Salsbury Industries 9700 User Manual

Solid Shelving – 9700 Series

Assembly Instructions

Thank you for selecting 9700 series s olid shelving. We are confident that the quality and construction of the shelving will pr ove to be a good investme nt. These instructions are intended to assist y ou in assemblin g the shelving. T he solid shelv ing should be placed in the installed locat ion and anc hored to the floor, w all, or to both. Individual job conditions will dictate the type of anchor fasteners.
Please read the complete assembly instructions and review all illustrations before attempting to assemble the shelving. Check the parts to be sure there are none missing or damaged.
Tools Required
Flat-blade screwdriver, soft-headed mallet, tape measure.
1. Assemble the long side of the solid shelving unit by lay ing two (2) uprights on the floor with the narrow part of the keyholes in the u prights facing the same direction. The narrow part of the k eyways will point towards the fl oor when the solid shelving is fully assembled and positioned upright . Separate the uprights the distance of one long shelf beam (48, 72 or 96 inches).
2. Lay one long shelf beam at one end (bottom) of the uprights, and a second long shelf beam at the other end (top) of the uprights plac ed on the floor in step 1. Next install the two (2) long beams into the uprights by inserting the two (2) beam rivets at each en d of a long beam through the accompanying keyhole in the uprights. Tap the long beams into plac e with a mallet making sure to secure the beam rivets into the narrow part of the keyways. Lay a third long shelf beam at some predetermined middle position. Use the tape measure to check that each middle position shelf end will be at the same distance from an e nd of the uprights. Insert the beam rivets on each end of the long bea m through the accompanyin g keyholes in the uprights then tap the long beam into place making s ure to secure the beam rivets into the narrow part of the keyways.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to assemble a second long si de of th e s helv in g unit. Make sure that the middle position shelf beam is at t he same location along the uprights as the one in steps 1 and 2.
4. Stand the two (2) assembled long frames upright making sure the narrow part of the keyways are pointing downward. This may require two people.
5. Install three (3) short shelf beams at each long beam location as sembled in steps 1 and 2 by inserting the two (2) bea m rivets at each end of the s hort beams through the accompanying key hole in the uprights. Tap the short beams into place with a mallet making sure to secure the beam rivets into the narrow part of the keyways. Repeat on opposite side.
6. Install three (3) shelf supports at the mid poin t of ea ch long s helf beam by inserting screws provided through the pre-drilled holes in the long beams and shelf supports. Attach a wing nut provided to each screw and tighten securely with the screwdriver.
7. Install the three (3) particleboard shelves (not shown) by locati ng one each on top of the shelf beams. The assembly is now complete.
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Salsbury Industries assumes no product assembly or installation liability. Copyright © 2010 Salsbury Industries. All rights reserved. (Rev. 01, 12/10/2009)