Samsung RR3773ATCSR User Manual [en, es, it]

user manual
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Free Standing Appliance
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safety information
• Before operating the appliance, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for your reference.
• Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this instruction manual. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
• Because these following operating instructions cover various models, the characteristics of your refrigerator may differ slightly from those described in this manual.
Important safety symbols and precautions :
Hazards or unsafe practices that may
result in severe personal injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices that may
result in minor personal injury or property damage.
Do NOT attempt. Do NOT disassemble. Do NOT touch.
Follow directions carefully.
Unplug the power plug from the wall socket.
Make sure the machine is grounded to prevent electric shock.
Call the contact center for help.
2_ safety information
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These warning signs are here to prevent injury to you and others. Please follow them carefully. After reading this section, keep it in a safe place for future reference.
CE Notice
This product has been determined to be in compliance with the Low Voltage Directive(2006/95/ EC), the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2004/108/EC), RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU), Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1060/2010 and the Eco­Design Directive(2009/125/EC) implemented by Regulation (EC) No 643/2009 of the European Union. (For products sold in European Countries only)
• Do not install the refrigerator in a damp place or place where it may come in contact with water.
- Deteriorated insulation of electrical parts may cause an electric shock or fi re.
• Do not place this refrigerator in direct sunlight or expose to the heat from stoves, room heaters or other appliance.
• Never use gas pipes, telephone lines or other potential lightening rods as ground.
- Improper use of the ground plug can result in electric shock.
• Do not plug several appliances into the same multiple power board. The refrigerator should always be plugged into its own individual electrical which has a voltage rating that matched the rating plate.
- This provides the best performance and also prevents overloading house wiring circuits, which could
safety information _3
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cause a fi re hazard from overheated wires.
• If the wall socket is loose, do not insert the power plug.
- There is a risk of electric shock of fi re.
• Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.
• Do not bend the power cord excessively or place heavy articles on it.
• This refrigerator must be properly installed and located in accordance with the manual before it is used.
• Connect the power plug in proper position with the cord hanging down.
- If you connect the power plug upside down, wire can get cut off and cause fi re or electric shock.
• When moving the refrigerator, be careful not to roll over or damage the power cord.
- This constitutes a fi re hazard.
• Make sure that the power plug is not squashed or damaged by the back of the refrigerator.
4_ safety information
• Keep the packing materials out of reach of children.
- There is a risk of death from suffocation if children put them on their head.
• The appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible after installation.
• The refrigerator must be grounded.
- You must ground the refrigerator to prevent any power leakages or electric shocks caused by current leakage from the refrigerator.
• If the power cord is damaged, have it replaced immediately by the manufacturer or its service agent.
• The fuse on refrigerator must be changed by a qualifi ed technician or service company.
- Failing to do so may result in electric shock or personal injury.
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• Allow the appliance to stand
• Keep ventilation opening in the appliance enclosure or mounting structure clear of obstruction.
for 2 hours after installation.
• Do not store articles on the
• Do not put a container fi lled
• Do not let children hang on
• Do not let children enter inside
• Do not insert the power plug with wet hands.
top of the appliance.
- When you open or close the door, the articles may fall and cause personal injury and/or material damage.
with water on the refrigerator.
- If spilled, there is a risk of fi re or electric shock.
the door. If not, a serious injury may occur.
of the refrigerator. There is a risk of children entrapment.
• Never put fi ngers or other objects into the dispenser hole.
- It may cause personal injury or material damage.
• Do not store volatile or fl ammable substances in the refrigerator.
- The storage of benzene, thinner, alcohol, ether, LP gas and other such products may cause explosions.
• Do not store pharmaceuticals products, scientifi c materials or temperature sensitive products in the refrigerator.
- Products that require strict temperature controls must not be stored in the refrigerator.
• Do not place or use electrical appliance inside the refrigerator, unless they are of a type recommended by the manufacturer.
• Do not use mechanical devices or any other means to accelerate the defrosting process, other than those recommended by the manufacturer.
• Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.
• Do not disassemble or
safety information _5
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repair the refrigerator by yourself.
- You run risk of causing a fi re, malfunction and/or personal injury.
• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
• Bottles should be stored tightly together so that they do not fall out.
• This product is intended only for the storage of food in a domestic environment.
• If a gas leak is detected, avoid any naked fl ames or potential sources of ignition and air the room in which the appliance is standing for several minutes.
• Use only the LED Lamps provided by manufacturer or service agents.
• If you smell pharmaceutical or smoke, pull out power plug immediately and contact your Samsung Electronics service center.
• If you experience diffi culty when changing the light,
6_ safety information
contact service agents.
• If the products equipped with LED Lamp, do not disassemble Lamp Cover and LED Lamp by yourself.
- Please contact your service agents.
• Fill water tank, ice tray, water
• Do not apply strong shock
• To get Best performance of product,
- Do not place foods too closely in front of the vents at the rear of the appliance as it can obstruct free air circulation in the refrigerator compartment.
- Wrap the food up properly or place it in airtight containers before put it into the refrigerator.
cubes only with potable water.
or excessive force onto the surface of glass.
- Broken glass may result in a personal injury and/or property damage.
• If the refrigerator is
DA68-02933A-00.indb 6DA68-02933A-00.indb 6 13. 5. 28.  7:0913. 5. 28.  7:09
damaged by water, pull out the power plug and contact your Samsung Electronics service center.
- Otherwise there is a risk of fi re or electric shock.
• Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning and making repairs.
• Do not spray infl ammable gas
• Do not spray cleaning
• Do not directly spray water inside or outside the refrigerator.
- There is a risk of fi re or electric shock.
near the refrigerator.
- There is a risk of explosion or fi r e .
products directly on the display.
- Printed letters on the display may come off.
• Remove any foreign matter or dust from the power plug pins. But do not use a wet or damp cloth when cleaning the plug, remove any foreign material or dust from the power plug pins.
• Please dispose of the
• Leave the shelves in place so
• R-600a or R-134a is used as
• When disposing of this or other refrigerators, remove the door/door seals, door latch so that small children or animals cannot become trapped inside. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
packaging material for this product in an environmentally friendly manner.
that children may not easily climb inside. Ensure that none of the pipes on the back of the appliance are damaged prior to disposal.
a refrigerant.
safety information _7
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Check the compressor label on the rear of the appliance or the rating label inside the refrigerator to see which refrigerant is used for your refrigerator. When this product contains fl ammable gas (Refrigerant R-600a), contact your local authority in regard to safe disposal of this product. Cyclopentane is used as a insulation blowing gas. The gases in insulation material require special disposal procedure. Please contact your local authorities in regard to the environmentally safe disposal of this product. Ensure that none of the pipes on the back of the appliances are damaged prior to disposal. The pipes shall be broke in the open space.
• If the appliance contains iso­butane refrigerant (R-600a), a natural gas with high environmental compatibility that is, however, also combustible. When transporting and installing the appliance, care should be taken to ensure that
8_ safety information
no parts of the refrigerating circuit are damaged.
• Refrigerant squirting out of the pipes could ignite or cause an eye injury. If a leak is detected, avoid any naked fl ames or potential sources of ignition and air the room in which the appliance is standing for several minutes.
In order to avoid the
• creation of a fl ammable gas-air mixture if a leak in the refrigerating circuit occurs, the size of the room in which the appliance may be sited depends on the amount of refrigerant used. Never start up an appliance showing any signs of damage. If in doubt, consult your dealer. The room must be 1m³ in size for every 8g of R-600a refrigerant inside the appliance. The amount of refrigerant in your particular appliance is shown on the identifi cation plate inside the appliance.
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• In the event of a power failure, call the local offi ce of your Electricity Company and ask how long it is going to last.
- Most power failures that are corrected in an hour or two will not affect your refrigerator temperatures. However, you should minimize the number of door openings while the power is off.
• If the key is provided with refrigerator, the keys should be kept out of the reach of children and not in vicinity of the appliance.
• The appliance might not operate consistently (possibility of temperature becoming too warm in refrigerator) when sited for an extended period of time below the cold end of the range of temperatures for which the refrigerating appliance is designed.
• Do not store food which spoils easily at low temperature, such as bananas, melons.
• Your appliance is frost free, which means there is no need to manually defrost
your appliance, as this will be carried out automatically.
Saving Energy Tips
- Install the appliance in a cool, dry room with adequate ventilation. Ensure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and never put it near a direct source of heat (radiator, for example).
- Never block any vents or grilles on the appliance.
- Allow warm food to cool down before placing it in the appliance.
- Put frozen food in the refrigerator to thaw. You can then use the low temperatures of the frozen products to cool food in the refrigerator.
- Do not keep the door of the appliance open for too long when putting food in or taking food out. The shorter time for which the door is open, the less ice will form in the freezer.
- Clean the rear of the refrigerator regularly. Dust increases energy consumption.
safety information _9
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- Do not set temperature colder than necessary.
- Ensure suffi cient air exhaust at the refrigerator base and at the back wall of the refrigerator. Do not cover air vent openings.
- Allow clearance to the right, left, back and top when installing. This will help reduce power consumption and keep your energy bills lower.
SETING UP YOUR SIDE-BY-SIDE REFRIGERATOR ············································11 OPERATING YOUR REFRIGERATOR ···································································15 TROUBLESHOOTING ····························································································19 INSTALL YOUR REFRIGERATOR ··········································································20
10_ safety information
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setting up your refrigerator
Congratulations on your purchase of this Samsung Refrigerator. We hope you enjoy the state-of-art features and effi ciencies that this new appliance offers.
• This refrigerator must be properly installed and located in accordance with the manual before it is used.
• Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this instruction manual.
• We strongly recommend that any servicing be performed by a qualifi ed individual.
• Please dispose of the packaging material for this product in an environmentally friendly manner.
Pull the power plug out of the socket
- Otherwise, there is a risk of electric shock.
before changing the interior light of the refrigerator.
600 mm
at least 50 mm
550 mm
1,175 mm
Selecting the best location for the refrigerator
• A location without direct exposure to sunlight.
• A location with fl at fl oor surface.
• A location with enough space for the refrigerator door to open easily.
• Allow suffi cient space to the right, left, back and top for air circulation. If the refrigerator does not have enough space, the internal cooling system may not work properly.
• Please ensure that appliance can be moved freely in the event of maintenance & service.
1,010 mm
• Height of the product may be different depending on the models.
• Allow clearance to the right, left, back and top when installing. This will help reduce power consumption and keep your energy bills lower.
• Do not install the refrigerator in a place with the temperature lower than 10°C.
Pull the unit straight out when installing,
work is complete. Make sure your fl oor can support fully loaded refrigerator.
servicing or cleaning behind the refrigerator and push it straight back after
setting up _11
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Samsung recommends that reversing of
Required Tools (Not provided)
the door opening is only completed by Samsung approved Service providers. This willbe on a chargeable basis and at the customers expense.
Any damage caused while attempting to reverse the door opening is not covered under the appliance manufactures warranty. Any repairs requested due to this circumstance will be completed on a chargeable basis at the customers expense.
3. Disconnect the wires and then remove 3 bolts.
Make sure your refrigerator is unplugged
before handling electrical wires.
4. Remove the door from the lower hinge by carefully
lifting the door straight up.
Phillips Head
Driver (+)
Socket Wrench
(for bolts)
Flat Head
Driver (-)
(for hinge shaft)
10mm Socket
(for bolts)
4mm Hex
(for bottom
hinge shaft)
1. Remove 2 screws on the top of the refrigerator.
2. Remove the plastic cover and make sure to disconnect the wire connected to it. After removing the plastic cover, check the parts for reversing the door.
Be careful not to damage the electrical
wires when removing the plastic cover.
12_ setting up
Refrigerator door is heavy, be careful
not to injure yourself when removing the refrigerator door.
5. Separate the front leg cover after removing 2 screws.
6. Unscrew 3 bolts tightening the hinge and also unscrew 3 bolts on the bottom left side by the front leg where removed hinge will be attached.
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7. Separate the hinge shaft by using hex wrench fi rst. Unscrew the bolt to remove the hinge riser and switch the side of the hinge shaft and the hinge riser.
Hinge shaft
Hinge riser
8mm Bolt
8. Attach the hinge on the bottom left side of the refrigerator where bolts were previously removed in step 6. Screw the bolts that were removed on the bottom right side of the refrigerator for the future usage.
9. Remove the screws on the bottom left and right side of the refrigerator door. Switch the side of the door stopper from right to the left. Hinge riser should be switched as well.
Hinge riser Hinge riser
11. Remove the hinge and the grommet from the refrigerator door. Detach the right side hinge cover and pull the wires out of the hinge cover.
Hinge cover
Be careful not to damage the electrical
wires when removing the hinge cover.
12. Use wrench to separate the hinge shaft and then fl ip the hinge and reattach the hinge shaft.
13. Reassemble the hinge on the refrigerator door by reversing the step 11. Make sure to use left side hinge cover (which can be found underneath the removed plastic cover from step 2) and remove the grommet. After reassembling the hinge, wire and the hinge cover, switch the side from right to the left.
10. Remove the wire cover on top of the refrigerator door to switch the side of the wires.
14. After switching the hinge, close it with the wire cover on the top of refrigerator door.
“Cover Wire Door R” can be found in the packaging
setting up _13
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15. Take off the handle cover and remove the screws, make sure to detach the caps and the handle from the left to right side of the door. (Make sure to cover the left side with detached caps.)
Handles may not have cover depending on the models.
19. Tighten 2 screws back to its place.
20. Detach the Fridge and the Freezer door gaskets and then attach them after rotating them 180˚.
16. Switch the hinge cap and attach the front leg cover. Carefully put the refrigerator door back on.
Hinge cap
17. Tighten the 3 bolts and then connect the wires back together.
Make sure your refrigerator is unplugged
before handling electrical wires.
18. Connect the wire on the plastic cover and put the cover back to its original position.
• After reversing the doors, make sure
the Fridge and Freezer door gaskets are properly arranged. If not, there might be a noise or dew formed which affects performance of the refrigerator.
If the front of the appliance is slightly higher than the rear, the door can be opened and closed more easily. Turn the adjusting legs clockwise to raise and counter-clockwise to lower the height.
Case 1) The appliance tilts down to the left.
• Turn the left adjusting leg in the direction of the arrow until the appliance is level.
Case 2) The appliance tilts down to the right.
• Turn the right adjusting leg in the direction of the arrow until the appliance is level.
< Case1 >
< Case2 >
14_ setting up
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operating your refrigerator
Hold 3 sec for Display)
Hold 3 sec
for Display
Each time you press the button, a short beep will sound.
Child Lock <TYPE A>
Press the Child Lock button for 3 seconds to activate the Child Lock function. Child lock indicator will light up and all the buttons on the control panel will be locked. To deactivate the Child Lock function, press the Child Lock button again for 3 seconds.
Fridge <TYPE A> / Temp <TYPE B>
Press the Fridge/Temp button to set the desired temperature from the range between 1°C and 7°C. Default set temperature is set on 3°C and each time you press the Fridge/Temp button, temperature will change in following order and temperature indicator will display the desired temperature.
When the temperature setting is done, temperature indicator will display the current temperature of the refrigerator. If current temperature is higher than 9°C, temperature indicator will be displayed as 9°C.
Power Cool
Press the Power Cool button to activate the Power Cool function. Power Cool indicator will light up and the refrigerator will speed up the time to needed to cool products in the refrigerator. Power Cool function will operate for 2 hours and 30 minutes to quickly cool the refrigerator. To deactivate the Power Cool function, press the Power Cool button again.
Power Cool function cannot be used together with Vacation function. Selecting Vacation function will automatically deactivate the Power Cool function.
1. Alarm
Press the Alarm button to activate the Alarm function. Alarm indicator will light up and the refrigerator will alert you with alarm sound if the refrigerator door is kept open for longer than 2 minutes. To deactivate the Alarm function, press the Alarm button again.
2. Display Off
As standard, the temperature display is switched off, to switch between on and off mode, press alarm button for 3 seconds.
Vacation (Hold 3 sec for Child Lock)
Press the Vacation button to activate the Vacation function. Vacation indicator will light up and the refrigerator will set the temperature to 15°C to minimize the power consumption while you are away (on vacation or business trip etc). Keep the refrigerator free from bacteria and odor.
Press the Vacation button for 3 seconds to activate the child Lock function. Child lock indicator will light up and all the buttons on the control panel will be locked. To deactivate the Child Lock function, press the Vacation button again for 3 seconds. (For <TYPE A> model, recommed to use Child Lock
button to use lock function.)
operating _15
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• Vacation function will be automatically deactivated If you select Power Cool function or adjust temperature while Vacation function is on.
• Make sure to remove foods before using Vacation function.
• Some of the features such as water tank and the beverage station can be different and may not be available depending on the model.
• To get more space, you can remove water
tank. It does not affect thermal and mechanical characteristics. A declared storage volume of refrigerator compartment is calculated with this part removed.
You can use the moisture control big box to control the humidity for the products which needs to be preserved its freshness.
Use the humidity control lever on the top of the drawer to adjust the humidity. Move the lever to the right side to keep the humidity low within the drawer. Move the lever to the left side to keep the humidity high. More holes will allow higher humidity within the drawer.
To open the beverage station, push the top part of the beverage station.
Anti-sweat heater switch
When the humidity of the indoor is high, sweat may form around the beverage station. Turn the Anti-sweat heater switch on, to remove the sweat and turn the switch off when the sweat disappears.
Beverage station may not be available depending on the model.
heater switch
You can tuck in the foldable shelf if you need to accommodate taller containers or products on the shelf underneath.
1. Slightly lift up the shelf and slide it inward.
2. You can simply pull the tucked in shelf to use the fully extended shelf.
16_ operating
DA68-02933A-00.indb 16DA68-02933A-00.indb 16 13. 5. 28.  7:0913. 5. 28.  7:09
Filling the water
You can fi ll the water with the water tank sitting inside of the refrigerator or you can remove the water tank to fi ll the water.
Method 1
Fill the water through the hole on the top of the water tank. If you pour the water too fast, water may overfl ow.
Method 2
1. Release the lock on the both side of the water tank to remove the lid on the water tank.
2. Fill the water in the water tank.
Do not put anything other than water in
the water tank.
Moveable deli bin
Pull the deli bin out fully then slightly lift it up to remove it.
Gently lift up the shelves with both hands and pull it toward you. (Glass shelf/Foldable shelf)
Pull the drawers out fully then slightly lift it up to remove the drawers. (Plastic drawer/Moisture control big box)
Getting water from the dispenser
Place a glass underneath the water outlet and push it gently against the water dispenser lever with your glass. Blue light will turn on when you push the lever.
• Make sure the glass is in line with the dispenser to prevent the water from splashing out.
• Water dispenser may not be available depending on the model.
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Door guards
Firmly grab the door guards with both hands and lift it up gently to remove the door guards.
Water tank
Firmly grab the water tank with both hands and lift it up towards you gently to remove the water tanks.
Water tank may not be available depending on the model.
operating _17
Beverage station
1. Remove the door bin locate on the top of the beverage station.
2. Press the bottom left and right part of the beverage station with both hands lift up to open.
Beverage station may not be available depending on the model.
Push the lever as arrow indicates and pull the cover.
To get the best energy effi ciency of this product, please leave all selves, drawers and baskets on their original position like as illustration in page (16).
Do not use Benzene, Thinner or Clorox™
for cleaning. They may damage the surface of the appliance and can create a risk of fi re.
Do not spray the refrigerator with water while it is plugged in, as it may cause an electric shock. Do not clean the refrigerator with benzene, thinner or car detergent for risk of fi re.
For LED lamp, please contact service engineer to replace it.
18_ operating
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• Check if the power plug is correctly connected.
The appliance is not operating at all or the temperature is too high.
There are unusual noises.
The front corners and sides of the appliance are warm and condensation starts to form.
• Is the temperature control on the front panel correctly set?
• Does sun shine on the appliance or are there any heat sources nearby?
• Is the back of the appliance too close to the wall?
• Check if the appliance is installed on a stable and even fl oor.
• Is the back of the appliance too close to the wall?
• Have any foreign objects fallen behind or under the appliance?
• Is the noise coming from the compressor in the appliance?
• A ticking sound may be heard inside the appliance; this is normal. This sound occurs when the various accessories contract or expand.
• Heat-proof pipes are installed in the front corners of the appliance to prevent condensation from forming. When the surrounding temperature rises, this may not always be effective. However, this is not abnormal.
• In very humid weather, condensation may form on the outer surface of the appliance when the moisture in the air comes into contact with the cool surface of the appliance.
You can hear a liquid bubbling in the appliance.
There is a bad smell inside the appliance.
There is a layer of frost on the appliances walls.
Condensation forms on the inside wall of the appliance and around vegetables.
• This is the refrigerant, which cools the inside of the appliance.
• Is there any spoiled food inside of the refrigerator?
• Make sure that strong smelling food (for example, fi sh) is wrapped so that it is airtight.
• Clean out your refrigerator periodically and throw away any spoiled or suspect food.
• Are the air outlet vents blocked by food stored inside the refrigerator?
• Space the food out as much as possible to improve ventilation.
• Is the door fully closed?
• Food with a high water content is stored uncovered with a high humidity level or the door has been left open for a long time.
• Store the food with a cover or in sealed containers.
troubleshooting _19
DA68-02933A-00.indb 19DA68-02933A-00.indb 19 13. 5. 28.  7:0913. 5. 28.  7:09
Installation Part
Installing the products together
Side by Side combination possible with Samsung Models starting with R Z**,RR**. Please ask the shop for detail such as Color and Design. For Side by Side arrangement, please make sure followings.
- Recommend to place the Fridge on the Right for best performance
- For perfect finish, allow the following clearance and install SPACERS in installation Kit provided. (Only available on some models)
- Make the height of the refrigerator and the freezer same with refer­ing the 14 page.
Install Direction
Joining Strip
How to install the product
Make sure to turn off the power for both of the products.
1. Keep the distance between the refrigerator and the freezer about 5~7mm.
2. Remove the front leg cover on both refrigerator and the freezer by removing the screws.
3. Remove the screw from the each of the product and attach them back after putting the bottom fixer.
Bottom Fixer A
4. Insert the joining strip in between the refrigerator and the freezer.
5. Insert two fixers firmly on the top of the products.
Bottom Fixer A
Front Leg Cover
A, B
at least 50mm
6. Place the front leg cover back on both of the
7. Join the bottom fixer B with screws at back of the
Bottom Fixer B
at least 50mm
Install Direction
Required Tools
Fixer Joining Strip
Joining Strip
Bottom Fixer
20_ install your refrigerator
DA68-02933A-00.indb 20DA68-02933A-00.indb 20 13. 5. 28.  7:0913. 5. 28.  7:09
DA68-02933A-00.indb 21DA68-02933A-00.indb 21 13. 5. 28.  7:0913. 5. 28.  7:09
Ambient Room Temperature Limits
This refrigerator is designed to operate in ambient temperatures specifi ed by its temperature class marked on the rating plate.
Class Symbol Ambient Temperature range (°C)
Extended Temperate SN +10 to +32
Temperate N +16 to +32
Subtropical ST +16 to +38
Tropical T +16 to +43
Internal temperatures may be affected by such factors as the location of the refrigerator, ambient temperature and the frequency with which you open the door. Adjust the temperature as required to compensate for these factors.
Correct Disposal of This Product
(Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment)
(Applicable in countries with separate collection systems)
This marking on the product, accessories or literature indicates that the product and its electronic accessories (e.g. charger, headset, USB cable) should not be disposed of with other household waste at the end of their working life. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate these items from other types of waste and recycle them responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product, or their local government offi ce, for details of where and how they can take these items for environmentally safe recycling. Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the purchase contract. This product and its electronic accessories should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal.
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manuale dell'utente
Questo manuale è prodotto interamente con carta riciclata.
immagina le possibilità
Grazie per avere acquistato questo prodotto Samsung. Per ricevere un servizio più completo, si prega di registrare il prodotto all'indirizzo
Apparecchio indipendente
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informazioni sulla sicurezza
• Prima di utilizzare il prodotto, leggere attentamente questo manuale e conservarlo per future consultazioni.
• Utilizzare l'apparecchio solo per lo scopo per il quale è stato prodotto, come descritto in questo manuale. L’apparecchio non è inteso per l'uso da parte di persone (bambini inclusi) con ridotte capacità fi siche, sensoriali o mentali, inesperte o prive di una adeguata conoscenza, a meno che una persona responsabile per la loro sicurezza fornisca loro una corretta supervisione e istruzione all'uso.
• Dal momento che queste istruzioni coprono diversi modelli di prodotto, le caratteristiche del frigorifero acquistato potrebbero differire leggermente da quanto descritto in questo manuale.
Simboli di sicurezza e precauzioni importanti:
Pericoli o pratiche non sicure che
possono causare
lesioni personali gravi o mortali.
Pericoli o pratiche non sicure che possono causare
lesioni personali lievi o danni alla proprietà.
NON tentare di. NON disassemblare. NON toccare.
Seguire le istruzioni fornite.
Estrarre la spina dalla presa di corrente.
Verifi care il collegamento a massa dell'apparecchio per evitare scariche elettriche.
In caso di necessità rivolgersi al centro di assistenza.
2_ informazioni sulla sicurezza
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La simbologia di avvertenza ha lo scopo di prevenire eventuali lesioni personali. Seguire scrupolosamente le istruzioni. Una volta letto, si raccomanda di tenere il manuale in un luogo sicuro per una futura consultazione.
Avviso CE
Questo prodotto è conforme alle direttive Bassa tensione (2006/95/CE), Compatibilità elettromagnetica (2004/108/ CE), RoHS (2011/65/UE), Regolamento Delegato UE (1060/2010/CE) della Commissione, e Progettazione ecocompatibile (2009/125/CE) implementata dal Regolamento (CE) N. 643/2009 della Commissione europea. (Solo per i prodotti venduti nei paesi dell'Unione europea)
• Non installare il frigorifero in un luogo umido o dove possa entrare a contatto con l'acqua.
- L'usura del rivestimento isolante delle parti elettriche può causare scosse elettriche o incendio.
• Non installare il frigorifero in una posizione esposta a luce solare diretta o a fonti di calore quali caloriferi, stufe o altri apparecchi riscaldanti.
• Non utilizzare condotte del gas, linee elettriche o parafulmini come punti di collegamento a terra.
- L’uso inappropriato della presa di terra può comportare una scossa elettrica.
• Non collegare più apparecchi a una presa multipla. Il frigorifero deve essere sempre collegato a una presa elettrica separata che abbia una tensione corrispondente a quanto riportato sull’etichetta.
- Ciò consente di ottenere le migliori prestazioni e previene il sovraccarico dell'impianto domestico, che potrebbe provocare un incendio a causa del surriscaldamento dei cavi.
• Se la presa elettrica risulta lenta, non inserire la spina.
- Rischio di incendio o di scosse elettriche.
informazioni sulla sicurezza _3
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• Non utilizzare un cavo con evidenti segni di usura o abrasione lungo il rivestimento o alle estremità.
• Non piegare eccessivamente il cavo di alimentazione né posizionarvi sopra oggetti pesanti.
• Prima dell'uso, questo frigorifero deve essere adeguatamente installato e posizionato secondo quanto indicato nel presente manuale.
• Collegare la spina elettrica inserendola nella posizione corretta con il cavo rivolto verso il basso.
- Collegando la spina elettrica al contrario, il cavo potrebbe danneggiarsi e causare scariche elettriche o incendio.
• Durante lo spostamento del frigorifero, prestare attenzione a non schiacciare o danneggiare il cavo di alimentazione.
- Pericolo di incendio.
• Accertarsi che la spina non sia schiacciata o danneggiata dal retro del frigorifero.
• Tenere i materiali di imballaggio lontano dalla
portata dei bambini.
- Se un bambino inserisce la testa in un sacchetto di plastica, può rischiare il soffocamento e la morte.
• L’apparecchio deve essere posizionato in modo che la spina sia facilmente accessibile dopo l’installazione.
• Il frigorifero deve essere collegato a terra.
- Per prevenire eventuali dispersioni di corrente o scosse elettriche causate dalle dispersioni del frigorifero, collegare l'apparecchio a terra.
• Se il cavo di alimentazione è danneggiato, richiederne l'immediata sostituzione da parte del costruttore o di un centro di assistenza.
• Il fusibile del frigorifero deve essere sostituito da un tecnico qualifi cato o da un Centro di assistenza autorizzato.
- Il mancato rispetto di questa precauzione può causare scariche elettriche o lesioni personali.
4_ informazioni sulla sicurezza
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• Mantenere le aperture di ventilazione dell'apparecchio o della struttura a incasso libere da ostruzioni.
• Dopo l'installazione, lasciare scollegato l'apparecchio per 2 ore.
• Non toccare la spina elettrica con le mani bagnate.
• Non riporre articoli sulla superfi cie esterna del frigorifero.
- Durante l’apertura o la chiusura della porta, un articolo potrebbe cadere provocando lesioni o danni.
• Non conservare in frigorifero contenitori pieni d'acqua.
- In caso di fuoriuscita, l'acqua potrebbe causare scariche elettriche o incendio.
• Non lasciare che i bambini si appendano alle porte.
In caso contrario, potrebbero riportare gravi lesioni.
• Non permettere ai bambini di entrare nel frigorifero. I bambini rischiano di restare intrappolati all'interno dell'apparecchio.
• Non inserire mai le dita o altri oggetti nel foro del dispenser.
- Ciò può causare lesioni personali o danni materiali.
• Non conservare sostanze volatili o infi ammabili nel frigorifero.
- La conservazione di benzina, diluenti, alcol, etere, GPL e altri prodotti simili può causare una esplosione.
• Non conservare in frigorifero prodotti medicinali, materiale scientifi co o prodotti sensibili alla temperatura.
- I prodotti che necessitano di severi controlli della temperatura non devono essere conservati in frigorifero.
• Non collocare né attivare apparecchi elettrici all'interno del frigorifero, salvo quelli raccomandati dal produttore.
• Per accelerare il processo di sbrinamento, non utilizzare dispositivi meccanici o altri mezzi diversi da quelli consigliati dal produttore.
informazioni sulla sicurezza _5
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• Non danneggiare il circuito refrigerante.
• Non disassemblare o riparare il frigorifero autonomamente.
- Ciò potrebbe causare incendio, malfunzionamento e/o lesioni personali.
• Controllare i bambini affi nché non giochino con l’apparecchio.
• Riporre le bottiglie una vicina all'altra nel medesimo scomparto in modo che non possano cadere all'apertura della porta.
• Questo prodotto è progettato solo per la conservazione di alimenti in ambito domestico.
• Se si rileva una perdita di gas, evitare l'uso di fi amme libere o potenziali fonti di accensione nei pressi e aerare il locale per alcuni minuti.
• Utilizzare solo lampade LED fornite dal costruttore o da un centro di assistenza.
• Se si avverte un odore di medicinale o si nota del fumo uscire dall’apparecchio,
6_ informazioni sulla sicurezza
staccare la spina dalla presa e chiamare il Centro di assistenza Samsung Electronics.
• In caso di problemi nella sostituzione della lampada, rivolgersi al centro di assistenza.
• Se il prodotto è dotato di lampada LED, non smontare il coperchio della lampada e la lampada LED autonomamente.
- Rivolgersi al centro di assistenza.
• Riempire il serbatoio
• Per ottenere le massime prestazioni dal prodotto,
- Non collocare alimenti davanti alle aperture di ventilazione sul pannello posteriore del frigorifero per evitare di ostruire la circolazione dell'aria all'interno del frigo.
- Avvolgere gli alimenti adeguatamente o riporli in contenitori sottovuoto prima di conservarli nel frigorifero.
dell'acqua e il cassettino dei cubetti di ghiaccio solo con acqua potabile.
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• Non applicare una forza eccessiva né urtare con violenza la superfi cie in vetro.
- La rottura del vetro può provocare lesioni personali e/o danni alla proprietà.
• Se il frigorifero entra a contatto con l'acqua, estrarre la spina di alimentazione dalla presa e contattare il centro di assistenza Samsung Electronics.
sostanze estranee o polvere dalla spina di alimentazione. Per pulire la spina da sostanze estranee o dalla polvere non utilizzare un panno bagnato o umido.
- In caso contrario, pericolo di scariche elettriche o incendio.
• Scollegare il frigorifero prima di effettuarne la pulizia o eventuali riparazioni.
• Non spruzzare acqua direttamente sulle superfi ci interne o esterne del frigorifero.
- Pericolo di scariche elettriche o incendio.
• Non spruzzare gas infi ammabile vicino al frigorifero.
- Rischio di esplosione o incendio.
• Non spruzzare prodotti per la pulizia direttamente sul display.
- Le lettere sul display potrebbero non essere più visibili.
• Rimuovere eventuali
• Per lo smaltimento di questo modello o altri frigoriferi, rimuovere le porte, le guarnizioni e le chiusure delle porte in modo che bambini o animali non possano rimanere intrappolati all'interno. Controllare i bambini affi nché non giochino con l’apparecchio.
• Si prega di smaltire e riciclare il materiale utilizzato per l'imballaggio di questo
informazioni sulla sicurezza _7
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prodotto secondo quanto previsto dalle norme vigenti.
• Lasciare i ripiani al loro posto in modo che i bambini non possano entrarvi facilmente. Verifi care l'integrità delle tubazioni sul retro dell’apparecchio prima di smaltirlo.
• Come refrigerante, questo frigorifero utilizza R-600a o R-134a. Controllare l’etichetta del compressore sul retro dell’apparecchio e l’etichetta della potenza nominale all’interno del frigorifero per vedere il tipo di refrigerante utilizzato. Nel caso il prodotto contenga gas infi ammabile (refrigerante R-600a), contattare l'ente locale preposto per lo smaltimento sicuro di questo prodotto. Questo prodotto contiene ciclopentano come gas isolante. I gas utilizzati nel materiale isolante richiedono speciali procedure di smaltimento. Contattare l'autorità locale competente per informazioni sul corretto smaltimento di questo prodotto. Verifi care l'integrità delle tubazioni sul retro dell’apparecchio prima di
8_ informazioni sulla sicurezza
smaltirlo. Le tubazioni devono essere scollegate all’aperto.
• Se l'apparecchio utilizza isobutano (R-600a) come refrigerante, nonostante si tratti di un gas naturale a basso impatto ambientale è comunque combustibile. Durante il trasporto e l’installazione dell’apparecchio, prestare attenzione a non danneggiare alcuna parte del circuito refrigerante.
• Una perdita di refrigerante dalle tubazioni può provocare un incendio o lesioni agli occhi. Se si rileva una perdita, evitare l'uso di fi amme libere o potenziali fonti di accensione nei pressi e aerare il locale per alcuni minuti.
Per evitare che possa crearsi una miscela di aria e gas infi ammabile qualora si verifi casse una perdita nel circuito di raffreddamento, la dimensione dell'ambiente di installazione deve essere adeguata alla quantità di refrigerante utilizzato.
Non avviare
mai un apparecchio
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