SAMSUNG Proprietary - Contents may change without notice 4-1
4. NAM Programming
NAM feature can be programmed as follows
1. Press Menu+6+0 to enter the NAM programming mode, and enter the service code.
2. If you enter the NAM programming mode, each item shows the currently stored data
Go to the next item by pressing the OK key
3. You can modify the data by entering a new data and store it by pressing the OK key
4. If you enter a wrong digit press the CLR key to delete the last digit.
Press and hold the CLR key to delete all digits
5. To scroll items backwards or forwards without changing, push the OK(scroll) key to the up or down.
6. After finishing the NAM programming, press the END key to exit the NAM pragramming mode.
LCD Display Key Input Function
service code
Enter the NAM programming mode
NAM program
1:Setup NAM1 1 Chose 'Setup NAM1'
2:Setup NAM2
NAM1 New data Phone number is displayed.
Phone # or To change the phone number, enter the new one.
3003003000 OK Press the OK key to store it.
NAM1 New data Directory number is displayed.
Directory # or To change the directory number, enter the new one.
3003003000 OK Press the OK key to store it.
NAM1 The roaming list is enabled or not.
Activate PRL OK To change sytem selection operaiton push the OK(scroll) key
No to the right or left. Press the OK key to store it.
NAM1 New data Analog home system ID, current status is displayed.
Anlg HomeSID or To change the SID, enter the new one.
32768 OK Press the OK key to store it
NAM1 New data 1stCDMA home system ID, current status is displayed.
Dgtl HomeSID or To change the SID, enter the new one.
32768 OK Press the OK key to store it
NAM1 To program the more NAM item push the OK(scroll) key to
More Prog.? OK the right or left. Press the OK key.
No If service code prompt is displayed, you have to enter the
service code.