Samsung UN55ES7100, UN60ES7100 Brochure & Specs

• Smart TV with New Content Services and Smart Interaction
• Full Web Browser with Dual Core Processing
• Samsung Active Full HD 3D
Step into the future of TV.
This web-enabled LED Smart TV, with its superior picture quality and Full HD 1080p, oers a gateway to a world of entertainment, social networking, multitasking, and more. Connect to your favorite digital content from Netix, Hulu Plus,™ YouTube,™ Pandora, Facebook® and Twitter™ and explore other new interactive TV experiences using Smart Hub. Check out specially designed Samsung Apps for Fitness, Family, and Kids. Skype™ with your friends. Watch 3D movies and you’ll be amazed by the incredible depth of images, combined with the dynamic Dolby® Digital Plus/Dolby® Pulse sound. The Ultra Slim bezel provides a virtually edgeless picture for a truly immersive viewing experience. Simply put, this Series 7 Samsung TV pushes the limits of both design and performance.
55" Class (54.6" Diagonal) Slim LED HDTV with1080p Resolution
• Smart TV
• Smart Content with Signature Services
- Family Story
- Fitness
- Kids Story
• Web Browser & Search All
• Smart Hub
• WiFi built-in
• AllShare™ Play
• Dual Core Processor
• Full HD 2D or 3D
• ConnectShare™ Movie
• Your Video (movie recommendations)
• Wireless keyboard-compatible
• Skype™-compatible*
• Clear Motion Rate 720
• Micro Dimming
• Wide Color Enhancer Plus
• 10W x 2
• Dolby® Digital Plus/Dolby
• SRS TheaterSound HD™
• HDMI®: 3
• USB: 3
• Ethernet: 1
• Component in: 1
• Shared composite in: 2 AV (1 shared)
• Digital audio output: 1 optical
• Anynet+™ (HDMI-CEC)
*Skype™ available with optional Skype™ camera.
UN55ES7100 55" Class (54.6" Diagonal) Slim LED HDTV with 1080p Resolution
Smart TV: Never miss a moment with Samsung
Smart TV. Watch your favorite movies while you browse the web or explore the Smart Hub. Find more content you love by searching for shows , movies, and videos across vudu,™ Hulu Plus,™ YouTube™ and other digital content providers. Movies are handpicked for you through recommendations based on your viewing history and ratings. Access all your apps and download new ones, such as Netflix, Facebook,® YouTube,™ Hulu Plus,™ and Twitter™! Enjoy TV while you chat with friends and family online, all on one screen.
Smart Content: With the introduct ion of the new
Smar t TV feat ures, you c an now enjoy a more fun an d enterta ining experi ence at home. The Smar t TV offers an enti re suite of e asy-to-use, innovative f eatures t hat enter tain your fami ly.
Signature Services
Family Story: Share your most p recious fami ly
moments with Family Story on your new Samsung Smar t TV. Family S tory provides a qu ick way to upload p hotos to a gal lery, ev en from your mobi le device. You can also chat in real time, post messages and share impor tant family events so ever yone is kept up to dat e.
Fitness: Help maintain a healthy lifes tyle with
Sams ung Smart T V’s Fitness. Exercise at ho me through t he video -on-dem and serv ice and manag e your worko ut history. You can also track your pr ogress by d ownloading the E xerci se App onto your mob ile dev ice.
Kids Story: Combine hom e entertainment
and educat ion with Sams ung’s new Smart T V. Thr ough this T V, we can recommen d a variety of child- friendly programming so you can watch your child enjoy the pleasures of learning. The fun and exciting games will entertain your child and fami ly for hour s.
Apps built for TV: Downlo ad a wide range of apps
for your Smart T V through t he TV app store . The Sams ung Apps store includes world -renown ed apps, such as YouTube™ and Facebook ,® and popular local ones av ailable for download ing. Now you c an enjoy your favorit e apps f rom the comfort of your couch .
Web Browser: Easily st ream your f avorit e movies
and T V shows, downloa d apps, shop online, b rowse the web, update you r status on Fac ebook® and Twitt er,™ and enjoy all of the b enefit s of full we b brow sing right on th e big scree n.
Search All: Quickly search for web content related
to the program you’re wat ching or access o ther feat ures like VOD, apps and social network ing services. You can even se arch USB dr ives or other exte rnal hard dr ives connec ted to your T V with Connect Share™.
Smart Hub: Sams ung Smart T V has retooled it s
Smar t Hub feature to f urther expand its acces s to a world of onl ine entert ainment . Smart Hub enable s multita sking and deliv ers an opt imized viewing exper ience wit h single point acc ess to the content that’s the most im portant t o you. It also al lows you to se arch thr ough apps and use the f ully optimized Web Browser for a seamless user exper ience.
WiFi built-in: With a w ireless L AN bui lt right into
the T V, it is easier t han ever to browse the web right on the big sc reen.
AllShare™ Play: Enables your TV t o wirelessly
acce ss and stream content fro m any compat ible dev ice, like a P C. That me ans you can share mov ies, phot os and music al l through a single dev ice — your T V. Now w ith the benef its of clou d tech nology, you c an access and even shar e content when you’re away fro m home.
Dual Core Processor: Your Sam sung Smart T V
and web brow sing experie nce wil l run bett er than ever. With faster processing and mult itasking capabil ities, now you c an pause a sho w, stream a mov ie or open apps, and r eturn to yo ur movie wit hout miss ing a beat!
Full HD 2D or 3D: Enjoy stunning Ful l HD 1080p
in both 2D and 3D modes .
ConnectShare™ Movie: Have movie s and pictures
on a USB drive? Now easily vie w that content right on the T V. Just plug th e drive in to the USB po rt and you a re ready for a big screen exp erience.
Your Video (movie recommendations): Through a
customized recommendat ion serv ice for vide o and othe r cont ent, Your Video al lows you to watch and pre view mov ie trailer s and T V programs. You can even read a br ief synopsis and user rat ings befor e purchasing a mov ie.
Wireless keyboard-compatible
Skype™-compatible: With bui lt in WiFi, al l you need
is web camera accessor y and you can Skype™ w ith fami ly and friends r ight on the big screen! (Camera sold sep arately)
Clear Mo tion Rate (CMR): A com prehensi ve
mea sure of a T V's abil ity to d isplay images i n motion. T he higher t he CMR, the b etter. Samsun g achie ves high C MR nu mber s based o n pan el proces sing ad vancement s. S ee th e pic ture qua lity differe nce for yours elf.
Micro Dimming: Advanced picture contrast
technology controls and enhances LED sc reen brightnes s, for even whiter whites and deeper blacks .
Wide Color Enhancer Plus: Allows you to see
pict ure color the way the dir ector or iginall y inten ded, brought to l ife on your sc reen to bring you exceptionally vibrant , yet natural ­look ing images and depicts subtl e detail s and tones.
10 watt s x 2 audio pow er stereo b roadcast recept ion: Suppor ts multi -channel sound
(MTS) and second audio program (SAP) wit h 181-channel capac ity.
Dolby® Dig ital Plus /Dolby® Pulse: A n advanced
surr ound sound audio processing fe ature desi gned to opt imize the T V’s sound quality when v iewin g and listen ing to Inte rnet mov ies, Inte rnet music and other content played b ack fro m wired or w ireless mobi le phones, P Cs and ta blet devi ces.
SRS T heaterS ound HD™: A high-def inition
audi o experience t hat deliv ers surround so und multi -channel content, us ing built-in T V speakers to signif icantly e nhance bot h the depth a nd dime nsion of aud io right t hrough the TV. En joy a simulated s urround sound ex perience!
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