Important Warranty Information Regarding Television Format Viewing
Widescreenformat LCDDisplays (16:9, the aspectratio of thescreenwidth to height)are primarily designedto viewwidescreenformat
full-motionvideo.Theimagesdisplayed on themshould primarily bein the widescreen 16:9ratio format,or expanded tofill the screen if
yourmodeloffers thisfeature andthe images are constantlymoving. Displayingstationarygraphics and imageson screen, such asthe dark
sidebarson nonexpandedstandardformat televisionvideo and programming,shouldbelimited tono morethan 5% of the total television
viewingper week.
Additionally,viewingother stationaryimages andtext suchas stockmarket reports,video game displays,stationIogos,websites or computer
graphicsand patterns,shouldbelimited as describedabovefor all televisions. Displayingstationaryimagesthatexceed theabove guidelines
cancause unevenagingof LCD Displaysthat leavesubtle,but permanentburned-in ghostimagesin the LCDpicture.Toavoidthis,vary the
programmingandimages,and primarilydisplay full screen moving images,not stationary patternsor dark bars.
On LCD models thatoffer picturesizingfeatures, usethese controlsto viewdifferent formatsasa fulI screenpicture.
Becarefulin the selectionand durationoftelevision formatsusedfor viewing. UnevenLCD aging as a resultofformat selectionand use,as
wellas burned-inimages,arenot covered by yourSamsung limitedwarranty.
U.S.A Only
The productunit accompanyingthis user manual islicensedundercertain intellectualpropertyrightsof certainthirdparties, in particular,
this productis licensed underthefollowing USpatents:5,991,715,5,740,317,4,972,484,5,214,678,5,323,396,5,539,829, 5,606,618,
5,530,655,5,777,992,6,289,308,5,610,985,5,481,643,5,544,247,5,960,037,6,023,490,5,878,080,and underUSPublished Patent
ApplicationNo. 2001-44713-A1.
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theuse of thisproduct unitto encodeand/ordecode audiofiles conformingto the ISO/IEC 11172-3or ISO/IEC13818-3.No rightsare
grantedunderthis license for productfeaturesorfunctionsthat do not conformto theISO/IEC11172-3or ISO/IEC 13818-3.
Other countries
The productunit accompanyingthis user manual islicensedundercertain intellectualpropertyrightsof certainthirdparties.This licenseis
limitedto privatenon-commercialuse byend-user consumersfor licensed contents. Norights aregrantedfor commercialuse.The license
does notcoverany product unit otherthanthis productunit and the licensedoesnotextend to any unlicensed productunit or process
conformingto (SO/(EC11172-3or ISO/IEC13818-3used or soldin combinationwith this productunit.Thelicenseonly coversthe use of
this productunitto encode and/or decodeaudiofiles conforming to the ISO/IEC11172-3or ISO/IEC 13818-3.No rightsare grantedunder
this licensefor product featuresor functionsthat do notconform tothe ISO/IEC 11172-3or ISO/IEC 13818-3.
Subjectto therequirements,conditions, exclusionsand limitationsofthe original LimitedWarrantysuppliedwith Samsung-_.Electronics
(SAMSUNG)products,andthe requirements,conditions, exclusionsand limitationscontainedherein.SAMSUNGwilladditionallyprovide
WarrantyRepair Serviceinthe UnitedStateson SAMSUNGproductspurchasedin Canada.and in Canada onSAMSUNG products
purchasedin the UnitedStates.for thewarranty periodoriginaUyspecified,and tothe OriginalPurchaseronly.
Theabove describedwarranty repairs mustbe performedby aSAMSUNGAuthorized ServiceCenter Along with this Statement. the
Orig(na!LimitedWarranty Statementandadated Billof Sale as Proofof Purchasemust be presentedto the ServiceCenter.Transportation
toandfrom the Service Centeris theresponsibilityof thepurchaser.
Conditionscoveredarelimitedonly to manufacturingdefectsin materialorworkmanship, and only,those encounteredinnormal useof the
Excluded.butnot limitedto. are any originallyspecifiedprovisionsfor. in-homeor on-siteservices,mimmumor maximumrepairtimes.
exchangesor replacements,accessories,options, upgradesor consumables.
For the locationof a SAMSUNGAuthorizedService Center,pleasecall toll-free:
Inthe United States : 1-800-SAMSUNG(1-800-726-7864) InCanada : 1-800-SAMSUNG
See the warranty card for more information on warranty terms.
Precautions When Displaying a Still Image
Asti!l image may cause permanent damage to the
• Do not display a still image on the LCD panel for more than 2 hours as it can cause screen image retention. This image
retention is also known as !!screen burn": To avoid such image retention, reduce the degree of brightness and contrast of the
screen when displaYing a still image.
• Watching the LCD TV in 4-:3format for a long period of time may leave traces of borders displayed on the left,
right and center of the screen caused by the difference of light emission on the screen.
Playing a DVD or a game conso!e may cause a similar effect to the screen,
3amages caused by the above effect are not covered by the WarrantY.
• Displaying still images from Video games and PCfor longer than a certain period of time may produce partial after,images.
To prevent this effect, reduce the 'brightness! and !contrast' when displaying still images.
© 2008 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.