- This Document cannot be used without Samsung’s Authorization -
Product HHP Notice No. 15-45
Model Galaxy S6 & S6 Edge Notice Date 28th Apr ’15
Subject Checking method for internal memory size for S6 & S6 Edge Rev2.0
Scope Subsidiary ( Yes ) ASC ( Yes ) Custome r ( No )
1. Purpose
- To inform all ASCs of possible different methods that can be used to check the internal memory size of
S6 and S6 Edge devices. This information may be necessary, for example, when replacing a PBA to
ensure the replacement board used has the same memory capacity as the customers original PBA..
2. Advice
- There are 2 methods listed in the Instruction section of this guide to enable you to check if the internal
memory size of Galaxy S6 & S6 Edge device is 32GB, 64GB or 128 GB
3. Instruction
- Method (1) : Checking by settings menu
1) From the Home screen tap "Apps", then "Settings" > then "Storage"
The "Total space" will be displayed
2) Check total space information for the device. In this example the device has 64GB memory.
Published By [Global CS Team in HQ]
※ This Service Bulletin is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Any
unauthorized use of Bulletin can be subject to International and/or Domestic Copyright
& Distribution Law.

- This Document cannot be used without Samsung’s Authorization -
- Method (2) : Checking by SKU code
1) Check the SKU code for the device
Example) SKU code: SM-G920FZWEEVR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
S M - G 9 2 0 F Z W E E V R
2) Check the 11th digit of the SKU code.
- the 11th digit indicates the internal memory size information.
11th digit of SKU Memory
A 32 GB
E 64 GB
F 128 GB
※ This information is only for Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge.
How to check SKU code on GSPN?
1) Go to HHP svc > ESN/IMEI Review
Published By [Global CS Team in HQ]