51" Slim Plasma TV
• Samsung Smart TV with Full Web Browser
• WiFi Built-in with AllShare™ Play
• Immersive Full HD 1080p 3D picture performance
• Deep color contrast with improved Real Black Panel
Raise the bar on Full HD 1080p viewing, with
the wonder of both Samsung Smart TV and 3D.
Samsung delivers the connected power
of Smart TV, along with amazing 3D, in the
PN51E550 Plasma 3D TV. Samsung Smart
TV is your portal to online content, sharing
and chatting with friends, plus streaming
movies, music – and so much more. The
attractive picture quality of Full HD 1080p
resolution teams up with improved black
levels and Cinema Smooth™ technology.
With Samsung’s immersive Active Full HD
3D experience, entertainment can go beyond
your wildest expectations.
*Skype™ available with optional Skype™ camera.
51" Class (50.7" Diagonal) PDP HDTV with 1080p Resolution
• Smart TV
• Smart Content with Signature Services
- Family Story
- Fitness
- Kids Story
• Apps built for TV
• Web Browser & Search All
• Smart Hub
• WiFi built-in
• AllShare™ Play
• Full HD 2D or 3D with 3D HyperReal™ Engine
• Skype™-compatible*
• ConnectShare™ Movie
• Your Video (movie recommendations)
• Swivel stand
• Eco Sensor
• +1 design
• Real Black Panel
• Cinema Smooth
• Wide Color Enhancer Plus
• 600Hz Subfield Motion
• 10W x 2
• Dolby® Digital Plus/Dolby
• SRS TheaterSound HD™
• HDMI®: 3
• Anynet+™ (HDMI-CEC)
• USB: 2
• Ethernet: 1
• Component in: 1
• Shared composite in: 1 AV
• Digital audio output: 1 optical
• DVI audio in: (3.5mm mini-jack)
• 2 pairs 3D Active Glasses
• Standard remote

PN51E550 51" Class (50.7" Diagonal) PDP HDTV with 1080p Resolution
Smart TV: Never miss a moment with Samsung
Smart TV. Watch your favorite movies while you
browse the web or explore the Smart Hub. Find
more content you love by searching for shows,
movies, and videos across vudu,™ Hulu Plus,™
YouTube™ and other digital content providers.
Movies are handpicked for you through
recommendations based on your viewing history
and ratings. Access all your apps and download
new ones, such as Netflix, Facebook,® YouTube,™
Hulu Plus,™ and Twitter™! Browse the web while
you watch movies and TV shows, and enjoy TV
while you chat with friends and family online, all
on one screen. With Samsung Social TV, you can
use Twitter,™ Facebook® and Google Talk™ to make
comments, crack jokes and share all the fun.
Smart Content: Wit h the introductio n of the
new Sm art TV fe atures, you can now enjoy a
more f un and enterta ining experi ence at home.
The Smart T V offers an entir e suite of easy- touse, innovati ve featur es that entert ain your
fami ly while inst illin g a healthy lifestyle. T he
feat ures are designed to make le arning fun
again or to enjoy pr ecious fa mily moments by
shar ing photos a nd videos.
Signature Services
Family Story: Share your most precious family
moments with Family Story on your new Samsung
Smar t TV. Family S tory provides a qu ick way to
upload p hotos to a gal lery, ev en from your
mobi le device. You can also chat in r eal time,
post messa ges and shar e important family
events so everyon e is kept up to date.
Fitness: Now you can mai ntain a healthy l ifestyle
wit h Samsung Smart TV ’s Fitness. Exerc ise at
home t hrough the video-on- demand ser vice and
manag e your worko ut history. You can also track
your pr ogress by d ownloading the Exercise App
onto your mob ile dev ice.
Kids Story: Combine home entert ainment
and educat ion wit h Samsung’s new Sma rt TV.
Thr ough this T V, we can recommend a var iety
of child- friendly programming so you can watch
your child enjoy the pleasures of learning. The fun
and exciting games will entertain your child and
fami ly for hour s.
Apps built for TV: Download a w ide range of apps
for your Sm art TV through the world’s f irst
TV app store. Samsung Apps has thousands
of world-renowned apps, such as YouTube™ and
Facebook,® and popular local ones available for
downloading . Now you c an enjoy your favorite
apps fr om the comfort of your couch.
Web Browser: Easily stre am your favorite mov ies
and T V shows, downloa d apps, shop online, browse
the web, update your sta tus on Facebook® and
Twitt er,™ and enjoy all of the benef its of f ull web
brow sing right on th e big scree n.
Search All: Quickly search for web content related
to the prog ram you’re wat ching or access othe r
feat ures like VOD, ap ps and social networking
servi ces. You can e ven searc h USB drives or other
exte rnal hard dr ives connec ted to your T V with
Connect Share™.
Smart Hub: Sams ung Smart T V has retooled it s
Smar t Hub feature to f urther expan d its access
to a world of onl ine entert ainment . Smart Hub
enable s multita sking and delivers an opt imized
viewing ex perienc e with single po int access to
the content tha t’s the most impor tant to you . It
also al lows you to se arch thr ough hundreds of
apps an d use the ful ly optimized W eb Browser
for a se amless user e xperience.
WiFi built-in: With a w ireless L AN bui lt right into
the T V, it is easier t han ever to browse the web
right on th e big scree n.
AllShare™ Play: Enables your TV t o wirelessly
acce ss and stream co ntent fro m any compat ible
dev ice, like a P C. That me ans you can share
mov ies, phot os and music al l through a single
dev ice — your T V. Now w ith the benef its of cloud
tech nology, you c an access and even share
content when you’re away fr om home.
Full HD 2D or 3D: Enjo y stunning Full HD 10 80p
in both 2D and 3D modes. With Samsung's 3D
Hyper Real™ Eng ine, easi ly conver t 2D view ing
into 3D for an amaz ing cinem atic exp erience .
Skype™-compatible: With bui lt-in WiFi, al l you
need is a web ca mera acces sory and you can
Skype™ with famil y and friends r ight on the bi g
screen! (Ca mera sold separately.)
ConnectShare™ Movie: Have movies and p ictures
on a USB drive? Now easily view that c ontent right
on the T V. Just plug th e drive in to the USB po rt
and you a re ready for a big scre en exper ience.
Your Video (movie recommendations): Through a
customized recommendation serv ice for video
and othe r cont ent, Your Video al lows you to watch
and pre view mov ie trailer s and T V programs. You
can even read a br ief synopsis and user rat ings
befor e purchasing a mov ie.
Swivel stand
Real Black Panel: An advancement in soft ware
technology, which pro vides deeper and darker
black le vels to deliver bolder h ues, higher
contrast, and smoother, clearer pictur e quality .
Cinema Smooth™: A ref ined playback pr ocess
of 24p mov ies from Blu-Ray™ and s atellit e TV
sour ces optimize d for a seamlessly smooth
viewing experience.
Wide Color Enhancer Plus: Allows yo u to see
pict ure color the way the director or iginal ly
inten ded, brought to l ife on your sc reen to
bring you exceptionally vibrant, ye t naturallook ing images and depict s subtle det ails
and tones.
600Hz Subfield Motion: Using t he latest in Subf ield
Motion technology, S amsung Plasma T V flashes a
single image up to 600 time s a seco nd. The result
is smoother images wit h unprecedented picture
quality, no matt er how fast the images are moving.
10 watt s x 2 channel st ereo sound
Dolby® Dig ital Plus /Dolby® Pul se: An advance d
surr ound sound audio p rocessing fe ature
desi gned to opt imize the T V’s sound qual ity
when v iewin g and listen ing to Inte rnet mov ies,
Inte rnet music and ot her content played back
fro m wired or w ireless mobi le phones, PCs
and ta blet devi ces.
SRS T heaterS ound HD™: A high- definitio n
audi o experience t hat deliv ers surround sound
multi -channel content, using bu ilt-in TV speakers
to signif icantly enhan ce both the depth and
dime nsion of aud io right t hrough the TV f or
a simulated s urround sound exper ience.
HDMI ®: 3
HDMI ® (High-Def inition Multimed ia Interface)
is a convenient , high-qualit y single cable d igital
audi o/vide o interfac e for connecting th e TV to
a dig ital cable box, satellite box , DVD/Blu-ray
Disc® Player, PC computers, PC por table dev ices,
new generat ion tablets and dev ices fea turing
the HDMI® output.
Anyn et+™ (HDM I-CEC): Samsung’s expanded
cont rol permits seamles s functional ity betwe en
Sams ung branded T Vs and Samsung de vices s uch
as Blu- ray™ and HTiB systems.
USB: 2
Universal Serial B us (USB) is an industr y standar d
for co nnecting a var iety of computer, audio and
video de vices to the T V. USB mov ie capabi lity
allows th e streaming of v ideo from storage
dev ices, ca meras, camcorders and USB dri ves.
Etherne t: 1
Component in: 1
Shar ed compos ite in: 1 AV
Dig ital audio outp ut: 1 optical
DV I audio in: (3.5mm m ini-jack)