Samsung CE2977NT, CE2977N User Manual


Owner’s Instructions and Cooking Guide
CE2977N / CE2977NT
Quick Look-up Guide .............................................................................2
Control Panel .........................................................................................3
Safety Precautions.................................................................................4
Installing Your Microwave Oven ............................................................6
Setting the Time.....................................................................................6
How a Microwave Oven Works..............................................................7
Checking that Your Oven is Operating Correctly...................................7
What to Do if You are in Doubt or Have a Problem...............................8
Cooking / Reheating...............................................................................8
Power Levels..........................................................................................9
Stopping the Cooking.............................................................................9
Adjusting the Cooking Time...................................................................9
Using the Auto Reheat/Cook Feature....................................................9
Auto Reheat / Cook Settings................................................................10
Using the Dual Cook Feature...............................................................10
Using the Auto Power Defrost Feature................................................11
Auto Power Defrost Settings................................................................11
Using the Crusty Plate (CE2977NT)....................................................12
Crusty Plate Setting (CE2977NT)........................................................12
Choosing the Heating Element Position ..............................................13
Choosing the Accessories ...................................................................13
Combining Microwaves and the Grill ...................................................14
Switching the Beeper Off .....................................................................15
Safety-Locking Your Microwave Oven.................................................15
Remembering Function........................................................................15
Manual Stop Turntable Function..........................................................15
Cookware Guide ..................................................................................16
Cooking Guide .....................................................................................17
Cleaning Your Microwave Oven ..........................................................23
Storing and Repairing Your Microwave Oven......................................24
Technical Specifications.......................................................................24
Code No. :DE68-02852A

Quick Look-up Guide

If you want to cook some food
If you want to auto power defrost some food
1. Place the food in the oven. Select the power level by pressing the button one or more times.
2. Select the cooking time by turning the dial knob as required.
3. Press the button. Result :
1. Place the frozen food in the oven. Select the type of food that you are cooking by pressing the Power Defrost( ) button one or more times.
2. Select the food weight by turning the dial knob it is possible to set up to a maximum of 2000g.
3. Press the button.
Cooking starts. The oven beeps four times when cooking is over.


If you want to add extra 30 seconds
Leave the food in the oven. Press +30s one or more times for each extra 30 seconds that you wish to add.
If you want to grill some food
1. Press the button.
2. Select the cooking time by turning the dial knob.
3. Press the button.

Control Panel Accessories

Depending on the model that you have purchased, you are supplied with several accessories that can be used in a variety of ways.
1. Coupler, already placed over the motor shaft in the base of the oven. Purpose :
2. Roller ring, to be placed in the centre of the oven.
DO NOT operate the microwave oven without the roller ring and
Purpose :
3. Turntable, to be placed on the roller ring with the centre fitting to the coupler. Purpose :
4. Metal rack, to be placed on the turntable. Purpose :
5. Crusty plate(CE2977NT only), see Page 12. Purpose :
The coupler rotates the turntable.
The roller ring supports the turntable.
The turntable serves as the main cooking surface; it can be easily removed for cleaning.
The metal rack can be used in grill and combination cooking.
The crusty plate is used to brown food better in the microwave or grill combination cooking modes. It helps keep pasty and pizza dough crisp.
(cook time, weight and serving size)

Using this Instruction Booklet

Safety Precautions

You have just purchased a SAMSUNG microwave oven. Your Owner’s
Instructions contain much valuable information on cooking with your microwave oven:
Safety precautions
Suitable accessories and cookware
Useful cooking tips
Inside the cover you will find a quick look-up guide explaining four basic cooking operations:
Cooking food
Auto Power Defrosting food
Grilling food
Adding extra cooking time
At the front of the booklet you will find illustrations of the oven, and more importantly the control panel, so that you can find the buttons more easily.
The step-by-step procedures use four different symbols.
Important Note Caution Turn
Failure to observe the following safety precautions may result in harmful exposure to microwave energy.
1. Under no circumstances should any attempt be made to operate the oven with the door open or to tamper with the safety interlocks (door latches) or to insert anything into the safety interlock holes.
2. Do not place any object between the oven door and front face or allow food or cleaner residues to accumulate on sealing surfaces. Ensure that the door and door sealing surfaces are kept clean by wip ing after use f irst with a damp cloth and then with a soft dry cloth.
3. Do not operate the oven if it is damaged until it has been repaired by a qualified microwave service technician tra ine d b y the ma nu f actur er. It is particularly important that the oven door closes properly and that there is no damage to the: (1) Door, door seals and sealing surfaces (2) Door hinges (broken or loose) (3) Power cable
4. The oven should not be adjusted or repa ire d by a nyo ne ot he r th an a pr op er ly qualified microwave service technician tra ine d b y the manu f act ur er .
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. READ CAREFULLY AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Before cooking food or liquids in your microwave oven, please check
that the following safety precautions are taken.
1. DO NOT use any metallic cookware in the microwave oven:
Metallic containers
Dinnerware with gold or silver trimmings
Skewers, forks, etc. Reason
: Electric arcing or sparking may occur and may damage the oven.
2. DO NOT heat:
Airtight or vacuum-sealed bottles, jars, containers Ex) Baby food jars
Airtight food. Ex) Eggs, nuts in shells, tomatoes
Reason: Tip:
3. DO NOT operate the microwave oven when it is empty. Reason: Tip:
4. DO NOT cover the rear ventilation slots with cloths or paper. Reason
5. ALWAYS use oven gloves when removing a dish from the oven. Reason:
6. DO NOT touch heating elements or interior oven walls. Reason
7. To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:
Do not store flammable materials in the oven
Remove wire twist ties from paper or plastic bags
Do not use your microwave oven to dry newspapers.
If smoke is observed, keep the oven door closed and switch off or
The increase in pressure may cause them to explode. Remove lids and pierce skins, bags, etc.
The oven walls may be damaged. Leave a glass of water inside the oven at all times. The water will absorb the microwaves if you accidentally set th e oven going wh en it is empty.
: The cloths or paper may catch fire as hot air is evacuated from the
Some dishes absorb microwaves and heat is always transferred
from the food to the dish.The di she s are th erefore hot.
: These walls may be hot enough to burn even after cooking has
finished, even though they do not appear to be so. Do not allow inflammable materials to come into contact with any interior area of the oven. Let the oven cool down first.
disconnect the oven from the power supply
Safety Precautions(continued)
8. Take particular care when heating liquids and baby foods.
ALWAYS allow a standing time of at least 20 seconds after the oven has been switched off so that the temperature can equalize.
Stir during heating, if necessary, and ALWAYS stir after heating.
Take care when handling the container after heating. You may burn yourself if thecontainer is too hot.
A risk of delayed eruptive boiling exists.
To prevent delayed b oiling and p ossible scaldin g, you shou ld put a pl astic spoon or glass stick into the beverages and stir before, during and after heating.
: During the heating of liquids the boiling point can be delayed; this
means that eruptive boiling can start after the container is removed
In the event of scalding, follow these FIRST AID instructions:
NEVER fill the container to the top and choose a container that is wider at
ALWAYS check the temperature of baby food or milk before giving it to
NEVER heat a baby’s bottle with the teat on, as the bottle may explode if
9. Be careful not to damage the power cable.
Do not immerse the p ow er ca ble or pl ug in wa te r an d keep th e po wer
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged power cable or plug.
10. Stand at arm’s length from the oven when opening the door. Reason
from the oven. You may scald yourself.
* Immerse the scalded area in cold water for at least 10 minutes. * Cover with a clean, dry dressing. * Do not apply any creams, oils or lotions.
the top than at the bottom to prevent the liquid from boiling over. Bottles with narrow necks may also explode if overheated.
the baby. overheated.
cable away from heated surfaces.
: The hot air or steam released may cause scalding.
During cooking, you should look into the oven from time to time when food is being heated or cooked in disposable containers of plastic, paper or other combustible materials.
Young children should should they be left unattended near the microwave oven when it is in use. Items of interest to children should not be stored or hidden ju st above th e ove n.
be allowed to use or play with the microwave oven. Nor
If the door or door seals are damage d, the ov en mus t not be op erated u ntil it ha s been repaired by a competent person.
It is hazardous for anyone other than a compe re nt person to ca rry out any service or repair operation which involves the removal of a cover which gives protection ag ainst exposure to microwave ener gy.
Liquids and other foods must not be heated in sealed containers since they are liable to explode.
Only allow children to use the oven without supervision whe n ade qu ate instr uction s have been given so that the child is able to use the oven in a saf e way and understands the hazards of improper use.
11. Keep the inside of the oven clean.
12. You may notice a “Clicking” sound during operation(especially when the oven is in defrosting). Reason
13. When the microwave oven is operatin g withou t any load, the p ower will be cut off automatically for safety. You can operate the oven normally after letting it stand for over 30 minutes.
Food particles or spattered oils stuck to oven walls or floor can cause paint damage and reduce the effi cien cy of the ove n.
: This sound is normal when the electrical power output is changing.

Installing Your Microwave Oven

Setting the Time

Place the oven on a flat, level surface that strong enough to safely bear
the weight of the oven.
85cm of the floor
on the side
1. When you install your oven, make sure there is adequate ventilation for your oven by leaving at least 10 cm (4 inches) of space behind and, on the sides of th e ove n
and 20 cm (8 inches) of space above and 85 cm (33 inches) of the floor.
2. Remove all packing materials inside the oven. Install the roller ring and turntable. Check that the turntable rotates free ly.
3. This microwave oven has to be positioned so that plug is accessible.
Never block the air vents as the oven may overheat and automatically
switch itself off. It will remain inoperable until it has cooled sufficiently.
For your personal safety, plug the cable into a 3-pin, 230 Volt, 50Hz,
AC earthed socket. If the power cable of this appliance is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
Do not install the microwave oven in hot or damp surroundi ng s like
next to a traditional oven or radiator. The power supply specifications of the oven must be respected and any extension cable use d must be of the same standard as the power cable supplied with the oven. Wipe the interior and the door seal with a damp cloth before using your microwave oven for the first time.
Your microwave oven has an inbuilt clock. The time can be displayed in either the 24-hour or 12-hour notation. You must set the clock:
When you first install your microwave oven
After a power failure
Do not forget to reset the clock when you switch to and from summer
and winter time.
1. To display the time in the...Then press the button...
24-hour notation Once 12-hour notation Twice
2. Turn the dial knob to set hour.
3. Press the button.
4. Turn the dial knob to set minute.
5. Press the button.
Result :
The time is displayed when ever you are not using the microwave oven.

How a Microwave Oven W orks

Checking that Your Oven is Operating Correctly

Microwaves are high-frequency electromagnetic waves; the energy released enables food to be cooked or reheated without changing either the form or the colour.
You can use your microwave oven to:
Auto Power Defrost
Auto Reheat/Cook
Cooking Principle
1. The microwaves generated by the magnetron are distributed uniformly as the food rotates on the turntable. The food is thus cooked evenly.
2. The microwaves are absorbed by the food up to a depth of about 1 inch (2.5 cm). Cooking then continues as the heat is dissipated within the food.
3. Cooking times vary according to the recipient used and the properties of the food:
Quantity and density
Water content
Initial te mp er at u re (r ef rig er at ed or n ot )
As the centre of the food is cooked by heat dissipation, cooking
continues even when you have taken the food out of the oven. Standing times specified in recipes and in this booklet must therefore be respected to ensure:
Even cooking of the food right to the centre
The same temperature throughout the food
The following simple procedure enables you to check that your oven is working correctly at all times.
Open the oven door by pulling the handle on the right side of the door. Place a glass of water on the turntable. Then, close the door.
1. Press the button.
2. Set the time to 4-5 minutes by turning the dial knob as
3. Press the button. Result :
The oven heats the water for 4 to 5 minutes. The water should then be boiling.
The oven must be plugged into an appropriate wall socket. The
turntable must be in position in the oven. If a power level other than the maximum is used, the water takes longer to boil.
What to Do if You are in Doubt or Have a
If you have any of the problems listed below try the solutions given.
This is normal.
Condensation inside the oven
Air flow around the door and outer casing
Light reflect i on around the door and outer casing
Steam escaping from around the door or vents
The oven does not start when you press the button.
Is the door completely closed?
The food is not cooked at all
Have you set the timer correctly and/or pressed the button?
Is the door closed?
Have you overloaded the electric circuit and caused a fuse to blow or a breaker to be triggered?

Cooking / Reheating

The following procedure explains how to cook or reheat food. ALWAYS check your cooking settings before leaving the oven
unattended. First, place the food in the centre of the turntable. Then, close the door
1. Press the button. Result :
2. Set the cooking time by turning the dial knob.
The 900W (maximum cooking power) indications are displayed: Select the appropriate power level by pressing the button again until the corresponding wattage is displayed. Refer to the power level table.
The food is either overcooked or undercooked
Was the appropriate cooking length set for the type of food?
Was an appropriate power level chosen?
Sparking and cracking occur inside the oven (arcing)
Have you used a dish with metal trimmings?
Have you left a fork or ot her me t al ut ensil in side the ove n ?
Is aluminium foil too close to the inside walls?
The oven causes interference with radios or televisions
Slight interfere nce may be o bserve d on te le visions or ra dios when the oven is operating. This is normal.To solve this problem, install the oven away from televisions, radios and aerials.
If interferen ce is de tect ed by th e ov en’s microprocessor, the display may be reset.To solve this problem, disconnect th e p ower plug an d re con nect it. Reset the time.
If the above guidelines do not enable you to solve the problem,
contact your local dealer or SAMSUNG after-sales ser vice.
3. Press the button. Result :
The oven light comes on and the turntable starts rotating.
1) Cooking sta rts and when it has finish ed the oven beeps four times.
2) The end reminder signal will beep 3 times(once every minute).
3) The current time is displayed again.
Never switch the microwave oven on when it is empty. If you wish to heat a dish for a short period of time at maximum
power(900W), simply press the +30s button once for each 30 seconds of cooking time. The oven starts immediately.
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