Installation Manual].
③ Move to CH1 or CH2 Screen. ④ Run or Release AUTO TUNING to current Set Value.
☞ Able to set Tuning Button Yes/No from [PID GROUP] in [Installation Manual].
※ ④ Button is not displayed at FIX OPERATION STOP Screen.
[Figure 3-7] The 2nd FIX RUN screen (CH1)
[Figure 3-8] The 2nd FIX RUN screen (CH2)
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3.2.4 The 3rd FIX RUN screen
▶ Following screen explains for CH1, and it is same for CH2. ▶ Left side of screen indicates Process Value, Set Point, Control Output Value. ▶ (
) Check Box set whether to display Data on the Screen.
▶ Press the
(RECORD) button on the right hand side to record trend data established at ① of current
program operation, and it starts recording with activating (RECORD) button.
▶ All data stored in internal memory will be wiped out by POWER OFF.
☞ Store all important recorded data to SD card before POWER OFF. ☞ Refer to [6.2 TREND GRAPH view & DATA processing].
※ While the data is recording into internal memory, that can not be downloaded to SD card.
① Indicate current operating Process Value, Set Point and Control Output Value of CH1, CH2. ② Displays available internal memory volume.
☞ About 25days can be saving on 1 second of sampling time.
③ Move to CH1 or CH2 screen
④ This is button to store current operating Process Value, Set Point and Control Output Value of CH1,
CH2 into internal memory.
⑤ Clear button to wipe out all data stored to internal memory.
[[Figure 3-9] The 3rd FIX RUN Screen
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▶ Fix Operation stops running with following “TIME OPERATION END” message when the time set for CH1
☞ “TIME SET RUN” can be set same for CH1, CH2, but its running start time may be different because
they operate individually. ▶ However, this message will not appear if the operation is stopped by force pressing ‘STOP’ button. ▶ That message will disappear with pressing any part of touch screen.
☞ This also applies to PROGRAM STOP FIX OPERATION STOP Screen (Asynch)
▶ This is CH1, CH2 Time Set Operation completed screen. ▶ There is completion time difference between CH1 and CH2 according to the Time Set Operation. FIX OPERATION STOP Screen (Synch)
▶ This is CH1, CH2 Time Set Operation completed screen. ▶ There is completion time difference between CH1 and CH2 according to the Time Set Operation.
[Figure 3-10] FIX OPERATION STOP Screen (Asynch)
[Figure 3-11] FIX OPERATION STOP Screen (Synch)
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3.3 PROGRAM Operation
3.3.1 PROGRAM STOP screen
▶ Under setting ‘PROG’ operation at CH1, CH2 ‘OPERATION MODE’ on [4. FUNCTION & FIX OPERATION
setting], when you press [OPER. SCREEN] section on the MAIN MENU screen, this PROGRAM STOP
screen will appear. ▶ [Figure 3-11] is displayed when “Asynch Operation” is selected at [4. FUNCTION & FIX OPERATION]. ▶ [Figure 3-12] is displayed when “Synch Operation” is selected at [4. FUNCTION & FIX OPERATION]. ▶ For program settings, refer to [5. Program PATTERN]. ▶ Press the
(RUN) button on [Figure 3-12 PROGRAM STOP screen] to start running operation and
move to [Figure 3-15 The 1
[Figure 3-12] PROGRAM STOP Screen (Asynch)
[Figure 3-13] PROGRAM STOP Screen (Synch)
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▶ Following is the method to input CH1. CH2 pattern number. ▶ Input Key is displayed when touching “PATTERN NUMBER FOR OPER” area for pattern number input.
Table 3-2. PROGRAM STOP Screen Parameter
Parameter Range Unit Default
CH1 Pattern No. 1~40 ABS 1
CH2 Pattern No. 1~40 ABS 1
※ Caution for Program Operation
▶ The Operation does not run when the displayed Pattern Number does not includes program.
☞ Refer to [5.1 PATTERN SET].
[Figure 3-14] CH1, CH2 Pattern Number Input Screen
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3.3.2 The 1st PROGRAM RUN screen
▶ Displays Process Value, Set Point, Control Output and Lamp Operation Status. ▶ It is unable to set Pattern Number during operation. ▶ Able to set Asynch/Synch Operation at [4. FUNCTION & FIX OPERATION]. ▶ Asynch operation has individual CH1, CH2 RUN/STOP button, and user can run any required channel. ▶ RUN screen for CH1, CH2.
① Displays CH1 operation status.
☞ The arrow rotates clockwise during operation. ② Displays CH1 Segment Set Point. ③ Red status lamp in CH1 indicates “ON”, and dark gray for “OFF” status.
☞ Status Lamp can be set at [SYSTEM INITIAL SET Screen] in [Installation Manual].
☞ Up to 20 Status lamp per channel can be set at [SYSTEM INITIAL SET Screen], and only 16 status
lamps are displayed at [The 1
PROGRAM RUN Screen]. ☞ Only 8 Status lamps are displayed when User Tag is set. ☞ [The 2
PROGRAM RUN Screen] displays all 20 lamps that are set.
④ Displays CH2 operation status.
☞ The arrow rotates clockwise during operation.
⑤ Displays CH2 Segment Set Point.
[Figure 3-15] The 1st PROGRAM RUN Screen (Asynch)
[Figure 3-16] The 1st PROGRAM RUN Screen (Synch)
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⑥ Red status lamp in CH2 indicates “ON”, and dark gray for “OFF” status.
☞ Status Lamp can be set at [SYSTEM INITIAL SET Screen] in [Installation Manual]. ☞ Up to 20 Status lamp per channel can be set at [SYSTEM INITIAL SET Screen], and only 16 status
lamps are displayed at [The 1
PROGRAM RUN Screen]. ☞ Only 8 Status lamps are displayed when User Tag is set. ☞ [The 2
PROGRAM RUN Screen] displays all 20 lamps that are set.
⑦ Displays current Date/Time, and LCD screen disappears when touching this area.
☞ Red Lamp is turned on when pressing Date/Time button at RUN STOP Screen. ☞ Green Lamp is turned on when pressing Date/Time button at RUN Screen. ☞ Green Lamp is turned on when pressing Date/Time button when one only one channel is running.
⑧ Move to [Figure 3-1 MAIN MENU] screen.
☞ Display Keypad to enter Password when set Main Button Restriction. ☞ Refer to [Figure. 4-2].
⑨ Move to next screen from current screen. ⑩ STOP/RUN Screen of CH1.
☞ Able to STOP/RUN individually.
⑪ USER-KEY button.
☞ To remove this U-KEY button from this screen, refer to [13. INITIAL SETTING] on [Installation Manual]. ☞ For using this U-KEY, set available relay number at ‘USER KEY SIGNAL’ on [DO CONFIG] in [SYSTEM
Ex.) Used for Chamber Lamp Output ON/OFF, etc.
☞ Assigned Relay operates when pressing “USER” button from FIX & PROGRAM STOP/RUN screen.
⑫ STOP/RUN Button of CH2.
☞ Able to STOP/RUN individually.
⑬ Displays CH1 control output value. ⑭ Displays CH2 control output value. ⑮ Displays CH1, CH2 User Tag.
☞ User Tag and Name Set can be made at [7.1 DISPLAY SET].
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3.3.3 The 2nd PROGRAM RUN screen
▶ Displays Process Value, Set Point, Control Output and Lamp Operation Status. ▶ CH1, CH2 STOP/RUN when pressing STOP/RUN button during Sync Operation
① Displays current Process Value. ② Displays current running Program Pattern number and Segment Number. ③ Displays Pattern Repeat status.
☞ [PATTERN REPEAT: 000/000] Former number indicates repeated number, and latter indicates repeat
set value.
④ Displays Segment Repeat status.
☞ [SEGMENT REPEAT: 00/00] Former number indicates repeated number, and latter indicates repeat
set value.
⑤ Displays current Aux Output.
☞ Able to select from [4.1 CONTROL OUTPUT SET] in [Installation Manual]. ☞ AUX Out set can be made from [5.1 PROGRAM PATTERN SET].
⑥ Displays currently applying PID Group number.
☞ Able to check applied PID Group from [PID GROUP] in [Installation Manual].
⑦ Displays progress time and set time which is under progress.
⑥ ⑦ ⑧
[Figure. 3-17] The 2
[Figure 3-18] The 2nd PROGRAM RUN Screen (CH2)
+ 52 hidden pages