Samwontech TEMP2000 Series, TEMP2300, TEMP2500, TEMP2700 Communications Manual

Programmable Controller
※ This manual applies to TEMP2300, TEMP2500 and TEMP2700.
The model stated the manual content is TEMP2500.
1. Safety Precautions …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
2. Communication Specifications ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
3. Communication Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
4. Wiring for Communication ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
5. Communication Command ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
6. MODBUS Protocol ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
7. D-REGISTER Description ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
▪ D-REGISTER table …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50
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1. Safety Precautions
Thank you for purchasing TEMP2500, programmable controller. This Communcation Manual describes communication of the TEMP2500 controller.
(A) Symbolizes ‘Caution’ and ‘Warning’. The information with this symbol is especially
(B) Symbolizes ‘Protective Earth (PE) Terminal.’
(C) Symbolizes ‘Supplementary Explanation.’
(D) Symbolizes ‘Reference.’
This symbol indicates further information and page to refer.
important for preventing from user injury and protecting the product and system.
(1) Product : This symbol indicates an imminently hazardous situation which if not
avoided, will result in serious injury or system damage.
(2) Communication Manual : This symbol indicates potential hazard that may cause personal
This symbol indicates that the terminal must be connected to the Ground prior to operating.
The information with this symbol describes additional explanation for features.
injury by electrical shock.
Precautionary Remarks on this Communication Manual
(A) This manual should be passed on the End- User and kept at a suitable place for easy review in
time. (B) Read and understand this Communication Manual carefully before using the product. (C) This Communication Manual describes functions and features of the product in detail, and
SAMWONTECH can not guarantee against over applications would suit a customer’s particular
purpose which is not described in this manual. (D) Unauthorized duplication and modification of this Communication Manual are strongly
prohibited. (E) The contents of this manual may be modified without prior notice. (F) If any errors or omissions in this manual should come to the attention of the user, feel free
to contact our sales representatives or our sales office.
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Precautions for Safety and Unauthorized Modification
(A) For protecting and ensuring the safety of this product and relevant system, all of the safety
instructions and precautions should be well recognized and strictly observed by all users. (B) SAMWONTECH does not guarantee against damage resulting from unauthorized alteration, misuse,
or abuse. (C) When using additional safety circuit or part such as Noise Filter to protect this product and
relevant system, it is strongly required to install that to outside of this product.
Additional installation and modification inside of this product are prohibited. (D) Do not try to disassemble, repair, or modify the product. It may become the cause of a trouble
such as malfunction, electric shock, fire. (E) Contact our sales dept. for part replacement or consumables. (F) Keep the product away from water inflowing. This may become a critical cause of trouble. (G) External shock on the product may lead to damage and malfunction.
Limitation of Liability
(A) SAMWONTECH does not guarantee or accept responsibility for this product other than the clauses
stated in our warranty policy. (B) SAMWONTECH assumes no liability to any party for any loss or damage, direct or indirect,
caused by the use or any unpredictable defect of the product.
Warranty Policy
(A) Warranty term of this TEMP2500 is one year after delivery to the first purchaser for being
free of defects in materials and faulty workmanship under the condition that the product has
been applied according to this manual. (B) The repairing cost will be charged for defective product out of warranty period. This charge
will be the actual cost estimated by SAMWONTECH. (C) Repairing cost may be charged even if within warranty period for following cases.
(1) Damage due to USER FAULT (Ex.: Product initialization by password loss). (2) Damage due to natural disaster (Ex.: fire, flood). (3) Damage due to additional removal and re-installation after the first one. (4) Damage due to unauthorized disassembles, modification and alternation. (5) Damage due to unexpected power failure caused unstable power supply. (6) Others
(D) If any A/S is required, feel free to contact our sales office or a representative.
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2. Communication Specification
The TEMP2500 controller provides Half-Duplex method support on RS232C and RS485 communication interface.
- RS232C interface supports 1:1 direct communication between host computer on network system and TEMP2500.
- RS485 interface supports to connect upper level network system with up to 31 slave TEMP2500 controller.
█ Parameters for communication setting
Parameter Range Description
PCLINK Default protocol
■ Factory default value
• BPS 9600 bps
• STOP BIT 1 (1 bit)
• DATA LENGTH 8 (8 bits)
PCLINK+SUM Default protocol + CheckSum MODBUS ASC MODBUS ASCII MODBUS RTU MODBUS RTU 9600 9600 bps 19200 19200 bps 38400 38400 bps 57600 57600 bps 115200 115200 bps NONE None Parity EVEN Even Parity ODD Odd Parity 1 1 bit 2 2 bits 7 7 bits 8 8 bits
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3. Communication setting
TEMP2500 provides flexible communication interface RS232C or RS485 from Control Unit directly.
After detaching BACK COVER from Control Unit shown as [Figure-1], communication interface between RS232C
and RS485 can be selected with socket and pin-header on power board of Control Board.
It is recommended to use tool like tweezers for setting socket to pin-header correctly.
Make sure setup completed correctly.
Control Unit BACK COVER
ⓑ Pull down
[Figure-1] Control Unit
[Figure-2] Communication Interface setting
Do not disassemble Power board from Control Unit case during setting comm. interface. It is recommended to use tool like tweezers for setting comm. interface. Make sure setup completed correctly.
ⓐ Push
Power board
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4. Wiring for Communication
Connector wiring between TEMP2500 and network system depends on communication interface setting (RS232C/RS485)
█ Modular Connector Pin-Mapping for COM2 port
6 5 4 3 2 1
6 5 4 3 2 1
Description of Modular Connector Pin-Mapping for COM2 port
PIN no.
1 Transmit Data TxD Receive/Transmit Data - RTX­2 Receive Data RxD Receive/Transmit Data + RTX+ 3 Signal Ground SG Signal Ground SG 4 - - - ­5 - - - ­6 - - - -
RS232C RS485
Signal Symbol Signal Symbol
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6 Pin connector wiring for RS232C interface
Shielded Cable
6 Pin connector wiring for RS485 interface
Shielded Cable
Up to 31 slave TEMP2500 controllers can be connected to a master device by multi-drop networking.
Make sure to install 200Ω(1/4W) resistor on Last Leg at both end of terminal Slave and Master(PC, PLC).
Master Station
Master Station
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5. Communication Command
5.1 The Frame Structure of standard protocol
The frame structure of protocol transmitting upper-level network system to TEMP2500
STX Address Command , Data SUM CR LF
① Protocol Header
The beginning of communication command with STX (Start of Text), ASCII string with 0x02.
② Slave TEMP2500 Address
Slave unit address of TEMP2500.
③ Command
Function Command for communication. (Refer to 5.2 ~ 5.10).
④ Delimiter
Symbolize to separate Command and Data by Comma. (',')
⑤ Data
Formal text strings regulated by communication command rule.
⑥ Check Sum
-‘SUM' protocol is a more sophisticated one which includes Check Sum as an error check.
- Check Sum is calculated as following.
1) Add the ASCII code of characters from the character next to STX one by one up to the character prior to SUM
2) Represent the lowest one byte of the sum as a hexadecimal notation (2 characters).
⑦, ⑧ Protocol Tail
ASCII code to close communication command by indicating CR(0xOD) and LF(0xOA).
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█ Example for SUM
To read the consecutively D-Register from D0001 (NPV) to D0005 (MVOUT)
- Rrquest : [stx]01RSD,05,0001[cr][lf]
- Rrquest (with CheckSum) : [stx]01RSD,05,0001C8[cr][lf]
☞ As shown below, hexa decimal value adding each text at 01RSD,05,0001 by ASCII code is 2C8, and lower
digit 2 characters C8 will be used for CheckSum.
Text 0 1 R S D , 0 5 , 0 0 0 1
Ascii value 30 31 52 53 44 2C 30 35 2C 30 30 30 31
█ ASCII Table
0 NUL DLE SPACE 0 @ P ` p 1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q 2 STX DC2 2 B R b r 3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s 4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t
5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u 6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v 7 BEL ETB 7 G W g w 8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x 9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y A LF SUB * : J Z j z B VT ESC + ; K [ k { C FF FS , < L ¥ l | D CR GS - = M ] m } E SO RS . > N ^ n ~ F SI US / ? O _ o DEL
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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5.2 Type of Communication Command
Two types of commands are provided on TEMP2500. One is general READ/WRITE command to read and write information on D-Register, and the other is Reference command to read self-information of TEMP2500.
▣ Reference Command
Command Description
AMI Displays model name and Version-Revision of TEMP2500
▣ Read/Write Command
Command Description
RSD Read data in consecutive D-Register in sequence (Read) RRD Read data in arbitrary single D-Register (Read) WSD Write data in consecutive D-Register in sequence (Write) WRD Write data in arbitrary single D-Register (Write) STD Register arbitrary single address to monitor (D-Register Monitoring Set) CLD Read data in address registered by STD command (D-Register Monitoring Call)
Each Command can read or write up to 64 D-Register and all of the SED/CLD data will be reset by power OFF,
so the data should be registered again.
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5.3 ERROR Response
When an Error occurs during communication, TEMP2500 transmits a frame as following.
bytes 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
Frame STX Address NG Error Code SUM CR LF
▣ Description of Error Code
Error Code Description Remarks
01 Invalid Command setting 02 Invalid D-Register setting
04 Data Setting Error
08 Invalid Format configuration
11 CheckSum Error 12 Monitoring Command Error No setup Monitoring Command 00 Other Errors
Invalid text data input
(Available 0~9, A~F : hexadecimals)
▪ Different command format with designated ▪ Differnet number of setting with designated
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5.4 RSD Command
RSD Command is used to read data in a part of D-Register by consecutive address in sequence.
▣ Request Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 2 1 1
Frame STX Address RSD ,
▣ Response Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 1
Frame STX Address RSD , OK , Data - 1 ,
, D-Reg. SUM CR LF
1 4 2 1 1
, Data - n SUM CR LF
▪ Count Number : 1 ~ 64 ▪ Data : Hexa-decimal 16bit string 4 character with no decimal point
◈ Example
To read the D-Register FROM D0001 (NPV) TO D0003 (NSP)
- Request : [stx]01RSD,03,0001[cr][lf]
- Request (with CheckSum) : [stx]01RSD,03,0001C6[cr][lf] ([stx] = 0x02, [cr] = 0x0d, [lf] = 0x0a)
Response data will be same as below, when 50.0 of D0001 (NPV) and 30.0 of D0003 (NSP)
- Response : [stx]01RSD,OK,01F4,0000,012C[cr][lf]
- Response (with CheckSum) : [stx]01RSD,OK,01F4,0000,012C05[cr][lf]
Converting procedure 4digits hexadecimal response to decimal value.
Radix conversion (Decimalize) : 01F4(hexadecimal) → 500(decimal) Multiply factor (decimal point) : 500 * 0.1 → 50.0
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5.5 RRD Command
RRD Command is used to read data in arbitrary single D-Register.
▣ Request Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 1
Frame STX Address RRD ,
▣ Response Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 1
Frame STX Address RRD , OK , Data - 1 ,
, D-Reg.- 1 ,
1 4 2 1 1
, D-Reg.- n SUM CR LF
1 4 2 1 1
, Data - n SUM CR LF
▪ Count Number : 1 ~ 64 ▪ Data : Hexa-decimal 16bit string 4 character with no decimal point
◈ Example
To read the D-Register D0001 (NPV) and D0003 (NSP)
- Request : [stx]01RRD,02,0001,0003[cr][lf]
- Request (with CheckSum) : [stx]01RRD,02,0001,0003B3[cr][lf]
Response data will be same as below, when 50.0 of D0001 (NPV) and 30.0 of D0003 (NSP)
- Response : [stx]01RRD,OK,01F4,012C[cr][lf]
- Response (with CheckSum) : [stx]01RRD,OK,01F4,012C18[cr][lf]
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5.6 WSD Command
WSD command is used to write data to a part of D-Register by consecutive address in sequence.
▣ Request Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 1 4
Frame STX Address WSD ,
▣ Response Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1
Frame STX Address WSD , OK SUM CR LF
1 1 4 2 1 1
, , Data - n SUM CR LF
, D-Reg. , Data - 1
▪ Count Number : 1 ~ 64 ▪ Data : Hexa-decimal 16bit string 4 character with no decimal point
◈ Example
To write data to the D-Register FROM D0115 (TEMI.OP_H) TO D0116 (TEMI.OP_M) on FIX mode operation
- Setting TIME.OP_H : 99Hour → Hexadecimalize (0x0063)
- Setting TIME.OP_M : 50Min → Hexadecimalize (0x0032)
- Request : [stx]01WSD,02,0115,0063,0032[cr][lf]
- Request(with CheckSum) : [stx]01WSD,02,0115,0063,0032B6[cr][lf]
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5.7 WRD Command
WRD Command is used to write data in arbitrary single D-Register.
▣ Request Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 1 4
Frame STX Address WRD ,
1 1 4 1 4 2 1 1
, , D-Reg. - n , Data - n SUM CR LF
▣ Response Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1
Frame STX Address WRD , OK SUM CR LF
, D-Reg.- 1 , Data - 1
▪ Count Number : 1 ~ 64 ▪ Data : Hexa-decimal 16bit string 4 character with no decimal point
◈ Examlpe
To write 50.0 ℃ into the D0104(TSP) and 0.5 ℃ into the D0110(SLOPE) on FIX mode operation.
- Setting TSP : 50.0 ℃ → Remove decimal point (500) → Hexadecimalize (0x01F4)
- Setting SLOPE : 0.5 ℃ → Remove decimal point (5) → Hexadecimalize (0x0005)
- Request : [stx]01WRD,02,0104,01F4,0110,0005[cr][lf]
- Request (with CheckSum) : [stx]01WRD,02,0104,01F4,0110,0005B3[cr][lf]
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5.8 STD Command
STD Command is used to list the D-Registers that is necessary to monitor frequently.
▣ Request Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 1 4
Frame STX Address STD ,
1 1 4 1 4 2 1 1
, , D-Reg. - (n-1) , D-Reg. - n SUM CR LF
▣ Response Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1
Frame STX Address STD , OK SUM CR LF
, D-Reg. - 1 , D-Reg. - 2
▪ Count Number : 1 ~ 64
◈ Example
To register D0001 (NPV), D0003 (NSP) and D0005 (MVOUT)
- Request : [stx]01STD,03,0001,0003,0005 [cr][lf]
- Request (with CheckSum) : [stx]01STD,03,0001,0003,0005A8[cr][lf]
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5.9 CLD Command
CLD Command is used to read data in the address which had been registered by STD command.
▣ Request Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 2 1 1
Frame STX Address CLD SUM CR LF
▣ Response Message Frame
byte 수 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 1 4
Frame STX Address CLD , OK , Data - 1 , Data - 2
1 1 4 1 4 2 1 1
, , Data - (n-1) , Data - n SUM CR LF
▪ Count Number : 1 ~ 64
◈ Example
- Request : [stx]01CLD[cr][lf]
- Request (with CheckSum) : [stx]01CLD34[cr][lf]
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5.10 AMI Command
AMI Command is used to get the controller own-information.
▣ Request Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 2 1 1
Frame STX Address AMI SUM CR LF
▣ Response Message Frame
bytes 1 2 3 1 2 1
Frame STX Address AMI , OK ,
9 2 7 2 1 1
Model Name SPACE Version-Revision SUM CR LF
◈ Example
- Request (with CheckSum) : [STX]01AMI38[CR][LF]
- Response (with CheckSum) : [stx]01AMI,OK,TEMP-2000[sp][sp]V00-R0024[cr][lf]
To confirm controller own information
- Request : [STX]01AMI[CR][LF]
- Response : [STX]01AMI,OK,TEMP-2000[sp][sp]V00-R00[CR][LF]
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6. MODBUS Protocol
6.1 The Frame Structure of MODBUS protocol
▣ Data Format
Protocol Header :(Colon) N/A
Protocol Tail [CR][LF] N/A
Data length 7-bit(Fixed) 8-bit(Fixed)
Data type ASCII Binary
Error detecting
Data time interval Under 1sec. Under 24-bit time
(Longitudinal Redundancy Check)
(Cyclic Redundancy Check)
The Frame Structure of MODBUS protocol
▶ Modbus ASCII
Protocol Header Address Function Code Data LRC Check Protocol Tail
1 character 2 character 2 character N character 2 character
▶ Modbus RTU
Protocol Header Address Function Code Data LRC Check Protocol Tail
N/A 8-Bit 8-Bit N * 8-Bit 16-Bit N/A
▪ N : Number of Hexadecimal data
2 character
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