imagine an all-in-one monitor
Samsung SyncMaster™ Thin Client Monitors

Combined PC
imagine a cost effective, stylish
& Monitor Solutions
The new wave of office computing
Server-based computing is an increasingly popular alternative to having a PC on every desk. Samsung thin
client monitors take server-based computing to a new level of convenience and affordability. By combining
a premium quality LCD monitor with a built-in thin client in one space-efficient unit, they offer an even lower
total cost of ownership and simpler maintenance and support.
Server-Based Computing with Client Monitor
Client Monitor Client Monitor
& easy to use monitor solution
Client Monitor Client Monitor
Thin Clients offer:
• High reliability
• Low power consumption, heat and noise generation
• High data security
• Ease of management
• Ease of updates
• Vastly reduced desktop maintenance costs
• Quick to swap out and replace
• Central processing, so ease of maintenance, backup,
server consolidation
• Less desktop space needed
• Ease of ability to change network configuration
• Ease of assigning user privileges
• Low cost of maintenance – no need for IT people
to be deskside
SBC (Server-Based Computing)
In SBC environments, multiple thin clients are connected to a
central server via the network. In big installations there may be
more than one server - it may be a cluster of terminal servers
with failover. This IT solution enhances efficiency of installation,
maintenance, security, and virus protection compared to the
conventional computing environment that consists of multiple PCs.
Thin Client
Each thin client provides basic computing functions: connecting
to a server via the network, transmitting input signals to the
server, and showing output of performance.

Innovation & Design
Unrivalled performance and reliability as standard
Samsung’s thin client monitors are everything you would expect from the world’s number one manufacturer
of LCD screens. Combining the latest technology with outstanding design, they deliver vibrant images and
crystal clear audio, while taking up no more room than a standard monitor. For the ultimate in clutter-free
working they can even be wall-mounted.
Embedded Browser
Lets you use simple internet
functions without connecting to
the server
Best Quality LCD Screen
Premium display technology from the
world’s Number 1 LCD manufacturer
Fast image processing delivers high
quality moving images
Adjustable Height
Height adjustable for viewing
comfort and ergonomic working
Magic Rotation
Rotating display lets you switch
between landscape and portrait
viewing for total convenience
Samsung Thin Client and your work environment
Thin Client monitor solutions are set to revolutionize the modern work environment. Their time saving, cost
saving and space saving benefits offer unparalleled access and security. Below we have highlighted some
key sectors and the opportunities thin client solutions offer.
Benefits: Tamper proof; low cost; easy to look after; easy to
boot; easy to troubleshoot; resilient; low cost of ownership; do
not go obsolescent easily; no viruses.
• Easy to configure and use
• Not possible to change settings so great for multiple users in
classroom environment
• Easy to manage remotely
• Very low cost of ownership and easy to maintain
• Resilient and tamperproof
Benefits: Highly secure; flexible; no data; reliable; easy to
manage; easy to deploy and manage remotely.
• Personnel can log in on any thin client and have access to their own
desktop and applications
• Cost effective
• Complete confidentiality of data
• Ideal for remote working
• Easy to manage both on site and remote devices
• Easy to upgrade features via management software
• Easy to deploy
Benefits: Fast; multiple screen possibility; low down time;
virus free; highly secure; easy to manage multiple units across
• Security and compliance
• Easy maintenance
• Reliable and quick to swap out
• Ideal for home working
• Easy to add new features
• Low heat, power consumption and noise levels
Benefits: Quick to boot up; virus free; easy to deploy remotely
and manage remote units; easy to add peripherals (bar code
scanners, printers, registers etc), plus space to store local
copies of the bar code and pricing database.
• Easy to install and manage in remote locations
• Easy to attach POS peripherals
• Ability to store barcode and pricing database locally, in case of network outage
• No local data – all transactions recorded centrally
• Updates to all remote terminals easy with remote management software
Built-in Speakers
Integrated speakers for a sleek,
uncluttered design
Diverse Connectivity
Multiple USB 2.0 connectivity makes
it easy to add peripherals
Standard Features
Benefits: Highly secure; easy to manage large numbers of
these; virus free; easy to deploy.
• Highly cost effective
• Highly secure
• Easy to deploy both on site and remotely
• Low cost to purchase and to maintain
• Easy to manage vast quantities of devices centrally