Spring for something new
Get an additional
$100 off 2 kitchen
$200 off 4 kitchen
Purchase a 2-piece* kitchen package and receive an additional $100
or purchase a 4-piece** kitchen package and receive an additional $200
off the pre-tax price in a Samsung Prepaid Mastercard® after submitting
a valid Offer claim form. Eligible categories vary per Offer.
Valid purchase dates: 3/5/20 – 4/15/20
Visit samsungpromotions.com/2020SpringforSomethingNew for details.
How to redeem this Offer
Submit an Offer claim form using one (1) of the following two (2) methods (either Online or Mail-in):
• Visit samsungpromotions.com/2020Springforsomethingnew (“Website”) to access the online Offer claim form.
• Complete and submit the Offer claim form by following the on-screen prompts to provide the required information including but not limited
to: participant’s full name (no initials), complete mailing address (no P.O. Boxes), valid email address, and telephone number. Participants
will not be allowed to change their mailing address or email address after submitting.
• Provide date of Qualif ying Purchase and upload a photograph of the original register receipt showing the Qualifying Purchase by July 14, 2020.
The file must be in .JPEG, .JPG, .PDF, .PNG, or GIF format and may not exceed 12MB.
Participant must legibly and fully complete the Offer claim form found at the bottom of these Terms and Conditions and mail it with the Qualifying
Purchase receipt in an envelope to: The Samsung Home Appliance 2020 Spring for Something New Offer, P.O. Box 251328, West Bloomfield, MI
48325 (collectively, the “Mail-In Envelope”). The Mail-In Envelope must be postmarked by July 14, 2020, and received by July 24, 2020.
Prior to submitting the Offer claim form and Qualifying Purchase receipt, it is strongly recommended that participants print and maintain the
original or a photocopy for themselves of all materials submit ted. PARTICIPANTS SHOULD NOT SHOW OR GIVE DOCUMENTATION TO ANY STORE
EMPLOYEE. Each participant must circle the Qualif ying Purchase items on the original receipt.
Must b e an eligible leg al resident o f the 50 US/DC & a t least 18 year s old to par ticipate. Ter ms and condit ions apply. Purc hase two (2) e ligible Sams ung Home Appl iances (Ref rigerator s, Ranges , Dishwasher s, Wall
Ovens , Cooktop s, or Range Ho ods) AND/OR four ( 4) eligible Sams ung Home Appl iances (Ref rigerato rs, Ranges , Over-the- Range Micro wave Ovens, Co unterto p Microwaves , Dishwasher s, Wall Ovens , Cooktop s, or
Range H oods) betw een 3/5/20 a nd 4/15/20 f rom a part icipating r etailer in -store or on line. Samsu ng Chef Colle ction, O ver-the-R ange Microw ave Ovens, Co unterto p Microwaves , Washers, D ryers, P edesta ls, Vacuums ,
and all ac cessorie s are not eligib le (for $100 O ffer Item). S amsung Che f Collecti on, Washers , Dryers , Pedest als, Vacuums , and all acces sories are n ot eligible (f or $200 Of fer Item). Pur chases mus t include pro ducts
from di fferent p roduct ca tegories . Additiona l major applia nces purcha sed are eligib le for the disc ount as long as t he eligibili ty require ments lis ted above are me t. Taxes are exc luded. Mus t submit valid O ffer cla im
form on line by 7/14/20 or m ail-in pos tmarked by 7/14/ 20 and recei ved by 7/24/20. A fter Of fer claim for m is validate d, Samsung wi ll send, depe nding on your Qu alifying P urchase amo unt: a $100 S amsung Prep aid
Maste rcard® if you p urchase tw o (2) produc ts or a $200 S amsung Prep aid Masterc ard if you purc hase four (4) pro ducts. A ll Samsung P repaid Mast ercards wil l be sent to the a ddress on O ffer claim f orm. Quant ities
limite d; Offer va lid while supp lies last . No more than 1, 757 $100 Sa msung Prepa id Masterc ards availab le and no more th an 1,757 $20 0 Samsung Pr epaid Maste rcards avail able. One cl aim per house hold. Off er is not
valid on p urchases ma de from Lowe ’s, Best Buy, Co stco, The Ho me Depot, Co nns, P.C. Richar d, and Sam’s Clu b. Additiona l restric tions apply. S ee https: //samsu ngpromoti ons.com/ 2020Spring forSome thingNew fo r
full ter ms and to submi t Offer cl aim form and pu rchase rece ipt. Of fer is valid and c an be combine d with other S amsung Of fers, reb ates, pro grams, or pro motions unl ess other wise stat ed.
Use your Samsung Prepaid Mastercard everywhere Mastercard is accepted in the U.S. Card issued by The Bancorp Bank pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard is a registered
trade mark, and th e circles des ign is a tradem ark of Maste rcard Inter national In corporat ed. The Ban corp Bank; Me mber FDIC .
©2020 Samsung Electronics America, Inc. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.