1 Design and principle of oper
The regulator consists of the Type 2469 Valve
with restriction (orifice), seat and plug, the
closing actuator with operatingdiaphragm as
well as the thermostat with set point adjuster,
capillary tube and temperature sensor.
The regulator isdesigned to keep theflow rate
and temperature constant at the adjusted set
point. The valve closes when the controlled
variable increases.
Versions for safety equipment are addition
ally equipped with a Type 2403 Safety Ther
mostat to function as safety temperature monitors (FR/TR/STM). They can also be
equipped with a Type 2439 K Safety Thermostat to function as safety temperature limiters
(FR/TR/STL). For further details, refer to the
Mounting and Operating Instructions:
EB 2183 EN for Type 2403 and
EB 2185 EN for Type 2439 K.
The medium flows through the valve in the direction indicated by the arrow on the body.
The flow rate is determined by the area re
leased between the adjustable restriction
(1.2) and the valve plug (3).
The high pressure upstream of the restriction
is transmitted through the attached control
line to the high-pressure side of the actuator.
The low pressure created downstream of the
restriction acts on the low-pressure side of the
operating diaphragm (6.1) through a bore in
the plug.
The differential pressure created by the re
striction is converted into a positioning force
at the operatingdiaphragm. This forceis used
to move the valve plug depending on the
force of the positioning spring (5).
The medium temperature creates a pressure
in the temperature sensor, which is transmit
ted through the capillary tube (24) to the op
erating bellows (23) where is it converted into
a positioning force. This force moves the cou
pling rod (8) and thus the valve plug (3) de
pending on the force of the spring (21)
pretensioned by the set point adjuster (22).
The largest signal isused toactuate thevalve.
2 Installation
Choose a place of installation where the per
missible ambient temperature of 80 °C is not
Protect the regulator against frost when it is
used to control freezing process media.
2.1 Mounting position
Install the regulator in a horizontal pipeline
with the actuator and thermostat vertically
suspended (pointing down). Regulators in
DN 15 to 25 can also be installed in vertical
Use the includedconnection nuts with welding
ends to connect the regulator. Make sure the
direction of flow matches the arrow on the
valve body.
2.1.1 Strainer
Install a strainer (SAMSON Type 1NI) up
stream of the regulator to prevent that any
sealing parts, weld spatter and other impuri
ties carried along by the process medium im
pair the proper functioning of the valve,
above all the tight shut-off.
4 EB 3132-2 EN
Design and principle of operation