Samsung UN26D4003 Specifications

• LED picture quality
• ConnectShare™ JPEG brings movies home
A TV that makes sharing memories as easy as watching movies.
The Samsung UN26D4003 LED TV lets you watch your favorite movies and memories, both, with incredible LED picture quality on a 26-inch LED. ConnectShare JPEG allows you to easily connect your MP3 player or digital camera to your TV and share music, videos and photos. Simply connect your digital devices and enjoy.
26' Class (26" Diagonal) LED HDTV with 720p resolution.
• Clear Motion Rate 60
• Dynamic Contrast Ratio 20,000:1
• 720p resolution
• ConnectShare™ JPEG
• Wide Color Enhancer Plus
• 2 HDMI®
• 1 Component Input
• 1 Composite Input (shared with Component)
• Dolby® Digital Plus/Dolby® Pulse
• SRS TruSurround HD
• 5W x 2 output
TV without stand: 24.6" x 14.9" x 1.8" TV with stand: 24.6" x 16.5" x 6.7"
UN26D4003 26' Class (26" Diagonal) LED HDTV with 720p resolution.
Cl ear Mot ion Rate is S amsun g’s mo re
comprehensive and accurate way of measuring TV moti on performanc e than the pr eviously used H z measurement . The previous sys tem only measur ed the ref resh rate of a T V panel. A TV ’s abili ty to deliv er clear mot ion clarity goes beyond a p anel’s refresh rate. A CMR measurem ent is achie ved by calculating the TV c hipset and t he backlight in addit ion to the panel’s refresh rate resulting in a more realistic motion clarity metric. Simply put, the higher the CMR th e clearer the pic ture quali ty.
Mega Dy namic Cont rast Rat io 20,000 :1
ConnectShare™ JPEG does exactly as it’s name
implies: Allows you to easily connect your MP3 player or digital camera to your TV and share music, videos and photos. Simply connect your digital devices and enjoy.
Wide Color E nhancer Plus: Deliv ers the entir e
spectrum of color and lum inance for ric h, saturated image s with intense deta il.
Dig ital Noise F ilter
Auto Channel Sea rch
Auto Volume Leveler
Clock & On/Off T imer
Sleep Time r
2 HDMI ®
Stand-b y power cons umption < 1 watt
1 Component I nput
1 Composit e Input (shar ed with C omponent )
Dolby® Dig ital Plus /Dolby® Pulse
SRS TruSurround HD®: Get cr isp, clear d igital-
quality sound v ia advanced SRS technology.
5 watt s x 2 audio power ste reo broad cast recept ion: Supports m ulti-ch annel sound (M TS)
and second audio program (SA P) wit h 181-channel capacit y.
TV w ithout stand: 24.6" x 14.9" x 1.8" TV w ithout stand weig ht: 9.0 lbs TV w ith stand: 24.6" x 16.5" x 6.7" TV w ith stand weight : 9.7 lbs
Dimensions: 31.7" x 18.1" x 4.7" Weight: 12.3 lbs
1-year part s and 1-year labor warra nty (90- days parts and lab or for comme rcial use), wit h in-home serv ice, bac ked by Samsu ng toll-free suppor t.
UN26D 4003BDX ZA
©2011 Samsu ng Electr onics Amer ica, Inc. All r ights reser ved. Samsun g is a regist ered tradema rk of Samsung Elec tronics Co ., Ltd.
Des ign and spe cif icat ions are s ubjec t to chan ge wit hout not ice. Non- metr ic weig hts and m easur ement s are appr oxim ate. HDM I, the HD MI logo a nd High -Def initi on Multi media I nterf ace ar e trad emark s or reg ister ed trade marks o f HDMI Lic ensin g LLC.
Conne ctShar e is a trademark of S amsung E lect roni cs Co., L td.
SRS Tru Surr ound HD is a r egist ered t radema rk of SRS L abs, In c.
All o ther pr oduct an d brand na mes are t radem arks or r egist ered trad emark s of the ir respe ctiv e owner s.
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