Samsung SCHN353 Users Manual

Printed in Korea
Code No.: GH68-XXXXX
English. 04/2004.Rev.1.0
World Wide Web
* Some contents of this manual may differ from your phone
Please read this manual before operating your phone, and keep it for future reference.
User’s Manual
IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ............................................... 5
UNPACKING ...................................................................................... 7
Phone Layout ...................................................................................... 8
Display .............................................................................................. 11
Backlight ........................................................................................... 13
Service Light ...................................................................................... 13
Installing the Battery .......................................................................... 14
Charging the Battery ........................................................................... 15
Switching the Phone On/Off ................................................................ 17
Your Phone’s Modes ........................................................................... 18
Using the Soft Keys ............................................................................ 20
Making a Call ..................................................................................... 21
Answering a Call ................................................................................. 27
Options During a Call .......................................................................... 28
Using Caller ID .................................................................................... 29
Viewing Missed Calls ........................................................................... 29
Quickly Switching to Vibrate Mode ....................................................... 30
Quickly Switching to 1-Beep Mode ....................................................... 30
Call Forwarding .................................................................................. 31
Call Waiting ........................................................................................ 31
Three-Way Calling ............................................................................... 32
Table of Contents
Changing the Text Input Mode ............................................................. 34
Using the T9(English) Mode ................................................................. 35
Using the Alphabet Mode ..................................................................... 37
Using the Symbol Mode ....................................................................... 38
Using the Number Mode ...................................................................... 39
Accessing Menu Functions by Scrolling .................................................. 40
Accessing Menu Functions by Using its Shortcut .................................... 41
List of Menu Functions ......................................................................... 42
Find (Menu 1-1) ............................................................................. 46 Add Entry
(Menu 1-2) ..................................................................... 49
(Menu 1-3) ......................................................................... 52
Memory Status
(Menu 1-4) .............................................................. 53
Write (Menu 2-1) ............................................................................. 54 Inbox
(Menu 2-2) ........................................................................... 56
(Menu 2-3) ......................................................................... 57
(Menu 2-4) ............................................................................ 58
(Menu 2-5) .................................................................... 58
Erase Messages
(Menu 2-6) ............................................................. 59
(Menu 2-7) ........................................................................ 59
Voice Mail
(Menu 2-8) ..................................................................... 61
Missed (Menu 3-1) .......................................................................... 62 Received
(Menu 3-2) ...................................................................... 63
(Menu 3-3) ......................................................................... 64
Erase History
(Menu 3-4) ................................................................ 64
Call Duration
(Menu 3-5) ................................................................ 65
Ringtones (Menu 4-1) ..................................................................... 66 Ringer Volume
(Menu 4-2) .............................................................. 67
(Menu 4-3) ........................................................................... 68
Key Tone
(Menu 4-4) ...................................................................... 69
Power On/Off Melody
(Menu 4-5) .................................................. 69
Language (Menu 5-1) ...................................................................... 70 Service Area
(Menu 5-2) .................................................................. 70
(Menu 5-3) .................................................................... 70
(Menu 5-4) ......................................................................... 71
(Menu 5-5) ...................................................................... 71
LCD Contrast
(Menu 5-6) ................................................................ 72
Scheduler (Menu 6-1) ..................................................................... 73 Task List
(Menu 6-2) ....................................................................... 77
Memo Pad
(Menu 6-3) .................................................................... 79
(Menu 6-4) ........................................................................... 80
(Menu 6-5) ..................................................................... 81
World Time
(Menu 6-6) ................................................................... 82
(Menu 6-7) ................................................................... 83
Call (Menu 7-1)................................................................................ 85 Phone/System
(Menu 7-2) ............................................................... 88
(Menu 7-3) ......................................................................... 90
Settings (Menu 8-1) ......................................................................... 94 Games
(Menu 8-2)........................................................................... 95
4 5
Exposure to Radio Frequency(RF) Signals ............................................ 96
For Body Operation ............................................................................ 98
Precautions When Using Batteries ....................................................... 99
Road Safety ..................................................................................... 101
Operating Environment .................................................................... 101
Electronic Devices ............................................................................. 102
Potentially Explosive Environments ................................................... 104
Emergency Calls ............................................................................... 105
Other Important Safety Information .................................................. 106
Care and Maintenance ...................................................................... 107
GLOSSARY .........................................................................
INDEX ............................................................................... 112
QUICK REFERENCE CARD .................................................... 115
Important Safety Precautions
Read these guidelines before using your wireless phone. Failure to comply with them may be dangerous or illegal.
Road Safety at All Times
Do not use a hand-held phone while driving; park the vehicle first.
Switching Off When Refueling
Do not use the phone at a refueling point (service station) or near fuels or chemicals.
Switching Off in an Aircraft
Wireless phones can cause interference. Using them in an aircraft is both illegal and dangerous.
Switching Off in Hospitals
Switch off your phone near medical equipment. Follow any regulations or rules in force.
All wireless phones may be subject to interference, which could affect their performance.
Special Regulations
Meet any special regulations in force in any area and always switch off your phone whenever it is forbidden to use it, or when it may cause interference or danger (in a hospital for example).
IImmppoorrttaanntt SSaaffeettyy PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
Travel Adapter
User’s Manual
Your package contains the following items.
In addition, you can obtain the following accessories for your phone from your local Samsung dealer:
• Car charger
• Straight Headset
Sensible Use
Use only in the normal position (held to the ear). Avoid unnecessary contact with the antenna when the phone is switched on.
Emergency Call
Ensure the phone is switched on and in service. Key in the emergency number for your present location, then press . You must deactivate any unnecessary features before you can make an emergency call. Give all the necessary information as accurately as possible. Do not end the call until given permission to do so.
Water Resistance
Your phone is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.
Accessories and Batteries
Use only Samsung-approved accessories and batteries.
Qualified Service
Only qualified service personnel may install or repair your phone.
For more detailed safety information, see “Health and Safety Information” on page 96.
Straight Headset
YYoouurr PPhhoonnee
Perform the functions indicated by the text above them, on the bottom line of the display.
In menu mode, scroll through the menu options and Phonebook memory. In standby mode, enters the
Messages menu, enters the Phone Book menu, enters the Scheduler menu, enters the Sound menu.
Key Functions
Headset jack
Adapter outlet
Your Phone
Phone Layout
The following illustrations shows the main elements of your phone.
Ends a call. Also switches the phone on and off when held down. In menu mode, cancels your input and returns to standby mode.
Makes or answers a call. In standby mode, redials the last outgoing number when pressed twice or held down.
(soft keys)
Enters numbers, letters and some special characters.
Deletes characters from the display. In menu mode, returns to the previous menu level.
YYoouurr PPhhoonnee
The display has three areas.
Icons area
Text and graphic area
Signal Strength : Shows the received signal strength. The greater the number of bars, the better the signal.
Service: Appears when a call is in progress.
No Service: Appears when you are outside a service area. When it appears, you cannot make or receive calls.
YYoouurr PPhhoonnee
Key Functions
Soft key indications area
In standby mode, activates the key guard mode when held down.
In text input mode, changes the case.
In standby mode, enters or exits vibrate
mode when held down. In text input mode, inserts a space.
New Message: Appears when a new text message is received.
Keys (continued...)
A backlight illuminates the display and the keypad. When you press any key, the backlight lights up. It turns off if no key is pressed within a given period of time, depending on the Backlight option set under the Display menu.
In key guard mode, the backlight turns on only when you press .
To specify the length of time the phone waits before the backlight turns off, set the Backlight menu option (Menu 5-5); see page 75 for further details.
Service Light
The service light is on the top left of the phone. It flashes to indicate an incoming call or a message. It also flashes for a few seconds when you turn the phone on or off.
YYoouurr PPhhoonnee YYoouurr PPhhoonnee
Alarm: Appears when you set an alarm.
Battery Strength: Shows the level of your
battery. The more bars you see, the more power you have left.
Vibrate mode: Appears when vibrate mode turns on. Incoming calls vibrate the phone instead of ringing.
Ringer Off: Appears when you set the Ringer Vol option to Off.
Voice Privacy: Appears when the Voice
Privacy feature is activated.
Roaming: Appears when you are out of your home area and have logged onto a different network, when traveling in other countries, for example
Icons (continued...)
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtt eedd
Getting Started
Installing the Battery
1. Remove the battery cover by pressing down the groove and then sliding the cover out.
2. Place the battery into the battery slot, making sure that the metal contact is facing down on the top right.
3. Place the battery cover, as shown, and slide it toward the top of the phone until it clicks into place.
Charging the Battery
Your phone is powered by a rechargable Li-ion battery. A travel adapter comes with your phone. Use only approved batteries and chargers. Ask your local Samsung dealer for further details.
You can use the phone while the battery is charging.
Note: You must fully charge the battery before using
your phone for the first time. A discharged battery is fully recharged in approximately 3 hours.
1. With the battery in position on the phone, plug the connector of the travel adapter into the connector slot at the bottom of the phone.
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtt eedd
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtt eedd
Switching the Phone On/Off
1. Press and hold down for more than one second to switch the phone on.
The service light on the left of the phone flashes, and an alert sounds. When the system locates services, it displays the date and time. You can now place and receive calls. If the phone is out of the service area, the No Service icon ( ) appears on the display and you cannot make and receive calls. You can try again later when service is available.
2. When you wish to switch the phone off, hold down
for more than two seconds.
Do not switch the phone on when mobile phone use is prohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.
Note: If you want to switch the phone off in key guard
mode, unlock the keys first by pressing and
2. Plug the adapter into a standard AC wall outlet. The service light indicates the status of the battery
being charged.
• Red: the battery is charging.
• Green: the battery is fully charged.
• Orange: the battery is not plugged properly or
operating at a temperature that is too high or too low. Please check the adapter and battery.
3. When charging is finished and the lamp on the charger turns green, unplug the adapter from the AC wall outlet and then from the phone.
Low Battery Indicator
When the battery is weak and only a few minutes of talk time remain, the battery sensor lets you know by blinking an empty Battery Strength icon ( ), you will hear a warning tone and the "Battery is low" message will be repeated at regular intervals on the display. When the battery becomes too weak for the phone to operate, it switches off automatically.
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtt eedd
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtt eedd
Your Phone’s Modes
Standby Mode
Standby is the most basic state of your phone. The phone goes into standby mode after you turn it on, or whenever you briefly press . When your phone is in standby mode, you will typically see the banner message and current date and time. If you enter a phone number, you can press to dial it or press the Save soft key to save it in the internal Phonebook.
Press at any time to return to standby mode. Be careful; if you are on a call when you press , you will disconnect the call and return to standby mode.
The Main Menu can be accessed when you are in standby mode.
Talk Mode
You can place and answer calls only when your phone is turned on. During a call, the phone is in Talk mode. While you are in talk mode, pressing the Menu soft key gives you a list of options. See page 27 for details on the options.
Power Save Mode
Your phone comes with a Power Save feature that will automatically be activated if your phone is unable to find a signal after 15 minutes of searching.
While this feature is active, the phone’s battery charge is conserved. The phone will automatically recheck for a signal periodically. To manually force the phone to recheck for a signal, press any key. A message on the display lets you know when your phone is operating in power save mode.
Key Guard Mode
You can lock the keypad by pressing and holding in standby mode. You can prevent accidental key pressing with this key guard mode.
To unlock your keypad, press and . When you have incoming calls or alarm occurs in the key
guard mode, the key guard is automatically deactivated and the phone goes to standby mode. The key guard will be automatically activated after the predetermined amount of time.
See page 88 for details, Key Guard menu option (Menu 7-2-1).
Lock Mode
When you lock your phone using the Lock Mode menu option (Menu 7-3-1) in the Security menu, you cannot use the phone’s features. In lock mode, you can receive messages and calls, but you cannot place an outgoing call until you unlock the phone.
For details about locking and unlocking your phone, see page 90.
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtt eedd
Using the Soft Keys
Your phone offers a set of functions that allow you to customize it. These functions are arranged in menus and sub-menus, accessed via the two soft keys marked and . Each menu and sub-menu allows you to view and alter the settings of a particular function.
The roles of the soft keys vary according to the current context; the label on the bottom line of the display just above each key indicates its current role.
Press the left soft key to access the Menu options.
Press the right soft key to access the Find menu.
Call Functions
Making a Call
In standby mode, enter the area code and phone number and press .
Note: If you have set Auto Redial option (Menu 7-1-2) to
on, the phone will automatically retry the call up to 10 times when a connection fails. See page 87.
Correcting the Number
To clear Action
the last digit press . displayed
the whole display hold down for more
than one second.
Ending a Call
When you want to finish your call, briefly press . If you press , the call time, or the length of the call,
displays briefly and the phone returns to standby mode.
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
Making a Call from the Phone book
You can store the phone numbers that you use regularly in the phone’s memory, which are collectively called the Phone book. Simply select the required name to recall the associated number to dial.
For further details about the Phone book feature, refer to page 50.
Redialling the Last Number
To redial the last call you made, press twice quickly or press and hold the key down.
Your phone stores the last 10 numbers you dialled. To redial any of these numbers:
1. If you have typed any characters on the display, press
to return to standby mode.
2. Press to display the list of the dialled numbers.
3. Use and to scroll through the numbers until the required number display.
4. To dial the number displayed, press .
Emergency Dialling
You can place emergency call from your priority number list even if your phone is locked. For further information on emergency numbers, see page 91.
Speed Dialling
Once you have stored phone numbers in the phone book memory, you can dial them easily whenever you want. You can assign up to 400 numbers for Speed Dialling.
One-Touch Dial
You can dial the phone numbers stored in the phonebook memory from 01 through 09 simply by pressing one button.
Press and hold the third digit of the memory location containing the number to be dialled.
For example: Location no. 009
press and hold .
The stored number and name display and then the phone dials the number.
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
Two-Touch Dial
Memory locations 10 through 99 are special two-touch locations.
Press the second digit briefly, then hold down the third digit of the memory location.
For example: Location no. 023
Press briefly and hold down .
The stored number and name display and then the phone dials the number.
Three-Touch Dial
Memory locations 100 through 400 are special three­touch locations.
Press the first and the second digits briefly, and then hold down the third digit of the memory location.
For example: Location no. 123
Press and briefly and hold down
The stored number and name display and then the phone dials the number.
Note: When several numbers are saved in one location,
only the phone number which is specified with the Speed dial label will be automatically dialled. For details, refer to page 54.
Pause Dialling
When you call automated systems, like banking services, you are often required to enter a password or account number. Instead of manually entering the numbers each time, you can store them in your Phonebook, separated by special characters, which are called pauses.
To store a number in your Phone book that contains pauses:
1. Enter the phone number you want to store, such as the bank’s tele-service phone number.
2. Press the Options soft key and then select Hard Pause.
The letter “P” displays within the number, meaning that a hard pause will occur at that point in the calling sequence.
3. Continue entering numbers and using Hard Pause of the Options soft key to enter pauses.
4. Store the number in your Phone book as you normally would by pressing the Save soft key and following the screen prompts.
Pause Dialling from a Stored Phone book Entry
1. Dial the number from the Phone book.
2. Wait for the appropriate prompt for the number, such as a credit card number or a bank account number.
3. When prompted, press to send the DTMF (Dual­Tone Multi-Frequency) number that follows your pause.
Manual Pause Dialling
You can enter pauses manually during the dialling process.
1. Enter the phone number of the service you want to connect to, such as a bank’s tele-service phone number.
2. Press the Options soft key and then select Hard Pause.
The letter “P” displays within the number, meaning that a hard pause will occur at that point in the calling sequence.
3. Continue entering the number and using the Hard Pause of the Options soft key to enter pauses.
4. When the number is completed, press to make a call to the number.
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
Answering a Call
When someone calls you, the phone rings and displays the phone icon in the middle of the display.
When the caller can be identified, the caller’s phone number, or name, if it is stored in your Phonebook, displays. If the caller cannot be identified, the phone icon and ‘Blocked ID’ are displayed.
1. To answer a call, press . If the Answer Mode menu option (Menu 7-1-1) is
set to Any Key, you can answer the call by pressing any key, except for and the Silence softkey.
If the menu is set to Call Key, you must press to answer the call. For further details on the Answer Mode menu, see page 86.
If you press or the Silence soft key once, when a call is received, the phone stops ringing or vibrating depending on the mode it is in. You can still answer the call by pressing or by pressing or the End soft key to disconnect without answering the call.
2. To end an answered call press .
: You can answer a call while using the phone
book or menu features. The current operation will be interrupted.
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
Options During a Call
Your phone provides a number of control functions that you can use during a call. As many of the functions are network services, you may not be able to use all of them at all times.
Press the Menu soft key during a call to access the following options:
Phone Book: allows you to access the Phone Book menu. See page 50 for details.
Mute/Quit: allows you to switch your phone’s microphone off or on. When you mute the microphone, the other party cannot hear you.
For example
: You wish to say something to another person in the room but do not want the other party to hear you.
Silent/Quit: allows you to switch the key tones off or on. By switching the tones off, you can press the keys without hearing annoying key tones during a call.
Call History: allows you to access the Call History menu. See page 66 for details.
Messages: allows you to use the Messages menu. See page 57 for details.
Organizer: allows you to access the Organizer menu. See page 77 for details.
Voice Privacy : encrypts the voice channel so that people cannot eavesdrop on your conversation. See page 92 for details.
Using Caller ID
This feature tells you who is calling you by displaying the caller’s number when the phone rings. If a caller’s name and number are stored in your Phonebook, the corresponding name displays along with the number. If you call someone whose phone is available this feature, your phone number displays on her or his phone.
Note: For further details about the Caller ID service,
contact service provider.
Viewing Missed Calls
Your phone keeps a list of calls that you do not answer when the phone is on and service is available. The phone indicates a missed call by displaying a text notification on the screen. Additionally, if caller information is available, the screen displays the phone number of the most recent missed call.
Press or the Call soft key to call the displayed number.
To view missed calls, access the Missed menu option (Menu 3-1). For further details, see page 66.
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
Quickly Switching to Vibrate Mode
The vibrate mode disables all sounds on the phone. This feature is best used in situations where the phone might disturb others, such as in a meeting, at a library or in a theater. You can switch your phone to vibrate mode with one touch of a key.
In standby mode, to enter the vibrate mode, press and hold down until “Enter! Vibrate Mode” and the Vibrator icon ( ) display.
To exit the vibrate mode and reactivate the previous sound settings, press and hold down again until “Exit! Vibrate Mode” appears. The Vibrator icon no longer displays.
Quickly Switching to 1-Beep Mode
In 1-Beep Mode, your phone beeps only once when a call is incoming. You can switch your phone to the 1­Beep Mode with one touch of a key.
In Standby Mode, press and hold the key until “Enter! 1-Beep Mode” displays.
To exit and reactivate the previous sound settings, press and hold the key again until “Exit! 1-Beep Mode” displays.
Call Forwarding
This feature provides the option of forwarding incoming calls to another phone number, even while your phone is turned off. Activating Call Forwarding does not affect outgoing calls made from this phone.
Note: Contact service provider for availability.
Call Waiting
The Call Waiting feature allows you to receive another call while you have a call in progress. Your phone alerts you to a call waiting by beeping and displaying “Call Waiting.”
Your phone provides the option of turning the Call Waiting feature on and off, if you have subscribed to the service. Call Waiting is on by default in the phone. If you choose to have a undisturbed conversation, simply turn off the feature for the current call.
Note: Contact service provider for availability.
To answer a waiting call:
1. Press and the current call is put on hold and you can answer the waiting call.
2. Press again to switch between the two calls.
Note: If you do not answer a waiting call, the phone will
forward the call to voicemail or another number that you have set up. Contact service provider for more information.
CCaallll FFuunnccttiioonnss
Three-Way Calling
This feature allows up to three people to take part simultaneously in a call. The phone records each party into the Dialled Calls Log.
To place a Three-Way call:
1. Enter a phone number of the second participant, and press .
2. When you are connected to the second participant, press to begin the three-way call.
If one of the callers hangs up, the call ends with that participant, but you can continue to talk with the other participant. If you initiated the call and you hang up first, all three parties are disconnected.
Entering Text
When using your phone, you will need to enter text at many times; for example, when storing a name in the Phonebook, creating a text message or scheduling events in your calendar. You can enter alphanumeric characters into your phone by using your phone’s keypad.
Your phone has the following text input modes:
T9(English) : This mode allows you to enter words with only one keypress per letter. Each key on a keypad has more than one letter - when you press
once, J,K or L displays. The T9 mode automatically compares your key presses to an internal linguistic database to determine the correct word thus requiring far fewer keystrokes than the traditional multi-tap method, ABC mode.
Alphabet : This mode allows you to enter letters by pressing the key labeled with the desired letter once, twice, or three times until the letter displays.
• Symbol: This mode allows you to enter various
symbols and special characters.
• Number: This mode allows you to enter numbers.
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