Samsung AS18A, SH18, AS18A2QB-COR, SH18ZV-XEF Operating Instructions

3. Operating Instructions and Installation
3-1 Operating Instructions
3-1-1 Name & Function of Key in remote controller
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On/Off Button. Use this button to start and stop air conditioner. Temp. up button. If the button is pressed once,
the setting temperature is increased by 1°C Temp. down button. If the button is pressed once,
the setting temperature is decreased by 1°C
Each time you press this button,
MODE is changed in the following order.
Use this button to provide heavy duty cooling & Heating for 30 minutes. Set up the reserve or cancel the timer on and timer off quickly
Use this button for sleep operation. (The SLEEP mode can be selected at COOL and HEAT mode.)
Adjusts air flow vertically.
Each time you press this button, FAN SPEED is changed in the following order.
: Auto Mode : Cool Mode : Dry Mode
: Fan Only Mode : Heat Mode
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Set up the time that operation start. Set up the time that operation stop.
Use this button to reserve the timer on. Use this button to reserve or cancel the timer on and timer off.
If the button is pressed once, the time increase by one minute during the time set mode, and ten minutes during the timer set mode.
If the button is pressed once, the time decrease by one minute during the time set mode, and ten minutes during the timer set mode.
Without regard to ON/OFF condition in remote controller, use this button to set current time. Adjust the current time using button. (Data can be transmitted after setting up the time)
Operating Instructions and Installation
3-1-1 Name & Function of Key in remote controller
1. A U TO MODE : In this mode, operation mode(COOL, HEAT) is selected automati­cally by the room temperature of initial o p e r a t i o n .
Room Temp Tr 21°C+T 21°C +T>Tr
T= -2°, -1°C, 0°C+1°C+2°CT is controlled by setting temperature
up( )/down( ) key of re m o t e c o n t ro l l e r
2. C O O L MODE : The unit operates accord i n g to the diff e rence between the setting and room temperature. (18°C~30°C)
3. H E AT MODE : The unit operates accord i n g to the diff e rence between the setting and room temperature.(16°C~30°C) * P revention against cold wind : For about 3~5 minutes after initial operation, thermo c o n t rol or “de-ice”, the indoor fan will either not operate or operate very slowly, then switch to the selected fan speed. This period is to allow the indoor unit's heat­exchanger to prewarm before emitting warm air. *High temperature release function : The outdoor unit for and compressor ON/OFF c o n t rol for safety operation, when the over­heat is heat exchanger of indoor unit. *De-ice : Deicing operation is controlled by indoor unit's heat exchanger temperature and accumulating time of compre s s o r ' s o p e r a t i o n . De-ice end by sensing of the pro c e s s i n g time by de-ice Condition.
Cool Operation (Set Temp:24°C+T)
Heat Operation (Set Temp : 22°C+T)
Operation Type
4. D RY MODE : The unit operates in DRY m o d e . *Co m p ressor ON/OFF Time is contro l l e d compulsorily(can not set up the fan speed, always bre e z e ) . * P rotective function : Low temperature release. (Prevention against fre e z e )
5. TURBO MODE : This mode is available in A U TO, COOL, HEAT, DRY, FAN MODE. When this button is pressed at first, the air conditioner is operated “powerful” state for 30 minutes re g a rdless of the set tempera­t u re, room temperature . When this button is pressed again, or when the operating time is 30 minutes, turbo operation mode is canceled and returned to the previous mode. *But, if you press the TURBO button in DRY or FAN mode that is changed with A U TO mode automatically.
6 . S L E E P MODE : Sleep mode is available
only in COOL or HEAT mode. The operation will stop after 6 hours. *In COOL mode : The setting temperature is automatically raised by 1°C each 1hour When the temperature has been raised by total of 2°C, that temperature is main­t a i n e d . *In HEAT mode : The setting temperature is automatically droped by 1°C each 1hour. When the temperature has been droped by total of 2°C, that temperature is main­t a i n e d .
7. FAN SPEED : Manual / Auto Fan speed automatically varies depending on both the diff e rence between setting and the room temperature .
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Operating Instructions and Installation
8 . C O M P U L S O RY O P E R ATION :
For operating the air conditioner without the remote contro l l e r. * A U TO : The operating is the same func­tion that A U TO MODE in the remote con­t ro l l e r.
9 . SWING : BLADE-H is rotated vertically by
the stepping motor. *Swing Set / Auto : Press the button under the remote control is displayed on LCD the , and the blades move up and down, about 43°. If the one more time pre s s the button, blatles location is stop.
1 0 . Quick OFF TIMER: OFF timer (quick timer)
allows reservation or cancel the timer on and timer off quickly When OFF timer button is pressed at oper­ating state, LCD displays the polling state s e q u e n t i a l l y. The LCD also displays the time re m a i n i n g .
11 . 24-Hour ON/OFF Real Setting Ti m e r. : The
air conditioner is turned ON at a specified time using .
OFF TIMER : The air Conditioner is turned OFF at a specified time using .
*ON TIMER : Only timer LED lights on. *OFF TIMER : Both timer and operation LED lights on.
1 2 . SELF Diagnosis
o p e r-
a t i o n
Tu r b o
Check Point
I n t e r ruption of electric power and Power on. Abnormal condition of the room sensor. Abnormal condition of the indoor unit's heat exchanger sensor. Indoor unit fan motor lock.
b l i n k i n g
: LED off
1 3 . BUZZER SOUND : Whenever the ON/OFF
button is pressed or whenever change occurs to the condition which is set up or select, the compulsory operation mode, buzzer is sounded "beep"
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3-2 Installation
3-2-1 Selecting Area for Installation
Select an area for installation that is suitable to the customer's needs.
3-2-1(a) Indoor Unit
1 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area providing good ventilation. It must not be blocked by an obstacle affecting the airflow near the air inlet and the air outlet.
2 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area allowing good air handling and endurance of vibration of the indoor unit.
3. Make sure that you install the indoor unit in an area where there is no source of heat or vapor nearby.
4 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area from which hot or cool air is spre a d evenly in a ro o m .
5 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area away from TVs, audio units, cord­less phones, fluorescent lighting fixture s and other electrical appliances (at least 1 m e t e r ) .
6 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area which provides easy pipe connec­tion with the outdoor unit, and easy drainage for condensed water.
(Fix the unit firmly if it is mounted in a
high place.)
3 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area providing good ventilation and which is not dusty. It must not be blocked by any obstacle affecting the airflow near the air inlet and the air outlet.
4 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area free from animals or plants.
5 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area not blocking the traff i c .
6. Make sure that you install the outdoor unit in area easy to drain condensed water fro m the indoor unit.
7. Make sure that you install the outdoor unit in area which provides easy connection within the maximum allowable length of a coolant pipe(10 meters).
N o t e
1. Add (18XX:20g, 24XX:30g) of re f r i g e r a n t (R-22) for every 1 meter if the pipe length exceeds the standard pipe length of 5 meters.
2. Maintain a height between the indoor and outdoor units of less than 3 meters.
8 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in an area which is large enough to accom­modate the measurements
shown in figure on the next page.
7. Make sure that you install the indoor unit in an area which is large enough to accomo­date the measurements shown in figure on the next page.
3-2-1(b) Outdoor Unit 1 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area not exposed to the rain or direct sun l i g h t .
(Install a separate sunblind if exposed to
d i rect sun light.)
2 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area allowing good air moment, not amplifying noise or vibration, especially to avoid disturbing neighbours.
Caution :
It is harmful to the air conditioner if it is used in the following environments: greasy areas (including areas near machines), salty areas such as coast areas, areas where sulfuric gas is present such as hot spring areas. Contact your dealer for advice.
3-2-1(c) Remote Control Unit 1 . Make sure that you install the remote con-
t rol unit in an area free from obstacles such as curtains etc, which may block signals f rom the remote control unit.
2. Make sure that you install the remote con­t rol unit in an area not exposed to d i rect sunlight, and where there is no sourc e of heat.
3. Make sure that you install the remote con­t rol unit in an area away from TVs, audio units, cordless phones, fluorescent lighting f i x t u res and other electrical appliances (at least 1 meter).
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