Samsung SPI 2331022500 Users Manual

FCC ID : A3LSPI-2331022500
TEL:+82 31 639 8517 FAX:+82 31 639 8525
Report No. : HCT-R08-012 1/1
EPBD-001880 ED. 02
Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331
System Description
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This description describes the characteristics, functions and structures of the outdoor SPI­2331, which is the U-RAS Light Series 3 of Mobile WiMAX.
Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description
This description is composed of five Chapters, an Abbreviation and Index as follows:
CHAPTER 1. Overview of Mobile WiMAX System
y Mobile WiMAX System Introduction y Characteristics of Mobile WiMAX System y Components of Mobile WiMAX Network y Functions of Mobile WiMAX System
CHAPTER 2. Overview of Outdoor SPI-2331
y Outdoor SPI-2331 Introduction y Major functions y Resources y System Configuration y Interface between the Systems
CHAPTER 3. Outdoor SPI-2331 Architecture
y System Configuration y Hardware Structure y Software Structure y Redundancy
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. I
CHAPTER 4. Message Flow
y Call Processing Message Flow y Network Synchronization Message Flow y Alarm Message Flow y Loading Message Flow y Operation and Maintenance Message Flow
CHAPTER 5. Additional Functions and Tools
Describes the acronyms used in this manual.
Index provides main searching keywords to be found.
The following types of paragraphs contain special information that must be carefully read and thoroughly understood. Such information may or may not be enclosed in a rectangular box, separating it from the main text, but is always preceded by an icon and/or a bold title.
NOTE Indicates additional information as a reference.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description/Ed.02
Revision History
00 10. 2007. First Draft 01 11. 2007. - ‘2.3 Specification’ is changed.
- ‘DNS’ related information is deleted.
- ‘OAM AAA server’ related information is deleted.
- System configuration is changed.
- ‘3.2.2 ULRB’ is changed.
- ‘3.3 Software Structure’ is changed.
- Other errors are corrected.
02 01. 2008. - Delete the information related DHCP Server
- Modify the ‘PSMR/PSFMR’ information
- Modify the external interface(
- Modify the ‘4.1’
- Modify the OAM software information(3.3.3)
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Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description
Purpose .................................................................................................................................................. I
Audience................................................................................................................................................. I
Conventions........................................................................................................................................... II
Revision History.................................................................................................................................... III
CHAPTER 1.Overview of Mobile WiMAX System 1-1
1.1 Introduction to Mobile WiMAX.............................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Characteristics of the Mobile WiMAX System..................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Mobile WiMAX Network Configuration................................................................................. 1-3
1.4 Mobile WiMAX System Functions........................................................................................ 1-5
CHAPTER 2.Overview of Outdoor SPI-2331 2-1
2.1 Introduction to Outdoor SPI-2331......................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Main Functions ...................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.1 Phy sical Laye r Processing Function....................................................................................2-3
2.2.2 Call Pro cessing Functi on......................................................................................................2-5
2.2.3 IP Processing Functi ons.......................................................................................................2-7
2.2.4 Auxiliary Device In ter face Fun ction......................................................................................2-8
2.2.5 Maintenance Function..........................................................................................................2-8
2.2.6 Function of Supporting the Outdoor Envi ronment..............................................................2-10
2.3 Specifications .......................................................................................................................2-11
2.4 System Configuration.......................................................................................................... 2-13
2.5 Interface between Systems................................................................................................. 2-14
2.5.1 Inte rface Structure...............................................................................................................2-14
2.5.2 Proto col Stack.....................................................................................................................2-15
2.5.3 Phy sical Interface Operation Method.................................................................................2-16
CHAPTER 3.Outdoor SPI-2331 Architecture 3-1
3.1 System Configuration............................................................................................................3-1
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3.2 Detailed Structure...................................................................................................................3-2
3.2.1 ULDB....................................................................................................................................3-4
3.2.2 ULRB....................................................................................................................................3-5
3.2.3 Othe r Devices.......................................................................................................................3-7
3.2.4 I/O Connecto r and LED........................................................................................................3-8
3.3 Software Structure ...............................................................................................................3-11
3.3.1 Basic Structure....................................................................................................................3-1 1
3.3.2 Call Control (C C) Block.......................................................................................................3-13
3.3.3 Operation And Maintenance (OAM) Block.........................................................................3-15
CHAPTER 4.Message Flow 4-1
4.1 Call Processing Message Flow .............................................................................................4-1
4.1.1 Initial Access .........................................................................................................................4-1
4.1.2 Authenti cation.......................................................................................................................4-4
4.1.3 Status Change ......................................................................................................................4-7
4.1.4 Location Update..................................................................................................................4-11
4.1.5 Paging.................................................................................................................................4-14
4.1.6 Handover............................................................................................................................4-15
4.1.7 Access Termination.............................................................................................................4-20
4.2 Network Synchronization Message Flow...........................................................................4-22
4.3 Alarm Signal Flow................................................................................................................4-23
4.4 Loading Message Flow........................................................................................................4-25
4.5 Operation and Maintenance Message Flow.......................................................................4-27
CHAPTER 5.Additional Functions and Tools 5-1
5.1 Web-EMT.................................................................................................................................5-1
A ~ D ..................................................................................................................................................I
E ~ M .................................................................................................................................................II
N ~ R ................................................................................................................................................ III
S ~ W ................................................................................................................................................IV
A ~ F .................................................................................................................................................V
G ~ O ................................................................................................................................................VI
P ~ W ...............................................................................................................................................VII
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description/Ed.02
Figure 1.1 Mobile WiMAX Network Configuration .................................................................. 1-3
Figure 1.2 Configuration of Mobile WiMAX System Functions (Based on Profile C).............. 1-5
Figure 2.1 IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Operation............................................................................ 2-7
Figure 2.2 ULOE Configuration............................................................................................2-13
Figure 2.3 Structure of Outdoor SPI-2331 Interface ............................................................. 2-14
Figure 2.4 Protocol Stack between NEs............................................................................... 2-15
Figure 2.5 Protocol Stack between Outdoor SPI-2331 and WSM........................................ 2-15
Figure 3.1 Internal Configuration of Outdoor SPI-2331.......................................................... 3-1
Figure 3.2 ULRB Block Diagram of Outdoor SPI-2331........................................................... 3-5
Figure 3.3 Power Structure of Outdoor SPI-2331................................................................... 3-7
Figure 3.4 I/O Connector and LED of Outdoor SPI-2331....................................................... 3-8
Figure 3.5 External Interface of Outdoor SPI-2331 ................................................................ 3-8
Figure 3.6 Software Structure of Outdoor SPI-2331..............................................................3-11
Figure 3.7 CC Block Structure.............................................................................................. 3-13
Figure 3.8 OAM Software Structure......................................................................................3-15
Figure 3.9 Interface between OAM Blocks...........................................................................3-15
Figure 4.1 Initial Access Process............................................................................................ 4-2
Figure 4.2 Authentication Procedure (At the time of initial access) ........................................ 4-4
Figure 4.3 Authentication Procedure (At the time of the Authenticator Relocation)................ 4-6
Figure 4.4 Awake Mode Æ Idle Mode Status Change Procedure .......................................... 4-7
Figure 4.5 Awake Mode Q Sleep Mode Status Change Procedure ....................................... 4-8
Figure 4.6 Idle Mode Q Awake Mode (QCS) Procedure........................................................ 4-9
Figure 4.7 Inter-RAS Location Update Procedure.................................................................4-11
Figure 4.8 Inter-ACR Location Update Procedure................................................................ 4-12
Figure 4.9 Paging Procedure................................................................................................ 4-14
Figure 4.10 Inter-RAS Handover Procedure......................................................................... 4-15
Figure 4.11 Inter-ASN Handover (ASN-Anchored Mobility).................................................. 4-17
Figure 4.12 Inter-ASN Handover (CSN-Anchored Mobility).................................................. 4-18
Figure 4.13 Access Termination (Awake Mode) ................................................................... 4-20
Figure 4.14 Access Termination (Idle Mode) ........................................................................ 4-21
Figure 4.15 Network Synchronization Flow of Outdoor SPI-2331 ........................................ 4-22
Figure 4.16 Alarm Signal Flow of Outdoor SPI-2331............................................................ 4-23
Figure 4.17 Alarm and Control Structure of Outdoor SPI-2331............................................ 4-24
Figure 4.18 Loading Message Flow ..................................................................................... 4-26
Figure 4.19 Operation and Maintenance Signal Flow........................................................... 4-28
Figure 5.1 Web-EMT Interface ............................................................................................... 5-1
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Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description
CHAPTER 1. Overview of Mobile
WiMAX System
1.1 Introduction to Mobile WiMAX
The Mobile WiMAX system is the wireless network system that supports IEEE 802.16e­2005 base service. The IEEE 802.16e-2005 standard is the basis of Mobile WiMAX, and adds the technologies supporting m obilit y, which include handover, pagi ng and o thers , to IEE E
802.16-2004 defining fixed wireless internet access service.
The wireless LAN(WLAN, Wireless Local Area Network) can provide high speed data services, but its radio wave is short and covers only small areas, and also gives limited user mobility. It is difficult for WLAN to ensure Quality of Service(QoS) for data service. On the contrary, the present mobile communication networks support the mobility of the users, but the service charge and the cost of system operations are high due to the limited wireless resources. To provide faster service in the existing mobile communication networks, it requires a separate wireless communication technology such as High Speed Downlink Packet Access(HSDPA) for the data services.
Mobile WiMAX can, therefore, overcome the limitations of the WLAN and present mobile communication networks, and accommodate only the advantages of the system. Mobile WiMAX can ultimately provide the high speed wireless internet services with low cost at any time and in anyplace.
Samsung Mobile WiMAX System provides high speed data services using the transmission technology of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access(OFDMA) by the Time Division Duplex(TDD), and can give wider coverage compared to the existing WLAN. The system performance and the capacity have been expanded by the high performance hardware, and thus, it can easily give various functions and services to the users.
The Mobile WiMAX system consists of Radio Access Station(RAS), Access Control Router(ACR) and Mobile WiMAX System Manager(WSM). RAS manages 802.16 Medium Access Control(MAC)/Physical Layer(PHY) function for Mobile Station(MS), ACR manages various control functions and interworking function between Mobile WiMAX ASN system and CSN system.
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CHAPTER 1. Overview of Mobile WiMAX System
System Support Standards Network Working Group(NWG) of Mobile WiMAX Forum defines the Mobile
WiMAX network as Access Service Network(ASN) and Connectivity Service Network(CSN). Samsung’s RAS is Base Station(BS) and ACR is ASN-GW (Gateway) of ASN, respectively. RAS and ACR are based on ASN Profile C and Wave 2 Profile defined in the Mobile WiMAX Forum and the Wave 2 Profile contains Wave 1 Profile.
1.2 Characteristics of the Mobile WiMAX System
The major characteristics of Mobile WiMAX system are listed below.
High Compatibility and Cross-Interworking
The Mobile WiMAX system is based on IEEE 802.16e-2005 standard and complies with Wave 2 Profile and ASN Profile C of the Mobile WiMAX Forum. Therefore, the Mobile WiMAX system provides high compatibility and excellent cross-interworking.
High Performance Module Structure
The Mobile WiMAX system has high performance by using high-performance processor and provides the module structure that it is easy to upgrade hardware and software.
MIMO and Wideband Support
The Mobile WiMAX system supports Multiple Input Multiple Output(MIMO) and applies the power amplifier to support wideband operation bandwidth.
Maintenance Function with Strengthened Security
The Mobile WiMAX system provides the security function(SNMPv3, SSH, SFTP and HTTPs) to all channels for operation and maintenance and authenticates the operator and assign the right for system access.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description/Ed.02
1.3 Mobile WiMAX Network Configuration
Mobile WiMAX network is composed of ASN and CSN. ACR and RAS are involved in ASN and WSM is the Network Element(NE) to manage ACR and RAS. CSN is composed of AAA server, HA and PCRF server. ASN is connected with CSN by router and switch.
The following diagram shows the composition of Mobile WiMAX network.
Core Router/Switch
Edge Router/Switch
Figure 1.1 Mobile WiMA X Net work C onf igur ation
Radio Access Station (RAS)
RAS as the system between ACR and MS has the interface with ACR and provides the wireless connection to MS under IEEE 802.16d/16e standards to support wireless communication service for subscribers.
RAS carries out wireless signal exchange with MS, modulation/demodulation signal processing for packet traffic signal, efficient use of wireless resources, packet scheduling for Quality of Service(QoS) assurance, assignment of wireless bandwidth, Automatic Repeat Request(ARQ) processing and ranging function. In addition, RAS controls the connection for packet calls and handover.
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CHAPTER 1. Overview of Mobile WiMAX System
Access Control Router (ACR)
ACR, which is the system between CSN and RAS, enables several RASs to interwork with IP network, sends/receives traffic between external network and MS, and controls QoS. ACR connects to Authentication Authorization Accounting(AAA) server and Policy & Charging Rules Function(PCRF) server in Diameter protocol method and provides the interface to NE of CSN.
Mobile WiMAX System Manager (WSM)
WSM provides the management environment for the operator to operate and maintain ACR and RAS.
Home Agent (HA)
HA accesses other networks or private networks and enables Mobile IP(MIP) users to access internet. HA interworks with ACR that performs Foreign Agent(FA) function for Mobile IPv4 and interworks with MS to exchange data for Mobile IPv6.
Authorization, Authentication and Accounting (AAA) Server
AAA server interfaces with ACR and carries out subscriber authentication and accounting functions. The AAA server interfaces with ACR via Diameter protocol and provides Extensible Authentication Protocol(EAP) certification.
Policy & Charging Rules Function (PCRF) Server
The PCRF server is the server that manages the service policy and interfaces with ACR via Diameter protocol. The PCRF server sends QoS setting information for each user session and accounting rule information to ACR.
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Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description/Ed.02
1.4 Mobile WiMAX System Functions
The figure below shows the functions of the ASN systems(ACR and RAS) based on Profile C. Each block name complies with the standard of Mobile WiMAX NWG.
Paging Controller
Location Register
Context Function
Handover Function
(Handover Relay)
Context Function
Handover Function (Handover Control)
Figure 1.2 Configuration of Mo bile Wi MA X Sy stem F unct ions (Base d o n Pr ofile C)
Key Distributor
AAA Client
Key Receiver
(Admission Control)
MIP FA PMIP client
IP Packet Forwarding
Header Compression
Packet Classification
ARQ Operation
The ACR supports the Convergence Sublayer(CS) and performs the packet classification and Packet Header Suppression(PHS) functions. When the ACR carries out the header compression function, it supports ROHC defined in the NWG standard. In addition, the ACR performs the paging controller and location register functions for a MS in Idle Mode.
In authentication, the ACR performs the authenticator function and carries out the key distributor function to manage the higher security key by interworking with the AAA server as an AAA client. At this time, RAS performs the key receiver function to receive the security key from the key distributor and manage it. The ACR interworks with the AAA server of CSN for authentication and charging services and with the HA of CSN for Mobile IP(MIP) service. The ACR as FA of MIP supports both Proxy MIP(PMIP) and Client MIP(CMIP).
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CHAPTER 1. Overview of Mobile WiMAX System
The RAS performs the Service Flow Management(SFM) function to create/change/release connections for each Service Flow(SF) and the admission control function while creating/changing connections. In regard to the SFM function of the RAS, the ACR carries out the SF Authentication(SFA) and SFID management functions. The ACR carries out the SFA function to obtain the QoS information from Policy Function(PF) and apply it in the SF creation and performs the SFID management function to create/change/release SFID and map SF according to the packet classification.
In handover, the RAS performs the handover control function to determine the execution of the handover and deal with corresponding handover signaling. The ACR confirms the neighbor BS list and relays the handover signaling message to the target system. At this time, the ACR and the RAS carries out the context function to exchange the context information between the target system and the serving system.
The RAS performs the Radio Resource Control(RRC) and RR Agent(RRA) functions to collect/manage the radio resource information(e.g., BSID) from MSs and the RAS itself.
ASN System Function
For the detailed description about the RAS functions, refer to Chapter 2 of this
system description. For the description about the ACR functions, refer to the system description for ACR provided by Samsung.
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Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description
CHAPTER 2. Overview of Outdoor
2.1 Introduction to Outdoor SPI-2331
As an ultra-small RAS of Mobile WiMAX, the outdoor SPI-2331 connects Mobile WiMAX to MS under ACR control.
The outdoor SPI-2331 interfaces with MS via a wireless channel observing the Mobile WiMAX standard(IEEE 802.16e) and provides high-speed data service and multimedia service in wireless broadband. To this end, the outdoor SPI-2331 provides the following functions: modulation/demodulation of packet traffic signal, scheduling and radio bandwidth allocation to manage air resources efficiently and ensure Quality of Service(QoS), Automatic Repeat Request(ARQ) processing, ranging function, connection control function to transmit the information on the outdoor SPI-2331 and set/hold/disconnect the packet call connection, handover control and ACR interface function and system operation management function.
The outdoor SPI-2331 is connected to the ACR via Fast Ethernet and it can send/receive diverse control signals and traffic signals using a stable and fast process.
The outdoor SPI-2331 is installed in the outdoor environment and managed in the omni method. In addition, the outdoor SPI-2331 supports the capacity of the maximum 1Carrier/ Omni and MIMO only with the basic cabinet.
The characteristics of the outdoor SPI-2331 are as follows:
Application of the OFDMA Method
OFDMA is used to transmit data to several users simultaneously by using the sub-carrier allocated to each user and transmit data by allocating one or more sub-carriers to a specific subscriber according to the channel status and the transmission rate requested by a user. In addition, since it can select the sub-carriers with excellent features for each subscriber and allocate them to the subscribers when some subscribers divide and use the whole sub­carrier, it can raise the data throughput by distributing the resources efficiently.
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CHAPTER 2. Overview of Outdoor SPI-2331
Wide Channel Bandwidth Support
The outdoor SPI-2331 supports 10 MHz bandwidth per carrier and has a large packet service.
Support of Wideband Operation Frequency
The outdoor SPI-2331 can change the center frequency in each 72 MHz bandwidth with a simple software change(no change in hardware required).
y 2,496~2,568 MHz y 2,618~2,690 MHz
Support of 1Carrier/Omni
The outdoor SPI-2331 can support 1Carrier/Omni by the basic cabinet.
Support of MIMO
The outdoor SPI-2331 basically supports MIMO of 2Tx/2Rx RF path. There are two methods of MIMO as follows;
y Space Time Coding(STC): method for raising reliability of link y Spatial Multiplexing(SM): method for raising data transmission rate
Convenience Installation and Initialization
The outdoor SPI-2331 automatically receives its IP from the DHCP, and it is initialized using software and configuration information saved in a non-volatile memory of the system or an external server.
Schedule to Provide the System Feature
For the schedule to provide the features described in this system description, see
separate document.
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Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description/Ed.02
2.2 Main Functions
The main functions of the outdoor SPI-2331 are as follows:
y Physical layer processing function y Call processing function y IP processing function y Auxiliary device interface function y Convenient operation and maintenance function y Function of supporting the outdoor environment
2.2.1 Physical Layer Processing Function
OFDMA Ranging
The ranging supported by the OFDMA system is roughly divided by the uplink timing synchronization method and the contention based bandwidth request method.
y Uplink Timing Synchronization
In the uplink timing synchronization method, the outdoor SPI-2331 detects the timing error of the uplink signal by using the ranging code transmitted from MS and transmits the timing correction command to each MS to correct the transmission timing of the uplink. The uplink timing synchronization method has initial ranging, periodic ranging, handover ranging, etc.
y Contention Based Bandwidth Request
In the contention based bandwidth request method, the outdoor SPI-2331 receives the bandwidth request ranging code from each MS and allocates uplink resources to the corresponding MS to enable to transmit the bandwidth request header. The contention based bandwidth request method has bandwidth request ranging or something.
Channel Encoding/Decoding
The outdoor SPI-2331 carries out the Forward Error Correction(FEC) encoding for the downlink packet created in the upper layer by using Conventional Turbo Code(CTC). On the contrary, it decodes the uplink packet received from the MS after demodulating.
The outdoor SPI-2331 carries out the FEC encoding for the downlink packet created in the upper layer and modulates the encoded packet into the QAM signal. In addition, the outdoor SPI-2331 demodulates and decodes the uplink packet received from MS.
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CHAPTER 2. Overview of Outdoor SPI-2331
OFDMA Sub-carrier Allocation
The subchannelization is the process to tie the sub-carriers of OFDMA as a transmission unit after grouping them by a certain rule. The outdoor SPI-2331 performs the subchannelization to mitigate the interference between cells. The outdoor SPI-2331 maps the column of the modulated downlink QAM symbol structure with each sub-carrier and carries out the subchannelization when the column of the QAM symbol structure is transmitted to the MS over the wireless line. In such way, the outdoor SPI-2331 transmits the column of the QAM symbol structure to the MS via the sub-carriers pertained to each subchannel.
DL/UL MAP Construction
The outdoor SPI-2331 informs the air resources for the uplink and the downlink to the MS by using DL/UL MAP. The DL/UL MAP consists of the scheduling information of the outdoor SPI-2331 and includes various control information for the MS.
Power Control
The outdoor SPI-2331 carries out the power control function for the uplink signal received from multiple MSs and then set the power intensity of the uplink signal to a specific level. The outdoor SPI-2331 transmits the power correction command to each MS and then makes the MS power intensity be the level required in the outdoor SPI-2331 when the MS transmits the modulated uplink signal in a specific QAM modulation method.
Hybrid-ARQ (H-ARQ) Operation
H-ARQ is the physical layer retransmission method using the stop-and-wait protocol. The outdoor SPI-2331 carries out the H-ARQ function and raises data throughput by re-transmitting or combining the frame from the physical layer to minimize the effect attending to the change of wireless channel environment or the change in the interference signal level.
The outdoor SPI-2331 provides the MIMO function as follows according to Mobile WiMAX Wave 2 Profile:
y Downlink
Matrix A(STC)
Transmission ratio of the Matrix A or STC is 1 and equal to that of Single Input Single Output(SISO). However The Matrix A or the STC reduces the error of the signal received from the MS by raising the stability of the signal received from the MS by means of the Tx diversity. This technology is, also, effective in Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR) and provides excellent performance even when the MS moves in high speed.
Matrix B(SM, vertical encoding)
Matrix B or SM method raises the effectiveness of the frequency by raising the transmission ratio in proportion to the number of antenna in comparison with SISO. This technology is effective when the reception SNR is high.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description/Ed.02
y Uplink
Collaborative SM
Collaborative SM is the technology that doubles the frequency efficiency in view of the outdoor SPI-2331 as two MSs with each individual antenna send data simultaneously by using the same channel.
2.2.2 Call Processing Function
Cell Initialization Function
The outdoor SPI-2331 announces the MAC Management message such as DCD/UCD/ MOB_NBR-ADV to the cell area in service periodically to enable the MS receiving the message to carry out the appropriate call processing function.
Call Control and Wireless Resource Allocation Function
The outdoor SPI-2331 enables an MS to enter to or exit from the network. When an MS enters to or exit from the network, the outdoor SPI-2331 transmits/receives the signaling message required for call processing via R1 interface with the MS or R6 interface with ACR. The outdoor SPI-2331 allocates various management/transport Connection Identifier(CID) required for the network entry and service to a MS. When the MS exit from the network, the outdoor SPI-2331 collects and release the allocated CID.
The outdoor SPI-2331 carries out the signaling and bearer processing for inter-sector HO(Handover), inter-ACR HO and inter-carrier HO. At this time, ACR relays the handover message between serving RAS and target RAS through the R6 interface. To minimize the traffic disconnection in inter-RAS HO, the outdoor SPI-2331 performs the data switching function. In handover, the outdoor SPI-2331 enables the serving RAS to switch the user data in queuing to the target RAS and, therefore, the MS to recover the traffic without loss.
Handover Procedure
For the detailed handover procedure, refer to Chapter 4 ‘Message Flow’.
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CHAPTER 2. Overview of Outdoor SPI-2331
Support of Sleep Mode
Sleep mode is the mode defined to save the MS power under IEEE 802.16e standard and indicates the status that air resources allocated to an MS are released when the MS does not need traffic reception/transmission temporarily. If the MS in Sleep Mode needs the traffic reception/transmission, the MS returns to the normal status immediately. Both Idle Mode and Sleep Mode are modes to save the MS power. The Idle Mode relea se all service flows allocated to an MS, while the Sleep Mode releases only the air resources between the MS and RAS temporarily, continuously keeping the service flow information allocated to the MS. The outdoor SPI-2331 carries out the related call processing function by receiving/sending the signaling message required for the MS's status transition into Sleep Mode and the MS return from the Sleep Mode to Awake Mode.
Call Admission Control (CAC) Function
If the outdoor SPI-2331 receives the call setup request, such as network entry, QCS and handover, from an MS, it monitors the traffic and signaling load for each subcell and the number of user in Active/Sleep Mode and performs the CAC function to prevent the system overload. CAC can be roughly divided into CAC by MS and CAC by service flow.
y CAC by MS
If the number of users who the subcell is in Active/Sleep Mode exceeds the threshold when the outdoor SPI-2331 receives the call setup request from an MS, it rejects the call setup request of the MS.
y CAC by service flow
When service flow is added, the outdoor SPI-2331 checks if the air resources of the requested subcell exceed the threshold and determines the creation of the service
MAC ARQ Function
The outdoor SPI-2331 carries out the ARQ function of the MAC layer. In packet data exchange, ARQ transmits SDU from the transmission side to the ARQ block and retransmits the packet according to the ARQ feedback information received from the reception side to raise the reliability of data communication. The outdoor SPI-2331 carries out the following function for the service flows applying ARQ:
y Creation and transmission concerned with ARQ operation y Feedback processing depending on ARQ types y Block processing(fragmentation/reassemble/retransmission) depending on ARQ types y ARQ timer/window management
QoS Support Function
The packet traffic exchanged between ACR and Outdoor SPI-2331 is delivered to the modem in the outdoor SPI-2331. At this time, the outdoor SPI-2331 allocates the queue in the modem to each service flow that QoS type is specified to observe the QoS constraint given for each QoS class or service flow and performs the strict-priority scheduling according to the priority.
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Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description/Ed.02
The modem that receives the packet traffic performs the scheduling by using the uplink/ downlink algorithm, such as Proportional Fair(PF) or Round Robin(RR) and transmits the scheduled allocation information to an MS through DL/UL MAP. The MS receiving the DL/UL MAP checks the air resources allocated to the MS and modulates/demodulates the downlink packet or transmits the uplink packet from the allocated uplink area. Since the outdoor SPI-2331 provides the QoS monitoring function, it can compile statistics on packets unsatisfying the latency requested from the QoS parameter according to TDD frames and report the statistics to an operator via the OAM interface.
2.2.3 IP Processing Functions
IP QoS Function
Since the outdoor SPI-2331 supports Differentiated Services(DiffServ), it can provide the backhaul QoS in the communication with ACR. It supports 8-class DiffServ and supports the mapping between the DiffServ service class and the service class of the user traffic received from an MS. In addition, the outdoor SPI­2331 supports between Differentiated Services Code Point(DSCP) and 802.3 Ethernet MAC service class.
Simultaneous Support of IPv4/IPv6
ACR communicates with the outdoor SPI-2331 through the GRE tunnel and the backhaul IP version between the outdoor SPI-2331 and ACR is managed independently from the service IP version for the MS. Even if, therefore, IPv4 is used in backhaul between the outdoor SPI-2331 and ACR, all of IPv4, IPv6 and IPv4/IPv6 dual stack services can be supported.
IPv6 Network
IPv4 Network
Dual Stack MS (IPv4/IPv6)
Access Network
IPv4 IPv6
Dual Stack Processing
Core Network
Figure 2.1 IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Operation
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CHAPTER 2. Overview of Outdoor SPI-2331
IP Routing Function
Since the outdoor SPI-2331 provides several Ethernet interfaces, it stores the routing table with the information on the Ethernet interface to route IP packets. The routing table of the outdoor SPI-2331 is configured depending on operator’s setting and the configuration and the setting of the routing table are similar to the standard setting of the router. The outdoor SPI-2331 supports the static routing configuration only and not the router function for the traffic received from the outside. When the outdoor SPI-2331 connects an auxiliary device, it supports the IP packet routing function for the auxiliary device by using Network Address Translation(NA T).
Ethernet/VLAN Interface Function
The outdoor SPI-2331 provides the Ethernet interface and supports the static link grouping function, Virtual Local Area Network(VLAN) function and Ethernet CoS function under IEEE 802.3ad for the Ethernet interface. At this time, the MAC bridge function defined in IEEE 802.1D is excluded.
The outdoor SPI-2331 enables several VLAN IDs to be set in one Ethernet interface and maps the DSCP value of IP header with the CoS value of Ethernet header in Tx packet to support Ethernet CoS.
2.2.4 Auxiliary Device Interface Function
The outdoor SPI-2331 can support better performance service and convenience by supporting various auxiliary devices. The outdoor SPI-2331 provides the Ethernet interface to connect auxiliary devices and allocates IP addresses by operating as a DHCP server for the auxiliary devices. In addition, the outdoor SPI-2331 provides the traffic path to transmit/receive the maintenance traffic between an auxiliary device and the remote auxiliary device monitoring server. If the auxiliary device uses a private IP address, the outdoor SPI-2331 carries out the NAT function to change the address into a public IP address(i.e., the IP address of the outdoor SPI-2331) for the communication with an external monitoring server.
2.2.5 Maintenance Function
The outdoor SPI-2331 interworking with the management system carries out the following maintenance functions: system initialization and restart, management for system configuration, management for the operation parameters, failure and status management for system resources and services, statistics management for system resources and various performance data, diagnosis management for system resources and services and security management for system access and operation.
Convenience Installation and Initialization
The outdoor SPI-2331 automatically receives its IP from the DHCP, and it is initialized using software and configuration information saved in a non-volatile memory of the system or an external server.
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Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description/Ed.02
Graphic and Text-based Console Interface
WSM manages the entire Mobile WiMAX system by using Database Management System(DBMS) and Outdoor SPI-2331 interworks with this WSM. In addition, the outdoor SPI-2331 directly access NE as well as WSM and interworks with console terminal to perform the operation and maintenance function.
For operator’s convenience and working purpose, the operator can select graphic-based console interface(Web-based Element Maintenance Terminal, Web-EMT) or text-based console interface(Integrated Management Interface Shell, IMISH). The operator can access the console interface with no separate software and log in to Web­EMT through Internet Explore and IMISH through Secure Shell(SSH) on the command window. The operator can carry out the retrieval and setup of the configuration and the operation information and monitoring about faults, status and statistics via consol terminal. However, the operator can carry out grow/degrow of resources and setting of the neighbor list and paging group which have correlation between several NEs only via the WSM.
Operator Authentication Function
The outdoor SPI-2331 provides the authentication and the permission management functions for the operator who manages the Mobile WiMAX system. The operator accesses the outdoor SPI-2331 by using the operator’s ID and password via Web-EMT or IMISH and the outdoor SPI-2331 assigns the operation right in accordance with the operator’s level. The outdoor SPI-2331 carries out the logging function for successful access, access failure and login history.
Maintenance Function with Enhanced Security Function
For the security, the outdoor SPI-2331 supports Simple Network Management Protocol version 3(SNMPv3) and secure File Transfer Protocol(SFTP) in the communication with WSM and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over SSL(HTTPs) and Secure Shell(SSH) in the communication with console terminals. For the operation and maintenance of the outdoor SPI-2331, the outdoor SPI-2331 provides the self or remote loading function in system initialization and restart, the retrieval and setting function for the configuration and operation parameters, the fault and status management function, the statistics collection function for various performance data, the diagnosis function for resources and services, the call trace function and the security management function for system access and operation.
On-line Software Upgrade
When a software package is upgraded, the outdoor SPI-2331 can upgrade the package while running old version of software package. The pac kage upgrade is progressed in the following procedure: ‘Add New Package Æ Change to New package Æ Delete Old Package ’.
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CHAPTER 2. Overview of Outdoor SPI-2331
In package upgrade, the service is stopped temporarily because the old process is terminated and the new process is started in the ‘Change to New package’ stage. However, since OS is not restarted, the service will be provided again within a few minutes.
After upgrading software, the outdoor SPI-2331 update s t he package stored in a volatile storage. In addition, the outdoor SPI-2331 can re-perform the ‘Change to New package’ stage to roll back into the previous package before upgrade.
Call Trace Function
The outdoor SPI-2331 supports the call trace function for a specific MS. The outdoor SPI­2331 can carry out the call trace function up to 10 MSs. If a call occurs in the MS that an operator previously specified via ACR, the signaling message and statistical traffic data are transmitted to WSM. Besides, the outdoor SPI-2331, also, sends the RF environment information, such as Carrier-to-Interference-and-Noise-Ratio(CINR) for MS, Modulation and Coding Schemes(MCS) level and Burst Error Rate(BER).
Detailed Information for Each Session and Service Flow (PSMR/PSFMR)
The Mobile WiMAX system of Samsung collects and stores detailed information of all sessions(Per Session Measurement Record, PSMR) and detailed information of all service flows(Per Service Flow Measurement Record, PSFMR) to provide it to an external log server. When a session or service flow is created, the Mobile WiMAX system starts to collect relevant information, and when the session or service flow terminates, the system creates and stores a message in a file so that the external log server can collect the message.
The information collected by the ACR includes session termination time, initial and final handover information(handover types, cell information), and the MAC address and IP address allocated to the MS. The outdoor SPI-2331 collects such information as MS MAC addresses, continued session time, continued service flow time, turnaround time for network entry, CID, SFID, initial and final wireless quality information(RSSI, CINR, Tx power), and throughput information.
The ACR deliver the information collected by ACR to the outdoor SPI-2331, and the outdoor SPI-2331 creates and stores a file for each period.
2.2.6 Function of Supporting the Outdoor Environment
The outdoor SPI-2331 senses and controls the temperature inside the system, collects and reports the environmental alarms to operate normally in the outdoor environment. The outdoor SPI-2331 has a natural air convection system without a fan to optimize air flow. Therefore, its low power consumption is suitable for use outdoors.
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Mobile WiMAX Outdoor RAS SPI-2331 System Description/Ed.02
2.3 Specifications
The capacity of the outdoor SPI-2331 is as follows:
Category System Capacity
Channel Bandwidth 5/10 MHz RF Band - 2,496~2,568 MHz(BW: 72 MHz)
- 2,618~2,690 MHz(BW: 72 MHz) Maximum Number of Carriers/Sectors 1Carrier/Omni Interface between ACR-SPI-2331 Fast Ethernet FFT size/Carrier/sector 512/1,024 Channel Card Capacity 1Carrier/Omni MIMO MIMO(2Tx/2Rx) Output Antenna Port-based
- 100mW/Carrier/Path @ 10 MHz
- 50mW/Carrier/Path @ 5 MHz
Input Power
The table below lists the power standard for the outdoor SPI-2331. The outdoor SPI-2331 satisfies the electrical safety standard prescribed in UL60950.
Category Standard
System Input Voltage
-48 VDC(Voltage Variation Range: -40~-56 VDC)
System Input Voltage
If the system input voltage that the service provider wants is AC, it can be supplied
via a separate external rectifier.
Cabinet Size and Weight
The table below lists the cabinet size and weight of the outdoor SPI-2331. The cabinet height includes the foot part of the cabinet.
Category Standard
Cabine Size(mm) Cabinet Weight(kg) About 10 or less
375(H) × 400(W) × 91(D)
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CHAPTER 2. Overview of Outdoor SPI-2331
Environmental Condition
The table below lists the environmental conditions and related standards such as operational temperature and humidity.
Category Range Applied Standard
Temperature Conditiona) -40~50°C(-40~122°F) GR-487-CORE Sec. 3.26 Humidity Conditiona) 5~95%
However, the vapor content for air
of 1 kg should not exceed 0.024 kg. Altitude -60~1,800 m(-197~6,000 ft) GR-63-CORE Sec.4.1.3 Earthquake Zone 4 GR-63-CORE Sec.4.4.1 Vibration Commercial Transportation Curve 2 GR-63-CORE Sec.4.4.4 Noise(sound pressure
level) Electromagnetic
Wave(EMI) US Federal Regulation Standard satisfied FCC Title47 Part27
a) The standards of temperature/humidity conditions are based on the value on the position where is
400 mm(15.8 in) away from the front of the system and in the height of 1.5 m(59 in) on the bottom.
Under 65 dBA in distance of
1.5 m(5 ft) and height of 1.0 m(3 ft).
Standard satisfied FCC Title47 Part 15 Class B
GR-487-CORE Sec.3.34.2
GR-487-CORE Sec.3.29
GR-1089-CORE Sec. 3.2
GPSR Specification
The table below lists the GPS Receiver(GPSR) characteristics of Outdoor SPI-2331.
Category Description
Received Signal from GPS 1PPS, ToD Reference signal 8 kHz Accuracy/Stability 0.01 ppm Holdover time 24 hr
RF Specification
The table below lists the RF characteristics of the outdoor SPI-2331.
Category Description
Tx Output Power 200mW @avg power(MIMO) per carrier/sector Tx Constellation error 802.16e standard is observed. RX Sensitivity 802.16e standard is observed.
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