quick reference
l:eop le
° sen mole > BeaiD, Shet _ 38
@ rno:_e > Pictt£- in Pk tu_e _ 46
° R_J cjc/% d eye,FIx(topu,ve!_toru,._c<-c
re_ e><, _ 5,
° Face Detedior_ _ 64
Se/h;%4n it _ 65
C @b_dng phot ::_s ngh_ or i_
the dark
° SeN rllode> Night,Sun,_.et,Dawn_ 8.
° Flash)ptiens _ 57'
° iSOsensitivity'Teaojustthesensitivityto iighO
S rrL :_e_ 42
Oondn _xi8, Motkn Capture _ 73
SON mode > %xt l_ 3i
° Mae!o _ 60
iSO set/sidvity (b adjust ti_e senqtivity to ii©i/t,
• FV it,>adiuet cxpes_,e,_ 89
$\cr} ',recernperlsate _,,r sul_ect>>against brk jh!
bacl<grxlnds) _ YO
lVlet<.:r,nd_ ,O
° AEB (to captur< S pbSos ef the same scene
wiP diPercnt cxposurus} _ 73
° SON mode > [andsca!ae _ 31
• _ reed(, > [ ire Panorama _ ,i
@ mode >/V_agic Fr, ine _ 45
• _ me/e> Split Shot _ 46
° _ mole >Artistic Brush _ 48
° _ mo_e > Photo Filter _ 49
° image Adjqst lie adjqst Sharpness, Cot/trast,
or 8atuc4ion) _ 74
t:fleets to videos
° _ mo:le > blevie Filter _ SO
_ F_e:JL( qq coH_er8 shako
)bto_ sage StaJr_Jzutio' ) S _ S
Ve\ /g lies L)}/08 egory r 8F]AI/Dt
dlewf _rilesd_s/?c:u_ui _dJJS_ eL
U_la[ _ 81 rilesoil rne opqop _ 4Z
vewGjt@aC s{ v _d
oo/lr:oou • _ )L_rCa/iqOP40 a O/qDU or
J_-qP )/]OLOOf video s _r/]{/weosIte8
WB 50WWB/5Pf on y)
,'el ),/]_ 3r:eosorvIOeosvae/]qa
3 50F/WBI'. _Yony) _ 0/
_t_JL_Sr_t_©UDGa/]GVOIL le _ "_
_dJUA[ingrr;e o_@ntnes_sof he d 8p ay
(_}ris g_nf/[noc splsyla_guage _ IZ
f_E _ne_Jare'c2/]( i/_qo i_
o Be%re co_]tAoYi a uurvlce eerl er' _ 1_]_-