Samsung RF266ABRS/XAA-00, RF266ABBP/XAA-00, RF265ABWP/XAA-00, RF265ABPN/XAA-00, RF265ABBP/XAA-00 Owner’s Manual

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Your Samsung French Door Refrigerator comes equipped with various innovative storage and energy-efficient features°
The Refrigerator and Freezer have separate evaporators Due to this independent cooling system,
the Freezer and Refrigerator cool more efficiently. Additionally, this separate air flow system prevents food odor of one compartment from seeping into
other compartments..
° Cool Select Pantry TM
The Cool Select PantryTM is a fulFwidth drawer with adjustable temperature control,.
Bigger & Wider Space
The wide shelf area and pantry provide enough space for larger items such as a pizza box, etc, The wide freezer drawer also provides enough space for 2-3 turkeys..
o Secure Auto Close
The Secure Auto Close feature will automatically close a door that is slightly open.
o Digital Display and Temperature Control , Water Filtration System
o Door Alarm
A helpful beeper alerts you if the door is ajar.
2_ Features
. Tilting Pocket
The Tilting pocket can be used to store up to a 16" pizza
Auto Pull Out Drawer
The upper drawer in the freezer comes out automatically as you just open the freezer door,
Easy Handle
Freezer door can be opened with tess effort,
. Energy Star
Energy star labeled this product could save your energy cost&
For easy future reference, write the model and serial number down. You will find your model number and serial number on the left side of the
Model # Serial #
SAFETY INFORMATION Before using your new Samsung French Door Refrigerator, please read this manual thoroughly
to ensure that you know how to safely and efficiently operate the features and functions that your new appliance offers.
Because the following instruction covers various models, the characteristics of your Refrigerator may differ slightly from the Refrigerator described in this manual, If you have any question, contact
us at 1-800-SAMSUNG or find help and information online at,
What the icons and signs in this user manual mean :
CAUTION damage.
CAUTION refrigerator, follow these basic safety precautions:
(_ Do NOT disassemble. [_ Do NOT touch.
[_ Follow directions explicitly.. _} Unplug the power plug from the wall socket, [_ Make sure the machine is grounded to prevent electric shock (_ Call the service center for help.
These warning signs arehereto prevent injury to you and others. Please follow them explicitly
Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in severe personal injury or death,
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in minor personal injury or property
To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, or personal injury when using your
Do NOT attempt.
Do not plug several appliances into the same power receptacle. o Largeappliancesdrawa lotof power.Poweringmorethanoneapplianceor machinefromasinglepowersource
couldcauseoverheatingandcausea fire..
Make sure that the power plug is not kinked or damaged by the back of the Refrigerator. ,, A damagedpower plug mayoverheatand causea fire
Do not spray water directly into or on the outside of the Refrigerator/Freezer drawer, a Watercould get into theinteriormachinepartsand cause electricshock,
Do not use aerosols near the Refrigerator. = Aerosolsusednearthe Refrigeratormaycause an explosionor fire
Safety Inforrnation 3
Do not put undue stress on the power cord or place heaW articles on it.
Ptacingheavyarticleson the powercord create theriskof explosionor fire.
Do not insert the power plug with wet hands. ° It maycause electricshock
Do not put a container filled with water on the Refrigerator. ° If itspills,it may causefireor electricshock,
Do not install the Refrigerator in a damp place or place where it may come in contact with water.
Wetand/or deterioratedinsulationof the internalelectricalpartsmay causeelectric shock or fire
Do not store volatile, flammable or high evaporating substances in the refrigerator. ° Storingbenzene,thinner,alcohol,ether, LPgas, dryice,andother such products maycause explosions.
Do not disassemble or repair the Refrigerator by yourself. o You runthe riskof fire,appliancemalfunctionsand/or personalinjury°Calfyour nearestservicecenterfor
helpfrom a qualifiedservicetechnician.
[_ Unplug the Refrigerator before changing the interior light.
ChangingthelightwhiletheRefrigeratoris pluggedin maycauseelectric shock
If you wish to dispose of the Refrigerator, remove the doors and seals before throwing it away,
,, The doors(andtheirseals)can entrapa chifdif they climbinto the Refrigerator,
Makesurethat the doorsareoff, and ensurethat no one issuffocatedby being lockedinside
The Refrigerator must be safely grounded
° Always makesurethat you havegroundedthe Refrigeratorbeforeattemptingto investigateor repairany
part ofthe appliance.Powerleakagescancause severeelectricshock.
Never use gas pipes, telephone lines or other potential lightning attractors as an electrical ground.
° Improperuseof the groundingplug can resultina risk of electricshock. If itis necessaryto use an
extensioncord to powerthe Refrigerator,useonlya 3-wire extensioncord that has a3-blade ground plug and a 3-slot receptaclethatwillacceptthe plug on theappliance..Themarked ratingof the extention
cord shouldbe AC 115V-120V, 10A,or more.Additionally,if a groundingadapterisused, makesure the
receptaclebox isalsofullygrounded,
4_ Safety Information
1_ Use good judgment when filling the Refrigerator with food and drinks.
,, Inan overfullRefrigerator,heavy,fragile,bulky or breakableitemsmay fallout and causepersonalinjury
and/ordamageto surroundingobjects
Do not put bottles or glass containers in the Freezer drawer,
Whenthe contentsfreezeandthen expand,the glassmay breakand cause personalinjuryor leave dangerousglassshardsin the Freezer,.
If the electrical wall socket is loose, do not insert the power plug.
Thereisa risk ofelectricshockor fire Havethe plug looked at by a licensedelectrician
Never unplug your Refrigerator by pulling on the power cord. o Alwaysgrip the power cordfirmlyand pullstraightout from theoutiet Yankingor pullingon the power
cord maycausea short-circuit, fireand/or electricshock
° A damagedpowercord mustbe replacedby the manufacturer,a certifiedserviceagentor qualified
Do not store articles on the top of the appliance, ° Whenyou openor closethe door, the articlesmayfailandcause personalinjuryand/or damageto
Do not store pharmaceutical products, scientific materials and temperature-sensitive products in the refrigerator.
° Productsthat requireexacttemperaturecontrols shouldnot be stored in theRefrigerator,
Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang on shelves and handles of the Refrigerator. They could damage the Refrigerator and seriously injure themselves.
[_ if you notice chemical or burning plastic smells or see smoke, unplug the Refrigerator
immediately and contact your Samsung Electronics Service Center.
After your Refrigerator is in operation, do not touch the cold surfaces in the Freezer
compartment. Particularly when hands are damp or wet, skin may adhere to these extremely cold surfaces,
Skinmay stickto thesuriaceand youmay getfrostbite
Do not put your hands under the appliance.
Anysharpedgesmay causepersonalinjury,
Never put fingers or other objects into the water dispenser hole or ice chute.
It maycausepersonalinjuryand/or materialdamage,
Safety Information _5
(_ If the Refrigerator will not be used for a long period of time (for example, over several
months), unplug the power from the wall.
Overtime, deteriorationin tl_epowercord insulationmaycause fire
[_ Do not use a wet or damp cloth when cleaning the plug,
Remove any dust or foreign matter from the power plug pins.
A Dirty power plug can increase the risk of fire.
If the Refrigerator is disconnected from the power supply, you should wait for at least
five minutes before plugging it back in.
[_ Do not place the equipment directly in sunlight,
The appliance must be positioned so that the power cord is accessible after
If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, a certified service agent or qualified service personnel.
If you have a long vacation planned, empty the Refrigerator and turn it off.
Wipeexcess moisturefromthe insideand leavethedoorsopento keep odor andmold from developing.
Service Warranty and Modification
Anychangesor modificationsperformedbya 3rd partyon this finishedapplianceisnot coveredunder Samsungwarrantyservice,nor canSamsungbe responsibleforsafetyissues1hatresultfrom 3rd party modifications
Children can get trapped inside Refrigerators.
Before you throw away your old Refrigerator or Freezer, make sure that you;
Takeoff thedoors
o Leavealtshelvesin placesso that childrenmay not easilyclimb insideandshutthe door whiletheyare
(_ This app)iance is not intended for use by small children or infirm persons without capable, adult
supervision. Small children should be supervised when using the appliance.
[_ Do not block air holes
o If the air holesare blocked,especiallywith plasticbag, refrigeratorcan be overcooled
If thiscooling period lastslong,water filterwillbe brokenandcausewater leakage
6_ Safety Information
08 Getting readyto installthe refrigerator
09 Setting up the refrigerator 09 Removing the refrigerator doors 11 Reattaching the refrigeratordoors 13 Adjusting the doors
14 Making minor adjustments between doors t 5 Adjusting the freezerdrawer 16 Checking the water dispenser line 17 Installingthe water line
19 Using the control panel 20 Using the digital display 2t Controlling the temperature 2! Using the cold water dispenser
22 Parts and Features 23 Storing food
24 Using the Coo! Select PantryTM 25 Removing the refrigerator accessories
26 Using the doors 27 Removing the freezer drawer accessories 28 Cleaning the refrigerator 29 Changing the interiorlights 30 Changing the water filter
31 Troubleshooting
32 Warranty
Contents _7
Congratulations on your purchase of the Samsung French Door Refrigeraton We hope you enjoy the state-of-art
features and efficiencies that this new appliance offers ................................................
Selecting the best location for the Refrigerator ......... =._ "]
A location with easy access to the water supply, :].............
A location without direct exposure to sunlight.
° A location with level (or nearly level) flooring 1: ° A location with enough space for the Refrigerator doors to open _,_._,
° Allow sufficient space for air circulation of the internal cooling 2_,
system .. _..1
If the Refrigerator does not have enough space, the internal , .... 1 _-_
cooling system may not work properly.. \ ......._j.-
First thingl Make sure that you can easily move your Refrigerator to its final location by measuring doorways (both width and height), thresholds, ceilings, stairways, etc
The following chart details the exact height and depth of Samsung French Door Refrigerator.,
:: ::: :(::MODEL : :: RF266AB(intemal waterdispenser), RF265AB
Capacity(Ou,,Ft) 26
W;dth 35 ,_
Dimension (inch} without Hinge 68 _
Case Height
with Hinge 70
wilh Door 35 ,%
_,_[houtDoor 29
(_ Allow clearance to the right, left, back and top when installing This will help reduce power consumption
and keep your energy bills lower.
. Do not install the Refrigerator where the temperature will go below 50 °F (10 °C), ° Condensation may occur on the french door areas when you use Refrigerator for the first time,
The ESaver function is automatically set to on when power is supplied to the Refrigerator. If you experience excess condensation, press the E,Saver button again to turn the feature off_
When moving your refrigerator To prevent floor damage be sure the front levelling legs are
in the up position (above the floor). Refer to 'Levelling the refrigerator' in the manual.
To protect the finish of the flooring, place the protection
sheet such as packing carton under the refrigerator,
When installing, servicing or cleaning behind the refrigerator,
cAu_o,be sure to pull the unit straight out and push back in straight
after finishing.
8 Setting Up
Now that you haveyournew Refrigeratorinstalledand in place,youare readyto set up and enjoytimefeaturesand functionsof theappliance
Bycompletingtimefollowingsteps,your Refrigeratorshouldbe fullyoperational,
1. Placethe Refrigeratorinan appropriatelocation with reasonableclearancebetweenthewalland
timeRefrigerator,Referto installationinstructionsin thismanual
2 OncetheRefrigeratorisplugged in,makesure time
interiorlight comeson whenyouopen the doors.
3 SettheTemperaturecontrol to the coldest
temperatureandwait for an hour,TimeFreezerwill getslightlychilledandthe motor willrun smoothly.
4. Afterpoweringthe Refrigerator,itwilltake a few hoursto reachthe appropriatetemperature.You canstorefoodand drinks in theRefrigeratoronce thetemperatureis sufficientlycool.
(_ Check the accessorylist below
Wa_r filler
(DAB0-00002C) fiL'_ing nut
Hex wrench Compression Compression
Faslener Waster
(DA60*00143B) (DAS0-O0O02C}
(DA62-O0305A} (DA74-00D70B}
If your entrance won't allow the Refrigerator to pass easily Tools you will need
through it, you can remove the doors _[_=======" __ L_
Philips screwdriver 10ram Socket Wrench Allen wrench(3/16"}
Disassemble the Refrigerator doors 1oWith the door closed, remove the top table((_)
using a Philips screwdriver, and then disconnect the
wires(_)o Remove hinge screws((_}) and ground
2. Lift the door straight up to remove,,
3. With a Philips head screwdriver, remove the two screws( ['_ ) attached to the lower left and right
door hinges, With an Allen Wrench(3/16"), remove the two hex
head bolts(@) attached to the lower left and right door hinges,
Remove the lower left and right door hinges( @ )
Flat-blade screwdriver Pliers
Setting Up 9
Disassemble the Freezer drawer 1 Push the upper drawer until it reaches to the cabinet rear wallo
2, Remove the tilting pocket(_-_) by pulling on both brackets(_)
upward at the same time,
3, Take out the lower basket(_) by lifting the basket up from
rail system,
4, Remove four 10mm hex-head bolts from both sides,
5, Uft the freezer door up from the rails,
10 Setting Up
Assemble the Refrigerator doors
t Reattach two flat head screws(_) and two hex head
screws((_) to the hinge completely.
2 Place the hole in the bottom of the door((_)over the lower
hinge ((_)
(_Be aware not to miss the hinge cap because can
be easily taken off,
3, Insert the upper hinge shaft(_) into the hoseon the
corner of the Refrigerator door(_), Make sure the hinge is level between the upper hinge hole((_) and the hole of the cabinet((_) and reattach the hinge screws(_) and
ground screw((_) by turning in a clockwise direction_ Reconnect the wires,
4,,Place the front edge of the top table(@) on the front of the
upper hinge(@) and reattach with three screws,
_} When reattaching the top table, sure
wires are not pressed or damaged by the top table,
make that the
Setling Up 11
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