1-800-SAMSUNG, 1-800-726-7864.
aamsung Electronics Americ_
Service Division
400 VMley Road. State 2(11
Mount ArllngToll. NJ 07856
aamsung Electronics Canada Inc.
_amsung Customer Care
7037 financial Drive
[VIISS1SS_UglI. Ont _rlO
L5N 6R3
Owner's Instructions

Important5afe Instructions WarnJnglImportant tety Instructions
1) Read these instructions.
2) Keep these instructions.
3) Heed all warnings.
4) Follow all instructions
5) DO not use this apparatus near wate_
6) Clean only with dry cloth
7) DO not block any ventilation openings. Install in acrordance with the manufacturer's
8) DO not install near any heat source such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other
apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat
9) DO not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug.
A polarizedplag has two blades with one wider than the othe_ A grounding type plug has
two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided
for your safety_
If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of
the obsolete outle_
tO) Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched
particularly at plugs convenience receptacles, and the point
where they exit from the apparatus
f I) Only use attachments/accessories specified by the
12) Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified
by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is
used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus cort_binafion
to avoid injury from tip-ove_
13) Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or whet_ unused for long periods of time.
14) Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus
has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, gquid has
been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to
rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has be_n droppecL
This LS ms_ae _sdc Io make an kind of contacl
wlth mw inside omt of th_s a _duct
Th_as tubal alerts you mat _moortanl h_e_a_ureconcerning operallon Qna mmn[enance has teen
included wilh lhls aroduct
Note to CATV system insl_ller: Th_s rem_nde_ _sprovided to crJHCATV syslem mslrJIler s r_nenllon lo _.rl
:Je 820J.0 at the Natlona[ E[eclrlc_d Code Section 54 of Canadian Electrical Code, Parl t), that provides
guidelines for proper grounding and in particular, specifies that the cable ground shaLLbe conneded 1othe
grounding system of the bui[dlng as dose to the oolnt o cab e entry as _ actlca
Caution: FCC/CSA regulations s_am m_r a_ . un_urnonzea changes or mod_ficatlons to th_seau_amen_ may
vo_a me _ser $ aumo_v _ooa_ram _
Caution: To areven_ e_ec_nc snoc_ m_th the verdeblade of p_ug _otile w_ae s_o_ ana _ _y mserl me p_ug
A_]l_rt_fi_: pour ewter _e$chaos e]eCl _que_, m_oa_re _a _ame m _u_ _r_rge ae _a _,cne aans _a _ome con_-
spondante de la r_dse el oous_r _usc au fond
Impo_'l_n_ One Federcs_Court has held real unaumar_ze_ reco_ _g of copyr_ghmd TV programs _s m_
infr_ngemen_ of U S copyr_ghl laws
Certain Canadian programs mc_y _so oe copytlgnTea _l_a _l_v unaumonzer_ recora m_ m who_g ol m _:_rl
may be _nv_o[_t_on of these _ight!
F_gnVC[age present _gef0us
2 3

Thank you for choosing Samsungl Your new Somsung p_oduc_ _p_sents the k;test _ntelevMon
technolog_ We deslgned it with eosy-lo-use on-screen menus Qnd dosed captioning capabilities,
making it one of the best products _n its class¸ We a_e p_oud _o offer you a p_duct that w_ll p_v]de
convenient, dependable _erv_ce and en]oymen_ for years to come
AEways be careful whe_ using your PDP To reduce the dsk of f_re,electrlcal shock, and other _nurles,
keep these safety precautions _n m_nd wher_ _nsta _ng, using, and
maintaining your machine
• R_Od oil sofety aod operating [nslrudlons before operatlng your PDE
• K_ep the safety c_nd _pelatlng instructlons for fotule le ference
• Heed all warnings on the PDP ond in the o_ofing instructlons
• FoNow all operating c_nc_use _nstruct_ons
• Doplug the PDP trom he wa ou e be o e cleaning Use a damp cloth do not use I[quld or oero_l
• Never odd any attachments aod/or eq_ii'_ment w_tbaut opprova_ of the manufoc_u_e_ SucB odd_Ban$
con _ncrease the risk of fire, electric shock, or other personal _niury
• Do not use the PDP where contacl w_th or _mmerslon _nwater _sa posslbil]ty, such as near bath tubs,
s_ks, wa h ng moth nes, swimming pools, etc
• Do not place the PDP on on unstable cart, stand, tripod, brockeh
to a ch]Ed or adult, and _er_ous damage to the appliance Use only
w_th a carh stand, tripod, bracket, or table recommended by the man-
uf_c_urer or sold w_h _he PDP Follow the manutac_urer's instructions
when mounting the url_, and use a mounting accessory recommended
table, or floor where _tcan fall A fall_ng PDP can cause _er_us _nury _•
by the manufacturer Move the PDP and cart with care Qu_ck s_ops
excessive torte, and _neven sur faces con make _he unit and car_
unsteady and E_kelyto overturn¸
• Provide ventilatlon for the PDE The unit is designed with sfels in the cabinet for v_ntilat_on to prolect it
_rom overheat_g Oo hal bfeck these openings w_th any obiech and d_onot plac_ the PDP on a bed,
sofa, rug, or other s_m]fer surfece Do not pfece _ near o radiator or heat _g_ste_ Do hal place _he
PDP _na rock or bookcase¸
Ensule tho_ _hel_ _sadequate ventilation r_nd that you've followed the manufacturer's _nstruct_onsfor
• Operate your PDPonly from the type of power _ource indicated on the marking label if you are not
sure o he ype o power suppE_ed to your home, consuEt your appliance dealer c_rlocal power com-
• Use only a grounded or pok;r]zed outlet For your safety, th_sPDP is equipped w_th o polarized alter_
noting cur_nt I_ne plug bev_ng one blade w_der than the other¸ Th_s pEug w_ll fi_ _nto the power outEel
only one way Ifyou _ unable _o _nser_the plug fully _nto the outEel, _ry reversing the plug
If the plug still does n_t fit, contoc_ your electrlc_an to repEace your outlet
• Protect the power cord Power supply cords should be routed so thai they won't be w_lked on or p_ncbed
by obiects placed on or against them¸ Pay particular _ffent_o_ to cords at plugs_ convenience recep c_
des, _sndthe point where they exi_ from the unff
• UnpJug the PDP from the wall oullet and d_scon_ec_ the an_e_a or cobJe system dudng a I_ghln_ng _torm
or when left unattended and unused for long por_od_ of t_me_ Th_swill prevenl d_mage to the u_l due to
I_fen_ng _d power-I_ne surges,
• Avoid overhead power lines¸ An ouMde antenna system should not be pfeced i_ the v_c_n_tyof overhead
power I_es or other eJectrlc llghl or power c_rcuils or where _tcon faEI _to such power I_nes or c_rcu_ls
When instr_ll_ng on out_de _s_tenna system, be extremely cQreful to keep from touching the power I_nes
or c_rcuffs Co,tact with such I_nes can be fatal.
• Do not ovedood the wall out fet or extensfen cords¸ Overloading c_n result in fir_ or electric shock¸
• Do not _nsert anything through the opo_gs in the unff, where they con touch d_gerous voltQge po_nls
or damage parts¸ Never sp_ll I_qu_c_of any k_nd on the PD_
• Ground ouldoor antennas _fon outside _n enna o cab e system _sco_ected to ihe PDP, be sure the
a_te_no or cable system _sgrounded so _s to provide some prolecfio_ ag_sl voJloge surges and built-
up s_a_]ccharges¸ Section 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No70q 984, prov_bes i_for-
marion about proper grounding of the most and supporting slructure, grounding o_ the leod-ln w_re to an
a_e_no d_scharge un_h s_ze of grounding conductors, Iocotfen of antenna _schorge L_n_h connection _o
grounding eleclrodes, and req_ ement fo he g ou_d ng electrode•
• Do not attempt to service the PDP yourseJt Refer ale servicing _oqucthfied service per_onneh Unplug the
un_ from the wall outlet and refer serv_clng to quald_od service porso_nel under the folJowlng cond_l_ons;
- when the power-supply cord or plug is damaged
- d I_qu_d bes been sp_lled on the uni_ or i_ obieets hove f_lle_ into the unit
- if the PDP has been expo$od to rain ol wate_
- if the PDP does nol operale normally by following the operating instructions
- d fhe PDP has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged
- when _bePDP exblb_t_ a d_s_c_ cbang_ i_ performance
• Ifyou make adius_me_ts yourself, odiust only those controls that ore covered by the operallng instruc.
t_ons Adiusfing other controls may result _n domage and w_l allen require exte_s_ve work by a quald_ed
tecbeMan to restore the PDPto normol
• When replacemenl pcsrts ore required, be sure the service technician uses replacement parts spec_f_od by
the mm_u[acturer or those that have the sr_me characteristics _s the or_gh_c_lpart Unoutbedzod substffu
t_ons may resul_ in oddlt_onol damage to the uni_
• Upon completion of any service or repog_ to th_s PDP, ask th_ _erv_ce techn_clan to perform safety checks
to determine that tBe PDP is in o safe opora_i_g condil_on
• The PDP co_ propedy operale _n o temperature range of 32~ 104°P(0_40°C) ond 80% humidity,
Do not use _n_ hot m_d humid place.
• Before moving the PDP equipped with spookers, separote the speokers from the BDR _fyou move the PDP
w h the speakers allc_ched may esu_ n damc_ge or iniury

......... RegardingTelevisionFormatViewing......
Uaer Ir_te_s W_,nJr_
NOTE Tk,_s_,_pm_n_ has been tested and found
_c,cc,mT_tY with the llrnlt_ For a Class B digital
bevlc_, pursuant to Parl t5 oFthe FCC Rules.
These I;m;l_ ar_ d_s;gned _o provide fe_ so_c)_l_
pro_ect_on ._g_th s_}_Grmfo_their fg_e.¢_ _ _z_s_-
u_, _n_ c_ rc_dlate r_dlo _requency en_.r_y
c_ndl ff not th_tolled and used in occordancewiIh
th_ in_lrvctlons, may cause harm}u] inter_erenc_ _o
rrJd_o ¢_mmun_coffons Howovet Yr_rO _$_¢. g_i-
antee that _t_te_r_r_ce wi_ _t a¢o_ in a pa_l_c_
It this equipmenl do_s cause harmful interference
la radio or television receptions, which cr_ be
determined by turning the _q_pm_t _ _d on_
the _se_ is _r_vr_g_ to t_ to _rrect the inler_
bre_ce by c;n_,or mo_e_f the _olbw_ mea.
• Reorient or r_to_cs_ t_lereco_vthg _nt_nrtG
• Increase the _eprJr_t_o_ _tweet] th_ _.q_
and r_thver
• _olln_l th_ _q_f_n_ tht_ Gn o_llet Oll a ¢_1_
_;_ _[ferent _rom that to whto_ the receiver _s
• Consult th_ dealer or on experienced r_d_o/W
technic_an for h_p.
User Infofm_
O_ange_ a_ modifications nat expresc]y apps'r_ved
by th_ party responsib]_ }or compl_anc_ c_
voJd the 0s_r'_ a_thor}ty 1o ol_t_lo_ _e 'equipment
I_neces_ry_ €unseal your d _ole_ or on _x_er_
_nc_d _d_/t_ev_;on #ec_nlc_csnfor og&'ffonal
s_e_l_s. Yo_ m_y find the beok_e_ccdled How
t_ _de_l_fy and Re_olve Radla/T9 toterierence
ProbE_ms helpful Thisbc_ol¢let wc_s p_o_d [_y
the Fed,_ro_ Commun}co_ions Qommi_. It _
r_vo}lob_ f_o_ th_ U.S Oavernmen_ Printing
'O f(_c% Web,thOr,eta n, DC 20402, Slack Number
Amer_cr_QA L_k__ ,Samsung
3351 MJcBel_onDrive,
Belie#290, Irvlne, CA92612 USA
User must use sh_elde{_s_gn_ _r,_,_r_r_e cables to
ma_ntato _FCCc_m_c_oce for the product
_c_d _th this monitor is a det_cbeble power
_ug_ly cord wit_ I_C320 styl_ let m;n_fions.
_tmay be su_nble _orcat_r_e¢l_o_¢to any UL Listed
_ersonaJ computer w_th s}m_)ar _c_f_g_at_on
Before mok}ng tbe con_k:_, mQke _ur_ the volt.
oge _ol_ngo_ tb,_ c_m_uter convenience ouBet is
th_ _¢._e _ _he monitor rJnd that tBe gray,ere rot-
ing o_ the comp_el ¸ conv_n;_nce outlet i_equals _o
o_ e×c_ed_ lhe man,tar voBe_e n_ng
For t20 %)t app)_cal_, _e _nly UL Be_
_e_ochab_e po',_ _oi_ _v_h NEMA _onflgurotlon
5-15_ _/_,:_r_Elel bladesl plug cap For 240
Vo_t c,9_colions _se onl UL Usled Detochabl_
_ower supply cord wit_ _EMA conflgurr_tion
6015P type I_ndem b_ade_) plug co_
I¢ _:empl_:re_ N_tke
T_ CI_ I_d_gi_oEa_p_ratus meets_ll require-
C_topT;oriel r_rlqve de ¢fo_seBr_pe_te
t_._ I_sexlgence_du R_glementICES_303_vr
les_qui_ments pr_duisant desinterferencesc_u
Thb _ _ Cla_ E product be_d on Ibes_andard
of the Voluntary Control Council _or thterJerence
by th_ormot_on Technology Equipment _gCCI/ _t
th_s i_ _sed n_or a radio or teeny,gun l_v,gl to
the in_tl_c_,_ manual.
Thi_ClassB digital apparatuscornp_feswi_h
Cet _ppo_ _m61que de/a classe B e_t
cockhorse_ _ no.me NMBO03 d_ C_n_d_
Wid_ scoeen brmal PDP Disglay_ II 6:gdbe _g_c_ _Be of Se _c_en width to Be{gh_I a_ prth_ari_y
dew,greed _o v_ew w_e _c_n f_mcs_f_bmotirm _deo.Tbe _mages d_splayeO on them shaved primarily be
in the w_de _cr_ea _6:9 _t_o formcthor expanded to fill the .<rein i} your mode_ _ _, _¢s_ule and th_
_m_g_ me ¢c_l_ntly moving. Displaying slatlonary graphics and _rnog_ ,_r__c_,_ n_ _h us the dc_rk
_d_bers on n_n_xponded stondr._rd Format t_lev_s_0n v_d_o _r,_ pr_g_c_r_thg, sho_!d be llrnimdl !o no
moe _on5%oF he o_ ieevison vewing _ w_e.f.. ....
Add_ian_lly_v_wlng olh_ _cff_ana_y _mag_s and t_×t _c_ o_ _oc,k _ccb_ re_ v_d_ game "_ •
d_s_lay_s_r_on I_go_o_-_b _s _r ¢ornput_ 9_0p_p_,ic__¢_ _t_n_ _ould _e I_mited a_ d_c_ibed above
for art televisions Di_pla_ing _ta_a_y Images fl_,_f exceed the above gui_ellne_ can
_u_e ur_even _alng of POP _fspl_ys Pn_t leave subt_e, laut permanent burned-Be
_bos_ ;_ages ;n the lOP p_,'_._o ovo;d thi_v_ry _ne pr_,g_'ommi,_g ,:rm_ imp,
_ pr_r_dly display full s_reen moving im_ges_not statk_rm_y pattecns or dark ba_.
On PDP m_deJ_ that offer plctgre _izlng b_ture_u_ th_e c_c_ _o"clew dffBee_! form_f_ a_ a flsll sereei_
picture. .....
Be careful h/the selecilon and duration o_ television _c_m_ _d fc_cv_ewing Uneven PDP aging a_ a
result of lot mat s_lectim_ and u_e as well c_ be_:_ _mc_g_s ¢srehal covered by your Samsung I_rn}_d
waft Qr_ty,
Scree_ bt_le rete_ti_
o_ _¢*_d(_l_y a _l/ll/_g_ I_ch as Oll a wdeo game or wn_n noo_ll_ _ r_ _ to f_S _ On r_O pJo_m_
d_p_ay _ane_ [or mare tbe_ several m_ut_s _s _t cr_n couse _c_ _me_e re_t_n This image _etemfo_ is
also known as "screen burn"¸ _o avo_ s_ im_ _tenlion_ refer to age 40 of this manua _ "ore_uc_ th_
d_gree o_ _rlghtness an_ con_os_ c__k_i__cc_en when dl playing o sl _ image
0 _ell_lect
Tt_ oIg_'_a t_ _av (lon_l ¢on_sf_ o{ _i_e _el_s _lthou_n I_ pol_l_ r_ mo_uced With nlor_ fha_ 9_9
0 tdt_m_
|h_ PD? w_ll has ooe_/oI_-n_r mo_lV at allltude$ above 6500 ft
i_(s device compiles wffll port 15 o( the FCC Rules.OpeloBe_ _ _5_'J to t_e (ollowthg two conditions:
/_I T_ device moth not cause _arm_l thted_rence, and
2 T_ '_,_v_cemust c_cceptany intederence recelvec} including _nte_e_n_ _be_m_y _Quse
isr_e_re_ olbeFrJt_on
T_e[_vi_iclnrecelver15119 of tBe _C_ ru_s.rovldesdlsplay°}t_levlsi°nclasedcQP_g _ _cord_nce with

four New P[asm_ Disp_y Pan_[ .......... ]0
Remote Control gu_ons .................. 12
Wa_E In staEla_on [n,_ruefions ............. 14
F_ne Tuning Channeh ................... 64
LNA ILow Noise Amolifierl .................. 65
Conneclmg _oa PC ............................... 6_
2onn_rfing /HF and UHF Antennas ........ 20
Zonnecl _g Zab_el_ .................. 21
Zonnecl _g Spe_-prs 23
2onnec_ng _ VCR .... 24
2onnecl _g _s Com_ofder ................ 25
Zonnecl _g _ DVD P[aye_ 26
Zonnert_ng _ D]V R_ceiver ............. 27 S_ _g _heClack ................ 8(
0_e_iO_ S_mg _e Timers ............................ 82
Turning_e PDPOn and Off ............ 30
_emonzmg the Channel .................. 32 _gl_|iO_ _5_1_[@_
_e_ng Up Your Remole Conlro[ 37 Sel_t[ng _ Menu _angbage 8_
wewmg an Ex/ema_Signal Sou_c_ 39 Viewing Closed Capgons 87
_k_Ji_e _ @_1_[ Setlmg Aulo Power Off 89
Z_,lam_z[ng th_ p_cl_re ................... 42 Selecting P_e Film Mod_ 9(
_s_ng Aufomafic p_ture Se_ _g_ 43 Using _he V_hip
_e[ec_ng lh_ Colo_ Tone ................. 44
DNle (Dig_laE Natural Image englnel ......... 45 _endix
_hc_ngmg the Screen Size 40 Troubleshooting 9_
Freezing the p_cbre ..................... 47 Cars and M_intenanre ................. 99
wewmg he pi_ur_in p_rzure ............... 48 Saec_c_t_ons .............................. I0(
_e[ec _ a S_gno[ So_r_e {Anfenna or Cable
Jar p_P 53
Adjusting the PC Screen 72
Changm the Po_i_on of the Image ........... 7_
pic_u_ Q_sa _ Ad _s_men_ 7_
_formatlon .......................... 77
Seti_ngthe S_eeptime€ ...................... 8 ]
DEg_talNo_se Red_l_on ....................... 8_
i i_i Z i i ZZI Z i
P L A S M A _ _ S P L A ¥ P A H E L
Geneial information
Your New Pl_sm_ Display Panel ,,,,, .......... ,......................... l0
Remote Conlro[ Buffons ................................................................ 12
Wail Installation In_lru¢ffons ......................................................... 14
Sound Contt0i
2u_lamlz[ng lhe Sound .................... 56
_smg A_lornafic Sound Set'ri!! 57
]h00_mg _M_l_hn_el S0u_ MTS_So_dl_acl 58
_smg he Auto Volume ................... 59
Js_ng O01_ V_riual ................................... 60
_s_n_ _ Subwoofer ........................... _l

emote Control
Signal Recelve_
SOURCE button
Press to d_splay all of the ava_labb v_de0 sources
i _ie V_deo S-V_deo ComL_onentl, Con _onenl2 PC
• The SOURCE button can be used as SELECT b_tton
D_sp_ays_he _aln or_screen menu
VOL(+,-I button
Press _o_nc_eose or dgcreose tile voEume AJsouseo
ro seJector r_czJsTI_gms on the on.screen mgnu
CH(V,A) button
Press CHA ol CHV to change Channels
Also used to _ove JOor down _n_heOn.scleen menu.
POWER button
Press to turn the PDP on and off.
Once yo_ hove unpacked your PDP,check la make surethat you have all _heparts shown here
If any p_ece _sm_ss_ngor b_oken, call yoo_deole_
Antenna Cable Speaker Cables
(BN39©O333A) IBN39©0315A) _
Power Ca_d 13903000085_
FebrileCo_es; 2EA{3301001110] Owner's InstnJchons
PowerOff LEDRed
PowerOn TimerOn] : LEDGroer
PowerOn rT_merOf_ I_D Off
rnsssool on th_ PD_
_ @ • • • • 00@
O Servicejack
_or serviceonly
_UVI Inpul jacks
Receivesthed_g_t01v_deo/oudlo signals
[romo set top boxor PC
_PC(RGB) Inputjacks(ESpin)
Comaecttothe vldeo/_ud_o output iacks
on your PC
_S-Video Input jacks
Connect S.Video/audlo s_gnals_rom extemol
so_rce_suchVCR_o_DVD players
OVideo Input jacks
Connectvldeo/aud_o s_gnalsfrom external
sourcessuchVCRso_DVD players
Component Vi_eo/Audi0 Inpol jacks
Conne¢l to _e o_o On_ component o_tp_
iocks o_o DVD player or Set_op Rox
0 Exte_adSpoake_Outjacks
Connect external s_akers
O Antennajack
Co_ne_ to ontenno
Sub-w0ofer spuake_ output jack
Connect to the Subwoo_er speake_ iack
Connect the sgppl_ed power cord

Kemote ontrol Buttons
0 POWER button
Tmns the PDP on m_d off
Press to chang_ the screen s+ze
0 Numberbuttons
0 +1O0butte.
Press to select channels over 1_ For example re se_ecl
channel 2 _ _ss '÷ O0 then oress 2' and '
0 MUTE button
Press to mule the PDPsound.
0 VOL(Volume)buttons
Use it to odust volume
0 SLEEP bnt|on
PBessto selee_c DIe_t _me hltelvol For au_onlat_c shutof}
D_sploys me ma_n on.screen menu
0 ENTERbutton
Confilms a s_[ecl]or
@ PIP button
Activates alcTure ino _Iure
0 STILLbuttom
Press to pause Ins current scleen
LEDDisplay +++
When yau press a bu+ton ' , appear s oloclg w+m
selec+_d mode TV, VCR, CAW DVD or STBI and
remo_nlng baffer_es on ED
0 P.MODEbutton
Ad ust +h_ PDF p_ure oy semc_mg one of the preset
fodory s_tfings al select voul oe+sonal cus+om_zed
ple+uresettings I
• MODEbntto_
Selects o _or_eT oewce _o be controlled by _he _omsung
_mom control _e VCR Cable DVD players or STBI
_fyou chong_ mo_es the _ew mode is momenlaril_
d;sployed on LED
_) PREACHbntton
Tunes +0 the orewous c_anne
Press +od_s Ioy oll oF the ovo_iobl_ v_deo sources
li+ Vid_ _V+d_ Comoonentl Com_nen+2 PC DVI
Use it to sw+tch channels
Press +od_s_+c+v i_otmatlon on the PDP screen
EXIT button
Press +oexit +h_+menu
Con+rol +h_cursor m the menu
_SURROUND button
Press +he hear the Dolby surround eF_ct
Press to choose s_ereo mono Or_poraPe Audio PrO-
gram SAP broadcostl
i_ AUTOPNOG+button
The ]V ou+oma_ically cycles +hrough oil ot the ovai_
able chonnels and stor_s them in memory
Press +oodd or delete chonnels _nthe W's memory¸
Actlvotes DN_e IDig+tpl Notural Imoge _nglnel
_ CAPTIONbutton
Controls _he caption d_coder,
Used dudn s_tupo_+hlsSamsungremol_control,
so tha_ it w_l work compatlbly wi+_ other devices
(VCR, c_ble box, DVDI
PIP control button_
SWAP : Exchong_s +hev_deo s_gnal tha+ _scurrently
d_spJay_d on the ma_n creen wi+h +he
signal in +he P_Pw_ndow
SIZE : press to make the PIPw_ndow Lorge, SmolJ
or DouBle¸
CHa,,'€ : D_splay_ +heovaiJoble channels in
_quenc+ITh_sebu+m.sehang_chan_+s ¸¸
in +he PiP w_ndow only)
_VCR, DVDcontrolbuttons
Controls VCR tape or DVD d_sefune+_ons: Stop,
_ewlnd, Ploy/Pou_e, _ast Forword.
iFyour remo+e con+tel is no+ _unc+_onlng pro_rly, +ake
ou+ +he_+l_r_es and press the reset bulton for aboul
2~3 s_conds _.e+inse_lhebatterlesondtryus;ngthe
remote _on_roEagain
Remote Control Operation Range.
t You can us_ your rema+e control w_th_no _stanc_ of 23 _e+ and an angle of 30 d_grees
from the I_t and _ght sides oF +h_ PDP's remote control rece_ve_ 13

@ Insldl@nNotes
@ FixingthePDPp_dtathewallattachmentpaneJbracket
Do na_ ins_al_the PDP _n_ny _ocaiionot_ler fflana verticd waft
To prc_tect the performance of the PDP and p_event p_obb_ avo_d the _o_Jowlng
Do not _nstaJl next [o smoke and fi_e detectors
Do _Ta_ins_l_ in an a_o subiect_d to vib_Qllon
• Do not install in an area _bjed_d to _gk_ voltag_
• Do not insta[I near o_ around amy heating appa_otus_
Use only recommended parts and componen_s_
Paris (w_[ia_a_hmentpa_lelissoidsepa_a_dy._e_wffhyourde@l
_eI_ow the _crews on the r_al of _[1_PDP oaIl_
T_gtll_n the screws connected to the _nsulatlon h_ldgrs on the rear of the PDP ooneL
_nsulat_an holders ; 4 EA Screws ; 4 EA
14 15

the PDP {O to secure it tc the wall mou_ bracket¸ [_) Tighten the scn_ws css_hown
I_l so thr_ [he PDP cannot be _eoarale_ lrom wall mounl ofac_el
PDP panel --
@HowtoAdiui Moun in Annie
Nolle@ : Please secule the mounting bBacket on the wall surface after setting its angl_ at 0 °
Tl_ewaft mount brockei i{ de{ivered seporcs_eiyPleura tlqhtenthe cap,ire screw in the direction of
_hearrow after a_sembling _hek_racket i i
Secure the PDPto _e wall mQunt
bracl_et(Please referto thefollowing
Set the _ng_eby pu_llng the upper enc_o_
2_he PDPattad_ed to bracket in the direcfian
of _he0rrow_
The angle qan be adjust@dEarn 0 ° to 20_
by :_2_
Contact cn a_tharlzec_ techn_clan when insta$_ing the wall atlachment panes
2 After hanging t_e PDP panel on th_ wall attachment panel, mak_ sure _hc_t
_h_ Ins_Eation holders are _omplet_Jy h_ng
3 Be careful no_to get your fingers caught during in_tallatlon
4 Make sur_ the wan a_r_chment panel brackets are tightened¸
O_h_rwi_, the PDP panel may tall down
16 17

Connecting VHF and UHF Antennas ................................. 2C
Conne'_l_ng C_b_e 1_ 21
Conne_l_ng Spec_,ers 23
Conn_l_ng _ VCR 24
Conne_l_ng _ Camcorde_ 25
Conne'_l_ng ¢_DVD Pl_ye_ 2_
Conne_l_ng Q D_! R_cPive r ................................................ 27

You can connect different caWe sys_ms to your PDB includlng cable without a cable box,
and cable with a cable box that descrambles some or all channels
Plug me incoming caD_e tarome vmr UHF terminalor
the _DP
Us@_h@An_enr1_CabJe _nocc_ss_ ncuc
n me _rooucr o_c_.agg
Connect the cable to the VHF 'UHF termlnal on th_PD}_
Jse _ An_enn_ CobJ_ _n occes_ol _c_uc_o
e _rooucr rg_c_.o_
20 21

To como_err_ m_s connection you wJ_Jneed a two.way s_lltter an RF IA/BI swltct and four coox_a
:a_[es _'h_chYou can oL from your Somsung csealer or ar electronics store,
F_ndand disconnect the caD_e mot Is con
nected to the ANTENNA _N te)mlncsl of
our cooke Do×
lh_s te)rnlnr_[ n ght be labeled "ANT iN
VHF IN" or slmDiv I_ '_ Connect this
caD_e _o a _vo-wr_v sDIJ)te
Connec _a coaxlol cable _e_veen on OU]-
naIPUTofte_mlnalthecable°f theboxSr_lltte_and the IN terml-
ANTENNA OUT te)m_nal of th_ cable bo_
3 Connect ..... _rJ' cab] ............ _
_nd th_ B-IN terminal of the A 'g swffch _ _ _ ....... _-_F_.
Connect a coaxial cobl_ _e_w_en m_
ANTENNA OUT terminal of th_ cable box
,_nd the B-IN te_mlnal of the A B switch
Connect the [as) coax_c _aDIg _elween IileOUT terminal of th_ RF A/B) sw_Icn r_na
the VHF JHF tetmlna] on the PDP
Af_ _rnov_ng _heth_e_ screws on _h_PDP, clc_m_ _he _eak_ and the PDP _a_e_er and
fa_en _le screw_,
A_) VOU ve mar_g )_s conng_llc 1 set the A B switch to the 'A oos[fion for no_mal wewlng
S_t the A B sw_tch to _he "B _o_)_on to view scrambled chr_nn_s, IWh_n _ou _et _e A B sw_tch
_o "B' _u w_l_ n_ea _o rune our Set-Too _ox to _he cob]_ bOXES O_ur _nann_ _h_ch _s usuo .
channel 3 or4
22 23

or VideoCable
Connect the Video/Audlo cables between the AUD_OIL/R)!ViDEO iocks on the PDP and
3. Turn on yolsr VCR, insert a videotape and press th_ play button.
Connect a Video/Audlo cable betwr_en the AUD_O(L/R)/VIDEO iacks on the PDP and the
VIDEO/AUDiO OUTPUT ocks on the camcorder
3 Turnon your camcorder and set it toVideoMode Fordetails _efertoyour camcorder
i C_ner'_ instrucllons)
4, SetthelN/OUPswltchonyourccsmcode oOUT
5, Insertthelope into the comcorderand pressthePlay buff_n
24 25

Th_s PDPd_spksys the optimum p_cture _n 720p mode
PDP DTV Receiver
Use a DVI-D connection cable (sold separately)
Connect the crabbeor antenna to the _ntenna _n_l _ack on the D1_
Connec_ a Video cabl_ be_.veen _heY Pb P_ ZOMPONENT 1 21 or DV ac_ on m_ PDF
and the Y P_ P_, D_O OUTPUT JACK_ _n the DTV recr_wJ
DVi C_ble
Connect an A_d;o cable betwgen thg COMPONENT I 2 IL/R AUDIOI o_ DV ac_s on me
PDP and the AUDIO OUTPUT _cks on the DTV
1. Turn on your PDE
2 Press the TV/VIDEO button to select "COMPONENTI" or "COMPONENT2/'
3 T_m on your DVD player, _nserta DVD d_scand press the Play b_tton
For an e×pJanafion of Componeni v_deo, see your DVD oWn_r'_ _ns_rucfions
_rn on your PDE
2 Pres_ the TV DEO bu_n to ;e_ect"COMPONENT1 _COMPONENT2" or _DV
3 _rn on _ur D_V_celwr
• For an explanation of Component w_e_ _ee _r D_ _ce_ver ow_et'_ _ns_ruct_ons
26 27

? tL A S t_ A D I _ P L A Y P A N E L
Turning lhe PDPOn and Off ....................................................... 30
Memorlzln 9 _heChannel_ .............................................................. 32
Se_ng Up Your Remo_eControl .................. .._ ............................ 37
Viewln 9 on Exlern_l $[gnaESource i............................................... 39

iiiiiiiiii i_ii iiiii ii i i _ i ii
YOU_PDP hessa simple, ecssy-to-usemenu system that opp_r_ls on the PDP s¢leen Th_ssystem makes it con-
ve=_eni and fast to use features on the PDP Your PDP olso letsyou dlspk]y the sta_s of many of you_ PDP's
DisplayingSlates I_f0zmli0_
P_essthe INFO buttonon _he_mo_econtrol Th_ PDPw
_sol_v "h_P_ct_remod_ Sound mode MTS Signal and
30 31