The specified temperature in the above table, from data when measured in unload state and at 1/3 H
inside the room, is only to describe the temperature at each step generally. The actual temperature
depends upon the surrounding conditions and the loading state.
Set Power-Freezing and Power-Refrigerating by pushing the separate button.
On pushing the button for power-freezing and for power-refrigerating, selection/cancellation (lamp
on/lamp off) is selected in order.
In spite of the selection of power-freezing or power-refrigerating, the temperature setting in the Freezer
and Refrigerator is not changed.
With the selection of Power-Freezing or Power-Refrigerating, you can change the temperature setting of
the freezer and refrigerator.
1. Power-Freezing Function
1) On the selection of Power-Freezing, COMP and F-Fan operates continuously for 2 hours and 30 minutes.
2) In spite of the Power-Freezing operation, the refrigerator operates according to the current setting.
3) On the finish of Power-Freezing (after continuous operation of COMP and F-Fan for 2 hours and 30 minutes),
lamp indicating Power-Freezing turns off automatically and the freezer operates according to the
temperature setting.
2. Power-Refrigerating Function
1) On the selection of Power-Refrigerating, COMP and R-Fan operates continuously till the temperature inside
the refrigerator becomes about -4.0 .
2) After the temperature inside the refrigerator is to be -4.0 , Power-Refrigerating function stops after 1hour ÒCOLDERÓ operation according to the internal function regardless of the current setting.
3) When the temperature inside the refrigerator does not become -4.0 in spite of the selection of PowerRefrigerating function and the continuous operation of COMP and R-Fan for 2 hours and 30 minutes, PowerRefrigerating stops.
4) On the finish of Power-Refrigerating (after continuous operation for 2 hours and 30 minutes or approach to
-4.0 and then, ÒCOLDERÓ operation for 1 hour), lamp indicating Power-Refrigerating turns off automatically
and the refrigerator operates according to the temperature setting.
5) If the current setting is ÒWARMER-MEDIUMÓ (2nd step) or ÒWARMERÓ (1st step), the lamp indicating
Power-Refrigerating turns off after 1-hour ÒCOLDERÓ operation, but 1-hour ÒMEDIUMÓ operation continues
according to the internal function.
At this time, if the setting is changed, immediately cancel the ÒMEDIUMÓ operation and perform the
operation according to the changed setting condition.
6) If there is no change of setting during 1-hour ÒMEDIUMÓ operation, perform the operation according to the
temperature setting after ÒMEDIUMÓ operation stops.
3. Concurrent selection of Power-Freezing and Power-Refrigerating
1) Each function operates independently. It mean that COMP and F-Fan operate continuously by PowerFreezing regardless of Power-Refrigerating function and COMP and R-Fan by Power-Refrigerating function
are continuously operated till the temperature inside the refrigerator becomes -4.0 .
7-3. Power-Freezing and Power-Refrigerating
If the temperature inside the freezer is above -10 and that inside the refrigerator is
above 10 such as the case of the first POWER ON, Power-Freezing and Power-Refrigerating will
not work as you can expect. However, this is not the usual case and so, explanation is omitted here.