open, so the button must be switched to close the circuit and
the voltage to the l oads is broken. To establish the power
supply to the load s again, the EPO butto n must be deacti vated.
EPO doesn’t affe ct to the power sup ply of the equ ipment, it
only breaks the power supply to the loads as a safety measure.
When supplying input voltage to a UPS with static by-
pass, although the inverter is still tur ned «Off» (deactivated) it doesn’t m ean that at the output ther e will not be
So, to do it, the input switch will have to be turned «Off».
Put warnings of dang er and/or emergency switches if t he
safety Standards require it in your particular installation.
• All power supply electrical cables have to be fixed to the
equipments an d l oad s, in terfaces, etc..., to unmovable parts
and in the way to avoid treads, tri ps on them or fortuito us
• CHASSIS or RACK mounted equipments are destined to be installed in a predetermined set to be done by professionals.
The installation has to be designed and executed by qual-
ified perso nnel, who w ill be th e respo nsib le to app ly the
safety and EMC reg ulati ons an d st and ard s that c ont rol s
the particular installations where the product is destined.
The equipments assembled in CHASSIS do not have
enclosure prote ction, even th e power block s are unpro tected.
Some RACK mounted equipments do not have the power
blocks protected.
• Never manipulate the equipment with wet hands. T o keep in mind.
• Do not try to dismantle or change any part of the
equipment, if t his action is not contem plated in this
document. Manipulation inside the UPS due to any modification, reparatio n or any other cause, can make an el ectric al
discharge of high voltage and it is restricted to qualified staff
only. Do not open the equipment.
A part from the implicit stated risks, any action that make the
modification, internal or external of the equipment or just only
the simple inter vent ion in side of i tsel f, which i s not stated i n
this document, it can expire the warranty.
• If it is obser ved that the UPS exhaust s smoke or toxic gas,
shutdown it imme diately and disconne ct it from the power
supply. This kind of fault can cause fire or electrical discharge. Contact with our (S.T.S.).
• In case of an accid en t al eq ui p me nt dr o p pin g or i f th e en c l osure is damaged, d o not st ar t it u p und er any con ce pt. Th is
kind of fault can c ause fire or electr ical dischar ge. Contact
with our (S.T.S.).
• Do not cut, manipulate the electrical cables, do not put heavy
objects over the m too. Any of these actio ns could caus e a
short-circuit and make a fire or electrical discharge.
Check that the electrical cables of connection, plugs and outlets are in good conditions.
• When moving an equipment from a cold place to a warm environment and vice versa, it can cause condensation (small
water drops) in the external and i n ternal surfaces. Before installing a moved equipment from another place or even packaged, the equip ment will be lef t for a minimum time of t wo
hours in the new location before making any action, with the
purpose of adapting it to the new environmental conditions
and avoid the possible condensations.
The UPS has to be completely dry before starting any installation task.
• Do not store, install or expos e the equipment in co rrosive,
wets, dusty inflammable or explosive environments and
never outdoors.
• Avoid to locate, install or store the equipment in a place with
direct sunlight or high temperatures. Batteries could be damaged.
In the exceptional c ase an d lon g expos itio n to intens e heat,
batteries can cause filtrations, overheating or explosions,
which can c ause fire s, burn or ot her inj uries. H igh tem peratures can also make deformation in the plastic enclosure.
• The location wi ll be spac ious, air y, away from heat sources
and easy access.
• Do not obstruct the cooling grids by entering objects through
themselves or other orifices.
In equ ip m ent s of l ow power r ate (up to 3kVA), leave as minimum space of 25 cm in the equipment peripheral and 50 cm
for higher power rates equipments.
Also in the UPS with power bloc ks, it is recommend ed to
leave another additio nal 50 c m for an eventual inter vent ion
of the (S.T.S.), considering that if it means to move the UPS,
the connected cables will have the needed clearance.
• Do not put materials over the equipment or parts that obstruct
the correct visualization of the synoptic.
• Be careful to not wet it, bec ause it i s not waterpr oof. Do not
allow entering any kind of liquids in. If accidentally the outside
of the machine comes into contact with liquids or salt air, dry
it with a soft and absorbent cloth.
• To clean the equip ment, wipe over a damp clot h and then
dry it. Avoid sprinkling or spillage that could enter through the
slots or cooling grids, which may cause fire or electric shock.
Do not clean the e quipme nts with pr oduc ts that co uld have
alcohol, benzene, solvent or other inflammable substances,
or they are abrasive, corrosive, liquids or detergent.
• When it is needed to r em ove the pr ote c ti o n c over to acc e s s
to the terminals, they will have to be put back before starting
up the equipme nt. O ther wis e you may incur p erso nal injur y
or equipment damage.
• Be careful to not lif t heavy loads w ithout hel p, according to
the following recommendations:
, < 18 kg.
, 18 - 32 kg.
, 32 - 55 kg.
, > 55 kg.
• UPSs are electroni c equipmen ts, so they will be tr eated as
they are:
Avoid shocks.
Avoid jolting or bouncing of the UPS, like those produced
by moving the equip ment o n a hand tr uc k and move on
an uneven or wavy surface.
• UPS transport will be done packaged inside its original packaging in order to prevent it fro m shock and impac t and by
means of the suit able ty pe of packaging (car ton box, pallet
packaging, ...) and appropriate to its weight.
• Although the physical location of the elements can differ from
the illustrations in this manual in some cases, the correct labelling correct the possible doubts and makes easy its com-