Full HD 1080p resolut ion: Enjo y the power ful
pict ure qualit y, viv id colors and stunning clar ity
of Full HD 108 0p resolut ion.
Touch of Color™: Exclusive Touch of Colo r design
comb ines texture and color that c an compleme nt
any ro om.
Exc eeds ENER GY STAR® standard s: LCD Ener gy
Eff icient, up t o 30% less than the latest ENERG Y
STAR ® specif ication depending on serie s and
screen size in standard mode.
See w ww.ene rgyst ar.gov for m ore det ails.
Wide Color E nhancer: Deli vers the e ntire
spectru m of color and lum inance for ric h,
saturated image s with int ense deta il.
Light sensor (energy sav ing)
AllShare™: S ync up your ent ire household.
A wir ed or wireless D LNA® connect ion lets
you st ream your PC audio and v ideo fi les to
your HD TV using your remot e.
ConnectShare™ Movie: Connect a thumb drive
or dig ital camera quickly and eas ily. Userfriend ly interf ace allows access to videos,
a music playlist and p ictures via the r emote.
Game Mode: E nhances dark areas, sharpens
the picture, sp eeds up the im age processing
resp onse and enhances the sounds o f your
games . Picture and s ound qualit y optimized
for the special needs of gaming systems at
the touch of a butt on.
Swivel s tand
4 HDMI (H igh-Def init ion Multimedia Interfa ce):
3 back , 1 side
HDMI ® makes it eas y to connec t your home
theater w ith one cable per component .
Anyn et+™ (HDM I-CEC): Al lows peripheral
AV dev ices such as a DVD player t o be controlled
by a Samsung T V remote cont rol.
2 USB: 1 side, 1 back
1 PC input: 1 back
DNSe™: Deliv ers high-qual ity sound w ith more
natural eff ects than con vention al methods by
repr oducing t he "genuine" s tereo sound.
Dolby® Dig ital
10 Watt s x 2 audio pow er stereo broadcast
recept ion: Supports m ultichan nel sound (MT S)
and second audio p rogram (SA P) with 181-channel
2010 Li nkStick™: Connect wirelessly to a world
of digital content from Samsung. The LinkStick™
wireless LAN adaptor eliminates the hassle
and cluttered look of wires.
Model number: WIS09ABGN
TV w ithout stand: 38.6" x 23. 5” x 3.2"
TV w ithout stand weight: 33. 3 lbs
TV w ith stand: 38.6" x 26.0” x 10.0”
TV w ith stand weight : 40.8 lbs
Dimensions: 47.6" x 29.1” x 6.7"
Weight: 48.9 lbs
1-year part s and 1-year labo r warranty
(90- days parts and labor for commerc ial use),
wit h in-home serv ice, bac ked by Samsung
toll-free suppor t.
03 6725 23 347 8
©2010 S amsun g Elec tron ics Am eric a, Inc . All ri ghts r eser ved.
Sam sung is a r egis tere d trade mark of S amsu ng Ele ctr onics C o., Lt d.
Des ign and spe cif icat ions are s ubjec t to chan ge wit hout not ice.
Non- metr ic weig hts and m easur ement s are appr oxim ate. HDM I,
the HD MI logo a nd High -Def initi on Multi media I nterf ace ar e
trad emark s or reg ister ed trade marks o f HDMI Lic ensin g LLC.
ENERG Y STAR is a regis tered trad emark of the U. S. En vironm ental
Pro tect ion Agen cy.
AllS hare, Anyn et+, Connect Share, DNS e, Link Stick , Touch of C olor
and ToC ar e trade marks o r regi stere d tradem arks of S amsun g
Ele ctro nics Co ., Ltd .
All o ther pr oduct an d brand na mes are t radem arks or r egist ered
trad emark s of the ir respe ctiv e owner s.
Scr een imag es are s imulate d.
LN40C550 40” LCD High-Definition TV with 1080p Resolution