This user manual has been specially designed to guide you through the functions
and features of your mobile phone. To get started quickly, refer to “introducing your
mobile phone,
Instructional icons
Before you start, familiarise yourself with the icons you will see in this manual:
Warning—situations that could cause injury to yourself or others
Caution—situations that could cause damage to your phone or other
Note—notes, usage tips, or additional information
Referto—pages with related information; for example: p. 12
(represents “see page 12”)
Followedby—the order of options or menus you must select to perform a
step; for example: In Menu mode, select Messages Õ Create new message
(represents Messages, followed by Create new message)
Square brackets—phone keys; for example: [](represents the Power/
[ ]
Menu exit key)
< >
example: <OK> (represents the OK softkey)
Angled brackets—softkeys that control different functions at each screen; for
Copyright information
Rights to all technologies and products that comprise this device are the property of
their respective owners:
Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. worldwide
Java™ is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Windows Media Player® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
safety and usage information
Safety warnings
Safety precautions
Important usage information
introducing your mobile phone
Unpack ..
Phone layout
assembling and preparing your mobile phone
Install the SIM card and battery
Charge the battery
using basic functions
Turn your phone on and off
Access menus
Customise your phone
Use basic call functions
Send and view messages
Add and find contacts
safety and usage
Comply with the following precautions to avoid dangerous or illegal situations and
ensure peak performance of your mobile phone.
Safety warnings
Keep your phone away from small children and pets
Keep your phone and all accessories out of the reach of small children or animals.
Small parts may cause choking or serious injury if swallowed.
Protect your hearing
Excessiv e exposur e t o soun d at hig h v olum es can cause hearing dam age.
Alw ay s t u r n t h e volum e dow n b efore pluggin g t he earphones int o an audio sou rce and
use on ly t he minim um volu m e set ting necessary to hear you r conversat ion or m usic.
Install mobile phones and equipment with caution
Ensure that any mobile phones or related equipment installed in your vehicle are
securely mounted. Avoid placing your phone and accessories near or in an air bag
deployment area. Improperly installed wireless equipment can cause serious injury
when air bags inflate rapidly.
Handle and dispose of batteries and chargers with care
Use only Samsung-approved batteries and chargers specifically designed for
your phone. Incompatible batteries and chargers can cause serious injuries
or damage to your phone.
Never dispose of batteries or phones in a fire. Follow all local regulations
when disposing used batteries or phones.
Never place batteries or phones on or in heating devices, such as microwave
ovens, stoves, or radiators. Batteries may explode when overheated.
Never crush or puncture the battery. Avoid exposing the battery to high
external pressure, which can lead to an internal short circuit and overheating.
Avoid interference with pacemakers
Maintain a minimum of 15 cm (6 inches) between mobile phones and pacemakers to
avoid potential interference, as recommended by manufacturers and the
independent research group, Wireless Technology Research. If you have any reason
to suspect that your phone is interfering with a pacemaker or other medical device,
turn off the phone immediately and contact the manufacturer of the pacemaker or
medical device for guidance.
Turn off the phone in potentially explosive environments
Do not use your phone at refuelling points (service stations) or near fuels or
chemicals. Turn off your phone whenever directed by warning signs or instructions.
Your phone could cause explosions or fire in and around fuel or chemical storage
and transfer areas or blasting areas. Do not store or carry flammable liquids, gases,
or explosive materials in the same compartment as the phone, its parts, or
Reduce the risk of repetitive motion injuries
When sending text messages or playing games on your phone, hold the phone with
a relaxed grip, press the keys lightly, use special features that reduce the number of
keys you have to press (such as templates and predictive text), and take frequent
Safety precautions
Drive safely at all times
Avoid using your phone while driving and obey all regulations that restrict the use of
mobile phones while driving. Use hands-free accessories to increase your safety
when possible.
Follow all safety warnings and regulations
Comply with any regulations that restrict the use of a mobile phone in a certain area.
Use only Samsung-approved accessories
Using incompatible accessories may damage your phone or cause injury.
Turn off the phone near medical equipment
Your phone can interfere with medical equipment in hospitals or health care facilities.
Follow all regulations, posted warnings, and directions from medical personnel.
Turn off the phone or disable the wireless functions when in an aircraft
Your phone can cause interference with aircraft equipment. Follow all airline
regulations and turn off your phone or switch to a mode that disables the wireless
functions when directed by airline personnel.
Protect batteries and chargers from damage
Avoid exposing batteries to very cold or very hot temperatures (below 0° C/32° F or
above 45° C/ 113° F). Extreme temperatures can reduce the charging capacity and
life of your batteries.
Prevent batteries from contacting metal objects, as this can create a connection
between the + and - terminals of your batteries and lead to temporary or permanent
battery damage.
Never use a damaged charger or battery.
Handle your phone carefully and sensibly
Do not allow your phone to get wet—liquids can cause serious damage. Do not
handle your phone with wet hands. Water damage to your phone can void your
manufacturer’s warranty.
Avoid using or storing your phone in dusty, dirty areas to prevent damage to
moving parts.
Your phone is a complex electronic device— protect it from impacts and
rough handling to avoid serious damage.
Do not paint your phone, as paint can clog moving parts and prevent proper
Avoid using the phone’s camera flash or light close to the eyes of children or
Your phone and memory cards may be damaged by exposure to magnetic
fields. Do not use carrying cases or accessories with magnetic closures or
allow your phone to come in contact with magnetic fields for extended
periods of time.
Avoid interference with other electronic devices
Your phone emits radio frequency (RF) signals that may interfere with unshielded or
improperly shielded electronic equipment, such as pacemakers, hearing aids,
medical devices, and other electronic devices in homes or vehicles. Consult the
manufacturers of your electronic devices to solve any interference problems you
Important usage information
Use your phone in the normal position
Avoid contact with your phone’s internal antenna.
Allow only qualified personnel to service your phone
Allowing unqualified personnel to service your phone may result in damage to your
phone and will void your warranty.
Ensure maximum battery and charger life
Avoid charging batteries for more than a week, as overcharging may shorten
battery life.
Over time, unused batteries will discharge and must be recharged before use.
Disconnect chargers from power sources when not in use.
Use batteries only for their intended purpose.
Handle SIM cards and memory cards with care
Do not remove a card while the phone is transferring or accessing
information, as this could result in loss of data and/or damage to the card or
Protect cards from strong shocks, static electricity, and electrical noise from
other devices.
Frequent writing and erasing will shorten the life span of memory cards.
Do not touch gold-coloured contacts or terminals with your fingers or metal
objects. If dirty, wipe the card with a soft cloth.
Ensure access to emergency services
Emergency calls from your phone may not be possible in some areas or
circumstances. Before travelling in remote or undeveloped areas, plan an alternate
method of contacting emergency services personnel.
Health and safety information
Ex posu re t o Ra dio Fr e qu en cy ( RF) Sig na ls
Cer t ifica t ion I n fo rm at io n ( SAR)
Your w ireless phon e is a r adio t r an sm it ter an d receiver. I t is designed and
m an ufact ur ed not t o ex ceed th e ex posur e lim it s f or r adio f requency (RF)
energy set by t he Feder al Com m unicat ions Com m ission ( FCC) of th e U.S.
governm en t. These FCC exposur e lim it s ar e der iv ed from the
recom m end at ions of two exper t or ganizat ions, t he Nat ional Counsel on
Radiat ion Pr ot ect ion and Measurem ent ( NCRP) and t he I nst it ut e of
Elect rical and Elect ronics Engineers ( I EEE) . I n bot h cases, the
recom m end at ions were developed by scien tific and engin eerin g exper ts
draw n fr om indust ry , g ov er nm ent , and academ ia aft er ex tensive r ev iew s
of t he scient ific lit er at ur e relat ed t o t he biological effect s of RF ener gy.
The exposur e lim it set by t he FCC for w ir eless m obile phones em ploys a
unit of m easu rem ent known as t he Specific Absor pt ion Rate ( SAR). The
SAR is a m easu re of the r at e of absorpt ion of RF ener gy by t he h um an
body ex pressed in unit s of wat t s per kilogr am ( W/ k g) . The FCC requir es
wir eless phones to com ply wit h a safet y lim it of 1.6 wat t s per kilogr am
( 1.6 W/ kg) . The FCC exposu re lim it incorpor at es a subst ant ial m arg in of
safet y t o giv e addit ional pr ot ect ion to the pu blic and t o account for any
variat ions in m easurem ent s.
SAR t est s are conduct ed using st an dar d operat ing p osit ions accept ed by
the FCC w it h th e phone t ransm it ting at it s highest cer tified pow er level in
all t est ed fr eq uen cy ban ds. Although th e SAR is det er m ined at t he high est
cert ified pow er level, th e act ual SAR lev el of the ph on e w hile operat ing
can be w ell below the m ax im um value. This is because th e phone is
designed t o oper at e at m ult iple pow er levels so as t o u se only the pow er
requir ed to r each t he net wor k. I n gener al, t he closer you ar e t o a w ireless
base st at ion an tenna, t he lower t he pow er out put .
Before a new m odel phone is available for sale t o t he pu blic, it m u st be
test ed and cert ified t o t he FCC t hat it does n ot exceed th e ex posur e lim it
est ablish ed by t he FCC. Test s for each m odel phon e ar e p er form ed in
posit ion s and locat ions ( e. g. at t he ear and wor n on th e body ) as r equired
by th e FCC.
For bod y w orn oper at ion, this m odel ph one h as been t ested and m eet s
the FCC RF exposur e guid elines when used w ith a Sam sung accessor y
designat ed for th is pr oduct or when used w ith an accessor y t hat con tains
no m et al and t hat posit ion s t he handset a m in im u m of 1 .0 cm from t he
Non- com pliance wit h t he abov e rest rict ions m ay result in violation of FCC
RF exposur e guidelin es.
SAR infor m at ion on this and ot her m odel phones can be v iewed on -line at Please use t he phon e FCC I D num ber for
sear ch, A3 LGTB9120.
bat t ery pack t o find t he num ber. Once you h av e th e FCC I D num ber for a
par t icular phone, follow t he inst ruct ions on t he w ebsit e an d it should
prov id e v alu es for ty pical or m axim um SAR for a par t icular phone.
Addit ional pr oduct specific SAR infor m at ion can also be obtained at
ww w. / cg b/ sar .
Con su m e r I n form at ion on W irele ss Phon e s
The U. S. Food and Dr ug Adm inist rat ion ( FDA) has publish ed a ser ies of
Quest ions and Answer s for consum er s r elat in g t o radio frequency ( RF)
ex posur e from wireless phones. The FDA publicat ion inclu des t he
follow ing infor m at ion:
W h a t kin ds of ph on es a re t h e su bj e ct of t his u pdat e ?
The t er m w ir eless ph one r ef er s her e to h and- h eld w ireless ph on es wit h
built - in an tennas, oft en called “cell,” “ m obile,” or “ PCS” ph on es. These
types of wir eless phon es can expose th e u ser to m easur able r adio
frequ ency ener gy (RF) because of th e short d ist ance bet ween t he phon e
an d t he user 's head. These RF ex posur es are lim it ed by Federal
Com m u nicat ion s Com mission saf et y guidelines t hat w er e d ev eloped w it h
the adv ice of FDA and other federal h ealt h and safet y agencies. When th e
phone is locat ed at gr eat er dist an ces fr om t he user, t he ex posur e to RF is
drastically lower because a p er son's RF ex posur e d ecr eases r apidly wit h
in creasin g dist an ce fr om t he source. The so- called “cordless phon es, ”
which have a base unit connect ed to t he t elep hone wir in g in a h ouse,
typically oper at e at far low er power lev els, and th us produce RF
ex posur es w ell w ithin t he FCC's com pliance lim it s.
Som et im es it m ay b e n ecessary t o rem ov e t he
Do w ir e less phone s po se a h e alth h az a rd ?
The available scien tif ic evidence does not show that any healt h pr oblem s
ar e associat ed wit h u sing wireless phon es. Ther e is no pr oof, however,
that w ireless phones ar e absolut ely safe. Wir eless phones em it low levels
of radio f requency ener gy (RF) in the m icrow av e range w hile being used.
They also em it ver y low lev els of RF wh en in t he st an d- by m ode. Whereas
high levels of RF can pr oduce healt h eff ect s (by heat ing t issue) , ex posur e
to low level RF t hat does not produce heat in g effect s causes no know n
adv er se h ealt h effect s. Many studies of low lev el RF ex posur es hav e n ot
found an y biological effect s. Som e st udies h av e suggest ed t hat som e
biological eff ects m ay occu r, but su ch fin din gs hav e n ot been confir m ed
by addit ional r esear ch. I n som e cases, ot her researchers hav e h ad
difficult y in repr oducing those st udies, or in det erm ining t he reasons for
in consist ent result s.
W h a t is FD A's r ole con ce rn in g t h e sa fe t y o f w ir eless phone s?
Under the law , FDA does not r eview th e safet y of radiat ion -em it t ing
consum er product s su ch as w ir eless phon es befor e t hey can be sold, as it
does w it h new dr ugs or m edical dev ices. However, t he agency h as
au th or ity t o t ake act ion if wir eless phon es ar e shown t o em it r adio
frequ ency ener gy (RF) at a level t hat is hazard ous t o t he user . I n su ch a
case, FDA cou ld requir e th e m anuf acturer s of wireless ph on es t o not if y
users of t he healt h hazar d and to r ep air , r eplace or recall t he p hones so
that t he h azard no longer ex ist s.
Alt hough the ex ist ing scient ific dat a do n ot j u st ify FDA r egulat ory act ions,
FDA h as ur ged the wireless phon e indu st ry t o tak e a n um ber of st eps,
in cluding th e f ollow in g:
“ Suppor t need ed resear ch in to possible biological effect s of RF of
the ty pe em itted by w ir eless phon es;
“ Design wir eless ph ones in a way th at m in im izes any RF exposu re
to t he user t hat is n ot n ecessary for device funct ion; and
“ Cooperat e in provid in g user s of w ireless phones wit h t he best
possible inform at ion on possible eff ect s of w ireless phone use on
hum an healt h.
FDA belongs t o an inter agency working gr oup of th e f eder al agencies t hat
have r esponsibilit y for differ ent aspect s of RF saf et y to ensur e coordin at ed
effor t s at t he federal level. The follow in g agencies belong t o t his w or king
“ Nat ional I n st it ute for Occupat ional Safet y and Healt h
“ Env ir onm ent al Prot ect ion Agency
“ Feder al Com m unicat ions Com m ission
“ Occu pat ional Saf et y and Health Adm inist r at ion
“ Nat ional Telecom m unicat ions and I nfor m ation Adm inistrat ion
The Nat ional I n st it ut es of Healt h par t icipat es in som e int eragency wor king
group act iv it ies, as w ell.
FDA shares regulat or y responsibilit ies f or wir eless phones wit h t he Fed er al
Com m u nicat ion s Com mission (FCC). All phones t hat are sold in th e Unit ed
St at es m ust com ply wit h FCC safet y guidelines t hat lim it RF exp osure.
FCC r elies on FDA and other healt h agencies for safet y quest ions about
wir eless phones.
FCC also regulat es t he base st at ions th at t he w ireless phone net wor ks
rely upon. Wh ile t hese base st at ions operat e at high er power than do t he
wir eless phones th em selv es, t he RF ex posur es t hat people get from t hese
base st at ion s are t y pically th ou san ds of tim es low er t han t hose t hey can
get f rom w ireless phones. Base st at ion s are t hu s not t he prim ary su bj ect
of t he safet y qu estions discussed in t his docu m ent.
W h a t ar e t he r esu lt s of t he r e se arch don e a lr ead y?
The research don e t hu s far has produ ced conflict in g result s, and m any
st udies h av e suffer ed from flaw s in t heir research m et hods. Anim al
ex per im ent s invest igating t he eff ect s of r ad io f requency ener gy (RF)
ex posur es ch ar act er ist ic of wireless ph on es have y ielded conflicting
result s th at oft en cannot be r epeat ed in ot her labor at ories. A f ew anim al
st udies, however, hav e suggested t hat low lev els of RF could acceler at e
the dev elopm ent of cancer in laborat ory anim als. How ev er , m any of t he
st udies t hat sh ow ed in creased t um or developm ent u sed anim als th at had
been gen et ically engineered or t reat ed wit h can cer - causin g ch em icals so
as t o be pr e- disposed t o dev elop can cer in absen ce of RF ex posur e. Ot her
st udies ex posed t he anim als to RF f or up t o 22 h ou rs per day. These
condit ions ar e not sim ilar t o t he condit ions under which people use
wir eless phones, so w e don't know wit h cer t aint y wh at t he r esult s of such
st udies m ean for hum an h ealt h.
Three large epidem iology st udies h av e been pu blished since Decem ber
200 0. Bet w een th em , t he st udies in vest igat ed any possible associat ion
bet w een th e u se of wir eless phon es and prim ar y br ain cancer , gliom a,
m en in giom a, or acou st ic neur om a, t um or s of th e brain or salivar y gland,
leuk em ia, or ot her cancer s. None of t h e st udies dem onst rat ed th e
ex ist ence of an y har m ful h ealt h effect s from wireless phones RF
ex posur es. Howev er , none of th e st udies can answer quest ions about
lon g- ter m exposur es, since th e av er age per iod of phone u se in t hese
st udies w as ar ou nd t hr ee y ear s.
W h a t re sear ch is nee de d to de cid e w he the r RF e x posu re from
w ir e less ph on es pose s a h e alth r isk ?
A com binat ion of labor at or y st udies and epidem iological st udies of people
act ually using w ireless phones would pr ovide som e of t he dat a t hat are
needed. Lifet im e anim al exposur e st udies could be com plet ed in a few
years. How ev er , v er y lar ge num ber s of anim als would be needed to
prov id e r eliable pr oof of a can cer pr om ot ing eff ect if one exist s.
Epidem iological studies can prov id e dat a t hat is dir ect ly applicable t o
hum an populat ion s, but t en or m or e y ear s' follow - up m ay be needed t o
prov id e answer s about som e healt h effect s, such as can cer. This is
because t he in ter val bet ween t he t im e of ex posur e to a cancer -causin g
agent and the tim e t um or s dev elop - if t hey do - m ay be m any , m any
years. The int erpret at ion of epidem iological st udies is ham per ed by
difficult ies in m easur in g act ual RF exposur e during day - to- day use of
wir eless phones. Many fact ors affect t his m easu rem ent , such as t he angle
at w hich t he phone is held, or w hich m odel of phone is used.
W h a t is FD A do in g to fin d o ut m or e a bou t t he possible h ea lt h
ef fe ct s of w ir e le ss ph on e RF?
FDA is wor king wit h th e U.S. Nat ional Toxicology Program and wit h
groups of invest igator s ar ound t he w or ld t o ensure t hat high pr ior it y
an im al st udies ar e conduct ed t o address im por tant quest ion s about t he
effects of ex posur e to rad io f requency ener gy (RF).
FDA h as been a leadin g participan t in the Wor ld Healt h Organizat ion
in ternat ional Electrom agnet ic Fields ( EMF) Proj ect since it s in cep tion in
199 6. An influ ential r esult of t his w or k has been t he d ev elopm ent of a
det ailed agenda of research n eeds th at has dr iv en t he establish m en t of
new resear ch progr am s ar ou nd t he w or ld. The Proj ect has also helped
dev elop a series of public infor m at ion docum ent s on EMF issues.
FDA and Cellu lar Telecom m unicat ions & I n ter net Associat ion ( CTI A) have
a for m al Cooperat ive Resear ch and Developm ent Agreem en t ( CRADA) t o
do research on wir eless phon e saf et y. FDA pr ov ides t he scient ific
ov er sight, obt ain ing in put fr om ex per ts in gov er nm ent , in dust r y, and
acad em ic or ganizat ions. CTI A- funded research is con duct ed t hr ou gh
cont ract s to independent invest igator s. The in it ial research w ill inclu de
bot h laborat ory st udies and st udies of wir eless phone user s. The CRADA
will also include a broad assessm ent of addit ional r esearch n eeds in the
cont ext of th e lat est r esearch dev elopm ent s ar ou nd t he w orld.
W h a t st e ps ca n I t ake t o r e du ce m y e xposure t o r a dio f req ue n cy
en e rg y f rom m y w ir eless phone ?
I f t her e is a r isk from th ese p roduct s - and at t his poin t we do n ot k now
that t her e is - it is pr obably very sm all. But if y ou ar e concer ned about
av oiding ev en potent ial risks, y ou can t ak e a few sim ple st eps t o m inim ize
your exposu re t o r adio frequency energy ( RF). Since t im e is a k ey fact or
in how m uch exposur e a p er son r eceiv es, r educin g t he am ount of t im e
spent usin g a w ir eless phone w ill reduce RF ex posur e.
“ I f y ou m ust conduct ext ended conv er sations by wir eless phon e
ev er y d ay , y ou could place m or e dist an ce bet w een y our body an d
the source of the RF, since th e ex posur e level drops off
dram at ically wit h dist ance. For exam ple, you cou ld use a h eadset
an d car ry the wireless phone away from your body .
Again, the scient ific dat a do n ot dem onstrat e t hat w ir eless phones are
harm f ul. But if y ou ar e concer ned about t he RF ex posur e f rom t hese
produ ct s, you can use m easures lik e t hose described abov e to reduce
your RF exposur e f rom w ireless phone use.
W h a t ab ou t ch ildr e n u sing w ire le ss p ho ne s?
The scien tific evidence does not show a d ang er t o users of wireless
phones, inclu din g childr en an d t eenagers. I f y ou want to t ake st eps t o
low er exp osure t o r adio frequency ener gy ( RF), t he m easur es described
abov e would apply t o childr en and teenagers using w ireless phones.
Reducing t he t im e of wir eless phone u se and in creasing t he dist an ce
bet w een th e u ser and the RF source will r edu ce RF exposu re.
Som e gr ou ps sponsor ed by ot her nat ional gov er nm ent s hav e adv ised t hat
childr en be discour aged fr om using w ireless phones at all. For ex am ple,
the gov er nm ent in the Unit ed Kingdom dist ribu ted leaflet s con tainin g such
a recom m endat ion in Decem ber 2000. They noted t hat no evidence ex ist s
that u sing a w ireless phone cau ses br ain t um ors or ot her ill eff ect s. Th eir
recom m end at ion t o lim it w ir eless phone use by childr en was st r ict ly
precautionar y; it was not based on scient ific evidence th at any healt h
hazard ex ist s.
Do ha n ds- fre e k it s for w ir e le ss p ho ne s red uce r isk s f rom e x posu re
t o RF em issio ns?
Since t here ar e n o know n r isks fr om exposure t o RF em issions from
wir eless phones, t here is no r eason t o believ e that h ands- free kit s reduce
risk s. Hands- free k it s can be used w it h wireless phones for con venience
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