The information within this manual is subject to change without
The manufacturer shall not be held liable for technical or editorial
erro rs or om i s sions co ntaine d he r ein; nor for inci de n t a l or
consequent ial damages resulti ng from the furnishi ng, performance or
use of this material.
No part of this publication may be repr oduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any f orm or by any means, mechanical
photocopying, recording or otherwis e, without the prior written
permission of the manufacturer .
Product na mes mentio ned herei n are f or ide ntifica tion pu rposes only,
and may be trademarks and/or registered tradem ar ks of their
respective companies.
1998. All rights reserved
Impor ta n t S a fe ty In s tructio n
Read all of these instructions, and save these instructions for later
• Follow all warni ngs and ins truct io ns mark ed on the
product. Unplug this prod uct fro m the wall outlet be fore
cleaning. Do no t use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners.
Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
• Do not use this product near water. Never spill liquid of
any kind on the product.
• Do not place this pr oduct on an unsta ble cart, stand, or
• Before connecting this product to a power s ource, check
the required voltage and frequen cy match the available
power source.
• Do not allow anyt hing to rest on t he power cord.

• This product is powere d by an e xternal AC ada pt er. Use of
another external AC adapter may present risk of fire or
• Do not place this pr oduct in a location where someone
may trip over the cord.
• Never push objects of any kind into this product through
the cabinet slots, as they may touch dangerous vo ltage
points or short out parts; that could resul t in a risk of fire
or el ec t r i c shock.
• Except as explained els ew her e in this manual, do not
attempt to service this product yourself.
• Unplug this product from the wall ou tl et and refer
problems t o the serv ice representative under the following
- When the power cor d or plug is damaged or frayed.
- If liquid has been spilled into product.
- If the product has been exposed to rain or wate r .
- If the product does not operate normally when the
operating instructions are followed, adjust only tho s e
controls that ar e covered by the oper ating Instruct ions.
Improper adj us tment of other co ntrols may resul t in
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
This device complies w ith Part 15 of the FCC Ru les. O per ation is
subject to the fol lowing tw o conditions :(1) t his device may no t cause
harmful inter fere nce, and (2) thi s device must a ccept any inter ferenc e
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
ii User’s Manual

generate uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause
harmful interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or tel evision
reception, whi ch can be de termin ed by turn ing the equip ment off and
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the follo w ing measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna .
• Increase the sep aration between the equipment and
• Connect the equipm ent into an outlet on a circu it di ffer en t
from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the deal er or an experienced radio/T V tech nician
for help.
If necessary, the user should consult the deal er or an experienced
radio/television technician fo r additional suggestions. The user may
find the foll owi ng book le t hel pful : "So methi ng About I nter fer ence. "
This is available at FCC local regional offices . Our company is not
responsible for any radio or television interference caused by
unauthorized modifications of this equipment or the substitution or
attachment of connecting cabl es and equipment other than those
specified by our company. The corr ection will be the responsibil ity
of the user. Use only shielded data cables with this system.
Canadian Radio Interference Regulations
This apparatus does not exceed the class B limits for radio noise
emissions set out in the radio inte rfe rence regulat ions of the
Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant
les limites applicable aux appareils de la clas s e B prescrites par le
règlement de bro uillage radioél e ctrique dicté par le Ministère des
Comm u nictions du C an a da .