SAMES SA2531 Datasheet

SA2531 A/B/C/E/G/U
Speech circuit, LD/MF Repertory Dialler
Net 4 compatible
Soft clip to avoid harsh distortion
Line Loss Compensation selectable by
pin option
Power down mode
Versatile applications for different PTT
31 digit last number redial
Sliding Cursor protocol with comparison
2 Flash keys, 100 ms and 280 ms (option
600 ms)
Ring frequency discrimination
SA2531 A/B/C/D/E/F/G/J/U
Operating range from 13 to 100 mA
(down to 5 mA with reduced perform­ance)
Volume control of receive signalExcept
Low noise (max. -72dBmp)
Real or Complex impedance on chip pro-
LD/MF switchable dialling
14 memories, 4 direct/10 indirect or 10
Pause key for 2, 3 or 6 sec Auto Pause or
Wait function
On chip MF filter (CEPT CS 203 compat-
3-tone melody generator
The SA2531 is a CMOS integrated circuit that contains all the functions needed to form a high performance electronic telephone.
The device incorporates LD/MF repertory dialling, melody generation, ring frequency discrimination and a high quality speech circuit.
A RAM is on chip for a 31 digit last number redial and 14 memories each containing up to 21 digits. The sliding cursor procedure makes Last Number Redial easy behind a PABX.
The SA2531 (exept the SA2531D) incorporates a volume control for the earpiece. The receive volume can be controlled by the VOL key (+4dB) or by the +/- keys (+6dB/-4dB in 5 steps).
The versatility of the circuit is provided by on chip programmability and a few external components. This allows easy adaption to different PTT requirements without changing the PCB of the telephone.
M82-2013 PDS039-SA2531-001 Rev.D 15-05-97
SA2531 A/B/C/E/G/U
Available in 28 pin DIP and PLCC
28 Pin PLCC
28 Pin DIP
Pin# Symbol Function
23 M1 Microphone Inputs 24 M2 Differential inputs for the microphone (electret). 3 RO1 Receiver Outputs 2 RO2 These are the outputs for driving a dynamic earpiece with an impedance
of 150 to 300
Analogue Ground
This is the analog ground for the amplifiers.
28 RI Receive Input
This is the input for the receive signal.
6 STB Side Tone Balance Input
This is the input for side tone cancellation.
1LS Line Current Sense Input
This is the input for sensing the line current.
27 LI Line Input
This input is used for power extraction and line current sensing.
Pin# Symbol Function
25 CS Current Shunt Control Output
This N-channel open drain output controls the external high power shunt transistor for the modulation of the line voltage and for shorting the line during make period of pulse dialling.
Positive Voltage Supply
This is the supply pin for the circuit.
26 V
Negative Power Supply
8MOMelody Output
Pulse Density Modulated output of the melody generator for tone ringer. At high impedance when not active.
21 FCI Frequency Comparator Input
This is a Schmitt trigger input for ring frequency discrimination. Disabled during off-hook.
10 HS/DP Hook Switch Input and Dial Pulse Output
This is an I/O that is pulled high by the hook switch when off- hook. An open drain pulls it low during break periods of pulse dialling and flash.
11 OSC Oscillator Input
Oscillator pin for Xtal or ceramic resonator (3.58 MHz). Recommended part is the Murata CSA3.5MG312AM.
9 LLC Line Loss Compensation
Select pin for the loss compensation. OPEN = None V
= 45-75mA VDD = 20-50mA
12 RR Repetition Rate
Select pin for repetition rate of melody for the Tone rinser.
22 MODE Signalling Mode Select Input
Mode pin Function High LD mode, 10pps, M:B = 33:66 (J:20pps) Open MFonly Low LD mode, 10pps, M:B = 40:60 (J:20pps, M:B = 33:66)
SA2531 A/B/C/E/G/U
20 R1 Keyboard Rows 19 R2 18 R3 17 R4 16 C1 Keyboard Columns 15 C2 14 C3 13 C4 7CI Complex Impedance Input
Input pin for the capacitor in the complex impedance
SA2531 A/B/C/E/G/U
The on chip power on reset circuit monitors the supply voltage (VDD). When VDD rises above approx. 1.2V, a power on reset occurs to assure correct start-up and the RAM is cleared.
DC Conditions
The normal operating range is from 13mA to 100 mA. Operating range with reduced performance is from 5mA to 13mA. In the operating range all functions are operational.
At line currents below 13mA the SA2531 provided an additional scope below 4.5V to allow parallel operation. (See Figure 12).
The dc characteristic (excluding diode bridge and Pulsing transistors) is determined by the voltage at LI and the resistor R1 as follows:
The voltage at LI is 4.5V. During pulse dialling the speech circuit and other parts of the device not required are in a
power down mode to save current. The CS pin is pulled to V
in order to turn the external
shunt transistor on to keep a low voltage drop at the LS pin during make periods.
AC Impedance
The Characteristic or Output impedance of the SA2531 is set within the IC and adjusted by Mask Options. Available options are for 600 and 1000. When the 1000 option is selected then a capacitor may be added to the circuit at pin CI to add a reactive element and make the output impedance complex.
All the Timing Functions of the SA2531 are based on a Clock Frequency of 3.58MHz. A crystal or ceramic resonator of this frequency should be connected to the OSC pin. In practise minor deviations from the nominal frequency may occur due to the characteristics of the frequency reference device used and so it is recommended that care is taken in the selection of components.
Typically a small value capacitor ( 47pF) should be connected in parallel with the Frequency Reference to ensure start-up and/or operation at the nominal frequency.
Speech Circuit
The speech circuit consists of a transmit and a receive path born with soft clip, mute, line loss compensation and side tone cancellation.
The gain of the transmit from M1/M2 to LS is 35dB for 600Ω versions and 37dB for 1000 versions (see test circuit figure 5). The microphone input is differential with an input impedance of 25 kΩ.
The soft clip circuit limits the output voltage at LI to 2.0V
(see figures 8 & 9). The attack
time is 30µs/6dB and the decay time is 20 ms/6 dB. When mute is active, during dialling
SA2531 A/B/C/E/G/U
or after pressing the MUTE key, the gain is reduced by > 60 dB.
The receive input is the differential signal of RI and STB. The gain of the receive path is 2 dB (test circuit figure 5) with differential outputs, RO1/RO2 (0dB on 1000 versions). When mute is active during dialling the gain is reduced by > 60dB. During DTMF dialling a MF comfort tone is applied to the receiver. The comfort tone is the DTMF signal with a level that is -30dB relative to the line signal.
The receive gain can be adjusted under user control by using the volume control keys (not on SA2531D). The VOL key gives a 4dB increase or returns the gain to normal in a Toggle Function. Alternatively the + and - keys may be used. The + key increases the gain to a maximum of +6dB while the - key reduces the gain to a minimum of -4dB. Each press of the keys changes the gain by approximately 2dB.
The gain is reset by the next on-hook.
Side Tone
Side Tone is controlled along with Return Loss by a Double Balance Bridge as shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1
Double balance bridge (return loss and side tone) with one common ground A good side tone cancellation is achieved by using the following equation:
SA2531 A/B/C/E/G/U
The side tone cancellation signal is applied to the STB input.
Line Loss Compensation
When Line Loss Compensation is active the gain of the Transmit and Receive amplifiers are changed by 6dB in accordance with the DC conditions as measured at Pins LI and LS. When the LLC Pin is Low this adjustment in gain occurs over the range I 50 mA. When LLC is High the range is 45 to 75mA. Note that these figures apply for R1 = R30Ω.
When the LLC Pin is open the amplifier gains remain fixed regardless of the Line Current (see figures 6 & 7).
Dialling Functions
Valid Keys
The keypad of the SA2531 comprises a maximum of 32 keys some of which are provided to cater for options (such as the two Recall/Flash periods). A Bi-polar scan technique is used so that the 32 keys are scanned in a 4 x 8 matrix using only 8 pins. Two explanatory keypad arrangements are illustrated in Figures 2 & 3.
= 20 to
A valid key is detected when one and only one contact closure is detected between a Row and Column Pin. Key contacts are debounced to avoid incorrect detection.
It is also possible to drive the keypad inputs with a micro controller.
Dial Mode Selection
The default mode (LD or MF) can be selected by the Mode pin. When default LD mode is selected, a temporary change to MF can be invoked by pressing the * key. The circuit will revert to LD by pressing the R (or R2) key or by next on-hook.
When MF mode is selected by the mode pin, the circuit can not be changed temporary to LD but will remain in MF.
Last Number Redial
LNR is a facility that allows resignalling of the last manually dialled number without keying in all the digits again. The LNR is repeatable.
The current contents of the RAM are overwritten by new entries. A manually entered number is automatically stored in the LNR RAM. The capacity of the
RAM is 31 digits. If a number greater than 31 digits is entered, the LNR facility will be inhibited (Until new entries < 32 digits) and further entries will be buffered in a First In First Out Memory (FIFO).
SA2531 A/B/C/E/G/U
Post dialled digits, i.e. digits manually entered after LNR has been invoked, are not stored in RAM but buffered in FIFO.
Pauses can be inserted by pressing the PAUSE key. (Further details of the Pause Function are included in the Memory Keys section.)
Recall Function
A Recall (R key or R2 key) activation will invoke a Flash (Timed Loop Break). If Recall is the first entry in a digit string, it will be stored in LNR RAM when digit(s) are
entered after the Recall. If the recall key is depressed after a digit string has been entered or dialled out, the recall
will not be stored but buffered in the FIFO together with subsequently entered digits. If pressing the recall key is not followed by digit entries, the LNR RAM remains intact. After a recall a pause of 27ums or 3 seconds will automatically be executed.
On versions C/C/E/G a recall cannot be executed in LD mode.
Memory Keys
The keys M1 to M10 are direct memory access keys and the MEM key is used for indirect or abbreviated dialling.
In the on chip RAM, 14 numbers can be stored. Each number can contain up to 21 digits (including pauses).
During programming multiple pauses can be inserted by pressing the PAUSE key or the LNR key. Each pause is 3 seconds (optionally 6 or 2 seconds) when inserted within the first 5 digits otherwise a wait function that will halt dialling until the PAUSE key or the LNR key is depressed.
Memory dialling is cascadable. However, the content of one memory must be dialled out before a new one can be invoked.
Mute Function
The MUTE key is enabled in speech mode only. Depressing the MUTE key mutes the microphone amplifier. Repressing the MUTE key deactivates the mute (toggle function). Any key entry overwrites a mute activated by the MUTE key and mute will be deactivated.
When privacy mute is activated a reminder tone is applied to the earpiece.
Sliding Cursor Procedure
To accommodate easy and uncomplicated redialling (LNR) behind a PABX, a sliding cursor protocol is implemented. If new entries match the previous RAM contents, pressing the LNR key will dial out the remaining digits.
If there is an error in matching, the LNR will be inhibited until next on-hook, and the RAM will contain the new number.
SA2531 A/B/C/E/G/U
Tone Generator
The tone generator incorporates the DTMF tones and 3 basic frequencies for the tone ringer.
DTMF Tones
The DTMF Tone Generator creates 12 Tones in compliance with CCITT Recommenda­tion Q23. Signal levels are altered by Mask Option. High group frequencies have a level
2.6dB higher than those of the Low Group. Details of the DTMF Tones are: Low group
Digit 1-2-3 697Hz (Error = -.074%) Digit 4-5-6 770Hz (Error = -.679% Digit 7-8-9 852Hz (Error = -.621%) Digit *-0-# 941Hz (Error = +.139%)
High group
Digit 1-4-7-* 1209Hz (Error = +.533%)
10 Direct memories (either VOL or +/- keys)
Figure 2
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