Samsung Digimax A503, Digimax A403 User's Guide

BeforeconnectingthecameratoaPC,via theUSBcable,youwillneedtosotupthe
Donotuseacardreadertocopyimagesfromthecameramemorycardtoyour PC.Todosocoulddamagetheimages.WhentransferringimagestoyourPC, alwaysusethesuppliedUSBcabletoconnectthecameratoyourPC.Please notethatthemanufactureracceptsnoresponsibilityforlossordamageof imagesonthememorycardduetotheuseofacardreader.
WhenyourequireAfterSalessorviso,pleasebringthecameraandthecauseof thecameramalfunction(suchasBattery,Memorycardetc.)totheA/Scentre.
Pleasecheckthatthecameraisoperatingproperlypriortowhenyouintendto useit(e.g.foratriporanimportantevent)toavoiddisappointment.Samsung Cameratakenoresponsibilityforanylossordamagethatmayresultfrom
CorporationincorporatedintheUnitedStatesand/orothercountries. Altbrandandproductnamesappearinginthismanualareregisteredtrademarks oftheirrespectivecompanies.
: DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situationwhich, ifnot avoided,will
result indeath or serious injury.
Do notattemptto mod_ thiscamer_,_n@_vTa_.Thismayresultin fire,injury,electhc shookorseveredamagetoyouor(}0u rd!_ternal inspection,maintenanceand repairsshouldbe carriedoutbyyourd_ei_or Sa_sung CameraServicecentre
Please donot use this prod_ in clode_oximit}i_t£ flammableor explosive gases, as this couldincre_"e the risk !explosionl ,
Shouldanyformofliquidora:breignobject@_e camera,ch.notuseit.Switchoffthecamera,
Sewicacentre.Donotcnoitd_ele_the_<ascqlsmay_se afireorelect_shock.
Donotinsertordropmetalii_o_infb&m_l_ te[_ @jects_te:thecamerathroughaccess pointse.g.thememoryca_islot I_T_bei_si_q_ causeaitreorelectricslleak.
Do notoperatethiscamerawith wethands. Thiscouldposea riskofelectricshock.
: WARNING indicatesa potentiallyhazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result indeath or serious injury.
Do not use the flashin close proximityto peopleor animals. Positioningthe flash too closeto your subject'seyes ma _J _ eyesightdamage.
For safetyreasons keepthis prod_t a_d #c_cessoriesout of reach of children or animals to prevent accidentse.g_f _ _
Swallowingbatteryor small,me ss_ies. Ifan accident shouldoccur, please consult a doctor th_ediateiy_:! :L
There is the possibility 9_ihjury froth_e camer_ moving parts.
Batteryandcameramay_ hotduring useand_)ay rssuitincameramaituoctce. Sbeu]dthisbethecase,aJlo_t_cameratos_e thrafewminut@toallowittimetocool
Do not leavethis camei:8_aeesCe_ect teey_emel_ hightemperatures, such as a sealedvehicle,dir_ct_s_n_ght:o_:_p_e:[_!_s £:_e)<treme variancesin
temperature.Exposure _t[b _a_r_s_adver setyaffectthe camera's internal components andcould causea fire.
Wheninuse,donotcoverthe cameraorCharger.Thismaycauseheattobuildupaobdistortthe camerabodyorcauseaitre,Alwaysusethecame'aanditsaccessoriesinawell-vantilatedarea.
: CAUTION indicatesa potentiallyhazardoussituation which,if not avoided, may
result in a minoror moderate injury.
Leaking, overheating, or burst batterycould result infire or injury.
Use battery with the correct specificationforthe camera.
Do not shortcircuit, heat or dispo§e,_battery in fire.
Do not insertthe battery withth¢_oIarit_s reversed.
time. Batterymay leakcorros _ elate a_rmanenffy damage the camera's components. _:_
Do notfire theflash while i_i_ in conta_with hand';or objects.Do not touch the
i Remove the batterywhen not p!d_ni_ u_!he camera for a longperiod of
flash after using it continUOusly.Itm seburnsi*__ When usingthe AC C_rger, do not _b_e the camer_!_whileitis switched on.
After use, always switcS'offthe_canlera_ tlnpiugging thepower cable from the wail socket.Then_ak# s_ _at a'ay_¢op_o(c£rds orcables to other
devices aredisconnect_ef0fe tt_ing the _f_Failure to doso may lead tocable damage cause a fire orelectric shock.
Take carenot totouch the lens and lenscover to avoidtaking an unclearimage and possibly causingcameramaffunction.
Avoidobstructing the lensor the flashwhen you captureanimage.
ii!iiiiiiiiii ! i ii
Systemchart .............................. 4
Identificationof features .............. ,5
Front& Top .............................. 5
Back&Bottom .......................... .6
Side/S-functionbutton................. .7
Self-timerlamp .......................... .7
CameraStatusLamp ................. .7
Mode icon................................. 7
Connectingto a PowerSource ...... 8
Insertingthe memorycard ........... .6
Instructionson howtouse the
memorycard .............................. 9
LODmonitorindicator.................. 11
Changingthe recordingmode ...... 12
Selectingthe[MODE] menu......... 12
ifthe[STILL & MOVIE]menuwas
selected ................................. 12
ifthe[FULL]menu was selected ...13
Startingthe recordingmode ......... 13
Hewto use theAuto mode ......... 13
Hewto use the Moviedip mode -..13
Howto use the Programmode -..14
Howto use the Scenemodes ...... 14
Howto use the VOICE
RECORDING mode ............... 15
Normalfocus mode .................. 16
Macrofocus mode .................... .16
Thingsto Watch OutforWhen Taking
Pictures ................................. 16
Usingthe camerabuttonsto adjust
the camera .............................. 16
Powerbutton ........................... 16
SHUTTERbutton ..................... 16
ZOOMW/T button ..................... 17
Downbutton ........................... 18
Flash/Left button ..................... 18
Self-timer/Rightbutton ............... 20
MENU/OK button ..................... 21
M(Mode) button ........................ 2t
E(Effect)button ........................ 22
SpecialEffect :Celour ............... 23
SpecialEffect : PhotoFrame......... 25
+/-button ................................ 25
RGB .................................... 25
ISO ....................................... 26
White balance ........................ 26
Exposurecompensation ............ 27
Usingthe LCDmonitorto adjust
the camerasettings .................. 28
Howto use the menu.................. 29
Mode .................................... 29
MODESET .............................. 30
Size ....................................... 30
Quality/Frame rate .................... .3t
Metering ................................ 31
ContinuousShooting .................. 32
Sharpness .............................. 32
Startingplaymode .................... ,33
Playingback a stillimage ............ 33
Playingback a movieclip ............ 34
Rowto capturethe movie clip ...... 34
Playingback a recordedvoice ...... 34
LODmonitorindicator................. ,35
Usingthe camerabuttonsto adjust
the camera .............................. 35
Thumbnail/Enlargementbutton ...35
Voicememo/Up button .............. ,37
Play & Pause/Down button ......... 37
Deletebutton .......................... -38
Left/Right/Menu/OK button......... 38
Settingup the ptayback function
usingthe LODmonitor .............. -39
Startingthe slideshow .............. 41
Rotatingan image..................... 42
Resize .................................... 42
Protectingimages..................... 43
Deletingall images .................... 43
DPOF .................................... 44
DPOF : STANDARD ................. 44
DPOF : INDEX ....................... 44
DPOF : PRINTSIZE ................. 45
DPOF : CANCEL .................... 45
COPYTO CARD .................... 45
PictBridge .............................. 46
PictBridge: PictureSelection ...... 46
PictBridge: PrintSetting ............ 47
PictBridge: Printing ................. 48
PictBtidge: DPOFPrinting ......... 48
PictBridge : RESET .................. 48
Setupmenu .............................. 49
File name ................................. 50
Autopower off.......................... 60
Language................................. 50
Formattinga memory.................. 51
Settingup the Date/ Datetype ......51
Settingup thetime ..................... 51
imprintingthe recordingdate ......52
ConnectinganExternalDevice(USB) ...52
Sound .................................... 52
LODbrightness ........................ 52
Quickview .............................. 52
Initialisation .............................. 53
Settingup the MYCAMmenu ...... 53
Startup image ........................ 53
Startup sound .......................... 63
Importantnotes ........................ 54
Warningindicator ..................... 55
Beforecontactingaservicecentre ...56
Specifications .......................... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68
SoftwareNotes ........................ 59
SystemRequirements ............... 59
Aboutthe software ..................... 60
Settingupthe applicationsoftware.-60
StartingPC mode ..................... 62
Removingthe removabledisk ...... 63
SettinguptheUSB Driverfor MAC...64
Usingthe USB Driverfor MAC ......64
Uninstallingthe USBDriver for
Windows98SE ........................ 64
Digimax Master ........................ 65
FAQ ....................................... 67
Pleasecheck thatyou havethe correctcontents beforeusingthis product. The contente can vary depending on the eatesregion. To buythe optional equipment, contact your nearestSamsung dealer or Samsung servicecentre.
< Includeditems >
Usermanual, Camerastrap Software CD
Productwarranty (see F62)
DPOPcompatible SDmemorycard/
printer(seep.44) MMC(seep.9)
OR-V3 Rechargeabebatteries battery (SNE_2512}
AA Alkaline
PC with processor betterthan MMX
Computer PictBiidgecompatible Minimum 64MB RAM (see p.62) printer(seep.46) (Over 128MBrecommended)
USB cable
Pentium450MHz (XP : Pentiumti 700MHz)
Windows 98/98SE/2000/ME/XP
200MB of available hard-disk space (Over 1GBrecommend)
USB port
CD-ROM drive
1024 x768 pixels, 16-bitcolor display compatiblemonitor
(24-bitcolordisplay recommended)
DirectX 9.0 or later
Power MacG3 or later
Mac OS 10.0~10.3
Minimum 64MB RAM
110MB of available hard-disk space
USB port
CD-ROM drive
QuickTime 6.0t or later for Movie Qip
wh _ _ r_:to
AC cord
Shutter button
Powerbutton Microphone
-- Self-timerlamp
-- Lens
Camerastatuslamp ZoomWbutton(Thumbnail)
-- ZoomTbutton(Digitalzoom) Strapeyelet
-- 5functionbutton
Voicememo /Voice
Recording/ Up button
Flash/ Left button
Play& Pause button
Menu/ OK button Seff-timer/ Right button
g Seff-timerlamp
Icon Status Description
-Forthe first 7 seconds, the lamp blinksat 1 second intervals.
_2s Blinking Forthe 2 seconds,the lampblinksquicklyat0.25-secoodintervals.
_)_ Blinking laterasecond picturewill betaken.
g Camera StatusLain
Aftertaking a picture
WNe movierecording Whilevoicerecording
Modeicon (Refertopage 14formoreinformationaboL_the cameramode setting)
A picturewill be takenafter about 10seconds and 2seconds
Thelampturnsonandoftwhenthecameraisreadytotakeapidum The lamp blinkswhi_esaving the image dataand turns off when the camera isready to take a picture The lamp blinks The lamp blinks Re lamplightsup(LCDmonitorturnsoffafterinitializingthedeaice) The lamp blinks (LCDmonitorturns off) The lamp isoff The lamp blinks
Icon D _ ra @
Icon Q
El [3
_ U
Werecommendusingbatteriesforadigitalcamera(Withinayearfromthedate ofmanufacture).Thebatteriesarelistedbelow.
itiseasytobayalkalinebatteries.However,thedurationforusingbatteries variesinaccordancewiththebatterymanufacturerorthephotographic
-Ifthecameradoesnotturnonafter youhaveinsertedbattery,please
checkwhetherthebatteryare insertedwiththecorrectpolarity(+/-).
-Whenthebatterychambercoveris opened,donotpressthebattery chambercoverbyunnecessaryforce. Thismaycausethebatterychamber covermodificationorbreakage.
There are 3 indicatorsforbattery conditionthat are displayedonthe LCDmonitor.
Batteryindicator _IIml
Batterystatus The battery isfully (Prepareto recharge (Preparetorecharge
charged orusesparebattery) or usesparebattery)
Insertthe memorycard asshown.
-Turn offthe camera%power beforeinserting the memory card.
-Havethe frontof the memory card facing towardthe frontofthe camera (tens)and the cardpins towardthe back of the camera (LCDmonitor).
-Do not insert the memory card the wrongway round. Doing so may damage the memory card slot.
Lowbatterycapacity Lowbatterycapacity
Besuretoformatthememorycard(seep.51)ifyouareusinganewlypurchased memoryforthefirsttime,orifcontainsdatathatthecameracannotrecognise, orifitcontainsimagescapturedwithadifferentcamera.
Turnoffthecamerapowerwheneverthememorycardisbeinginsertedor removed.
Repeateduseofthememorycardwilleventuallyreducethememorycard's performance.Shouldthisbethecase,youwillneedtopurchaseanewmemory card.WearandtearonthememorycardisnotcoveredbytheSamsung warranty.
Donotstorethememorycardnearwithstrongelectronicormagneticfields,e.g. nearloudspeakersorTVreceivers.
Donotallowthememorycardtobecomedirtyortocomeintocontactwithany liquid.Shouldthishappen,carefullycleanthememorycardwithasoftcloth.
Duringandafterperiodsofextendeduse,youmaynoticethatthememorycard iswarm.Thisisperfectlynormal.
Donotuseamemorycardthatisusedinanotherdigitalcamera.Tousethe memorycardinthiscamera,formatthememorycardbyusingthiscamera.
Donotuseamemorycardformattedbyanotherdigitalcameraormemorycard reader.
Ifthememorycardissubjectedtoanyofthefollowing,therecordeddatamay becomecorrupted:
- When the memory card is used incorrectly.
- Ifthe power is switched off or the memorycard is removed while recording,
deleting (formatting)or reading.
Samsung cannotbe heldresponsible for lostdata.
Itis advisableto copy importantdata ontoother media as back-up e.g. floppy disks, harddisks, soon as possible.
Ifthere is insufficientmemoryavailable
:A [CARD FULL!] messagewill appear and thecamera willnot operate.
To optimisethe amount ofmemory available replacethe memorycard or delete unnecessaryimages storedon the memory.
ThecameracanuseSDMemoryCardsandMMC(MultiMediaCards).Please consulttheenclosedmanualforusingtheMMCCards.
Card TheSDmemorycardhasawriteprotect
switchthatpreventsimagefilesfrom beingdeletedorformatted.Byslidingthe
switch switchtothebottomoftheSDmemory
Label theswitchtothetopoftheSDmemory
asfollows.Thesefiguresareapproximateasimagecapacitiescanbeaffected byvariablessuchassubjectmatter.
Recorded imagesize S. FINE FINE NORMAL 24FPS 15FPS
*5M (2580x1920) 9 18 27
4M (2272x1704) 12(4) 22(7) 34(11)
Still 3M (2048x1536) 15(5) 28(9) 4t(t4)
ir_age 2M (1800x1200) 24(8) 45(15) 65(22)
1M (1024x758) 55(18) 95(32) 127(43) VGA (840x480) 122(42) 182(82) 218(75)
clip 1MtN23SEC2MIN38EO
320 (320X240)
÷ *A503only ÷ ( ) A403 only
(12SEC) (42SEC)
The LCD monitordisplays informationabout the shootingfunctions and
® @
® @
[ Image& FullStatus]
No. Description Icons Page
1 Recordingmode P'_O [] [] m _]
2 Battery _ @ _ p.8 3 Continuous shot [_ AEB p.32
4 Flash _A ® _ _S _) p.18~20 5 Self-timer _ _2s _,_ p.20
6 Macre _ p.16 7 Metering ro3 [] p.31 8 Cardinserted indicator _ 9 Camera shake warning '_("_
10 Date/Time 2006/01/01 01:00 PM p.51 11 Exposurecompensation [] p.27
12 AWB;_ _ _ _ _ J'_ p.26"-,27 13 _ _ _ _:_ p.26 14 RGB p.25 15 [] [] [] p.32 16 iiii ;_ :': [] _ p.31
17 5_ 4_ 3_ 2- t,_ _ e4e3_e p.30
19 20 i I_X5,0 i
White Balance
Image quality / Frame rate
Number of availableshots
Remaining time
Digital Zoom rate
i'_l _ _'_]_ _I [_ 3.12_15
17 p.10
00:00:23/ 00:37:43
2.Insertthememorycard(p.8).Asthiscamerahasa24MBinternalmemory, youdonothavetoinsertthememorycard.Ifthememorycardisnotinserted,
animagewillbestoredintheintema!memory.Ifthememorycardisinserted animagewillbestoredonthememorycard.
6.UsetheLeft/Rightbuttontoselectthe[MODE] menu.
7.Select[STILL&MOVIE]or[PULL]submenuby pressingtheUP/DOWNbutton.
Changingtherecordingmode:Ifthe[STILL&MOVIE]menuwasselected Stepsfrom1-4arethesameasthoseforselectingthe[MODE]menu.
[AUTO mode] [MOVIE CLIPmode]
Changing the recording mode :if the [FULL] menu wasselected Stepsfrom 1-4are the sameas those forselectingthe [MODE) menu.
5.The recordingmode used just before wilIdisplay.
6.Press the M(Mode) button locatedon the backof thecamera and the mode
selection menu wiltdisplay.
7.To selectthe Auto Program, Movieclip or Scene modes, press the Left/Right
button. Tomove between the Auto, Manual, Movieclipmenu lineand Scene menu line,press the Up/Down button.
How to use the Auto mode Use this for shooting basic stillimages.
1.Select the [FULL] submenu on the [MODE)
menu (p.12).
2.Select the Auto mode by pressingthe M (Mode)
button (p.22).
3. Pointthe camera towards the subject and
compose the image by usingthe LCD monitor.
4. Pressthe shutter buttonto capture an image. [AUTOmode]
÷ Avoidobstructingthe lens orthe flash when you capture an image.
[Mode selection menu] [Mode selection menu]
[Selectingthe Scene mode]
8. Pressthe M(Mode) button andthe mode selectionmenu will disappear.
Howto use the Movieclip mode A movieclip can be recorded for as long asthe availablerecording time of the memory capacity allows.
1.Select the [FULL] sub menu on the [MODE]
menu (p.12).
2.Select the Movie clip modeby pressing the M
[Mode) button (p.22).
3.Point the camera towards the subjectand
compose the image byusing the LOD monitor.
4. Press the shutterbutton once and movie clipsare
recorded for as longas the available recording time allows. Movieclipswill stillbe recordedif the shutter buttonis released. If youwish to stop recording,press the shutter button again.
÷ imagesize andtype are listed below.
-Image size :640X480, 320X240 (userselectable)
-Movie clip file type: AVl (MJPEG)
Pausingwhile recordinga movieclip(Successive Recording) This camera allows you totemporarily stop duringunwantedscenes, while
recordinga movieclip. Using this function, you can recordyour favouritescenes into a movie clip withouthaving to createmultiple movieclips.
UsingSuccessive Recording
Stepsfrom 1-2are the sameas those for MOVIECLIP mode.
3. Point the camera towardsthe subject andcompose
the imageby using the LCD monitor. Pressthe shutterbutton andmovie clips arerecorded foras long asthe available recordingtime. Movie clips will
still be recorded if the shutter button isreleased.
4. Pressthe Pausebutton( _ )to pause recording.
5. Pressthe Pausebutton( _ ) again toresume
[ Successive recording ofa
movie clip ]
the recording.
6. ifyou wishto stoprecording, pressthe shutter button again.
Howto use the Programmode Selecting the automatic mode willconfigure the camerawith optimalsettings and you canmanuallyconfigure various functions.
1.Select the[FULL] sub menu on the [MODE] menu (p.12).
2. Select the Program mode bypressing the M [Mode) button (p.22).
3. Pointthe camera towards the subject and composethe imageby usingthe LCDmonitor.
4. Pressthe shutter buttonto capture animage.
[PROGRAM mode]
Howto use the Scenemodes Usethe menuto easilyconfigure optimal settingsfor avariety of shooting
1.Select the [FULL[ submenu on the [MODE]
menu (p.12).
2. Select the Scene mode by pressingthe M [Mode) button (p.22).
3. Point the camera towardsthe subjectand compose the imageby using the LCDmonitor.
4. Press theshutter buttonto capture animage. [SCENEmode]
÷ The scene modes are listed below.
[NIGHT]( _ ) : Usethis forshooting stillimages at night or in other
dark conditions. [PORTRAI]]( D ) [LANDSCAPE]( [] )
[SUNSET]( D ) [DAWN]( [] )
: To take a picture of a person. : To take picturesof distantscenery. : For taking picturesofsunsets.
: Daybreak scenes. : Portraitwithout shadows caused by backlight. : Firework scenes.
[BEACH&SNOW]( [] ): Forocean, lake, beach and snowscape scenes.
HowtousetheVOICERECORDINGmode Avoicerecordingcanberecordedforaslongastheavailablerecordingtimeof
1.Inanymodewiththeexception ofthe Movieclip,
select the VOICE RECORDINGmode by pressing the Voice recordingbuttontwice.
2. Pressthe shutter buttonto record a voice.
- Pressthe shutterbutton once and voice is recordedfor as longas the available recording [VOICERECORDINGmode]
time allows. The recording timewill be displayed on the LCD monitor. Voicewill stiltbe recordedif
the shutter buttonis released.
- ifyou wishto stop recording, pressthe shutter buttonagain.
- Fib type :WAV
Pausingwhile recording avoice recording This cameraallows you to temporarily stopduring unwantedrecording,while recordinga voice. Using thisfunction, youcan recordyour favorite voicesinto a
voice recordingfib without having tocreate multiplevoice recordingfibs.
1. Pressthe shutterbutton andvoice isrecorded for
as long as the availablerecordingtime. Voice will still be recorded if the shutter button is reEeased.
2. Pressthe Pause button( _ ) topause
3. Pressthe Pause button( _ ) again toresume
the recording.
4. ifyou wishto stop recording press the shutter
button again.
[Pausing thevoice recording]
Normal( _ ) focus mode The focus range is t.0m~infinity. Noicons will display on the LCD monitor when you select this focusmode.
÷ To preventthe image frombeing dim maintain the
focus range at 1.0m_ infinity.
Macro ( _ ) focus mode The focus range )s0.2m. AMacro icon( _,,_)will
display on the LCD monitorwhen you selectthis focus mode.
÷ To preventthe image frombeing dim maintain the
focus range at0.2m.
When the Flash Offor Slowsynchromode is selectedin a lowlightingcondition,
the camerashake warningindicator ( @ ) mayappear on the LCDmonitor. Inthis case, usea tripod, supportthe cameraon a solid surface or changethe
flash mode to flashshot mode.
Backtightcompensated shots : Whentaking an outdoor shot, avoidfacingthe
sun asthe imagemay be dark because of the strong backlight. Inbacklight conditions, please use Fi(I-inflash(p.18),Spot metering(p.31) or Exposure compensation(p.27).
Avoidobstructing the lensor the flashwhen you captureanimage.
The recordingmodefunction can be set up by usingthe camera buttons.
Used for turningthe camera's power on/off.
tf thereis no operationduring the specifiedtime, the camera'spower wiil be turnedoft automaticallyto save battery(ife. Referto page 50 for moreinformation aboutthe autopower off
Usedfor taking an image or recordingvoice in
the recordingmode.
)nMOVIE CLiP mode Pressingthe shutter button down fullystarts
the processforrecording amovie clip. Press the shatterbutton once andthe movie clip is
recorded for as long asthe available recording
time inthe memory aUows.Ifyou wishto stop recording pressthe shatter button
tnSTILL IMAGE mode Pressing the shatterdown fully takesthe picture and stores the re(evantdata
regarding the shot.Ifyou select voice memorecording, the recordingwi(Istart afterthe camera has finishedstoring the imagedata.
Ifthemenuisnotdisplayed,thisbuttonworksas theDIGITALZOOMbutton.
software.ReleasingZOOMTbuttonstopsthedigital zoomingattherequiredsetting.Oncethemaximumdigital
zoom(5X)isachieved,pressingtheZOOMTbuttonwill havenoeffect.Youcancheckthedigitalzoomratewiththe
Pressing Ressing
[WiDE zoom ] [ Digitalzoom 25X ] [ Digr_alzoom 5X]
WIDE Zoom Digitalzoom WIDE :When thedigital zoom is inoperation, pressing the ZOOM
W button wilIreduce the digital zooming in steps. Releasing ZOOM W buttonstopsdigital zooming.
Ress_ Plessing
[ Digitalzoom 5X] [ Digitalzoom 25X ] [ WiDE zoom ]
Whitethe menu isshowing, pressthe UP button to moveup the submenu cursor.When the menuis notdisplayed onthe LCD monitor,the UPbutton operatesas the voice recording or voice memobutton. You canrecordyour voiceor addyour voice-overto a stored stillimage. Refer topage 15for more informationabout the voice recording.
Recordinga voice memo f. Selectthe STILL IMAGE modeby pressing the mode button.
2. Pressthe VOICEMEMO( _ ) button. Ifthe voice memo indicator isdisplayed
on the LCD monitor, the setting iscompleted.
[ Preparing for Voice Memo ] [ Recording Voice Memo ]
3. Pressthe shutter buttonand take a picture.The picture isstored onthe
memory card.
4. Voicememo wiltbe recorded for ten seconds from the moment the pictureis
stored.In the middleof the soundrecording, pressingthe shutterbuttonwill stopthe voice memo.
÷ A distanceof 40cmbetween youand the camera (microphone) isthe best
distance torecord sound.
Whilethe menu isshowing, press the DOWN button to movefrom the main menuto a sub menu or to rnovedown the sub menu cursor.
Unlessthe menu is showing,the DOWNbutton will not work in a Recording mode.
When the menu is dispIayedon the LCD monitor,
pressing the LEFT buttonmakes the cursorshift to the lefttab.
When the menu isnot displayedon the LCD monitor,
the LEFTbutton operatesas the FLASH ( { ) button.
Selecting the flash mode
[Selecting the Auto flash]
1.Pressthe M (Mode)button to select a Recording modewith the exception of Movie clip mode (p.22).
2. Pressthe Flashbutton untilthe desired flash mode indicatordisplays on the LCDmonitor.
3.A flash mode indicatorwitl be displayed on the LCD monitor. Usethe correctflash to suitthe picture taking situation.
Flashrange (Unit : m)
Focus type Flash range
Auto 10m_3m
Macro 0.2m
Rash mode indicator
Menutab Flash mode Description
Auto & Ifa subjector background is dark,the cameraflash wilt
@ Red eye work automaticallyandwill reduce thered-eye effectby
reduction usingthe red-eye reductionfunction.
Fillin flash The intensityof theflash willbe controlled, according to
,_s synchro shakewarning indicator( '_€'_) willdisplay on the LCD
Flash off
_"_ condition,the camera shake warningindicator ( '_ )
Ifthe subject or background is dark,the cameraflash will operateautomatically.
Theflash fires regardlessof available light.
theprevailing conditions. The brighterthe backgroundor subjectis,the less intensethe flash will be.
Theflash wilt operate in conjunctionwith a slow shutter
Slow speed inorder to obtain the correctexposure. When you
takean imagein a condition with poorlight, the camera
monitor. We recommendusing a tripodfor thisfunction.
Theflash does not fire.Select this modewhen capturing images inaplace or situationwhere flash photography
is prohibited.When you capturean image in a poorly lit
wiltdisplay onthe LCD monitor. Werecommend usinga tripodfor this function.
X X 0 X X X X X X X 0 X 0 0 X 0 X X X X X X
X X 0 X X X X X 0 X X
X X 0 0 X X X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 X
When the menu isdisplayed on the LCD monitor,pressingthe Rightbutton makes the cursor shiftto the righttab.
When the menu isnot displayed on the LCD monitor,the Rightbutton operates as the Self-timer(_). Thisfunction is usedwhen the photographerwould also liketo be inthe image.
Selecting the self-timer
1.Select the MOVIE CLIPor STILL IMAGE mode by pressingthe modebutton.
2.Pressthe SELF-TIMER( _ )button untilthe desired mode indicatordisplays on the LCD
monitor. A 10 second 2 second or doubleself-timer icon appears on the LCD monitor.
10SECserf-timer( _ ): Pressingthe shutterbutton willallowan interval
of10 secondsbefore the imageistaken.
2SEC serf-timer ( @2s) : Pressingthe shtAer button willallowan interval of2 secondsbeforethe image is taken.
Doubleserf-timer( _ ) : Apicturewill be takenafter about 10seconds
and2 seconds latera second picturewillbe taken. When usingthe flash, the 2-second serf-timermaybe delayed for longer
than 2 secondsdepending on the flashchargetime.
3. When youpress the SHU]q-ER button, the picture will betaken afterthe specifiedtime has elapsed.
[ Selecting the 10 SEC self-timer]
MENU button
-When youpress the MENU button, a menurelated toeach camera mode wilt be displayed on the LCD monitor. Pressingit again wiltreturn the LODto the initial display.
-A menu optioncan be displayed when Movieclip, Auto Programand Scene modes are seiected.Tbereis no menu availablewhen the Voicerecording
mode is selected.
You can select the desired recordingmode. The selectablerecordingmodes are differentfrom what you selected sub menu
in the ]MODE] menu.
-]STILL & MOVIE] : Selectfrom a recordingmode selectedin the [MODE SE]] menuand Movie clip mode.
-]FULL] : Selectfrom Auto, Movie clip, Programand Scene modes.
Howto usethe mode button : Incase of[STILL & MOVIE]and[AUTO] sub menu
[Menu oft] ]Menu on]
OK button
-When the menu is displayed on the LODmonitor, thisbutton isused for shifting the cursorto the sub menuor forconfirming data,
[Auto mode] [Movie clip mode]
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