Samsung WIP-5000 User Manual

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Enterprise IP Solutions OfficeServ WIP Phone
User Guide
This manual is proprietary to SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. and is protected by copyright. No information contained herein may be copied, translated, transcribed or duplicated for any commercial purposes or disclosed to third parties in any form without the prior written consent of SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
OfficeServ™, WIP-5000M™ are the trademarks of SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Please read this guide before using the WIP-5000M phone, and follow the instructions to use the the WIP-5000M phone safely and correctly.
This guide may be changed for the product improvement, standardization and other technical reasons without prior notice.
For further information on the updated manual or have a question the content of manual, co ntact your Authorised Samsung Reseller.
©2003 SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
This is a user's guide for the users of the WIP-5000M Phone. For product safety and correct operation, the following information must be given to the operator/user and shall be read before the installation and operation o f WIP-5000M Phone.
Caution Indication of a general caution
Indication for prohibiting an action for a product
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Page I
Indication for commanding a specifically required action
Page II
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
User Guide
Do not put instruments that contain water such as vases, cups, cosmetics, and medicines, or small met a ls near the phone.
Moisture in the phone can cause a fire and electric shocks.
Do not install the phone on an unstable place or near the direct rays of sunlight.
It may cause severe damage to the parts of the digital
phone, and your phone may not work properly.
Do not place the phone in a dusty area or in fluctuating temperature environments.
It may cause a fire or electric shocks.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Page III
Do not install the phone nea r a heater(cigarette lighter, heating apparatus, etc.).
It may cause a fire or electric shocks.
Do not use inflammable solvent or materi al near the phone . Do not store them near the phone.
It may cause a fire or electric shocks.
If the phone makes(horrible) noise, bad smell, or smoke,
immediately call the Service Center.
It may cause a fire or electric shocks.
Page IV
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
User Guide
Use a soft dry cloth to clean the phone. Do not use any chemical solvents like wax, benzene, alco hol , thinner, mo sq uito sp ray, aerosol, lubricant, or detergent.
The use of chemicals on the phone may cause
fading/discoloring or damage to the parts.
Do not place heavy things on the phone.
It may cause damage to the parts.
Do not separate, repai r nor remodel the phone arbi trarily.
If a repair is needed, please contact where the phone was purchased or call the Service Center.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Page V
This user guide provides instructions for the use of Sa msung’ s la test WIP-5000M w ireless IP phone Mobile type that can be used in connection with the Samsung’s Enterprise IP Solutions OfficeServ System.
Please take the time to study this guide to become familiar with the operation of your WIP- 5000M and the benefits this new phone can provide . Keep thi s guide h andy. Y ou may nee d to loo k up instructions for infrequently used features.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Page VII
WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in serious
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, may result in injury or damage
Indicates additional information for referen ce.
injury or major damage t o y our WIP-5000M phone.
to your WIP-5000M phone. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Symbols ..........................................................................................................................................................I
Caution.......................................................................................................................................................... V
Introduction to the WIP-5000M .................................................................................................... 1
Checking the Parts in the Package ............................................................................................ 2
Names and Features for the WIP-5000M Phone......................................................................... 3
Button Descriptions........................................................................................................................................4
Icon Descriptions on the Screen....................................................................................................................6
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Page IX
Inserting / Removing the Battery................................................................................................. 7
To Insert the Battery.......................................................................................................................................7
To Take out the Battery ..................................................................................................................................8
Charging the Battery .................................................................................................................... 9
Checking the Battery Status...................................................................................................... 10
Low Battery Indication..................................................................................................................................10
Turning the Phone On / Off.........................................................................................................11
To Turn the Power On..................................................................................................................................11
To Turn the Power Off..................................................................................................................................12
Making a call ............................................................................................................................... 14
Making a Call by Pressing the Phone Numbers...........................................................................................14
Answering a call.......................................................................................................................... 15
Calling from Your Recent Call Log............................................................................................ 15
Voice Volume Adjustment .......................................................................................................... 17
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© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Setting / Disabling the Automatic Key Lock............................................................................. 17
To Set up the Automatic Key Lock...............................................................................................................18
To Disable the Automatic Key Lock..............................................................................................................18
Setting the Etiquette Mode......................................................................................................... 19
To Set up the Etiquette Mode.......................................................................................................................19
To Disable the Etiquette Mode.....................................................................................................................19
Call Transfer................................................................................................................................ 20
Call Status Indication..................................................................................................................21
Call Busy......................................................................................................................................................21
Call Forwarding............................................................................................................................................21
Call Camp on ...............................................................................................................................................22
Call Back......................................................................................................................................................22
Call Hold.......................................................................................................................................................22
Entering the Application Menus................................................................................................ 21
Phone Book................................................................................................................................. 22
User Guide
Calling from the Lists of the Latest Calling Number.....................................................................................25
Calling from the Lists of the Latest Called Number......................................................................................27
Searching/Calling a Phone Number Using Name........................................................................................29
Searching/Calling a Phone Number Using Address.....................................................................................31
Searching/Calling a Phone Number Using a Speed Dial Number...............................................................33
Registering a Phone Number.......................................................................................................................34
Modifying the Saved Phone Number ...........................................................................................................37
Utilities ......................................................................................................................................... 40
Setting/Disabling the Alarm Time.................................................................................................................43
Schedule Management................................................................................................................................45
Using the Electronic Calculator....................................................................................................................47
Checking World Time...................................................................................................................................47
Soft Menu.....................................................................................................................................48
Volume A djustment.....................................................................................................................49
Selecting the Bell and Vibration...................................................................................................................50
Selecting the Bell Sound..............................................................................................................................52
Adjusting the Bell Volume............................................................................................................................53
Adjustung the Volume of the Key Buttons....................................................................................................54
Setting My Phone........................................................................................................................ 55
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© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
User Guide
Viewing My Extension Number....................................................................................................................56
Entering the Users’ Names..........................................................................................................................57
Selecting the Background Screen................................................................................................................59
Changing a Password..................................................................................................................................60
Setting the Language...................................................................................................................................62
Deleting a Phone Number............................................................................................................................63
Selecting the Screen Lighting ......................................................................................................................67
Setting the Forward Type.............................................................................................................................70
Setting the Programmed Message...............................................................................................................72
Locking the Phone .......................................................................................................................................73
Initialization ..................................................................................................................................................74
Setting Auto Lock .........................................................................................................................................77
Setting the System...................................................................................................................... 78
Registering a Phone.....................................................................................................................................79
Selecting a System ......................................................................................................................................82
Viewing the IP of a Phone............................................................................................................................83
Viewing the MAC Address of the Phone......................................................................................................84
Viewing the Signal Quality of the Phone......................................................................................................85
Setting LCD Contrast of the Phone..............................................................................................................86
Entering Characters.................................................................................................................... 87
Buttons Used for Entering Characters .........................................................................................................87
Entering Characters.....................................................................................................................................87
Page XIV
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Introduction to the WIP-5000M
The WIP-5000M(Wireless IP-Phone Mobile type) is the wireless mobile phone
that allows a voice communication through IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN. As the
wireless IP phone, the voice data is compressed into a packet form(Voice over
WLAN) to satisfy the wireless LAN specifications and the data is
transferred/received through IP network. When moving between Access
Points(WBS24), as well as between the data terminals like laptop computers
with wireless LAN card, the handover function is supplied.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Page 1
Checking the Parts in the Package
After purchasing the WIP-5000M phone, you have to check that the following items
have been packed in the box.
Page 2
Mobile Phone
(1 standard type)
User Guide
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Names and Features for the WIP-5000M Phone
Headset Connection Hole
LCD Screen Volume Buttons
User Guide
Hold Buttons Transfer Buttons
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Navigation Buttons Conference Buttons
Dial Buttons
Page 3
Button Descriptions
Button Names Features
[ ] Used when calling or receiving an outside trunk call/when transferring a call
[MENU] Used when entering the menu mode
[ ] Used when moving the menu bar upward [ ] Used when moving the menu bar downward [ ] Used when moving the menu bar to the right direction/Director y/Call on Hol d [ ] Used when moving the menu bar to the left direction/Message/Conference call [OK] Used when selecting or saving the selecte d item for funct ion sett ings
[C/MUTE] Used when erasing letters or moving to an upper menu
Used when connecting to another phone number while a phone call is in progress
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© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Button Names Features
[HOLD] Used when holing a call
[CONF] Used when making a conference
[*/ ]
[#/ ]
[ ] Used when turning the power on/off or when returning to the initial screen
Used when applying the etiquette mode Used when dialing or e nt er i ng ch ara ct er s Used when applying the automatic key lock
User Guide
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Page 5
Icon Descriptions on the Screen
Icon Features
Page 6
This turns on when the service is not available. Blinks when trying to make a call and turns on when a call is connected. The status that indicates an alarm is set. When a message is received. Etiquette function or vibration function is enabled. Indicates that the automatic key lock is enabled.
This indicates the signal intensity.
: weak signal : strong signal
Indicates the battery charging level.
: fully charged : sufficient : insufficient
: needs to be charged immediately
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Inserting / Removing the Battery
T o Insert the Battery
1. Insert the projecting part at the bottom of battery into the
recess compartment area of the back of the WIP-5000M phone.
2. Press it in the direction of the arrow until it clicks into place.
User Guide
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Page 7
T o Take out the Battery
In order to take out the battery from the WIP-5000M phone,
slide the battery cover in the direction of the arrow while
simultaneously pressing the separator button.
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Charging the Battery
After checking each component of the WIP-5000M phone, charge the battery as shown
in the figure below.
User Guide
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Page 9
Checking the Battery Status
The battery status can be checked by looking at the battery status icons given below
that appear on the LCD panel of the WIP-5000M phone.
Fully charged Partially consumed Almost discharged Fully discharged
Low Battery Indication
When the battery energy is almost discharged , the phone ma ke s a warnin g soun d and the
battery icon starts to blin k. It is reco mmended to change to a new battery or charge the ba ttery
immediately. If the phone is still used after the warning sound and blinking, the battery will be
completely discharged and the power will automatically go off.
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© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Turning the Phone On / Off
T o Turn the Power On
1. Press the [ ] button for more than 2 seconds .
2. Samsung logo will then be displayed as show n on the
right-hand side picture and an ani ma tion shows up until the phone has been normally re gistered to the system. After that, the service becomes available and the initial screen will appear as shown next page.
z If the registration has failed, a ‘registration failed’ message will be indicated on the top
of the screen.
z After purchasing the WIP-5000M phone and first turning the power on, the ‘UNREGISTERED’
message will show up on the top of the initial screen.
z For the initial screen, one picture can be selected from three pictures shown in the next
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Page 11
07/12[Sa] 4 : 05 PM
1234 1234 1234
07/12[Sa] 4 : 05 PM
12 : 34 am
Samsung Logo
Refer to ‘Selecting the background picture’ section in ‘Application Menus’ of this guide
T o Turn the Power Off
Press the [ ] button for more than 2 seconds.
Page 12
for selecting the initial screen.
Name Logo
Time Logo
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+ 79 hidden pages