LN55B650 55” High Definition TV with 1080p Resolution
(54.6” (truncated) actual diagonal screen size)
• 100,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio
• Auto Motion Plus™120Hz
• Full HD-grade pixel resolution (1080p)
• Touch of Color™ design
• Fast 4ms response time
• Built-in digital tuner
• Picture-in-Picture
• Energy Star® compliant
• Medi@2.0™
- Internet@TV - Content Service
- Pre-loaded Content Library™ (2GB F lash
The LN55B650 takes full HD 1080p television to the next
level. Stay in the know w ith Internet@T V™, which displays
online TV widgets with content from Yahoo!®, Flickr®,
eBay® and others right on your TV screen. You’ll also
experience deeper, more natural blacks and extremely
smooth action with a 100,000:1 dynamic contrast
ratio, Ultra Clear Panel and Auto Motion Plus™120Hz
technology. With its stylish, revolutionary Touch of
Color™ design, it complements your home. Convenient
too - four HDMI connections let you add digital devices
such as a Blu-ray Disc™ player, gaming console and
satellite HD box. See television like never before.
- USB 2.0 Movie
• Wide Color Enhancer 3
• Game Mode
• Crystal Neck Sw ivel Stand
• 4 HDMI (3 rear/1 side)
• Anynet + (HDMI-CEC)
• USB 2.0 Movie (2 side)
• PC input (rear)
• SRS TruSurround HD™
• Integrated woofer
• Watts per channel: 15W x 2
All feat ures, speci cation s, and model numb ers sub ject to change. A ll on scre en imag es are si mulate d pictur es.

LN55B650 55” High Definition TV with 1080p Resolution
(54.6” (truncated) actual diagonal screen size)
CCFL—Cold Cat hode Fluores cent lamp
100,000:1 dynamic contrast rat io
Auto M otion Plus™12 0Hz: Ad vanced
proc essing that re duces blur and e nhances
image detail when view ing fast mot ion
video seq uences.
HD-G rade 1920 (H) x 108 0 (V) pixel
resolution: H igh-res olution pi xel density
is comb ined wit h a built-in image scaler to
hand le inputs f rom a variety of d igital and
analog a udio/v ideo sources.
Touch of Col or™ (ToC): Sam sung’s unique
manuf acturing proce
surr oundin
Response t ime: A fast 4 ms response time
minimize s blurring of fast motion in spor ts
Widescr een aspect ratio
Ult ra Clear Panel: Ad vanced LCD
technology lets you enjo y crisp image
deta ils, natural sk in tones, excel lent
shado w detail , and vibrant color s.
Bui lt-in dig ital tuner: no exter nal box
g bezel w ith a stylish red tone
ss acc ents the
- Int ernet@T V - Conten t Service:
Rece ive content fr om Yahoo!®, F lickr®,
and mor e via on- screen T V w
- DLNA®: Syn c your
connectable home elect ronics an d
display rem ote content on your T V.
Enjoy hours of bui lt-in entert ainment
feat ures, th en personal ize it by add-
ing content t hat’s ava ilable online.
- USB 2.0 Mo vie: Sho w digital h ome
mov ies, phot os, PC pres entations and
more on your T V, using the r emote.
color’s hue, re sulting in more na tural
rendering of colors
Pic ture-i n-Pict ure (PIP): Enables
conv enient, s imu
programs and video or PC c ontent sources.
Game Mode ,saera krad secnahne
sharpens t he picture, spee ds up the image
proc essing response and enhanc es the
sounds of your games . Pictur e and sound
quality opt imized for the special needs of
gamin g systems at t he touch of a button .
:3recnahnE roloC ediW Optimizes a gi ven
ltaneous v iewing of TV
idget s.
Ener gy Star® C ompliant r educes energy
consumpt ion by up to 25% c ompared w ith
stan dard TVs .
Crys tal Neck Sw ivel sta nd
Single User I nterface
Inte rface) ver sion 1.3 : 3 rear/1 side
Anynet™+ (HDMI-CEC): al lows the T V’s
remo te control to operate at t he push of
one but ton, per ipheral AV dev ices such as a
DVD player featuring H DMI-CEC.
2 USB 2.0 Mov ie: side
2 Component v ideo: rear
2 Composit e inputs: 1 r ear/1 side (shared
h component)
1 Optical
1 PC input: r ear
1 Ethernet: rear
RS2 32C
sound o utput:
SRS TruSurr ound HD™ cr eates an
immer sive, feature-ric h surround s ound
expe rience f rom two spe akers, co mplete
wit h rich bas s, high frequen cy detai l and
clear d ialog.
Watt s per channel: 15W x 2
Ster eo broadc ast recep tion: Supports
multichannel sound (MT S) and second a udio
:)hsalF( ™yrarbiL tnetnoCdedaol-erP -
program (SA P) with 181-c hannel capacit y.
:dnats tuohtiw VT 51.6” x 33.1” x 3.1”
TV w ithout stand w eight: 6 4.8 lbs.
TV w ith stand: 51. 6” x 35. 2” x 12.1”
TV w ith stand weight: 76.5 lb s.
Dime nsions: 5 6.1” x 39.9” x 15.7”
Weight: 92.2 lbs.
days parts and labor for commer cial use),
wit h in home ser vice, ba cked by Sams ung
toll -free su pport.
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LN5 5B650T1FX ZA
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As an Ene rgy Star® par tner, Sams ung has
determ ined tha t this pro duct me ets the En ergy St ar®
registered trademar k of the U.S. Environm ental
Protection Agency.
withou t notice. N on-me tric wei ghts and
measu rement s are app roximate.
Inter face are t radem arks or re gistered trad emark s of
HDMI Lic ensin g LLC.
SRS TruSur round HD is a regis tered tr adema rk of
SRS Lab s, Inc.
Anynet +, Touch of C olor, ToC, Medi@2.0, Auto
Motion Pl us 120Hz, and C ontent L ibrar y are trademarks of S amsun g
Electronics C o., Ltd.
©2009 S amsun g Electr onics A meric a, Inc. All rights
reser ved Sam sung is a registe red trad emark o f
Samsung Elect ronics Co., Ltd.
All product and brand na mes are t rademarks or re gistere d trademarks of their res pecti ve companies.
refoow detargetni htiw srekaeps mottoB
-SS Prin ted in USA .
Samsung Electronics America, Inc.
105 Challenger Road | Ridgefi eld Park, NJ 07660-0511
Tel (201) 229-4000 | 1-800-SAMSUNG | www.samsung.com