Chapter 1: Your New TV ............... 1.1
List of Featuzes ......................................... 1,1
Familiarizing Yuursetf with Yuuz New TV ..................... 1,2
Front Pane[ Buttons .............................. 1,2
Side Panet Jacks ................................. 1,3
Rear Pane[ .Jacks ................................. 1.4
Remote Control ................................. 1.5
Chapter 2: Installation ................ 2.1
Connecting VHF and UHF Antennas ........................ 2.1
Antennas with 300 ohm Flat %vin Leads .............. 2.1
Antennas with 75 ohm Round Leads ................. 2.2
Separate VHF and UHF Antennas .................... 2.2
Connecting Cable TV .................................... 2.2
Cabte without a Cable Box ......................... 2.2
Connecting to a Cable Box that Desci-amb[es
All Channels .................................... 2.3
Connecting to a Cable Box that Desczamb[es
some Channels .................................. 2.3
Connecting a VCR ...................................... 2.,5
Connecting an S VHS VCR......................... 2.6
Connecting a Second VCR to Record from Yuur TV ...... 2.8
Connecting a DVD Player ................................. 2.7
Connecting a Digital TV Set Tup Box ........................ 2.7
Connecting a Surzound Speakers ........................... 2.8
Connecting a Speakezs (Vaziable Autio output) ................. 2.8
Connecting a Camcorder ................................. 2.9
Installing Battezies in the Remote Control ..................... 2.10
1 (]ON] EN] S
Chapter 3: Operation .................. 3.1
Turning the TV On and Off................................ 3.1
Plug & Play Featuze ..................................... 3.1
Viewing the Menus and On Sczeen Displays ................... 3.3
Viewing the Menus ............................... 3.3
Viewing the Display .............................. 3.3
Selecting a Menu Language ................................ 3.4
Memozizing the Channels ................................. 3.5
Selecting the Video Signal source .................... 3.5
Stozing Channels in Memozy (Automatic Method) ....... 3.6
Adding and Ezasing Channels (Manual Method) ........ 3.7
Changing Channels ..................................... 3.7
Using the Channel Buttons ......................... 3.7
Dii-ectly Accessing Channels ........................ 3.7
Using the Pre CH Button to select the PIevious Channel . . 3.7
Adjusting the Vdume .................................... 3.8
Using Mute ..................................... 3.8
Labeling the Channels ................................... 3.9
Setting the Clock ....................................... 3.10
Customizing the Picture .................................. 3.13
Using Automatic Picture Settings ........................... 3. ] 4
Customizing the Sound .................................. 3. ] 5
Using Automatic Sound Settings ............................ 3.16
Viewing a VCR or Camcozdez '.Cape.......................... 3.17