This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.
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Several semiconductor may be damaged easilly by static electricity. Such parts are called by
ESD(Electrostatically Sensitive Devices), for example IC,BGA chip etc. Read Precaution below.
You can prevent from ESD damage by static electricity.
Remove static electricity remained your body before you touch semiconductor or parts with
semiconductor. There are ways that you touch an earthed place or wear static electricity
prevention string on wrist.
Use earthed soldering steel when you connect or disconnect ESD.
Use soldering removing tool to break static electricity. , otherwise ESD will be damaged by
static electricity.
Don't unpack until you set up ESD on product. Because most of ESD are packed by box
and aluminum plate to have conductive power,they are prevented from static electricity.
You must maintain electric contact between ESD and place due to be set up until ESD is
connected completely to the proper place or a circuit board.
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2. Specification
2-1. GSM General Specification
Freq. Band[MHz]
ARFCN range
Tx/Rx spacing45 MHz95 M Hz80 MHz
Mod. Bit
Bit Period
Time Slot Period/Frame
ModulationGPRS0.3 GMSK0.3 GMSK0.3 GMSK
270.833 Kbps
3.692 us
576.9 us
4.615 ms
270.833 Kbps
3.692 us
576.9 us
4.615 ms
270.833 Kbps
3.692 us
576.9 us
4.615 ms
Po we r L e ve lGP RS5~ 1 9 ( c l a s s 4 )0~15(class1)0~15(class1)
Sensitivity-102 dBm-100 dBm-102 dBm
Cell Radius35 Km2 Km2 Km
Operating Temperature-20℃~45
Supply Voltage3.7 V3.7 V3.7 V
Size and Weight
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Dimention : 97(H) × 52(W) × 14.9(D) mm
Weight: 96 g (with standard battery)
2-2. GSM TX Power Level
TX Power
control level
533±2 dBm
631±2 dBm
729±2 dBm
827±2 dBm
925±2 dBm
1023±2 dBm
1121±2 dBm
1219±2 dBm
1317±2 dBm
1415±2 dBm
1513±2 dBm
TX Power
control level
030±3 dBm
128±3 dBm
226±3 dBm
324±3 dBm
422±3 dBm
520±3 dBm
618±3 dBm
716±3 dBm
814±3 dBm
912±4 dBm
1010±4 dBm
TX Power
control level
030±3 dBm
128±3 dBm
226±3 dBm
324±3 dBm
422±3 dBm
520±3 dBm
618±3 dBm
716±3 dBm
814±3 dBm
912±4 dBm
1010±4 dBm
1611±2 dBm
179±2d Bm
187±2d Bm
195±2d Bm
118±4 dBm
126±4 dBm
134±4 dBm
142±5 dBm
150±5 dBm
118±4 dBm
126±4 dBm
134±4 dBm
142±5 dBm
150±5 dBm
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3. Product Function
3-1. Main Function
-Camera and camcorder
-Image editor
-File viewer
-Get personal with photo caller ID
-Name card
-Multimedia Message Service (MMS)
-Web browser
-Voice recorder
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4. Array course control
Test Jig (GH80-03307A)
Test Cable (GH39-00127A)
RF Test Cable (GH39-00283A)
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Array course control
Software Downloading
4-1. Downloading Binary Files
• Two binary files for downloading D520.
– D520XXYY.s3 : Main source code binary.
– D520XXYY.cts : Default Contents binary.
4-2. Pre-requsite for Downloading
• Downloader Program(OptiFlash.exe)
• D520 Mobile Phone
• Data C able
• Binary files
• CTS files
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Array course control
4-3. S/W Downloader Program
1. Load the binary download programby executing the “OptiFlash.exe”
2. Select the “Options” -> “Settings” -> “Generic” -> “Specify hardwareplatform”.
Choose hardware platform for the downloader file setting.
Set the everything else as the default values which are shown below
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Array course control
3. Select the COM port when the download cable is connected
Up to 64 ports are supported. Additionally you can select the
maximumtransfer speed OptiFlash will use to communicate with
the phone. However, OptiFlash will use a slower speed if either the
PC’s or the phone’s serial hardware is incapable of handling the
selected speed
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Array course control
4. Select the“Flash&Verify” -> “Browse”
Set the directory path and choose the latest s/w binary, for example
“D520XXYY.s3”,for the downloader binary setting.
In case of D520 the reserved regions are not a
necessity. (It is defined in platform.def file)
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Array course control
5. Select the“Default Contents” -> “Browse”
Set the directory path and choose the CTS file, for example
“D520XXYY.cts”,for the downloader binary setting.
Function of Flash option
S-Record only : download binary only
S-Record with Contens : download binary with default contents
Contents only : download default contents
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Array course control
6. Click “OK” button then press “Flash”.
(Before pressing ‘Flash’ button, push the button ‘*’and ‘END’ at the sametime. Then press ‘Flash’.)
Downloader will upload the binary file as below for the downloading.
7. When downloading is finished successfully, there is a “All is well”
8. After finishing downloading, Certain memory resets should b e done to
guarantee the normal performance.
9. Confirm the downloaded version name and etc. :
Full Reset :
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5. ExplodedVi ewand Par ts Li st
5- 1. Ce l l ular phone Expl oded V i ew
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Ma in Ele ctrica l Par ts List
5- 2. Ce l l ular phone Par t s list
De sig n LO CD iscrip tionSE C C O D E
QA N 0 2
QB A 0 0
QB A 0 1
QC A 0 1
QC A 0 2
QC A 0 5
QC K 0 1
QC R 0 5
QC R 0 5
QC R 1 2
QC R 3 2
QF R 01
QF R 04
QK P 01
QK P 02
QC R 3 2SC R EW- M A C H IN E600 1 -0 01 7 00
QC R 4 7SC R EW- M A C H IN E600 1 -0 01 6 95
QF L0 2MEC -S L ID E LOWE RGH 7 5- 08 8 60 B
QH I0 1M E C -H IN G EGH 7 5 -0 94 1 4A
QMI0 3RM O -MIC HO L D E RGH 7 3 -0 57 0 4A
INN E R B A T TE R Y P AC K - 80 0MA H ,B LK ,GH 4 3 -0 18 5 0A
INT ENN A -S G H D 5 2 0GH 4 2 -0 07 4 0A
AS S Y- COV E R- B AT TGH 9 8 -0 07 2 1B
UN IT -C A ME RAGH 5 9 -0 28 6 0A
UN IT -C A M E R A K E YGH 59 -0 2 7 99 A
ME C -S U B F LA S H D E C OGH 7 5 -0 88 6 2A
ME C -C A M KE YGH 7 5 -0 88 6 6A
SC R EW- M A C H IN E600 1 -0 01 4 78
SC R EW- M A C H IN E600 1 -0 01 4 78
SC R EW- M A C H IN E600 1 -0 01 5 30
SC R EW- M A C H IN E600 1 -0 01 7 00
ME C -S U A F R O N T C O V E RGH 7 5 -0 88 6 3B
PM O -F R O N T C O V E R B U SHGH 7 2 -2 78 5 6A
ME C -K E Y PA D MAINGH 7 5 -0 88 6 4B
M EC -K E Y PA D SU BGH 7 5 -0 88 6 1B
ELA U NIT -S G H D 5 2 0 LC DGH 96 -0 2 0 99 A
UN IT -K E Y P A DGH 5 9 -0 27 1 6A
UN IT -N A V I K EYGH 5 9 -0 27 1 7A
MO T O R DC -S P H V 8 40 0GH 3 1 -0 01 8 7A
PBA MA IN - S G H D 5 20GH 9 2 -0 24 8 1A
ME A -S LI D E FP C B K ITGH 9 7 -0 55 7 9A
PM O -CO V E R R FGH 72 -2 9 40 5 B
ND C -S H IE L D C A NGH 7 1- 05 9 61 A
SP E AK E R300 1 -0 01 9 06
UN IT -V O L U M E K E YGH 5 9 -0 27 98 A
ME C -K E Y V O LU MEGH7 5 -0 82 7 7 A
M EC -S U A R E A R C O V E RGH75 - 08 8 65 B
M EC -S U A S L ID E L O W HIN G EGH 7 5 -0 88 5 9B
M EC -S U A S L ID E U P PE RGH 7 5 -0 88 5 7B
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Ma in Ele ctrica l Par ts List
Disc rip tionSE C C O D E
BA G P E690 2 -00 0 2 97
CB F IN TE R F AC E -D A T A L IN K C A B LEG H 3 9- 00 4 44 A
AD A P TO R -S GH D 8 00 T A (E U )GH 4 4 -01 0 6 0A
S/W C D -S AMSU N G P CST U D IO 3 .0GH4 6- 00 2 15 A
EA R PH O N E - ST E R EO HE A D S E TG H 5 9 -02 4 99 A
LAB E L( P) -IM E IGH 6 8- 01 3 35 D
LAB E L( P) -W A T E R S O A KGH 6 8 -02 0 2 6A
LAB E L( P) -W A T E R S O A KGH 6 8 -02 0 2 6A
MA N U A L -S FC CA R DGH 6 8 -07 9 3 7A
MA N U A L U S E RS -E U F R E N C HGH 6 8 -09 2 0 5A
LAB E L( P) -M A IN (EU )GH 6 8 -09 2 5 1A
MA N U A L U S E RS -E U DU T C HGH 6 8 -09 5 0 9A
CU S H IO N -CA S E TA 2 MA 2GH 6 9 -03 6 3 2A
BO X (P )-U N I T M A IN (E U )GH 6 9 -03 6 3 5A
MP R -B O H O VIN Y L LC D CO N NGH 7 4 -15 3 5 0A
MP R -T A PE R E M OV E LC DGH 7 4 -18 2 8 6A
MP R -V IN Y L B O H O M A I NGH7 4 -19 9 51 A
MP R -T A PE GA S KE T MA IN FPCGH 7 4 -21 3 6 1A
MP R -T A PE N A V I C O N N B T MGH7 4- 21 36 2 A
MP R -T A PE CA M E R A C O N NGH 7 4 -21 3 6 4A
MP R -T A PE L C D C O N N CGH 7 4- 21 3 65 A
M PR -T A PE N AV I KE Y C O N NGH 7 4 -21 3 6 6A
MP R -T A PE MA IN CO N N CGH 7 4 -21 3 67 A
M PR -T A PE MA I N C O N N AG H7 4 -21 3 68 A
MP R -T A PE L C D C O N N DGH7 4 -21 3 6 9A
M PR -C U S H IO N NA V I KE YGH 7 4 -21 6 2 6A
MP R -C U S H IO N LC D B A CKGH 74 -2 16 2 7A
MP R -V IN Y L B O H O S U B K E YG H 7 4 -22 2 2 5A
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