This user manual has been specially designed to guide you through the functions
and features of your mobile phone. To get started quickly, refer to “introducing your
mobile phone.” “
Excessive exposur e t o sound at high volum es can cause hearing dam age.
Always t urn the volum e down befor e plu gging t he ear phones int o an audio source and
use only t he m inim um volum e set tin g n ecessar y t o hear your conversat ion or music.
Install mobile phones and equipment with caution
Ensure that any mobile phones or related equipment installed in your vehicle are
securely mounted. Avoid placing your phone and accessories near or in an air bag
deployment area. Improperly installed wireless equipment can cause serious injury
when air bags inflate rapidly.
Handle and dispose of batteries and chargers with care
l Use only Samsung-approved batteries and chargers specifically designed for
your phone. Incompatible batteries and chargers can cause serious injuries
or damage to your phone.
l Never dispose of batteries or phones in a fire. Follow all local regulations
when disposing used batteries or phones.
l Never place batteries or phones on or in heating devices, such as microwave
ovens, stoves, or radiators. Batteries may explode when overheated.
l Never crush or puncture the battery. Avoid exposing the battery to high
external pressure, which can lead to an internal short circuit and overheating.
Avoid interference with pacemakers
Maintain a minimum of 15 cm (6 inches) between mobile phones and pacemakers to
avoid potential interference, as recommended by manufacturers and the
independent research group, Wireless Technology Research. If you have any reason
to suspect that your phone is interfering with a pacemaker or other medical device,
turn off the phone immediately and contact the manufacturer of the pacemaker or
medical device for guidance.
Turn off the phone in potentially explosive environments
Do not use your phone at refuelling points (service stations) or near fuels or
chemicals. Turn off your phone whenever directed by warning signs or instructions.
Your phone could cause explosions or fire in and around fuel or chemical storage
and transfer areas or blasting areas. Do not store or carry flammable liquids, gases,
or explosive materials in the same compartment as the phone, its parts, or
Reduce the risk of repetitive motion injuries
When sending text messages or playing games on your phone, hold the phone with
a relaxed grip, press the keys lightly, use special features that reduce the number of
keys you have to press (such as templates and predictive text), and take frequent
Safety precautions
periods of time.
Avoid interference with other electronic devices
Your phone emits radio frequency (RF) signals that may interfere with unshielded or
improperly shielded electronic equipment, such as pacemakers, hearing aids,
medical devices, and other electronic devices in homes or vehicles. Consult the
manufacturers of your electronic devices to solve any interference problems you
manufact ured not to exceed t he ex posure limit s for radio frequency (RF)
energy set by t he Feder al Com m unicat ions Com m ission (FCC) of t he U.S.
gov ernm ent . These FCC exposure lim it s are derived fr om t he
recomm endations of two expert organizat ions, the National Counsel on
Radiation Protect ion and Measurem ent (NCRP) and the I nstit ut e of
Elect rical and Elect ronics Engineers ( I EEE) . I n both cases, the
recomm endations were developed by scient ific and engineering expert s
drawn from indust ry , governm ent , and academia after extensive reviews
of the scientific literature relat ed t o the biological effects of RF energy.
The exposure lim it set by th e FCC for wireless m obile phones employs a
unit of m easurem ent known as the Specific Absorpt ion Rat e ( SAR). The
SAR is a m easure of the rate of absorption of RF energy by t he hum an
body expr essed in unit s of watt s per kilogram (W/ kg). The FCC requires
wireless phones to com ply with a safet y lim it of 1.6 wat t s per kilogram
(1 .6 W/ kg) . The FCC exposur e lim it incorporates a substant ial m argin of
safet y t o give additional protection to the public and to account for any
variations in m easurem ent s.
SAR t ests are conduct ed using standard operat ing posit ions accept ed by
the FCC wit h t he phone t ransmitt ing at its highest certified power level in
all t ested frequency bands. Although t he SAR is determ ined at t he highest
certified power level, the actu al SAR level of the phone w hile operat ing
can be well below the m axim um v alue. This is because the phone is
designed to operate at m ultiple power levels so as t o use only the power
required t o reach t he network. I n general, t he closer y ou ar e to a wireless
base stat ion anten na, t he lower t he power out put .
Befor e a new m odel phone is available for sale t o the public, it m ust be
test ed and certified to the FCC t hat it does not exceed t he exposure lim it
established by the FCC. Tests for each m odel phone are perform ed in
positions and locat ions (e.g. at the ear and worn on t he body) as required
by t he FCC.
For body worn operat ion, t his m odel phone has been t ested and meet s
the FCC RF exposure guidelines whenused wit h a Sam sung accessory
designat ed for t his pr oduct or when used with an accessory t hat cont ains
no m etal and t hat positions t he handset a m inim um of 1.5 cm from t he
Non- com pliance wit h t he above rest rictions m ay result in violation of FCC
RF exposure guidelines.
SAR inform ation on this and other m odel phones can be viewed on-line at (
http: / / oet/ fccid) .
A3LSCHR261. Som etim es it m ay be necessary t o rem ove the batt ery pack
to find the num ber. Once you have the FCC I D num ber for a particular
phone, follow t he instructions on t he website and it should provide values
for t ypical or m axim um SAR for a particular phone. Additional product
specific SAR inform ation can also be obt ained at htt p: / / ww cgb/ sar
This sit e uses t he phone FCC I D number,
Consu m e r I nf or m a t ion on W ir e le ss Ph one s
The U.S. Food and Drug Adm inist r ation (FDA) has published a series of
Questions and Answers for consum ers relat ing t o radio frequency ( RF)
ex posure from w ireless phones. The FDA publication includes t he
following inform ation:
W hat k in ds of p hon e s a r e t he sub j ect of t his u pda t e ?
The term wireless phone refers her e t o hand-held wireless phones with
built- in ant ennas, often called “cell,” “m obile,” or “ PCS” phones. These
ty pes of wireless phones can expose t he user t o measurable radio
frequency energy (RF) because of t he short distance bet ween the phone
and the user's head. These RF exposures are lim ited by Federal
Com m unicat ions Com m ission safet y guidelines t hat were developed wit h
the advice of FDA and other federal health and safet y agencies. When the
phone is located at greater distances from the user, t he exposure to RF is
drastically lower because a person's RF ex posure decreases rapidly with
in creasing distance from t he sour ce. The so-called “cordless ph ones,”
which have a base unit connect ed to the t elephone wiring in a house,
ty pically operate at far lower power lev els, and t hus produce RF
ex posures well within t he FCC's com pliance lim it s.
Do w ir e less p h on es pose a h ea lt h ha za r d?
The available scientific evidence does not show that any healt h problem s
are associated with using wireless phones. There is no proof, how ever,
that wireless phones are absolutely safe. Wireless phones emit low levels
of radio frequency energy ( RF) in t he m icrowave range w hile being used.
They also em it v ery low lev els of RF when in the stand- by m ode. Whereas
high levels of RF can produce health effects ( by heating tissue) , exposure
to low level RF t hat does not produce heating effects causes no known
adver se healt h effects. Many st udies of low level RF exposures have not
found any biological effects. Som e studies have suggested t hat som e
biological effects m ay occur, but such findings have not been confir m ed
by additional research. I n som e cases, ot her researchers have had
difficulty in reproducing those studies, or in det erm ining the reasons for
in consistent results.
W hat is FD A' s r ole con ce r nin g t he sa f et y of w ir ele ss p ho ne s?
Under t he law , FDA does not review the safet y of radiation- em it tin g
consum er product s such as wir eless phones before they can be sold, as it
does wit h new drugs or m edical devices. How ever, t he agen cy has
authority t o t ake action if wireless phones are shown t o em it r adio
frequency energy (RF) at a level t hat is hazardous to th e u ser. I n such a
case, FDA could require t he m anufact urer s of wireless phones to notify
users of the health hazard and to repair, replace or recall the phones so
that t he hazar d no longer exist s.
Although t he existing scient ific dat a do not just ify FDA regulatory act ions,
FDA has urged t he wireless phone industry t o t ak e a num ber of steps,
in cluding t he following:
l “Support needed resear ch int o possible biological effects of RF of
the ty pe em it t ed by wireless phones;
l “Design wireless phones in a way that m inim izes any RF exposure
to t he user t hat is not necessary for device funct ion; and
l “Cooperate in providing users of wireless phones wit h t he best
possible infor m ation on possible effects of wireless phone use on
hum an health.
FDA belongs t o an interagency wor king gr oup of t he federal agencies t hat
have responsibility for different aspects of RF safety to ensure coordinated
efforts at t he federal level. The following agencies belong t o t his w orking
l “National I nstit ut e for Occupational Safet y and Health
l “Environm ent al Protection Agency
l “Federal Com m unications Comm ission
l “Occupat ional Safety and Healt h Administration
l “National Telecom munications and I nform ation Adm inist rat ion
The National I nst itut es of Health participat es in som e interagency working
group act ivit ies, as well.
FDA shares regulatory r esponsibilit ies for w ireless phones with t he Federal
Com m unicat ions Com m ission (FCC). All phones that are sold in t he United
Stat es m ust com ply w ith FCC safety guidelines that lim it RF exposure.
FCC relies on FDA and other h ealth agencies for safety questions about
wireless phones.
FCC also regulat es t he base st at ions that t he wireless phone net works
rely upon. While t hese base stations operate at higher power t han do the
wireless phones them selves, the RF exposures t hat people get from t hese
base stat ions are typically thousands of t im es lower than those they can
get from w ireless phones. Base stat ions are t hus not the prim ary subj ect
of the safet y quest ions discussed in t his docum ent .
W hat a r e t h e re sult s of t h e r esea r ch do ne alr e a d y?
The research done t hus far has produced conflicting result s, and m any
studies have suffered from flaws in their resear ch m ethods. Animal
ex perim ents investigating the effect s of radio frequency energy ( RF)
ex posures charact eristic of wireless phones have yielded conflicting
result s that oft en cannot be repeat ed in other laboratories. A few animal
studies, howev er, have suggest ed that low levels of RF could accelerate
the developm ent of cancer in laborat ory anim als. Howev er, m any of the
studies t hat showed increased tum or development used anim als t hat had
been genetically engineered or t reated wit h cancer- causing chemicals so
as to be pre-disposed to develop cancer in absence of RF exposur e. Ot her
studies exposed the anim als t o RF for up t o 22 hours per day. These
conditions are not sim ilar to the conditions under which people use
wireless phones, so we don't know wit h certaint y w hat the results of such
studies m ean for hum an healt h.
Three large epidemiology st udies have been published since Decem ber
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